Man is a social animal.
No man can live alone he needs society to live.
SOCIETY is the whole large group from which a person comes.
Which means every person is directly or indirectly connected with each other and talking to each other and making a SOCIETY.
Thus all the people come together to form SOCIETY.
SOCIETY is a whole complex group with very close relationship between them and they are connected with each other and talk to each other and help each other.
SOCIETY is a large group consisting only of individuals.” It means that all individuals are directly or indirectly connected with other individuals.”
” SOCIETY is a complex of organized associations and institutions within a community.” A community is an area of social life marked by some degree of social cohesion. Community is a part of society.
“The term society refers not to a group of people, but to the norms of interaction that arise between and among them.”
No person can live alone, man is a social animal.
Any person’s activity starts immediately after entering the family group.
A person communicates with different people while staying in a group and shares his ideas and feelings.
This means that a human being lives in a social group and lives his life and develops his personality.
A social group is a group of people who are connected to each other.
People in a social group have similar objectives.
A social group consists of many people and people of many races live.
A social group is not static, it is always changing and its activity is increasing.
A social group consists of more than two people who talk to each other, know each other and form a whole unit and know each other.
A social group is very important to its people and society.
A social group performs many activities which are very necessary for the society.
Social groups vary from two individuals to a very large political party.
The rank of any person or the position of any person in any group is called the status of the person.
Norms are expected behavior of any group of individuals.
A person has a status in a group and according to that any person performs an activity.
Communication means communication. People communicate with each other in groups in different ways.
People communicate in groups by talking and interacting in different ways.
In this, people make changes according to the group and adjust themselves according to the group.
Any individual in a group communicates with each other and forms relationships with each other that are essential to the group.
In this, any person behaves in the same way to form his status in the group and to fulfill his interest.
In this group members influence and motivate each other to perform any task.
In this any person works to achieve any specific goal.
In this, the combined activity of the social group gives a reward after completing any goal.
In this social group gives a we feeling.
In this, the people in the society are the social identity and the social reality
The attitude of the people is good due to the growth behavior in the social group. And people have good behavior.
According to cooley:=
A) primary group,
B) secondary group.
According to summer:=
A) In group,
B) out group,
According to f.h.giddings:=
A)Genetic, B)Congregate
According to miller:=
a) Horizontal,
b) vertical
According to leopold:=
C) Abstract collection
GROUP have been classified as:=
a) class,
b) caste,
c) Tribe
In a primary group people are very related,
People can talk to each other face to face,
The primary group is small and has a nucleus.
Family is the basic unit of society.
Primary group like family members form the social nature and different ideas in the individual.
Primary group is mutual understanding between people.
CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIMARY GROUP (Characteristics of Primary Group):=
In primary group there is a very close relationship between people, they live together.
close contact: = people in primary group have close relationship with each other and are close to each other
stability (Stability) :=
It is very important to have stability in the primary group.
Due to this, people have a very close relationship and good relationship between family members.
less number of members i.e. small size:=
The primary group is small in size and there are few people so a good relationship is maintained between them.
cooperation(co operation):=
In the primary group there is a complete corporation between all the people so in any kind of situation they solve it and move on.
commone interest(common interest) :=
In this, all members of the family have a common interest and they work together.
similar background:= all the people of primary group have same experience and their intelligence level is same.
A person can learn his culture.
People can shape their personality.
A person may be meeting.
A person can express his emotions and anger.
Moral support is high among people.
People can get feelings of togetherness.
Maintains social control among people.
Maintains the process of socialization among people.
Teaches people to work according to rules.
Supports people to work together.
Thus primary group is very important any person is necessary for community and society.
Secondary group is very big
Individuals in the secondary group rarely come into contact with each other.
Secondary group does not have face to face contact.
There is no close relationship between them.
There are only formal relationships between people.
Characteristic of secondary groups:=
The secondary group is very large in size and includes many members.
In secondary group people have formal relationship with each other.
People in the secondary group do not have a close relationship with each other.
Being a member of secondary group is not mandatory for people in any way.
Secondary group is created to achieve any type of goal.
It involves indirect communication between people.
in group,
out group.
It is a group to which a person belongs or from which a person comes. Individuals in this group respect each other and cooperate with each other and have a close relationship with each other
They have the following characteristic.
They have somewhat almost the same attitude and the reaction is also the same.
There are feelings of connection between them.
They have a sense of sympathy and respect for each other.
It has a sense of co-operation and feeling of people towards each other.
There is a sense of brotherhood between them.
In this people are ready to sacrifice anything for others.
The example of in group are:=family, college, institution, hospital etc.
In this one does not belong to any kind of group but is outside the group.
They don’t even have a relationship between them.
All individuals are different.
It has the following characteristics among individuals.
commone descent
That is, the lineage of individuals in a class is the same.
same occupation (same occupation):=
Occupations are almost identical to individuals.
similar mode of life (similar mode of life):=
In this individuals have similar lifestyles.
similar form of behaviour: =
In this the behavior of individuals is similar to behavior.
same level of education (same level of education) :=
The education of the people is also almost the same.
Social class is distinguished based on people’s behavior standard of living.
The society is divided into three parts.
middle class,
Capitalist means that person has political power and enjoys high status.
In this the individual is the owner and they get the work done from the workers and give them employment.
middle class:=
This middle class does not have any kind of political power but it includes doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers etc.
Based on their income and standard of living, they are divided into three categories: upper middle class,
middle class, lower middle class.
This includes persons working in industries that require labor to maintain their standard of living.
In this group, individuals work and earn their living.
A political party is an organized group of people with a political affiliation and their votes.
A political group is created to fulfill any political aim.
Aim of political party:= To capture and control political power.
type of political party system:=
Following are the types of political parties:=
Non partisan (non partition) :=
This non-partition does not include any official political party.
single dominant party:= In this type of political power, a single political party exists and holds administrative power.
Smaller parties maintain the leadership of dominant parties, for example in China.
two dominant parties := Two political parties exist in this.
Both these parties meet and work together and any political act to get them and there is a close relationship between the two parties.
multiple parties :=
It is a system in which there are more than two parties working to achieve a political aim.
Example:= India, Canada, this type of political system exists.
Indian National Congress:=
This party was formed in 1885.
A.o.hume was its first president.
This was one of the largest Indian political parties and the National Congress Party was formed by splitting this party.
Jawaharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are members of the Indian National Congress Party.
Bhartiya Janata Party:=
Bharatiya Janata Party is known as BJP.
The President of Bharatiya Janata Party is Mr.M.Venkaiah Naidu.
This party is spread all over India.
the communist party of india:=
This party was formed in 1996.
This party was created by marxian ideology.
the samata party(The Samata Party): = The Samata Party is a case-based Janata Dal party.
Bahujan Samaj Party (bsp):
Shiv Sena
other parties :=
Telegu, Desam, DMK, Trinam Ool, and AIADMK. All these parties are political parties.
A political party performs the following tasks.
A political party conveys public opinion to the government.
Political parties convey public opinion to individuals of different political parties.
A political party identifies and implements the needs of the people.
Trains different public offices.
Thus, there is a political party and a whole separate group of them.
A tribe is a social group that shares a commone territory.
common religion
common language,
common culture,
common political organizations
Blood relationship
A tribe is a whole social group who share the same territory, have blood relations, who follow the same religion, so a tribe is a whole group of people who have many families and live in a particular area, have the same language, culture and history.
A tribe is a group of many families who have the same name, speak the same language, have the same occupation, live in a particular area and do not intermarry.
Carecteristic of tribe:=
common name,
blood relationship
Common language,
common territory
common political power
worship common ancestor.
A caste means a group of people who have a common name, a hereditary occupation, have a similar physical structure and live in a particular area and follow a common culture.
Society is divided into a number of castes in which the caste people fall into depends on their birth, including high and low castes.
Brahmins belong to the highest caste and sudras belong to the lowest caste.
Bramhan, (Brahman)
Earlier caste was also divided into caste and people were given their caste name by birth.
brahmins (Brahmins):=
Brahmin people perform any function be it pooja any new born baby naming also Brahmin works give dates for different functions Brahmin perform birth death or any kind of pooja.
Nai (Barber) :=
A barber is a barber who cuts the hair of children and adults in certain social and religious events.
kumhars (potters):=
Kumbha Ray makes pots out of clay and also makes big pots out of clay for storing clothes and food.
Chamar is a sandal made by stripping the skins of animals and repairing them.
Bhangi (Bhangi) :=
Bhangis work as sweepers and scavengers to clean the garbage from the street.
bania (বন্যায়ায়া):= Bania sells the necessary goods to the people and earns money.
Barhi (Barhi):=
A barahi is called a carpenter who works in making doors and windows and furniture.
lohar (blacksmith):=
A blacksmith is an old material maker of tools for farmers who are also called blacksmiths.
Sonar is a jeweler making ornaments for different ceremonies.
Religion is considered as belief in power which controls and directs human life.
Some people are superstitious and believe in mystical powers.
And some people believe that the power of religion is immortal.
Some people believe that religion is healthy and materialistic to get any particular.
Religion turns people towards religiosity.
According to Anderson and Parker every religion has the following four components.
faith in super natural power,
man adjustment to supernatural power
act defined as a sinful act.
method of salvation.
belief in super natural force:=
Man believes that all human conditions are caused by a super natural power.
man’s adjustment to supernatural power:=
People attune themselves to super natural powers by doing any kind of religious activity like prayer kirtan and sources etc.
Act defined as sinful:=
When a person does not do something according to his religion, people believe that that person has committed a sin and God punishes him and he has to bear God’s wrath.
method of salvetion:= People use some kind of methods to deal with god and get rid of their devastation.
Individuals who undergo such procedures to get rid of wrongdoings get Mukti.
Mob means disorderly crowd.
A mob of disorderly people or an organization of criminals.
A mob is a group of people who have taken the law into their own hands. It is a group in which people have come together for a specific reason and have come together to take the law into their hands and punish any person for an offence.
Often we hear of crowds in which people are trampled or trampled by people who get out of hand.
Riots occur after sporting events that cause extensive damage to property or injury to people.
Groups have incredible effects on individual behavior and group behavior tends to be more threatening than the typical behavior of individual members. Crowds are a powerful force in changing people’s behavior and crowds result in antisocial behavior.
Human behavior changes in response to social situations Each individual behaves differently in a small group or large crowd and behavior in a crowd is influenced by a number of factors A mob is a crowd of people that is out of control A mob is usually involved in robbery rather than a mob Any person possessed by a mob is formed by persons who commit exploitation or violence.
The word mob is usually derived from the Latin word group ‘mobile vulgus’ which means a mob that can be easily moved. Occlusivity is a word which means to threaten by a mob or group of people or by constitutional powers. Mob threats are often Because they have destructive potential.
Sometimes mobs oppress needy or independent minorities who are effectively controlled by the protections afforded to individuals under the rule of law by democratic government.
Mobs affect policies Mobs that resort to violence when they do not accept the mob’s decision cause fear and intimidate large numbers of people and try to win the day If a person is accused of doing something healthy to reject them, mobs riot and Mobs are manipulated by political leaders who make general demands. Mobs also gain and win power during revolutions and change policies.
Many people gather in crowd to achieve any one specific goal.
According to maclver:=
A crowd is a group of people who come into contact with each other for a short period of time and gather together.
According to Horton and Hunt:=
A crowd is a gathering of people for a short period of time to accomplish some kind of goal.
A crowd has a following characteristic:=
People are physically present in the crowd.
This is a temporary group.
This is a temporary organization.
A crowd is anonymous. Individuals in the crowd are free to do any work that they would ordinarily control, and the people in the crowd outsource that work.
Crowds cannot tolerate opposition and blindly accept whatever is convenient and resist instructions and reject them.
People in a crowd are emotionally connected and they get lost in the spirit of the crowd for a moment.
The crowd has no sense of responsibility.
They have no nature or culture of their own.
Crowding is usually destructive in nature.
A crowd is a group of people who are related to each other by caste and class or are not related at all.
on the basis if this le bon has classified in to parts :=
Homogeneous crowd :=
Any one is made up of a particular caste or class.
Heterogeneous crowd:=
The crowd does not belong to any caste or even class everyone comes from a different caste.
According to Blumer, the crowd is:=
The casual crowd.
The expressive crowd.
Conventional crowd (conventional crowd).
Active crowd.
On the basis of active or passive participation,
Active crowd.
Inactive crowd.
Active crowd:=
An active crowd is a gathering of people who actively participate in it and act in a common way to achieve a common end. An active crowd is formed by chance and is transient.
For example, students collectively stand in front of the principal’s office and shout slogans or break the window of the office from outside and all the people are active to fulfill any particular purpose.
An aggressive crowd consists of people who are aggressive in origin. Aggressive mix causes destruction. Example of an aggressive crowd is students participating in agitational activities during anti-medal movement. All members of the crowd are excited and its members copy each other in the crowd. Such mobs sometimes gather under the influence of rumours, are mostly uneducated and the laborers are made up of people like rickshaw pullers.
This crowd is formed out of fear and its members run here and there with the intention of saving their lives and there is no leader in this kind of crowd.
This involves people gathering together to get something in an acquisitive type of crowd, for example old people gathering in front of an office to get a pension.
In this expression mobs gather and become aggressive to get their demands met or to get their grievances redressed eg students sit in front of the principal’s office shouting slogans and slogans to get their grievances redressed.
These crowds are those in which people gather for the peaceful purpose of obtaining information and passive crowds are like audiences Passive crowds are broadly classified as follows :=
conversation crowd (to talk),
Information seeking crowd.
Distance Group relationships refer to how people in the group think and feel about themselves and act towards others.
Social caste is the largest important social institution. Caste behavior is deeply complex of people’s values, which reflect hierarchical equality and other forms of daily action and reaction of people. Any kind of food, gender and other social relations contacts between castes are permissible.
Economic inequality and caste-specific occupations have resulted in economic interdependence between and among groups.
All high middle and low special groups come under the contact of Luhar Dhobi.
People participate in national politics of regionalism participate in debates that have feelings towards each other Intergroup relations are gradually increasing in the larger political context of society People help each other to create a peaceful environment.
INTERGROUP RELATIONS : Ritual and Religious:=
Most of the caste groups have rituals and festivals that are celebrated by the people and help to bridge the structural divide between the castes.
Group behavior:=
According to Thenmozhi group behavior arises from factors that contribute to group effectiveness.
Well-defined role and status hierarchy Leadership has well-developed norms and strong group cohesion Increases groupthink range.
Defined as impairments in mental functioning, reality testing and group cohesion, moral judgment and action react as they sell a unique set of characteristics including structure, coherence, role perception and processes.
The type of society is not the same everywhere and throughout human history.
There are theee types.
1.tribal society
2.agrarian society
Tribal society:
A tribe is a group of people who share a common territory, common name, religion and culture.
People are bound by blood ties in this.
Some features of tribe:
Common Territory
Sense of Unity
Common Language
Endogamous (marries within a group)
Blood Relationship
Common Culture
Common Religion
Tribal society is a primitive society.
It can be found even today in the area of Africa, Asia, Europe
The main economic activities of these people are hunting, fishing and food gathering.
Agrarian society:
In an agricultural society, the economic activity of almost all people is agriculture, for example, India is an agricultural society.
Agriculture is associated with nurturing plants and animals in society.
People have a sense of “we” in an agrarian society where people live normal lives.
In this society people live with cooperation and collaboration.
In agrarian society its main part is in villages people help each other and people live happily and happily village people are simple and have a sense of unity among them and people are religious.
Industrial society:
The economic activity of an industrial society is the production of a factory.
The emergence of the modern family, traditionally the family, is the first feature of industrial society.
As such, men and women have equal rights and work together in factories.
Industrial society is characterized by new systems of product distribution and exchange.
Division of labor in industrial society Relationships in industrial society are moral rather than personal.
In this society class differences are seen more than caste differences.
The status of women is high in this society.
People are busy with so many activities they don’t have time for their children and themselves.
The number of divorces is increasing day by day, on the other hand the cases of drug related crimes and murders are increasing day by day.