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Your uniform should be clean and pressed, nails trimmed, all ornaments removed, hair tied and hair nets should be kept while taking the practical test.

If a male student, saving should be done and hair should be cut and hair oil should be applied.
Your seat number should be clearly tagged.

Keep enough stationery items like ball pen, pencil, rubber, sketch pen, blank poster etc. in the exam.

Do not carry electronic items or mobiles with you during the practical examination.

Maintain complete confidence during the practical viva.

Entering the practical examination room with permission, wishing the examiner and thanking him when asked to sit.

Maintaining eye contact with the examiner during the viva.

The examiner takes the items in question and points to each part with a pointer.

Not to interact with other students and maintain discipline during practical examination.



Thermometer is used to measure body temperature during physical examination.
There are 2 types of temperature.

Surface temperature

Core body temperature

1.Surface temperature:
In this temperature can be taken in skin, subcutaneous tissue and fat.
Eg. Axillary temperature

2.Core body temperature:
In this temperature is taken from deep tissue like abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity.
Eg. Temporal
Urinary bladder

Normal value of temperature (normal body temperature):-
Oral temperature: 37°C / 98.6°F

Rectal temperature:
37.5°C/ 99.5°F (oral temperature greater than 0.5°C)

Axillary temperature:
36.5°C/ 97.7°F (less than oral temperature)

Conversion Formula for temperature:-
°F=(°C× 9/5) + 32
°C=(°F- 32) ×5/9

♦There are many types of thermometer which are as follows.

Clinical thermometer or glass thermometer or mercury thermometer

electronic thermometer

digital thermometer

tympanic thermometer

Non contact digital infrared thermometer or forehead thermometer

Disposable thermometer strip

1.Clinical thermometer:
Clinical thermometer is used to take body temperature. Clinical thermometer is made of a glass tube shape which is filled with mercury through which body temperature can be measured.
Oral, axillary etc. temperature can be taken from this thermometer.

Electronic thermometer:
This thermometer is used to take oral and rectal temperature.
which for blue tipp Oral temperature and
Red tip is used for rectal temperature.

Digital thermometer:
Digital thermometer is used to take body temperature during physical examination.
Digital thermometer can take oral, axillary, rectal, etc. body temperature.

Tympanic thermometer:
This thermometer is used to take temperature from the ear during physical examination.

If there is ceruman (ear wax) in the ear, there may be a change in temperature

This thermometer is kept in the ear up to the tympanic membrane and the temperature is measured.
The temperature is measured by infrared rays in this thermometer.

.Non-contact digital infrared thermometer:
This thermometer is measured on the upper part of the person’s head and the body temperature without touching the head.
Body temperature is taken by this thermometer without touching the person’s body.
This thermometer was used excessively during the corona period.

Disposable thermometer strips:
In this, this strip is placed in the person’s mouth under the tongue and after 60 seconds, it is removed from the mouth and the temperature is observed.

How to clean the thermometer..?

The thermometer is cleaned with cotton swab through normal saline or spirit.

In it digital and clinical thermometer…
Bulb to stem is cleaned before using the thermometer.
And after use, stem to bulb is cleaned.

During the procedure, the thermometer is kept with savlon solution and cotton swab.
The main goal of keeping a cotton swab in it is that if there is a cotton swab, when the thermometer is kept in a bowl with savlon during the procedure, the tip (bulb) of the thermometer does not break and the mercury does not fall.

(More usage explained in PROCEDURE)

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