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Social change means a change in the way people think and act or a change in the way people live and it includes changes in the structure and functioning of social forms, all of which imply a change in social organization.

Changes in social relations within a social organization mean that social processes change and change within the social context.

Social change means changes in social phenomena over time.

Social changes are variations in accepted ways of life, whether brought about by changes in geographical conditions, cultural tools, population structure, or ideologies, and whether by group intervention.


Social change is a continuous process as population changes in technology values ​​and ideologies.This is different from social changes.

These changes are seen in all the societies of the whole world and also in the ways of life of all the societies.

These changes occur naturally or due to planned efforts

Social changes happen so slowly in some societies that they are not noticed and in some societies it is faster which means that social changes do not happen uniformly in the society which shows that the pace of change is not uniform due to time changes Predicting about social changes It is not possible to characterize the nature of social changes from this.

Social change occurs in all societies throughout the world.

Social change takes place in the whole community which means that the impact of social change is seen in that community.

The speed and extent of change is not the same in all societies.

Factors responsible for social change are not the same as change over time, therefore social change is influenced and related to factors of time.

Social changes occur as a result of natural or man-made efforts.

Forms of social change are difficult to predict.

Change refers to a series of narrow reactions, meaning that a change in one part of a social system usually affects others and additional people until a change in the entire mode of life is seen.

Social change depends on factors such as technological economic change.

Social change includes changes in any physical group, changes in social relations, and acceptance of new ideologies in place of old ones.

Social change is the result of a number of factors.


A universal phenomenon.

Change in community.

Social change is not always uniform.

are influenced by time.

are natural.

Reactions are always in sequence.


Social change is applied to something that implies change through time Social change can be explained by terms such as evolutionary progress adaptation and accommodation.

Social change

Terms used








The word evolution is derived from the Latin word evolution.

Evolere means to develop or unfold.

Evolution means change in size and structure, it is a process in which hidden or hidden characters are revealed.

Evolution exposes different languages ​​associated with the nature of changing objects when expressions operate within them, meaning that evolution involves changing adaptations to objects and their environment.

German sociologist von Baer developed the concept of evolution as a process of differentiation and integration.

Integration shows the increase in the size and structure of the society which can be seen as the structure i.e. the number or population of the society increases along with the civilized societies.

Evolution, which also includes progress in compatibility and diversity, is gradual and progressive and occurs in a massive evolution.

Evolution is the process of breaking away from old group norms and achieving a new norm. Social evolution is not imaginary but real according to McLever.


Growth means direct change in quantity of something or any change.

For example, there is an increase in the number of people, in other words growth means increase in population. Growth means social change in size.


Adaptation means adjustment to different situations.

It is a kind of change to meet different situations advanced technology and with it it is a kind of change to meet the changing conditions of people in which people adapt themselves according to the situation all these bring about a social change



Progress means development.

According to ogburn progress is a movement towards a goal which is done to move forward for a better future is called progress.

Progress is change but this change is change if it is in any desired or recognized direction. This progress does not have to be in any direction. Progress must have any one definite direction.

Progress means change for the better which conveys a value judgment. An increase in pride in progress,

Includes respect for freedom, promotion of freedom, and aesthetic enjoyment of nature’s work.

All the languages ​​in the social life of the society progress towards the desired end and when it fulfills the desired goal it is called progress.

According to mazundar h.t the statue must have the following things.

Enhancing human dignity.

To have a sense of respect for all mankind.

Ever-increasing freedom for spiritual exploration.

Aesthetic enjoyment of nature’s work.

A social system that promotes values.

Promoting life and liberty.

Thus progress is the benefit of the society itself.


A revolution means a sudden and major change that brings about social change.

The discovery of penicillin revolutionized medicine.

When thinking about advanced technology like computer, human life changed.


Accomodation is organizing oneself in a new environment, whatever the physical and social environment, accommodation has to be made in it.

Accommodation is a social progress that is a change in people’s behavior that helps them adjust to the environment.

According to maclaver:= Accommodation refers to the process by which one can achieve a sense of harmony with the environment.

Housing is a process related to social change.

Processes of social change include growth, progress, evolution, revolution, and adaptation and accommodation, all of which are interrelated.


The society has seen social change which happens from time to time.

This change varies from society to society it may be fast in one society and slow in another there are many factors influencing social change.

Biological Factor,

Physical Factor

Technological Factor,

Cultural Factors.

Biological Factors

Biological factors include plants, animals, and humans.

number of people,

human constitution,

Inherited quality of successful generations

The wave of happiness in society is always changing.

This can be seen from the life in ancient times and the life of people in present day.

This change has come gradually.

Only if the number of girls in the society increases, then different arrangements of marriage and family will come.

A higher birth rate results in population growth and a lower death rate due to improved medical and sanitary conditions.

With the change in the standard of living, there has also been a change in the attitude of the people.

The position of the woman in the family will change, the relationship between family members, and the self-reliance of the family.

Population growth affects people’s physical health and vitality.

From the above factor it can be seen that the quality of population affects the social structure and social institutions hence all the factors are included which are responsible for changes in population growth.

For example:=

birth rate,

death rate,

child mortality rate,

Increase in number of children and elderly,

Inequality between male and female ratio,

Increase in number of disabled,

Increase the number of people living in villages.

The standard of living decreases.


It provides some sort of physical causes that are responsible for changing society.

geographical environment,




sudden change,

volcanic eruption,

etc. etc

It has been found that the physical environment controls the social situation and the environment allows or limits the development of culture.

geographical environment

The geographical environment changes very slowly.

This same geographical environment can support very different cultures,

It has been observed that the geographical setting is a man-made part.

Man lives in a society of social relations.

So in most cases geographical environment produces social change

STROM (storms) :=

A storm changes the size and structure of a society.

Of which social relations are also affected, meaning that this can lead to social change.

EARTHQUAKES (earthquakes) :=

Earthquake causes destruction of natural resources, and loss of human life.

It results in important changes in the society thus social change takes place.

FLOODS (pur):=

Floods can give birth to Navagams in place of washed away villages

A dam will need to be built to prevent floods.

All this is leading to social change.


Sometimes there are epochal changes that raise parts of the earth’s surface, and submerge some parts. These changes play a large part in the transformation of society.


Volcanic eruptions are ready to bring new ones.

Due to this, there are changes in the society.

MISCELLANEOUS (other factors)

such as temperature changes,

There should be non-availability of certain resources like coal, iron, oil, etc

Lack of natural resources.


Technological changes are the cause of diversification in some organizations

The introduction of machine technology has not only changed the economy but also the structure of society leading to gradual erosion in the form of social groups.

Technology changes society by changing our environment.

This change to which we in turn adapt is usually in the physical environment. And the adjustments that come with change are often changes to customs and social institutions.

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