▫️ Process of Socialization and Individualization.
➡️human being comes as a biological animal and desires to fulfill its needs.
➡️He is gradually developed as a social animal and learns the ways and means of living in the society and develops feelings accordingly.
➡️Without this process or without formation, a person cannot sustain himself in this environment and in the world, if that person wants to live a good life, he has to walk according to the policy, rules, culture of the society.
➡️And the process of this formation is called socialization
Following are the different definitions of socialization given by different sociologists.
➡️ Bogards has said that “Socialization is a process of working together by which we can create a sense of responsibility in a group and guide others for their welfare and fulfill their needs”.
According to Ogburn:- “Socialization is the process by which an individual learns the norms of behavior in a society and lives in its group.”
According to Ross:- “The development and growth of a sense of belonging which in itself increases the capacity for belonging and working together”.
Socialization is a process by which people living in a society can relate to each other.
➡️It is a complex process in which individuals interact through habits, skills, beliefs and standard judgments and participate in social groups and communities.
➡️In this, the quality of the society is kept in mind
➡️ Socialization is a process by which skills and behavior are formed within the individual and because of this society runs in a manner.
The process of socialization starts before the birth of the child
Some kind of social circumstances already determine how the child’s life will be after birth and the situation after birth is the situation that helps the society in its development and its effect on prenatal care and parental care. is happening
Some of the things that help socialize the baby after birth are as follows
➡️Reflex sets a kind of limit eg. T:- Secretion of saliva from the salivary gland when the taste of flesh enters the mouth.
Instincts :-
➡️ According to Trotter “Man’s behavior is according to his inner instinct”.
And according to McDougall “behavior can be called instinctive only if it is prompted or desired and has some sense of the outside world and depends to some extent on inherited structure and for that which is often characteristic of the species.” They are adapted everywhere and have the ability to do things
Urge :-
A dynamic force behind behavior is the starting point of socialization and provides the basis for human behavior.
➡️ Everyone is born with some capacity and that capacity increases as one learns new things.
Factors of process of socialisation:-
1. Imitation:- Imitation is the copying of someone’s action or actions, this copying is done consciously or unconsciously and this is an important factor for socialization.
D. T. :- A daughter wants to be like her mother or to be like her and a male child wants to be like his father and the child also learns language from his family.
2. Suggestion :- Suggestion is a way of communication in which information is given without any self-evidence. Suggestion language, picture etc. In turn, suggestion helps to change one’s own behavior and that of others. Education helps to use suggestion so people accept ideas and fulfill their wishes. External and internal are two factors that affect suggestions which are as follows
▫️ external condition:-group situation, which is the prestige of that person, public opinion
▫️internal conditions:-temperament, intellectual ability, emotional excitement, and ignorance
➡️ As the child grows up, he becomes aware of the nature of things and gets to know all these things and socializes because of knowing all these things. As he plays with toys and gets to know them
➡️ Language transmits culture and helps create personality and enables the individual to live in society.
Socialization is a process that begins at birth and continues until death. Socialization is an important matter for society. The process of socialization cannot be avoided but can be controlled through institutional channels.
Socialization helps the child to become a member of the society it gives social maturity through two sources.
▫️ First source
➡️ This includes people who have authority over others. For example teachers, parents, grandparents.
▫️ Second source
➡️ This includes people who have equal power with each other. For example friends, playmates, co-workers.
The process of socialization requires an egalitarian process along with an authoritarian process. When a child is born, his parents are his authoritarians, then when he goes to school, he has teachers and principals who are older than him who teach him something that makes him a better person. Along with this, egalitarian means those of his own age, whom he does not fear, schoolmates, playmates, siblings with whom he shares all his stories.
➡️ That is why both authoritarian and egalitarian are necessary for the process of socialization.
Chief Agencies:
1 – Family
2 – School
3 – Playmates
4- Religion
5- State
▫️1 – Family
➡️ Family member is closely associated with the child. They are the first step that socializes the child. A child learns language, speech, gestures, cooperation, tolerance, love, sacrifice from his family. Family environment influences a child’s growth. A child in a bad family learns bad habits, and a child in a good family learns good habits.
▫️2 – School
➡️ A child receives education from school which inculcates good ideals and attitudes in him. A good education makes a child a good citizen of the country and a bad inadequate education leads a child to become a criminal.
3 – Playmates
➡️ A child learns a lot from his friends which cannot be learned from his parents. He learns cooperation, ethics, fashion etc. which are essential from a social point of view.
▫️4 – Religion
➡️ In every religion, there are certain occasional religion related activities performed. Belief and way of life develop in him due to these religious activities. In religious places he receives teachings and his life is shaped by them.
▫️5 – State
➡️ Every state makes laws for people which help in shaping their behavior. If a person goes against the laws of the state he is punished.
Elements of Process of Socialization
A child learns the process of socialization by coming into contact with social stimuli. The first and earliest social stimulus for him is his mother. After that he comes in more contact with everyone else. He comes in contact with father, brother, sister, playmates, teacher, police and other persons who help in his formation.
Elements of Socialization:
➡️Personal inheritance – physical and psychological.
➡️ Environment – Family, Community, Society.
➡️ Culture – A child understands his culture through his family.
➡️ Personal Experience – Everyone matures when he experiences and learns from his family, community, and society.
Mother’s health status
Mother’s diet, lifestyle and prenatal care are very important for the mother’s health status. Early and regular medical checkup with an obstetrician is essential. Regularly check blood pressure, weight, urine analysis and information about pregnancy and position and development of the baby.
Good nutrition
A healthy pregnancy develops by consuming good nutrients. Adequate intake of protein, calcium, ions and vitamins is essential. A child’s growth slows down due to inadequate food and nutrient intake. Risks of delivery and low birth weight increase. Alcohol and smoking should be given up and self-medication should not be taken except as prescribed by the doctor.
Proper medical care
Problems caused by pregnancy can be detected, prevented and treated with proper medical care.
Toxemias of Pregnancy
Toxemias of pregnancy means complications occurring during pregnancy in which liver, kidney and other organs are damaged. Suddenly the blood pressure, protein urea and water content in the body increases. For example: After 20 weeks ED (swelling) is seen.
Congenital disorders
Congenital malformations occur due to many medications, poor diet and infections. For example: rubella infection during pregnancy or any genetic causes.
Ultrasound and Amnio Synthesis
Ultra sound means sonography and amniocentesis means taking a sample of amniotic fluid and sending it for testing. Congenital defects can also be identified with it.
Anti-rhesus vaccine
If the mother’s blood group is RH negative and the child’s blood group is RH positive, then the mother is given an Anti D injection immediately after the birth of the child. It can prevent red blood cell damage and prevent complications like Rh incompatibilities.
Premature baby
If the baby is delivered before 37 weeks and weighs less than 2.5 kg, it is called a premature baby. Place a monitoring device around the mother’s waist if signs of early labor are observed and the mother is at risk. Take the mother to the hospital immediately and take birth control pills.
Stages of Socialization
1.Birth of New Born Baby
The baby comes out when there are enough uterine contractions. The baby’s mouth is then immediately removed with suction to remove mucus.
Immediately after birth, the baby cries and the breathing process begins with it. The umbilical cord is cut and clammed. It stays for a few days and then falls off. If normal vaginal delivery of the baby is not possible then caesarean section is done.
During the post-partum period (the period from birth to 6 weeks), the mother’s organs return to their pre-pregnancy state. During that time many hormonal changes take place and breast milk is secreted from the breast.
Babies taking best milk are less likely to develop respiratory infections, skin disorders, constipation and diarrhea and also gain weight better.
The period from birth to one year is called infant period. During this time, the baby grows rapidly, teeth develop, and coordination of the muscular and nervous systems occurs as it tries to sit, stand, and grasp anything.
The period from the end of the infant period to the onset of puberty is called childhood. During this time the child develops physical growth, bowel and bladder control and communication skills like writing and speaking.
As the child comes in contact with people who love and care for him, he develops acceptance, worth and self esteem.
Self esteem develops in him later. Many children show in him responsibilities for taking care of himself and many look towards his family. For example: putting away his toys, making his bed or cleaning his table when able.
Decision making (the ability to take decisions by oneself) develops in a child during childhood. A child learns to make his own decisions. For example: What shall I wear today? Decisions are not always responsible and require parental guidance. The feeling of working, reading and completing work is awakened in the child, during which the child begins to understand many complex things in the world.
Adolescence is the period between infancy and adulthood that generally includes people aged 12 – 19 years. During this time, it is seen to grow rapidly. Girls (11-13 years) grow earlier and faster than boys (13-15 years) and secondary sex characteristics are also seen. Meanwhile, he seeks more independence from his parents and lives more with his friends and peer group. Most of the adolescent shares and agrees on his ideas and values with his parents.
➡️ According to parents, a healthy adolescent can be when….
To develop the child’s ability to act on his own, make him feel safe and prepare him for already disciplined behavior.
Stay in touch with the child. like ; Show interest in the activities the child does for his development and give him confidence and consent to do anything.
After adolescence the period of adulthood begins. During this time, not much physical change is seen in it. If daily exercise is done during this time and healthy life style is maintained then one can stay fit in old age.
➡️ Early adulthood – During this time they are independent and know their responsibility and build close relationships with others.
➡️Middle adulthood – During this time they set the goal of life and decide its standard. For example, leaving an unsatisfying job and moving on to something new.
➡️Late adulthood – This is the longest standing period of the life cycle. People look back on what they have accomplished or achieved and feel satisfied. However, this time is depressing for many who have not achieved close relationships with others and who feel that they have no control over destiny.
Throughout the life cycle, from birth to death, people undergo many physical, mental and social changes. Whoever copes with all these changes in a healthy way is the best in old age.
Biologically, a person becomes physically mature after the age of 25, when cells die faster than they are produced. Hardening, though brain condition and its (hardening) no specific duration. A person can stay young even at the age of 75 if he keeps himself active in current events every day and keeps fit.
➡️External signs of aging such as wrinkles on the skin, baldness (baldness) are seen in many people from the fourth decade and in many people are not seen until the sixth or seventh decade (a period of decades to ten years).
➡️ As an internal sign, the working capacity of his body system decreases. Sense organs become less sensitive. As the heart’s ability to pump blood and oxygenate the lungs decreases, so does the digestive and excretory system’s ability to process nutrients and remove waste products. Chances of many diseases also increase in old age like hypertension, cancer, arthritis. Already Correcting Harmful Behavior in Old Age. Adopting health-promoting behavior in young age to maintain good health status in old age.
➡️ Up to the age of 65 people have good mental health and are able to take care of themselves. A few people develop dementia (loss of memory and brain function). Alzheimer’s disease is a common cause of dementia. Depression is often seen as dementia in older people. Dementia often regresses when depression is treated.
➡️ In old age, many people are also traveling with social problems. Many people experience age discrimination. Many people change the idea about old age people such as intellectual failure. Loneliness is also a social problem of elderly people. To prevent social isolation among elderly people, encourage them to make new friends and participate in new activities.
A right is a freedom which is good and necessary for oneself and the community. Fundamental rights are the charter of rights contained in the constitution. There are seven fundamental rights of an individual recognized by the constitution:
Right to equality
Right to freedom
Exploitation and the right to protest
Right to religious freedom
Cultural and educational right
Right to constitutional remedy
Right to property
Fundamental rights are designed to address social activities and pre-independence inequalities.
Right to Equality:
All citizens are equal in terms of law and no one is discriminated against on the basis of religion, caste, sex, color, place of birth and all citizens are given equal opportunity according to merit. Equal opportunity is created for every citizen. No citizen shall be discriminated against in relation to employment or appointment to any office under the State.
➡️ Right to Freedom:
Every citizen of the country has been given the freedom to express his thoughts, they are now free from ancient slavery. Every citizen has been given the freedom to move, live and do business throughout the country. According to fundamental rights every citizen has the following freedoms;
Freedom of speech and expression
Freedom to form associations and unions
Freedom to move freely throughout India
Freedom to live and settle in any part of India
Freedom to study and pursue any profession
Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms
➡️ Cultural and educational right
This right allows every citizen of India to pursue his cultural and educational pursuits as far as he wishes. The citizens living anywhere in the country as well as the people living in the region have been given the freedom to have, maintain and develop their own language, dialect, ideals, values etc.
No citizen shall be admitted on the ground of religion, caste, language, sex, etc., in the educational institutions of the State or in institutions which are funded by the State.
All minorities, whether on the basis of religion or language, have the right to establish and run an educational institution of their choice. The State shall not discriminate against any educational institution while providing grant (aid); Be it on the basis of minority or language or religion.
➡️ Right to Religious Freedom:
Every citizen of India has the freedom to adopt any religion of his choice.
The right to freedom of religion is a fundamental right guaranteed under Article 25 of the Constitution.
➡️ Right to protest against exploitation:
The main objective of the constitution is to establish an exploitation-free society where no person is exploited by another person in any way. The fundamental right is as described in the constitution;
Article 23 – Prohibition of traffic in persons and forced labor
Traffic in human beings and begging work and many other similar activities like forced labor are prohibited if anyone violates this law he will be punished according to the constitution.
According to this right the State does not prevent services rendered in respect of people. The state does not make any kind of discrimination between religion, caste, gender.
Article 24 – This article prohibits child labor in factories or other places. Children below 14 years of age are prohibited from working in factories or engaging in any hazardous work.
➡️ Right to constitutional remedy
No matter how many laws are enacted, fundamental rights are provided but if they are not properly implemented, such freedom has no meaning. Therefore provision has been made for enforcement of these rights. If citizens are deprived of their fundamental rights, they can resort to the courts. This is why Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar called this right as the ‘soul’ of the Constitution. This right is the freedom of every citizen of India to stand up to anyone for his rights, even if it is the Government of India.
Any person can go to the Supreme Court for justice through provision of his rights.
No law shall ever be suspended; Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution.
Fundamental Duties: As some fundamental rights have been given to the citizens, some fundamental duties for the citizens have been included in the constitution which are as follows;
To be faithful to the Constitution and to respect its ideals and institutions, the national flag and the national anthem;
To cherish and follow the noble ideals that inspired our national struggle for freedom;
To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
To do so when called upon to protect the country and perform national service;
To promote a sense of harmony and equal brotherhood among all the people of India, without regard to religious, linguistic, regional or communal distinctions, to renounce practices which demean the dignity of women;
To value and preserve the rich heritage of our integrated culture;
To preserve and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild animals and to have compassion for living beings;
To cultivate a scientific mind, humanism and a sense of curiosity and improvement;
to protect public property and to renounce violence;
To strive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity, so that the nation may continue to progress by learning ever higher standards of manhood and achievement.
A parent or guardian to provide educational opportunities to their child or child between the ages of 6 years to 14 years.