g) Noise
Sources of noise
Community noise levels
Effects of noise pollution
Noise control measures
🌟 Describe the types of noise:
There are many types of noise in our environment.
Musical sound:
a. Pop music
b. Loud sound of marriage band
c. Religious musical sounds
d. Cultural program sound
e. Cinema advertising noise
Noise is irregular and non-periodic :
a. Vibration
b. Noise of overcrowded community.
c. High frequency volume noise
Noise pollution:
As per DB measurement, sound intensity is measured in decibel unit.
Every 10 dB increase is measured by Logitronic scale.
Less (low noise) – less than 35 dB.
Medium -35 to 45 dB
High – more than 80 dB
A very loud noise of 160 db can cause deafness.
🌟 Enlist the sources of noise pollution:
There are many sources in our environment that are polluted by noise.
They are location dependent and the conditions are as follows-
Domestic sites-
a. Electronic audio video playing devices
b. TV, radio and transmitter
c. Mixers and grinders
d. Cooler and ac
e. Gas cutters
f. Struggle in family and community
Road side sources 100 dB noise
a. Bike engine
b. Stereo system
c. Noise of heavy vehicles and trains
d. Truck accidents and type blasting
Political sources- noise produced by
A. political rallies
b. political speech
c. political strikes
d. political struggles
Construction site sources – noise produced by heavy vehicles ICB, HYDRO, HYTACHI, & bulldozer
b. Cruiser machine, and stone cutter
c. Hammer strikes
d. Mixture and cement works
Sound pollution in hospital is produced by
a. Patient trolley sound
b. Ac cooler sound
c. Over crowded ward and patient’s relatives
d. Transportation of 02 cylinder sound
e. Sound of shoes
f. Patient death created the attendant’s noise
Factory sources – they produce very high intensity sounds
a. Machine driving
b. Milling machine
Other sound sources:
a. Late night cultural program
b. Religious functions and prayer
c. Marriage dance in community on DJ sound
d. Muslim mosque high noise by loud speaker
🌟 Demonstrate:
Demonstrate noise in the class
✒️ Topic:
🌟 Effect of noise pollution:
🌟 bExplain the effect of noise pollution:
Noise pollution has serious harmful effects on the human body-
Hearing problems
a. Temporary
b. Permanent
Health issue
a. Headache
b. Anorexia
c. Gastritis
d. Depression
Sleeping disorder
a. Migraine
b. Anxiety
Cardiovascular issues
b. BP high or low
C. Tachycardia or bradycardia
d. Sweating
Trouble community
a. Wandering community
b. Drunkard and other noise problems
c. Card play and noisy struggle
d. Interchange of female partner
e. Gambling
Effect on wildlife
a. Deafness
b. Paralysis
c. Vision problem
d. Blindness
: Enlist the sources of noise pollution:
There are many sources in our environment that are polluted by noise.
They are location dependent and the conditions are as follows-
Domestic sites-
a. Electronic audio video playing devices
b. TV, radio and transmitter
c. Mixers and grinders
d. Cooler and ac
e. Gas cutters
f. Struggle in family and community
Road side sources 100 dB noise
a. Bike engine
b. Stereo system
c. Noise of heavy vehicles and trains
d. Truck accidents and type blasting
Political sources- noise produced by
A. political rallies
b. political speech
c. political strikes
d. political struggles
Construction site sources – noise produced by heavy vehicles ICB, HYDRO, HYTACHI, & bulldozer
b. Cruiser machine, and stone cutter
c. Hammer strikes
d. Mixture and cement works
Sound pollution in hospital is produced by
a. Patient trolley sound
b. Ac cooler sound
c. Over crowded ward and patient’s relatives
d. Transportation of 02 cylinder sound
e. Sound of shoes
f. Patient death created the attendant’s noise
Factory sources – they produce very high intensity sounds
a. Machine driving
b. Milling machine
Other sound sources:
a. Late night cultural program
b. Religious functions and prayer
c. Marriage dance in community on DJ sound
d. Muslim mosque high noise by loud speaker
✒️ Topic:
🌟 Noise control measures
Define noise control:
Noise control or noise migration is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or reduce the impact of that noise, whether outdoors or indoors.
🌟 Discuss in brief regarding basic technologies to control noise pollution:
Basic technologies:
Sound insulation: Prevents the transmission of sound by introducing a mass barrier, common materials having high-density properties such as brick, thick glass, concrete, metal etc.
Sound absorption: A porous material that acts as a noise sponge by converting sound energy into heat within the material. Common sound absorption materials include decoupled lead-based tiles, open cell foams, and fiberglass.
Vibration damping: Applicable for large vibrating surfaces. The damping mechanism works by extracting vibrational energy from the thin sheet and dissipating it as heat. A common material is sound deadened steel.
Vibration Isolation: Prevents the transmission of vibration energy from the source to the receiver by introducing a flexible element or physical break. Common vibration isolators are springs, rubber mounts, corks, etc.
🌟 Describe ways of controlling noise pollution:
There are several ways to control noise, which are as follows –
Planting of trees
a. Road side
b. At the work site
Low volume of musical devices
Use of ear plugs
Use of muffs in aero plane
Limited noise producing activities
Working hours in day time
Industries away from residential area
a. Railway yards
b. Aerodromes
c. Industries
a. Use of pressure horns banning
b. Loud speakers also banned
High intensity work means fewer hours.
Proper maintenance of malware
Educating people about noise pollution
Enact special legislation on noise control and making it punishable.
🌟 Demonstrate the method of noise control:
High intensity of damage
Showing dosage and side effects.
🌟 Role play regarding impact of legislation in noise control:
Punishment and punishment through role play show.
The teacher tries to convey the message about the law of noise control.