Q.1 Multiple Choice Question: (4×1-4)
1 Bio-chemistry is the study of
a. Immunity
B.Action of drugs
c.Chemistry of life
d. Stuenare of body
2 An example of Intm-cellure enzyme в
a) glucokinese
6) Hexokinase
c) pancreatic amylase
d) all of above
3 Which vitarrim can not serve as anti-oxidant
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin E
c. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin K
4 Enzytnes are
b. portions except ribozymes
C.Product of germs
D.All of above
Q.2 Write Short Notes on: (Any three out of four) (3×5=15)
1.Explain Urea cycle
2 Functions of DNA and RNA
3 Describe the classification of protein with example
4 Describe the classification of carbohydrates with example
Q.3 Write Very Short answer on following: (Any three out of four) (3×2=6)
1.Define glycolysis
2.Define acidosis
3 Define Diabetes mellitus
4 Define balance diet
Q.4 Multiple Choice Question: (8×1=8)
1 Scurvy is deficiency disease of aj
Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D
2 Salt restricted diet is advisable for
a) Diabetes
b) blood pressure
c) Diarrhoea
d) Constipation
3 Water soluble vitamins are
a. Vitamin A and C
b.Vitamin B and C
c. Vitamin C and D
d. Vitamin D
4. Mixing of vitamine A in milik is an exarrple
a) food adulteration
b) bifood fortification
c) Food poisoning
d) All of above
5.1 gm. carbohydrate gives—– kcal
a) 9 k cal
b) 4 k cal
c) 8k cal
d) 6 kcal.
6 Sucrose, lactose and multose are
a) mono saccharides
b)-di- saccharides
c) tm-saccharides
d) poly-saccharides
7. Which one is clear fluid from the following
a) Tender coconut water
b) Tea
c) coffee
d) Fruit juice
8 Body building food is
a) vitamins
b) fat
e) Carbohyrates
d) proteins
5.Essays.(Any0ne out of two ) (1×10=10)
2 Define Food preservation. Explain in detail all methods of food preservation
1. Define Vitamins. List down the types of Vitamins and explain sources and fürctions of vitamins.
Q.6 Write short notes answer on following (Any four out of five) (4×5-20)
1 food safety regulatory measures in India
2 Methods of cooking
3 Enlist national nutritional programs and explain any one in detail.
4 Explain therapeutic diet
Explun Malnutrition
Q.7 Write Very Short Answer the following: (Any six out of seven) (6×2=12)
1 Ditine BMR
2 Nutrition
4 Purpose of Nutritioral education
5 Define diarbocat
6 Difine RDA
7 Difine food adulteration