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Introduction to Nursing

a) Nursing – concept, meaning,
definitions, scope and functions.

b) History of nursing in India
c) Nursing as a profession
d) Nursing professional – qualities and
preparation. e) Ethics in Nursing-roles and
responsibilities of a nurse.
f) Health care agencies – hospital and
community service – types and
function of hospitals health team.
g) Modern approaches to nursing care
including holistic nursing care
h) Health and Disease

  • Definition of health, determinants
    of health status.
  • Basic human needs
  • Illness and its effects on individual


💚 Who is NURSE? :-

As soon as we hear the word nurse, a lady dressed in white comes to our mind with an injection trolley in her hand and lovingly talking to the patient. Nurse is a Latin word that comes from the word nutricus which means nurturer or Fostering, protecting, protecting from illness and preventing illness and providing treatment, all care nurses do from a small child to an elderly person. So are we all
We are familiar with the hostess. The hostess is a nurse who has feelings like a nurse, who understands her by looking at her face. The nurse also cares like a nurse in the same way.

U:- USEFULNESS (useful) understanding (under standing)
R:- RESPONSIBLE, Resourceful
S:- SIMPLICITY-Sympathetic

  • In today’s era, a nurse is not just a nurse but a modern nurse whose ideas and work are both modern, today’s nurse works with very modern machinery, this is a challenge for her and sometimes she does the work of women empowerment.

WRITE DOWN CONCEPT OF NURSING / what are the concept of nursing :-

Nursing is a combination of art and science. Within the nursing concept, all the mental, physical and physiological needs of the client can be satisfied and he remains completely healthy in all these aspects. The nurse protects the patient’s health and instructs the patient to self-care. Explains how lifestyle and behavior affect health.

If we look at the main points of nursing concept, they are as follows:-

Promote health Protect health Rehabilitative

To prevent diseases
-Il means sick, helping a person heal

DYING PATIENT To help the dying person die peacefully and with dignity (To Easy Suffering – i.e. the pain the patient suffers is less and the patient dies)

Keeping in mind that the client’s holistic needs are satisfied (holistic i.e. social, physical, environment etc…)

  • The work and service of a nurse is not only limited to the hospital, it also works for the home, school and the whole community.
  • 💛 what is philosophy of nursing (What is the philosophy of nursing) :- Beliefs and values ​​involved in nursing philosophy generally or specifically man i.e. man is seen as a learner and wrong beliefs of the client is removed…..
    The following points are involved in the philosophy:
  • 🤎Spiritual:- All the spiritual needs of the client should be satisfied and taken as the primary integrating factor.
  • 🤎Moral (Moral):- The manner of dealing with the patient should be full, his dignity should be maintained. The patient should be able to tell his problem to the nurse without any hesitation. A nurse should be aware of and knowledgeable about the culture in which she works.
  • 🤎Emotional Needs (Emotional Need):- The nurse should keep in mind his own limitations and ethics and fulfill the emotional needs of the patient and should be able to relate with others.
  • 🤎Intellectual need (Intellectual need) :-
    Nursing education should involve the following training: Memory
    Direction of Imagination

Capacity strengthening and expansion can work with the organization

Make wise decisions

  • If the reason is given, it should be absolutely correct and impactful
  • Have good communication skills and the ability to express one’s thoughts NURSING OBJECTIVES:-

To provide good care to the community

Strengthening and training nurses to become experts in all aspects of health.

He should have adequate knowledge of anatomy and physiology and human body science and DCs (diseases) and be able to identify them and be helpful to the community.

A sense of responsibility comes into it

His skills and personality are developed.

And the nursing profession continues to upgrade.

💗DEFINE NURSE (Define Nurse) :-

The definition of Nurse is given by W.H.O (World Health Organization). Which are as follows.
“Nurse is a person who is qualified with basic nursing education and has been given the authority to provide nursing services in the country. So, she tries to prevent disease, to cure disease if it occurs. “Nurse is what brings the patient back to health.”
Nursing is the art and science of providing careful care to a sick person to protect his life and prevent disease, promote health and treat the sick to restore his condition is called nursing.

Nursing is an Art

Nursing is an art. Not everyone has it. Different methods are used in nursing care. Skillfully care is provided keeping in mind the patient’s condition and emotional filling. To learn the art of nursing one must have tenderness, sympathy and the spirit of working for others without forgetting oneself.

Nursing is a science:-

Nursing is also a science as it involves giving treatment based on scientific method and principles. The science of nursing is universally the same. There is no substitution, so nurses must have knowledge of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, physics, chemistry, psychology, sociology, and economics to treat patients.


Nurses work in different organizations and because of this they get opportunities to play roles in different ranges.
are as follows and they are practiced differently :-

Home Care Nurse:- The nurse who provides care to the patient who cannot come to the hospital and receive the services is called home care nurse. In India, home care nurses are less seen in some countries like Israel and others. This method is more common in developed countries

Teaching :– A nurse can also teach nursing students as a nursing teacher or tutor after completing nursing, it also improves their knowledge and develops the next generation of nursing officers.

R . N (R. N) :- RN means Registered Nurse who fulfills the requirement of professional ethics, gets practical training and works in health institutes eg:- CHC, PHC, Civil Hospital etc etc……..

School Health Nurse :- Now there is a trend in India and for many years abroad that every school has a nurse who can provide primary care, prevention of diseases, first aid care and is called school health nurse to students and His teachers observe the health of both and provide care as needed.

Community Health Nurse:- A nurse who works within the community, provides care, and is licensed to dispense certain types of drugs, provides primary care and refers to the next center through the referral system in case of more problems. is That nurse is called community health nurse.

Occupational Health Nurse:– To cure occupational hazard, there is an occupational health nurse in the industrial area who performs physical examination and treats injury, fever or infection, she is called occupational health nurse.

Mental Health Nurse:- A mental health nurse who has a Master of Science with Psychiatric Care and treats mentally ill persons.

Military Nurse:- Those who provide care within the forces and do overall health check up to take care of injuries during war are called military nurses.

Tele-nursing:- Tele-nursing means that the nurse can provide guidance to the patient with the help of telecommunication so that the people living far away do not have to travel from far away and because of this it is beneficial if there is a shortage of nurses.

Research :- PN can excel in nurse research, they can also do PIAHD in nursing and do research on different topics.

Domiciliary care nurse :- Nurses who provide care at home are called as domiciliary care nurses, auxiliary nurses include midwives.

(State the functions of a nurse) :-

Care Giver :-

The nurse plays a very large role as a care giver, helping the client to return to normal, and making efforts to facilitate the healing process. She provides comprehensive care and satisfies the client’s holistic needs. But gives care without bias.

Good Communicator :-

Effective communication of the nurse is very important

A nurse’s communication is an important link between the patient and the doctor

Nurses reduce the communication gap between doctor and patient.

The nurse has more contact with the patient, so he talks about everything with the nurse.

Leader :-

The nurse plays the role of a leader

A senior or charge nurse guides his junior nurses

He understands all the responsibilities as a leader and helps him take decisions by communicating with the patient and his relatives.

She is leading the department in her capacity.

Concealer :-
Counseling or the role of a counselor to provide guidance and a genuine waiting. Often due to certain fears and misconceptions people avoid certain types of treatment (eg family planning methods).
It gives understanding about right and wrong and also guides between good and evil.

Manager :-

Managing is one of the best qualities of a nurse

She manages well both alone and in groups

She manages the work together with senior and junior

She also manages patient care


The nurse also acts as an observer

Observes changes occurring within the patient

It is also known whether the treatment is effective or not

Further action observes what to take


The nurse uses aseptic technique to protect her client from infection

Gives him comprehensive care

It encourages the patient and his relatives to lead a healthy lifestyle

Team Player :-

He coordinates with other staff members and performs team work

He discusses and evaluates medicines, diagnoses and record reports with his team.

Rehabilitator :-

  • Rehabilitative means that the patient is going through any disease from which recovery and cure is impossible, the nurse teaches him why to live in that condition, it is called rehabilitation. or bring the patient to his original position.


Sympathy:- A nurse should have sympathy, that is, put oneself in the place of the patient and think how we would feel if we get good behavior. The nurse should have the ability to treat the patient without hurting his feelings.

Self Confidence (Self Confidence) :- The nurse should have confidence in him to cure the patient completely.

Observation (Observation) :– A nurse should have observation power, from observation and evolution one can know which work to give importance to and should also have an idea of ​​the effect of the treatment given to the patient.

Alertness (Alertness). :– Nurse should have alertness and efficiency, desire to work quickly, good behavior of nurse increases confidence of patient.

Apathy :– A nurse should not discriminate on the basis of caste, religion or economic status.

Honesty. :– The nurse should be honest. There are articles medicine etc. which are the responsibility of the nurse.

Scientific knowledge (scientific knowledge) :- The nurse should work keeping in mind the scientific principle of his knowledge. Not only knowledge but also experience should be employed and applied with scientific principals. Nurses should also have intelligence.

Economical nature :- The nature of a nurse should be thrifty, she should have the ability to do any work by saving time and energy.

Self Dependent :- A nurse should be self dependent and not dependent on others for patient care.

Curiosity:– A nurse should always have the urge to learn new things so that he can increase his knowledge with time.

Resourceful (Resource flower). :- Whatever resources are available for treatment should be fully utilized

Cooperative:- It should be working cooperatively with all

Kind:- It should be loving and its response should always be polite.

Impartial :- One who takes care of the patient regardless of color, form, caste, religion, etc. should have such quality without discrimination.

Empathetic :- She can put herself in the patient’s place and understand what would happen if she were in his place.

Good decision maker:- He should be able to take therapeutic decisions of his level.


Nursing has gained immense importance in today’s era. Today’s age is mechanical age. A hundred years ago, the profession of nursing was enjoyed a low status, but in the 19th century, forence nightingale gave this profession a special day and a special curriculum was applied.
Modern nursing is not only curative, but more emphasis is placed on preventive and promotive aspects. Prevention of disease and promotion of health in the community require more attention.

How was nursing in the prehistoric period :-.

In the prehistoric period, women used to collect herbs, roots and plants and try to heal the sick with them.

Women’s entry into nursing began around 300 A.D.

Florence Nightingale’s service during the war opened doors for women in nursing.

Let’s see how nursing was in ancient India:-

If we look at the oldest literature in ancient India, it is the Vedas and other sacred books

In India Shushruta is known and recognized as the father of surgery, giving him Shushruta Samhita.
Charak is known as the father of medicine in India.

  • Hero Emperor Ashoka was the first person to improve medical care within India.
  • Hippocrates is called the Father of Medicine, he dispelled the misconceptions that people get sick due to evil spirits, studied for years on physical examination and signs of disease and gave the concept of taking a patient’s history.

What did the medieval period improve :-

Charitable hospitals started in 1100 to 1200 AD

During that time, nursing care was delivered under the guidance of physicians and priests.

That was the time of midwives.

Period between 15th to 19th century:-

The work requirements and responsibilities of nurses increased because at that time there were wars, economic growth in many countries and epidemics in many countries.

At that time nurses started to be known as sisters. 19th Century :-

Florence Nightingale, the founder of nursing at that time, gave the first nursing philosophy that health maintenance and health restoration.

From the book Notes of Nursing written by him, his philosophy was metaphysical and was made keeping in mind the changes in society.
-Hospitals were built in 19th century

20th Century :-
-Scientific research began in the early 20th century in which nursing knowledge and practice began.
-Nurse embraces expanded and advanced practice
-In 1901 Army Nursing started
-Navy nursing started in 1908

  • Nursing specialization started in 1920

💞 ETHICS OF NURSING (Ethics of Nursing / write short notes on Ethics of Nursing

Ethics is the principle or rule by which proper management can be done. Code of Ethics (CODE OF ETHICS) by INC (International Council for Nurses) in 1973 according to which there are four main points of the fundamental responsibility of the nurse.
That is to improve people’s health, prevent disease and maintain healthy and patient free from pain these basic ethics are done by I.C.N.

Apart from this, the following terms are used for Ethics.

  1. Autonomy :- The client can make his own decision to take medicine or not to drink or not to drink it is his decision the nurse cannot interfere in it There are two types of autonomy inward and outward autonomy; Inward autonomy means that the patient is able to take his own decision and outward autonomy means that the patient is a child or in whom he is in short he is not able to make his own decision and his decision is taken by his relatives then it is called outward autonomy. In this way, the patient has the right that he can get his own treatment without any interference from the nurse or the doctor.
  2. Justice:-

Justice means serving the patient fairly, providing care fairly is one of the foundations of care, medical care is not done keeping in mind one’s ability to pay, his status, his cast etc. It means without any kind of discrimination. should

  1. Non-Malefficiency:-
    Non Malfins i.e. providing treatment to the patient without causing any harm, this ethics must be followed compulsorily, it is the job of the nurse to balance the benefits and harms and treatment, this is also an obligatory ethics.
  1. Beneficence ;-

To promote patient health and provide good care, to take positive steps to promote patient health. Teeth: Discomforts occur due to the side effects of the medicine, but because of the benefits, if we administer it, we can reduce the discomfort.

  1. Fidelity (Fedility) :-

The nurse should work with loyalty. She should never neglect the patient for any reason.

  1. Accountability :-

Nurses should evaluate their work so that their excellence can be preserved.
-American Nursing Association is an example.

  1. Confidentiality :-

Privacy of patient talk reports, treatment, diagnosis, any health related talk of any patient should be maintained. Do not share anything with anyone until the client is satisfied.

💝 Ethical Behavior Expected From Nurse :-
Nursing is a coordinated operation, the nurse has to work with the patient’s relative, doctors, co-workers, technicians and hospital related persons.

For that the following points should be kept in mind.

1) The nurse should control his emotionality.
2) Everyone should be respected If we respect others, someone will respect us.
3) If we do not know something, we should not feel inferior in accepting it.
4) The nurse should take responsibility if he is the leader of his team and if he is a member of his team he should accept the orders of his leader.
5) A nurse should not show partiality at times.
6) He should not do an act that offends the faith of others.
7) He should have a sense of union while working in a team.
8) If a new nurse comes in the team, explain the work to him properly.
9) There should be no unnecessary discussion or talk in the team.
10) Appreciate the good work of others.

In order to maintain good interpersonal relationship with others, the nurse should have certain behaviors which are as follows.

💝 What is Code of Ethics:

A code of ethics is a set of rules which are applicable in all countries and which the nursing staff of all countries are required to follow. is

💝 What are the Purpose of Code of Ethics?

Set standards of behavior for nurses and provide guidelines for nursing action
-Helps distinguish between right and wrong

Enables taking correct decisions

To protect the rights of individuals

It helps to acknowledge the health care delivery system

for health which empowers the individual and makes him responsible towards health

Provides quality care

  • Describe what is needed in research and practice

💝 Code of ethics for international nurses (International code of ethics for nurses):-
The International Code of Ethics for Nurses was first adopted in 1953 by the International Council of Nurses.

It has been revised and reformed many times, currently it was revised in 2003.

The following are the basic responsibilities of a nurse;

To promote health

To Prevent Illness- Medicine Reduction

To Restore Health- Do as before health

to alleviate suffering
The need for nursing is universal

Nursing respects human rights, respects cultural life, right to life and choice, maintaining dignity and treating all with respect.

Nursing care is respectful without any restriction of age, color, creed etc.

CN CODE OF ETHICS PRINCIPLE (State the principals of the Code of Ethics of the International Council-) :-
The ICN CODE OF ETHIC has four main principles

Nurses and People

Nurses and Practice

Nurses and Profession

Nurses and Co-Worker

  1. Nurses and People Satisfying people’s needs by providing nursing care is the primary responsibility of nurses.

While providing nursing care, the nurse promotes an environment in which human rights, values, customs, and spiritual beliefs, family and community are respected.

The nurse ensures that the patient has a basic level of information related to treatment and care.

The nurse takes the patient into confidence that he will not share his information anywhere

Nurses have a responsibility to take measures that satisfy health and social needs and pay special attention to the community which is vulnerable (such as children, elderly).

The nurse is also responsible for doing what he can for the natural environment to save the land from depletion, pollution, degradation, and destruction.

  1. Nurses and Practice

Nurses themselves share a personal responsibility for their nursing practice and enable themselves through their continuous learning.

Nurses maintain a standard of care that does not compromise patient care.
-The nurse uses her judgment in making any decisions

A nurse maintains a personal standard that reflects professionalism and thereby instills confidence in the public.

Nurses should use scientific and technology to provide care keeping in mind the safety, dignity, and rights of people.

  1. Nurses and Profession

Nurses play a major role in determining and implementing nursing standards in clinical nursing practice, management, research, and education.

  • Prepares the core for nurse research with the help of professional knowledge

Nurses participate in establishing equal occupational and economic conditions through professional organization.

  1. Nurses and Co-Workers

Nurses maintain cooperative relationships whether in nursing or in another field

  • If the health of individual, family or community is endangered due to any co workers, then he acts as a safe guard for that. 💟 Health Care Agency :-

Health is a fundamental human right of every person. Knowing the health need of the community, different health care agencies are trying to fulfill it. Following are the major departments of the Health Care Agency.

PHC Primary Health Centre

CHC Community Health Center

UHTC Urban Health Training Centre

RHTC Rural Health Training Centre


Referral hospital

District Hospital

Special Hospital

Teaching Hospital

ESIS Hospital

-super specialty hospital Private Agency

Private Hospital

Nursing home


CLINIC Other Agency :-

  • Defense Service

Railway Hospital Voluntary Health Agency:-

WHO (World Health Organization)

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)

*Red Cross. :-

CARE (Co Operative American Relief Everywhere)

UNESCO (United Nations Educational Social and Cultural Organization)

All the above health agencies solve the following health problems

Communicable Disease Control
Nutritional problem
Environment Sanitation Problem
A medical care problem
Communicable Disease Control

Hospital is an institution for taking care of patients and treating injured persons due to accidents etc. The word Hospital is derived from Hospus. .

Definition :-
A hospital is an organization where more than one people work for a single goal. In a hospital our goal is to work for health and an organization where diagnosis of the disease of a sick person and comprehensive care is given to him is called a health team. This health team consists of doctor, nurse, social worker, servant and technician. The hospital is a community agency. People from any group of the society can come to the hospital for treatment and the health team provides treatment to every person without any discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, age etc. When a patient comes to a hospital, he is a guest of the hospital and he goes home after recovery. During this time, the image of the hospital is formed in him.

Classification of Hospital :-

Government Hospital:-
A government hospital is managed by the government and all the employees working here are called government servants.

State Government – By State Government –
State Government means it comes under the State.

By Central Government:-

It comes under Central
Semi Govt.Hospital :-
Some percent of these receive government grants and some percent are run with money from businessmen and other donors, often staffed by the government.

Municipal Hospital (Municipal Hospital) by Municipality :-
MUNICIPAL means that it is the municipality of the city and its staff is also appointed by it.

E.S.I.S Hospital:-
In this, the management is done according to the central government, but the staff is not according to it.


The management of this type of hospital is under one person and is owned by him. Sometimes a group of three or four people run a private hospital. Each group member is fully responsible for his research.


A clinic owned by a single person or run by more than one person

A trust is formed by a group of individuals in this hospital and it is managed by the board which constitutes the trust.

Army Hospital (ARMY HOSPITAL) :-
This hospital is only for army men and the hospital is managed by the central government in every state but it is managed by the central government only.

Industrial Hospital (INDUSTRIAL HOSPITAL) :-
Such a hospital is built for the workers working in the industries. For this purpose, when the number of workers reaches a certain number, the hospital is built. This hospital comes under the Industrial Act and is managed and treated under the Act.

Function of Hospital- State the functions of hospital :-

  1. Patient care :-
    All patients admitted to the hospital are taken care of from admission to their discharge, nursing care and other needs are provided and in addition 24 hours emergency treatment is provided.
    2.Prevention Of Disease :- Prevention is worse than Cure :-
    Doctors and staff nurses of the hospital together with the patient’s prophylaxis is done in advance to prevent the disease, in addition to this cleaning and other operations necessary to prevent the disease in the hospital are done by the hospital.
  2. Promotion of Health (Promotion of Health) :-
    In order to improve the health of patients admitted to the hospital, disease related counseling is also provided by the hospital itself, health education is also provided to the patient’s relatives to improve their health, and any person associated with health in the hospital can provide this type of health education. .
  3. Investigation, diagnosis and treatment (Investigation Diagnosis and treatment) :-
    In modern times, there has been a huge progress in medical science, new inventions and tools have been invented for the diagnosis of every patient so that the diseases can be diagnosed quickly. It is an important function of the hospital to start the necessary treatment.
  4. Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy (Rehabilitation and Occupation Therapy);-

Every person admitted to the hospital who wants to recover and settle back in the society or in the profession is given a certain type of guidance for such patients from the beginning by getting their total history and guiding them according to their occupation till the last stage.

  1. Medical Education (Medical Education) :-
    All the activities running in the hospital include all types of education and it is provided by doctors, nurses, physiotherapy, pharmacies and technicians in addition to planning for medical education where required.
    In-service education is organized for the staff within the hospital as per the need and everyone is trained and this kind of education is imparted according to new discoveries new health programs etc.
  2. Medical Research-Research (Medical Research) :-
    Different patients are admitted in the hospital, according to which many types of research can be done by knowing their problems. This work of research is as important as medical education. However, many types of researches are done in many branches of the hospital and everyone should know that through new researches, many types of researches are done. New education can be gained by knowing the type of skills
  3. Social Services (Social Services) :
    Social service means welfare and security are considered by the hospital, especially social care is given to the patients, for this there is also a social welfare department where the social workers give proper advice to everyone.
    The hospital provides various types of certificates for security purposes like physical fitness, age certificate, handicap certificate, widow certificate etc. along with injury certificate for injured patients and death certificate for dead patients as well as birth and dead body certificates. A report is also provided for the post
  4. Administrative work (Administrative of Institute). :-
    A hospital is a large organization and all the employees in it are managed by the administrative office of the hospital. Records of every employee have to be maintained.
  5. Record :-
    Many types of records are kept by the hospital including records from admission to discharge of the patient Birth and death records Infectious disease records In addition some types of statistical information are recorded Written records of this matter are regularly sent to necessary places so this operation is very essential for the hospital.

💖 Department of Hospital ::

💖 What is OPD? What is OPD? (Outdoor Patient Department) ::

In which the patient coming from outside is examined by the doctor and the necessary medicine and treatment is given from that department and only those patients who need it are admitted in a planned way. OPD also has different OPDs like Medical OPD, Surgical OPD, Orthopedic. OPD, Dental OPD, Skin OPD, E.N.T OPD etc…

💖 what is INDOOR Department ::
This department has different wards in which the patients are admitted and treated each ward has headners staffers paper etc. in addition this department also has necessary office medical store inquiry office etc.
In terms of wards, this department has Medical Ward, Surgical Ward, E.N.T Ward, Orthopedic Ward, Ophthalmic Ward, Pediatric Ward, Skin Ward, Isolation Ward etc.

💖 List the different departments of Hospital. List the different sections of the hospital.

Casualty Department: To provide emergency medical care

Operation Theater (OT): Performing surgical procedures.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU): For special critical patients

Department of Anesthesiology : Administration of anesthesia

💖Cardiology: For heart

ENT : Eye, Ear and Throat

Department of Gynecology :- For female diseases

Pediatric Department :- For children

Department of Neurology

Oncology Department for Cancer

Department of Ophthalmology for the eye

Orthopedic Department Department of Bones

Department of Urology

Department of Psychiatry Department of Mental Diseases

Indoor Patient Department (IPD): For inpatients

Outdoor Department

Nursing Department

Department of Pharmacy

Laboratory Department

Administrative Department

💖Laboratory- Laboratory Department::
A laboratory is an important part of a hospital. Where the examination of blood, urine, serum, stool etc. is done, the laboratories are also of different types, expert doctors are also working in them.

Microbiology Lab ::
In this the subtlety is studied

Pathology ::
Blood, stool, urine sputum etc. are examined in this department

Serology ::
Serum i.e. the watery part of blood is examined in this section

Blood Bank ::
Blood is deposited here and blood is given according to the need and according to the patient’s group

Histo Pathology::
Microscopic study of viscera (parts emerging from body parts) is done here.

💟 Nursing Department ::
The main function of the nursing department is to provide all kinds of care to the patients in the hospital. The head of the nursing department is called matron. The hospital has a matron office for that. Besides, there is a day super room, night super room, and in each ward there is a sister in charge room, staff nursing room, Student nurses etc are doing the work.

Pharmacy Department ::
In this department, the people working with pharmacy education are working in the maintenance and dispensing of all medicines

House Surgeon ::
He is the local surgeon of the surgery ward.

ie a specialist surgeon providing free service.
💟 Nursing Staff ::
Which includes staffers, head nurses etc.

Ward Servant ::
Which includes male and female.
Sweeper ::
There are also male and female sweepers who work as sweepers, in addition to this the hospital has dressers, hospital assistants and other staff. S.S.D (Central and Sterilization Supply
💟 sick and well
Introduction to the sick & well
Sick means somewhere disturbed and patients come to the hospital with high expectations and they have no idea how their relative will be admitted, how they will be received and how they will be treated. If the health of one person in the family deteriorates, it affects the entire family. When a patient comes to the hospital, he has many worries about his illness like how many days he will have to stay in the hospital, cost of medicine, whether he will ever recover from the disease etc.


“A person who is mentally, physically, socially or spiritually well being and does not have any kind of disease or deformity is called a healthy person”.

But when a person is physically, mentally or socially disturbed, he is called sick or patient. He cannot attend to his routine work due to his illness. That patient is sick i.e. not only himself is disturbed but the environment around him is also disturbed. Due to the patient’s illness, his family members are also disturbed.
Since the patient is sick, he cannot meet himself in any social event or in the society as before. Doctors and nurses should be careful while caring for the patient.
The nurse who first comes into contact with the patient should make a good IPR with the patient and introduce other staff members. Adjustment to ward environment should also be helped. Nurse should also develop good IPR with patient’s relative and give appropriate answers to questions about patient’s illness. Good communication should be provided to provide good nursing care. Otherwise the patient feels alone which affects his illness.

💟 Determinat Of Health Status ::
Every person has his own certain kind of standard to check his health means physically and mentally we are healthy but sometimes our health gets disturbed which wise things are known to check.

Our body may or may not have symptoms of certain diseases e.g. (Pain), Vomiting, (fever) determines that he is ill.

People often think that his health is psychologically good or T. Often a person feels well on his own while often feeling sick.

In other ways it depends on whether people are able to perform their daily activities. For example many people do their rooting work daily
To know the health status one needs to consider not one but many issues such as social, economic, cultural, patterns etc.

Current physical fitness is very important to know the health status of any person by which person is healthy or not? It is known why

💟 Determinat Of Health According To Community Health

Many factors affect health, including the society in which a person lives.

(1) Biological determinants :-

Each person’s physical and mental health depends on the genes they inherit. Many diseases are hereditary. Like diabetes, hyper tension mental retardation etc.

Healthy genes are an important factor in good health. Apart from this, viruses, bacteria, animals, etc. around the person are also agents of diseases.

Behavioral and Socio Cultural :-

How a person behaves with family and society. It also affects health. Cultural and behavioral patterns and personal habits like smoking, alcoholism, etc. also affect health. A person’s parents, group, friends and mass media etc. also affect the life style. A healthy lifestyle is essential to stay healthy. Many problems are related to a person’s lifestyle. Eg: Coronary heart diseases, drug addiction etc…

In India, where there is a traditional lifestyle, poor sanitation, poor nutrition, poor personal hygiene and customs and habits are responsible for illness and death.

(3) Environmental :-

These are internal and external. Internal environment means body part, cell. TSU etc. while external environment includes physical, mental, sociological.

It is a fact that environment is directly related to physical, mental and social well-being. All three are interrelated when we talk about the health status of the population. If the environment is suitable then the physical and mental strength of the person develops.

(4) Socio-Economic Condition :-

This is an important factor affecting human health, the health status of most people in the world can be known from their socioeconomic condition. Nutrition, housing, education and politics system of the country,

(1) Economic System :-

Economic progress in most developing areas has reduced morbidity and increased life span, and improved quality of life while improving their purchasing power and living standards. The economic level of the people is determined based on how they live, the quality of life.

(2) Education :

This is another important factor affecting health status. In a world where poverty, malnutrition, and high infant and child mortality rates are high, ignorance is high, which also affects health.

(3) Occupation

People who do not have a business cause health or death. Loss of work leads to reduced income, which in turn reduces social status and causes psychological and social damage.

(4) Political health system

Health is also related to the political system of the country. Political reasons are more responsible than technical ones for the implementation of health technology.

(5) Health and Family Welfare Service

Health and Family Welfare Services The aim of health services is to maintain the health of individuals and communities, treat people and prevent illness. E.g. Immunization of children protects against smallpox.

(6) Population

2/3 of which people will be in developing countries. Most of them are in good health, but rapid population growth and chronic diseases and disabilities require special attention.

(7) Gender :-

Since 1990, more attention has been paid to females. Since 1993, there has been a greater awareness of women’s health in making policies related to women’s health, such as nutrition, reproductive status, etc. Also regarding its development d

  1. Other factors We know that information and communication technology has come a long way these days. Due to this revolution people can get medical information easily. In this, the services of rich physicians, health professionals, biomedical, scientists and researchers from all over the world are availed to the public through mass media. Other health care systems also play a very important role in maintaining the health of people

Admission Of Patient::
Admission of fashion means the process of admitting a patient to a hospital, the admitted patient is given appropriate treatment by observation, investigation and diagnosis in his department.

Purpose Of Admission ::

To receive the patient

To allow the patient to adjust to the hospital environment

To obtain patient related information

To take medical and social history of the patient

For observation, investigation, diagnosis and treatment of the patient

To provide safety to the patient and his relative

For the importance of patient diagnosis and treatment

Type of Admission::

Routine Admission:
The hospital has an OPD department. From where a patient comes to consult a doctor with case papers, at this time he has to be admitted many times for different investigations, treatment. Such admission is called routine admission.
Routine admission is also called plan admission because often the diagnosis of a patient who falls ill at regular intervals is determined at the OPD or OPD level. Then its history is taken. Also there is a need to be admitted for surgery or any other examination. If a kidney stone patient is shown in the OPD, from his history X-ray and sonography records, he is diagnosed with kidney stone and admitted for surgery. All the history of DCs in the OPD case paper, the information of the ward of his admission, work up the diagnosis. And there is a note of treatment.

Emergency Admission ::
In this situation, the patient is admitted to the emergency department of the hospital for immediate treatment.
E.g. Heart attack, poisoning accident, labor pain, diarrhea etc. require admission of patient in emergency. At such times, the nurse has to work with agility. The patient is immediately started treatment and the doctor is called.

Procedure of Routine Admission ::
If the patient is unable to walk, he is carried in a wheel chair or stretcher. Treatment is given after seeing the condition of the patient in the ward. If the patient is lying on the stretcher, be gentle with him so that he feels better.

Anyone trained with serious patients is referred.

Never send a female patient alone with a male attendant

The patient and his relative should be greeted politely.

If the patient is not able to sit, he should be given a stool to sit on. If not able to sit, he should be given a bed.

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