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Sociology means the study of society or the study of society.


Improper personal opinion or opinion influencing a decision or judgment.


Unfair and unreasonable views (unfair).


Not clearly stated or (not clearly stated)

Systematic study of structure and behavior through observation and experiment.

  • Introduction

The term sociology was coined in 1839 by the French philosopher Auguste Comte.

It is considered the science of human society and social science.

All humans have to interact with other humans to survive.

Sociology is a word composed of two words, Societus which is a Latin word. It means society. The word logic is derived from the Greek word logos, meaning to study or to study.

Sociology means the scientific study of the society, i.e. the scientific study of the people in the society is called sociology.

The basic component of a society is the culture and its structure among the people of the society.

Sociology is the study of the behavior of any individual among individuals in society.

Concept of sociology

Sociology is considered as the study of society so the basic concept of sociology is society.

A society is a large social group that occupies the same geographical area, shares a common culture and social structure, and is expected to follow rules and laws.

A basic component of a society is its culture and structure.

A culture prevails in a society and rules and restrictions exist to regulate the behavior of the society.

Basic concepts of sociology

Sharing of large social groups,
Similar geographic region, social structure,
General culture.

Knowledge, language, values, customs and material things that are passed down from generation to generation in a society.

Culture includes norms, values ​​and beliefs.

Includes physical objects and activities and technology.

Norms (rules)
Rules that define behavior as appropriate or inappropriate by a particular society’s standards.
Rules can be in the form of customs or laws.

Sanctions are rewards and punishments for appropriate and inappropriate behavior or behavior, respectively.

Values ​​are socially agreed upon ideas (right or wrong), often referred to as cultural themes such as individualism, nationalism, etc.

Beliefs are ideas about how the world works or should work.

Symbols represent something like gestures or language.

Social Structure
Social structure is the complex structure of social institutions and social practices that make up society and that regulate and set limits on people’s behavior.

Status is a place in the hierarchy of society.

Roles are a set of expectations, rights and privileges that accompany a position or status.

Social Group
A collection of people who come together for a purpose.

A physical organization such as schools or workplaces (offices) that embodies how things are traditionally done with groups.

  • Definition of sociology

According to LT Hob House,
The subject of sociology is the action and reaction of the human mind.
It means how one’s mind acts and reacts with another person’s mind.

Kimball deals with men’s behavior in a sociology group according to Young.

According to HP Fair

Sociology is the study of the relationship between man and his human environment.
As we know society is a network of all social relations how a person is arranged with the members of the society, how social he is.

RE Park and FW Burgess
According to Sociology is the science of collective behavior. Human society is made up of individuals, each person needs another person because of dependence. Everyone comes in contact with other people.

According to LF Ward, sociology is the science of society or social phenomena.

According to Young and Mack sociology is the scientific study of the structure of social life. Sociology uses scientific methods like, sociometry, interview methods etc. The social line structure includes the role of the individual in the society, culture, values ​​etc.

According to Gillin and Gillin Sociology is the study of action reactions arising from the association of living beings.

  • Nature of sociology

There is controversy about the nature of sociology as a science Some critics do not consider sociology a science but some consider it a science.

A) Sociology cannot be considered as a science

  1. In society we do not use any laboratory for experiments because, in case of other physical sciences no prediction is possible. On the other hand the subject of sociology is human relations in a group which cannot be studied in a laboratory.
  2. The second is objective or lack of objective. A person’s behavior is dynamic, there may be biases, prejudices about other persons or races. Using the scientific method one cannot maintain complete objectivity or objectivity with the objects of his experiments as a physician does, so it is not possible for him to observe his subject with complete objectivity.
  3. Third is the lack of accuracy. The accuracy of science depends on its subject. Science should be able to formulate certain laws based on observation and hypothesis. Such laws should enable us to make accurate predictions. So sociology cannot be considered a science due to lack of predictability and its rules and results are certain. Can’t be expressed in words.

4.Fourth sociology lacks precise and clear definitions or terminology.

Sociology has not yet developed an adequate set of scientific terms, unless we use terms that have specific and clear meanings, not vague meanings, sociology cannot be a science.

B) Sociology is a science

  1. Sociology uses scientific method as sociometry, questionnaire, interview and scale of care history.

The basic methods of scientific inquiry available to the sociologist are: observation and comparison.

  1. Some experiments do not require a lab as another example of studying astronomy relates to the experiments of Newton and Archimedes.

4.It finds laws that can be applied in the social practice of a community in general.

  1. It studies the impact relationship like the relationship between urbanization and family disorganization.
  2. He studies his subject scientifically.

Relationship with other social sciences

  1. Relationships of sociology with anthropology

Anthropology means human science.

AL Kroeber called sociology and anthropology as twin sisters.

Anthropology is derived from two Greek words ‘anthropos’ meaning man and ‘logos’ meaning study.

Thus anthropology means the study of man eg the study of human development.

It is divided into physical and cultural anthropology.

Cultural anthropology is again divided into subgenres. For example social anthropology, archaeology, ethnography, ethnology, linguistics This means that anthropology studies all types of sociology for different cultures.

Modern social anthropology has developed an approach that is relevant to any region, Western or non-Western, and that is unique in that it challenges ethnocentrism, ready with cross-cultural comparisons.
Although alert to possible universals, the long-term practice of participant observation is now standard.

The social anthropologist owns the peculiar culture, which is taken as the explanation of the need of the nation.
The discipline long ago shifted its emphasis on preliterate society to regions with literate people and regions of the word.

It has been extended more systematically to the study of peasant and urban groups.

Both for the powerful and the powerless, and for the whole range of capitalist society.

So society has to rely on sociology to understand the social phenomena of the present time from our knowledge of the past, it also depends heavily on the material provided by sociology.

  • Difference between Sociology and Anthropology


Sociology studies dynamic and large cultures.

Sociology is the study of the current events.

The study of sociology is specialized in nature.

Sociologists with their studies suggest the meaning for long-term improvement

Sociology is concerned with social institutions.

It uses documents and surveys.

It studies various aspects and problems of the society and gives guidance to change them.


Anthropology studies cultures that are small and stable in nature.

Anthropology is the study of man and his culture.
Anthropology has evolved over a long period of time.

The study of anthropology is general in nature.

An anthropologist is more neutral and does not offer suggestions.

Anthropology is primarily concerned with man.

It uses a functional method.

He studies thoroughly.

Relationship of sociology with psychology

Sociology and psychology are related to each other.

Knowledge of human behavior with an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human needs in the context of broader social problems.

Psychology understands the behavior of a person, personality of a person, psychosocial needs, cultural needs of a particular group and psychology or psychology about this.

There is much overlap between psychology and sociology.

Relationship between sociology and psychology


Society is the basic unit.

It is a science for society that studies the relationship of individuals.

Sociology analyzes social processes.

Sociology studies individual behavior from the perspective of society.

It studies man as a part of social system and social institutions and social processes will be used in social action reactions.


A person is the basic unit.

It is the science of the human experience of behavior.

Psychology analyzes mental processes.

Psychology studies human behavior from a psychological perspective.

Studies man as an individual and action reaction with heredity and environment, mental and psychological processes.

Relationship of sociology and social psychology

Social psychology is an important and long-standing field that has evolved since the first decade of this century.

William McDeagle gave his introduction to social psychology in 1908.

Although its terrain is not well defined.

Within the framework of psychology, social psychology focuses specifically on the study of face-to-face social action reactions.

Makes significant use of small group experimental studies.

Although more sociology is social psychology, specifically symbolic interactionism. Influenced by methods employed as participant observation.

sociology and social psychology

Social psychology

It studies the behavior of an individual in society.

Social psychology studies the mental process of an individual.

It is a personal study of attitudes towards cultural and social values ​​and laws related to these values.


A group of people can be studied at a time.

Sociology studies social processes, laws related to society, values ​​related to society.

Sociology discusses the structure and functioning of society.

Importance of Sociology in Nursing Profession

Write the importance of sociology in nursing profession.

It is a very important branch of scientific study of society and the people living in it.

In the nursing profession, the study of sociology is very important for many issues related to patient, patient treatment and hospital and health care team.

Sociology is very important for the hospital staff to understand the culture of the patient and his social life.

Through the study of sociology one learns about the diversity of different religions of different people and their caste and community.

Treatment can be provided keeping in mind certain beliefs etc. during the treatment of the patient.

Cooperation and team spirit is maintained among individuals through the study of sociology. Team spirit and cooperation can be gained by studying sociology while working with patients in a hospital as a nurse.

Through the study of sociology, the social relationship can be well maintained and the patient’s confidence can be won in the treatment of the patient, his recovery and also in the different types of nursing care given to him.

While working in the community, through the study of sociology, getting information about the community, and the culture and knowledge of the people living there, sociology is also very important in preventive services.

Through the development of different branches of sociology, sociology is also very important in different aspects of nursing like industrial nursing, public health nursing.

Through the study of sociology, the social problems that arise during treatment can be understood and solved so that better treatment can be given to the patient.

Thus, through the study of sociology, high quality patient care can be provided and patient participation can also be obtained properly.

  • scope of sociology. (Scope of Sociology)

Sociology is a very fast developing subject. Which society is developing very rapidly for the study of different stages of human social life.

The following sub-divisions are developing in Sociology.

Social Morphology.

Geographical study of life is done in this and population problems are also studied.

Social Physiology

It is a branch of sociology dealing with social facts. In which religion, morals, policy rules, language etc. are studied on the aspect of sociology.

General Sociology.

In which the general characteristics of the society and the relationship of the person living in it are studied.

Rural Sociology.

In which sociology related to rural area is studied.

Industrial Sociology.

Sociology is studied related to the industry and the people working in the industry and living there.

Urban Sociology.

It includes the scientific study of people living in urban areas and their societies.

Educational Sociology.

A scientific study of education related matters is done among the people of this society.

Occupational Sociology.

Sociology is studied in relation to the people in this society and its different occupations.

Cultural Sociology.

Scientific study is done related to different people living in this society and its different culture.

Political Sociology.

In this, scientific studies related to different political groups and political activities are done.

Apart from this, scientific study of medical sociology, military sociology, sociology of family and various different branches of sociology is done in sociology.

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