Date: 13/10/2023
Q-1👉 a. Define physical examination- 03
A detailed inspection or study of the physical and psychological condition of the patient is called physical examination.
Examination to know the general physical condition or function of any part of the body through detailed inspection is called physical examination.
👉B. Describe methods of physical examination. – 04
Physical examination means a detailed inspection or detailed study of the physical and psychological condition of the patient is called physical examination.
Methods of physical examination:–
Inspection: In this method, the general condition of the patient is known from the observation of his body, which means that the general appearance of the patient is seen, what is the color of the patient’s skin, whether there are any rashes on the skin or if there is any deformity anywhere in the body, the patient’s diet history is checked. In the inspection, the doctor listens to all the complaints of the patient and accordingly a history is written, so through the inspection, the history of the patient’s illness, the present complaint and body function can be known.
Palpation: It is the act of examining the body parts by feeling them. Fingers are used for palpation to determine the size and position of the organ. Also, this exam is done when there is any tumor in the neck or tenderness in an axilla or groin. is
Percussion: In percussion the body parts of the patient are tapped by keeping the fingers on it. By tapping, the sound of the internal organs is observed by listening, from which the condition of the internal organs is understood. Whether the patient’s bladder is full or empty can be known through percussion. Besides, the chest, abdominal And examination can be done by percussion on part of the back.
Auscultation: This involves listening for sounds inside the patient’s body with a stethoscope or fetoscope, listening for chest sounds, listening for heart rate, and taking blood pressure.
Manipulation: This method is used to find out the flexibility of the organ eg neck stiffness, arm flexion, abduction movements etc.
Special equipment: Some types of examination are done with special equipment like otoscope, ophthalmoscope, speculum scope, X-ray sonography etc.
👉C. Explain importance of patient’s records and reports in ward. Explain the importance of patient records and reports in the ward.05
A code is a permanent written communication that documents information related to a client’s health care management.
A record is a clinical, scientific, administrative and legal document relating to nursing care provided to an individual family or community.
1. Good records avoid duplication of effort as work is done by a single person
2.Patients receive better care when reports are complete and provide all relevant data
3. A complete record gives a sense of security that comes from knowing all the factors of a situation.
4.Helps in efficient management of the ward.
5.Helps in legal matters, gets judicial protection
.Helps in evaluation
7. Helps in research
8. To improve the quality
9. To facilitate the administrative process
10. To justify one’s work
11. To know the progress of patient and work
12. Very important for quality audit
👉A. Define nursing process – 03
Nursing process is an active approach to provide nursing need and solve the patient’s problem by systematically planning appropriate decision to take nursing care of the patient in which each step is sequentially inter-related and interdependent is called nursing process.
👉b. Explain steps of the nursing process. – 04
Assessment: Assessment means assessing the patient’s health problem and this is the first step in which
A. Nursing History Taking:-:A history of the patient’s illness and wellness is obtained.Along with the history, data is collected.Adjustment, mutual trust, confidence, respect and relationship are established with the patient.
B.Physical Examination:-:Physical problems of the patient are known.Limitations of the patient are known.
From the patient’s health record through members of the patient’s relative health team
C. Nursing Diagnosis: The data collected from history examination and other sources are organized and summarized. From the summarized data, the specific characteristics and etiology of the patient’s health problem are known and then the nursing diagnosis is determined accordingly.
👉c. Write down care of unconscious client.- Write down care of unconscious client. 05
(1) position :
Generally, the patient is given prone lateral or Sim’s position. The patient should be given such a position that he cannot inhale vomits and secretions. Do not lay the patient on his back.
2) Airway:
Patient’s airway should be maintained. For which the patient’s jaw should be kept forward. Patient’s clothes should be loose and free. So that the movement of chest and abdomen can be done easily. Frequent suction should be done as needed to maintain the airway. Sufficient ventilation should be provided to the patient.
3) Observation and chatting:
Patient’s level of consciousness, reaction to vocal stimulation, size of people, reaction of light on pupils etc. should be observed and chatted every hour.
TPR should be recorded every two hours. TPR has to be taken frequently in cases like head injury.
Blood pressure recording is based on the cause of unconsciousness.
If the patient is experiencing muscular spasm, it should also be recorded. The area affected and the duration of the fit etc. should be recorded.
Urine analysis chart should be maintained in conditions like diabetes mellitus and renal failure.
4) Hygiene:
Patient should be given mosquito net. It should have a well-observable net. It also protects the patient from mosquitoes and flies.
The patient should be sponged as needed. Tepid sponge should be given in febrile condition. Sufficient care should be taken of the pressure area while giving sponging and the limb should be given passive exercise. Exercise prevents stiffening of joints, muscular contractions and venous stasis.
It is necessary to give frequent mouth care to prevent dryness of mouth and tongue.
The patient should be given eye care which prevents discharge from the lid margin. Prevents conjunctiva from drying and also prevents corneal ulcer. For this, eyedrops should also be applied as per the doctor’s order.
5) Care of pressure areas and the prevention of foot drop:
The patient should be placed on a ripple mattress.
Bed linen should be kept dry, linen should be changed as soon as it gets wet.
A bed cradle should be used so that the weight of bed clothes does not fall on the patient.
A pillow should be kept over bony prominences like knee and ankle.
The position of the patient should be changed every hour.
The pressure area should be massaged every two hours.
If redness or injury is seen in these parts, it should be reported immediately.
Foot drop should be prevented, tight tuck of bed clothes can cause foot drop.
By using a footrest at the bottom, pressure and the weight of bed clothes on the feet can be prevented.
Passing Physiotherapy keeps ankle and feet in good condition. A splint is also useful to keep it in the correct position. To prevent wrist drop, a splint should be given to the bands.
6) Nutrition:
The patient should be given a diet that provides enough nutrients. Ryles tube or gastric tube feeding should be given. Full care should be taken for this, the patient is given milk, fruit juice and water in a high protein diet. Keep the patient well nourished.
7) Elimination:
Observe the patient for signs of retention of urine and constipation.
Glycerine suppository is placed as per order for constipation problem.
The patient may also have the problem of incontinence of urine. For urinary problems, the patient needs to undergo continuous catheterization.
Accurate recording of fluid balance should be done.
8) Relatives:
Patient’s relatives and friends are under tension. They should be reassured, informed about the patient’s condition. Make him meet with the M.O. (medical officer) of the Unit.
Q-2 👉a) Define decubitus ulcer. Write about prevention and treatment of decubitus ulcer. 08
Definition of decubitus ulcer
Treatment of decubitus ulcers
Pressure Relief
Regular repositioning of the patient especially to keep the pressure area slightly elevated can be done using special mattress cushions and pressure reducing pads.
Wound Care
Clean the wound using an appropriate solution e.g. normal saline (N.S) If necrotic tissue is present then debride it, often surgically or mechanically.
Provide appropriate dressings to absorb agro data and prevent contamination of pigs.
Infection Control
Monitoring for signs of infection and if necessary
Giving a typical antibiotic.
Nutritional Support
Adequate and proper nutrition should be given so that the wound healing takes place early in which such patients should take more protein and vitamins especially vitamin C and zinc as well as minerals.
Pain Management
Pain management is done using appropriate analgesics
Surgical Intervention
In severe cases, surgery is performed to restore the integrity of the wound and tissue.
Prevention of bedsores
Relieving pressure
Prevent muscle
Avoid friction
👉b) Write down principles of first aid. Write principles of first aid. 04
👉A. Write down general instructions in moving & lifting of patient. -08
👉b) Define fever. Describe stages of fever. 04
Stages of fever
1) Prodromal Stage (Initial Phase):
2) Onset Stage (Chill Phase):
3) Flush Stage (Plateau Phase):
4) Deferral Stage (Fever Break) :
Patterns of fever
A different type of pattern is seen in fever depending on its underlying cause.
Intermittent Fever: In intermittent fever, the body temperature fluctuates between normal and febrile levels within 24 hours. This fever is mainly seen in malarial conditions.
Remittent fever: In remittent fever the body temperature fluctuates but the temperature does not return to normal levels. Remittent fever is seen in cases with infective endocarditis.
Continuous (sustained) fever: In continuous fever, the body temperature is continuously high with minimal fluctuation. Typhoid often presents with continuous fever.
Relapsing fever: In relapsing fever high body temperature and normal body temperature are seen alternately i.e. body temperature increases then body temperature falls to normal level then body temperature increases again and normal level is observed again i.e. fever rises descends. Relapsing fever is mainly caused by Borrelia species
Hectic fever: In hectic fever, there are wide swings or changes in body temperature. Which is mainly seen in the condition of septicemia.
Causes of fever
Fever occurs due to many causes. Which are as follows :
Management of fever
👉Q-3 Write short answer (any two) 6×2=12
👉a) Describe care of the person after death. –
It is very important to take care of dieg patient for which his -relative is sent out.
-Gently close the patient’s eyes and mouth.
👉b) Describe the physical methods of sterilization.
Sterilization is a process that involves eliminating and killing microbial life in all its forms. These include bacteria, viruses, spores and fungi. The following methods are used in sterilization:
1) Heat sterilization
Heat is the most common and effective method of sterilization. There are mainly two methods used for heat sterilization:
✓ Moist Hit Sterilization :
Autoclaving uses a saturated stream as well as a pressurizer. In which the infected instrument or material is kept in an autoclave machine at a temperature of 121°C, at a pressure of 15 pascal for 15-20 minutes. This method is used to sterilize surgical instruments, labware, culture media and other items.
In this method, the infected item or material is kept in 100°C water for 30 minutes and the item is disinfected. An item cannot be completely sterilized by boiling. This method is mainly used for disinfecting heat stable materials and water.
In the pasteurization method, the food item or beverage is heated to a lower temperature (63°C for 30 minutes or 72°C for 15 seconds). In this method, pathogenic microorganisms are killed without affecting the quality and taste of food and beverages. Like heating milk.
✓ Dry hit sterilization:
Hot Air Oven:
In this method dry air in an oven whose temperature is between 160°C to 170°C is kept for 2-3 hours. Hot air oven use glassware, metal instruments
In incineration, infected material is burned and converted to ash. Incineration method is used to sterilize or dispose of biohazard waste. Like contaminated dressings, animal carcasses (carcasses)
2) Filtration:
Filtration sterilization is used to sterilize heat sensitive liquids as well as gases. In which microorganisms are removed through physical separation.
Membrane filter:
Membrane filters use thin membranes with pore sizes ranging from 0.22 micrometers to 0.45 micrometers. So that bacteria and large microorganisms can be trapped in it. This method is used to filter pharmaceuticals, culture media as well as in clean rooms.
HEPA Filter:
High efficiency particulate air filters are used to remove particles smaller than 0.3 micrometers. Which has 99.97% efficiency. It is used in air purifiers, laminar flow hoods and HVAC systems used in hospitals and labs.
3) Radiation
In radiation sterilization, microorganisms are killed using ionizing as well as non-ionizing radiation.
✓ Ionizing radiation:
Gamma Radiation:
High energy gamma rays are generated using cobalt 60 or cesium 137 isotopes in gamma radiation. Gamma radiation is used to sterilize disposable medical equipment (syringes, gloves), pharmaceuticals and certain food items.
Electro Beam:
Rapid sterilization is done using high energy electrons in an electro beam. Electro beam method is used to sterilize medical devices, pharmaceuticals and packing materials.
✓ Non ionizing radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) light:
In this method, UV-C light (200-280 nm) is used to damage and inactivate the RNA and DNA of the microorganism. Ultraviolet light is used to disinfect surfaces, air and water. UV sterilization is less penetrative. Hence it is more suitable for surface sterilization than bulk items.
4) Other methods
Microwave radiation:
Microwave radiation uses microwaves to generate hits that kill microorganisms. Moisture is often used along with microwaves to increase effectiveness. Microwave radiation is used to sterilize certain food products as well as waste materials.
Plasma Sterilization:
Plasma sterilization is an advanced method in which low temperature plasma is created from hydrogen peroxide vapor and sterilized using it. This method is used to sterilize heat and moisture sensitive instruments or materials.
👉c) Write down the types and hazards of restraint.
Types of Restraints:
✓ Physical Restraint:
Manual Restraint:
Manual restraint uses the hands and body to hold the person in place
Mechanical Restraint:
A mechanical restraint uses a mechanical device to restrict movement. Like belts, straps, cuffs. For example Wrist and Ankle Restraint, Restraint Chair.
Positional Restraint:
Positional restraint involves placing the patient in a position that restricts the patient’s movement. Like prone position, supine position
✓ Chemical Restraint:
Chemical restraint involves the use of medication to control the patient’s behavior or restrict movement. In which sedative, antipsychotic drug, anxiolytic drug are used as medicine.
✓ Environmental Restraint :
Environmental restraint involves modifying the environment around the patient to restrict movement. Like locking the door, seclusion room
✓ Psychological restraint:
Psychological restraint involves the use of verbal commands, intimidation, and coercion to control a person’s behavior.
Hazards of restraints
✓ Physical Hazard :
Physical restraints can cause bruises, cuts, fractures, nerve damage and pressure ulcers.
Asphyxiation (suffocation):
Positional restraints including prone restraints may cause breathing difficulties and suffocation.
Circulatory Issues: Blood circulation is impaired due to prolonged use of Restrain. Due to which deep vein thrombosis can occur.
Musculoskeletal Damage: Prolonged immobility leads to muscular atrophy and joint issues.
Death: In extreme cases, improper use of restraints can often lead to cardiac arrest and respiratory failure.
✓ Psychological Hazard :
Trauma: Restrain can lead to psychological trauma, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Loss of Dignity: Prolonged restraint affects a person’s self-esteem and mental well-being.
Fear and Distrust: Restraint can lead to fear and distrust of health care personnel.
✓ Ethical and Legal Hazard:
👉Q-4 Write short notes. (any three) 12
👉a) Importance of diet in illness
👉b) Barriers of communication
Physiological barrier: in which the sensory organs are not functioning like hearing, seeing, etc. and not being able to express. Cannot receive or deliver messages.
Psychological Barrier: This includes emotional factors such as anxiety, stress, fear, intelligence, ego, etc.
Environmental barrier: Insufficient light and ventilation, too low temperature, too much noise or congestion.
Cultural barrier: It includes the cultural aspects of people like their religion, their attitude, language, personality traits, their knowledge, understanding, power, etc.
👉c) Nurse’s role in collection of specimen –
Specimen collection is a very important task of the nurse. The nurse is very important to collect the sample with proper method and deliver it to the laboratory on time.
Preparation of the patient.
Preparation of Equipment.
👉d) care of medicine cupboard
👉Q-5 Define following (any six) Write the following definition. (any six)
👉a) Diuret-
👉b) Cyanosis –
👉c) Temperature –
👉d) Enuresis –
👉e) Anaphylaxis –
👉f) Nursing-Nursing
👉G) Nasocomial infection –
👉h) Tachycardia-
👉Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks 05
1.Lack of oxygen in blood is———– called. Hypoxemia
2.1 ounce=———-ml. 30 ML
3.Instrument used for rectal examination is———— Proctoscope
4.Intravenous injection is given at ——– angle. 25 degrees
5.Autoscope is used to examine——— EAR
👉B) True or False – 05
1.Right lateral position is given while giving enema. FALSE
2.Benedict solution is used for urine albumin test. FALSE
3.Tepid sponge reduces the body temperature. TRUE
4.Excessive excretion of urine is called polyuria. – TRUE
5.Air cushion is given to support the head. FALSE
Air cushion and or gel cushion, are specially designed seat pads, which reduce pressure on vulnerable points of the body to prevent pressure sores and ulcers.
👉C) Match the following. 05
(A) Anorexia- (A) Pulse less than 20 per minute
(B) Acetic acid (B) Urine contains pus
(C) Bradycardia (C) Loss of appetite
(D) Pyuria (D) Heart rate less than 60 per minute
(E) Asepsis (E) Hot test for urine
(F) Free of pathogenic microorganisms
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