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The palpation of the uterus and fetus during pregnancy is a key part of assessing fetal growth and determining gestational age. Here’s an overview of when and where the uterus and fetus can be palpated in relation to the weeks of pregnancy:

Weeks of Pregnancy and Palpation:

  1. 12 Weeks:
  • Uterus: Can be palpated just above the pubic symphysis.
  • The uterus begins to rise out of the pelvic cavity at around 12 weeks.
  1. 16 Weeks:
  • Uterus: Midway between the pubic symphysis and the umbilicus (belly button).
  • Some women may start feeling fetal movement (quickening), though it’s more common in later weeks for first pregnancies.
  1. 20 Weeks:
  • Uterus: At the level of the umbilicus.
  • Fetal heartbeat can usually be heard with a Doppler, and fetal movement is often noticeable by the mother.
  1. 24 Weeks:
  • Uterus: About 2-3 fingers above the umbilicus.
  • The fetus is becoming more active and fetal parts (like head, back, limbs) might be palpable.
  1. 28 Weeks:
  • Uterus: About midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process (bottom of the sternum).
  • Fetal movements are strong, and the fetus’ position may be discerned.
  1. 32 Weeks:
  • Uterus: About 3 fingers below the xiphoid process.
  • The fetus continues to grow, and Leopold’s maneuvers (systematic abdominal palpation) can help assess fetal position.
  1. 36 Weeks:
  • Uterus: Reaches the xiphoid process.
  • Fetal head may begin to engage in the pelvis (especially in first pregnancies), and the fetal position should be easier to assess.
  1. 40 Weeks (Term):
  • Uterus: The fundal height may decrease slightly as the fetal head drops into the pelvis (lightening).
  • Palpation will show the fetal head in the pelvis if engagement has occurred.

Key Terms in Palpation:

  • Leopold’s maneuvers: A series of four palpation techniques used to determine fetal position, presentation, and lie during the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Engagement: When the fetal head enters the pelvis in preparation for birth (usually occurs around 36-38 weeks for first-time mothers).

Fundal height and palpation play crucial roles in assessing fetal growth and identifying any potential deviations from normal growth patterns.

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