In 1950 the Government of India established the Planning Commission to formulate a program of social welfare in the country through the most effective and balanced utilization of the country’s resources.
In 1953 a Central Social Welfare Board was set up to distribute the funds.
Funds were provided to strengthen, improve and expand existing activities in voluntary service organizations and social welfare strands, and to develop new programs and undertake pilot projects.
This board is an autonomous body. And it includes women and welfare state government representatives.
In 1964 Social Welfare Department was created for general social welfare.
In 1985, organized a social program for general social welfare and coordinated welfare services.
It is maintained by the Government of India, State Governments and National Voluntary Organisations.
The Department of Women and Child Development formulates and implements policies and programs for welfare.
Woman welfare
Mahila Kalyan in which the main programs for the welfare of women are carried out as follows…
Legislation: Law
Education: Education
Employment: Employment
Other programs related to women’s welfare
This Act was adopted in 1950 as per the new Constitution of India.
Equal rights were given to women and men.
According to the new constitution, women have the following rights…
To vote
To be elected
To hold public office
Amendments to the Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Bodies Bills have 30 per cent reservation for women in elected and constituted bodies.
As women suffering from many disabilities were also considered to be relieved by various laws. like..
To Hindu marriage act and divorce it 1995
The Hindu guardianship act 1956
Dowry prohibition act 1961
Marriage Law Amendment Act 1976
The equal remuneration act 1976
The child marriage restraints amendment act 1978.
The Central Government provides grants for education under this program to establish colleges only for girls as lack of education was a major hindrance to the advancement of women.
Girls in schools and colleges were given scholarships and other incentives like clothing and tuition Adult education centers were established.
Where women were given education in various fields like family nutrition etc.
Women are imparted skills in education knitting work etc.
Literacy programs for women were started under the Ministry of Welfare.
Education program for women
Financial Aid to Schools and Colleges.
Scholarships and other incentives for girls.
A center was established for the education of women.
Women’s Polytechnic established to train women where relevant training is imparted to women.
Repair and maintenance of electronic equipment
Stitching and cutting
Handloom weaving
Typing and Stenography
Various Engineering Diploma
Income generation programs were also initiated with the objective of providing training and continuous employment to the weaker sections of the society.
Schemes were initiated to provide vocational training and employment to the affected women to make them economically viable.
A scheme known as STEP was formulated to provide assistance to women in employment in various sectors like handicrafts, handloom etc.
Corporations like Mahila Vikas Nigam are established by the State Government and Union Territories.
The Corporation provides loans at subsidized rates of interest to support and encourage entrepreneurship among women Training and orientation camps are also arranged for women to make proper use of the financial assistance of the Corporation.
Handicraft centers were established to teach traditional and non-traditional arts.
All women can undertake independent economic activities.
A number of assured and guaranteed employment programs were undertaken by the Corporation for these women.
They are given a stipend during training.The corporation provides marketing support to the women so that they can distribute their products.
Vocational courses for women
Inauguration of Polytech
Vocational training employment and residential care for afflicted women
STEP Scheme to support women in employment
Establishment of Corporations to provide training, loans at subsidized rates
It was observed that working women face lack of accommodation.
To overcome this difficulty, a Central Scheme of Assistance for Construction of Hostel Buildings was launched in 1972.
Financial assistance was provided to the voluntary organization for constructing such buildings. The financial assistance was 50% of the cost of the land and 75% of the construction cost of the hostel.
Establishing a hostel for a population of ten lakhs meant that small towns and villages towns with less than 10 girls and those lakhs of population were not benefited. Only big cities and towns benefited.
In view of this, the criteria were revised and a decision was taken to sanction hostels where working women needed this facility.
Financial assistance is provided to voluntary agencies to run short stay shelters for women and girls facing stress exploitation etc. under the chairmanship of the Minister of State for Women and Development.
An Advisory Committee was constituted to review the performance of the program and suggest measures for its improvement and expansion.
Establishment of Mahila Mandal in 1961:
Mahila Mandals were established in 1961.
It provides maternity and health services educational training.
Family life institutes
The services provided in this are counseling services, family education, moral upliftment, etc.
Voluntary organization for women betterment
It has a training camp to prevent atrocities against women especially by creating awareness among women to prevent atrocities against them.
Voluntary organizations working for welfare and development of women in India:
Council for women welfare
Mahila mandal
Kasturba Gandhi trust
Bhartiya gramin mahila Sangh
Young women Christian association
National federation of Indian women
Indian Red cross
Indian prostitute’s welfare society
Indira Gandhi trust
Family Planning Association of India
Legislative measures
Government of India has enacted laws for the welfare of children.
According to Section 25; No child below 14 years of age shall work in any hazardous factory or factory.
As per Section 39; Do not ask children to work in occupations that are not suitable for their age and strength.
According to Section 45; Free and compulsory education for all children up to 14 years of age and various laws were enacted by the state for child welfare.
The Hindu adoption and maintenance act 1956
Women’s in children’s institutions (licensing) act, 1960
Juvenile justice act, 1986
Government of India and State Governments have adopted measures for implementation of National Policy for Children.
The Integrated Child Development Services Program under this policy was implemented in 1975 for the purpose of… are as follows..
Improve the nutrition and condition of children aged six to six years.
To develop the physical psychological and social development of children as a whole.
Reducing child morbidity and mortality.
Reducing the number of children dropping out of school.
Implementing policies to promote child development.
Who ICDS Program is for:
For children under six years of age
For expectant mother
For the nursing mother
Woman in reproductive age (15-44 years)
Services provided in Anganwadi under this program…
Supplementary nutrition
Referral Services
Non-formal preschool education
Health education
Health structure of ICDS:
When the number of anganwadi
In rural: less than 150
In urban: less than 100
In charge of ICDS program- child development project officer
Anganwadi workers
When the anganwadi are.
In rural: 150 or more than 150
In hilly/tribal: 100 or more than 100
Incharge of ICDS project: child development project officer (CDPO)
Assistant CDPO
Anganwadi workers
Anganwadi worker is a voluntary women worker of the local community. This anganwadi worker is supervised by the head sevika.
Medical College ICDS provides training to medical and paramedical staff and conducts surveys to know the nutritional status of children and parents.
Day Care center for working women:
Day care centers have been established where the children of working women are kept and care is provided through education, health check-up, recreation and nutrition.
Other programs related to child welfare are:
Mid-day meal program
Establishment of Children’s Park
Early Childhood Education Center
Cultural and recreational activities like sports competitions and cultural programs are organized for the children.
Children’s growth is neglected due to the impact of urbanization, industrialization and western culture.
Due to which the elderly suffer from many economic social and mental problems.
This creates the need for welfare services for the aging population.
Welfare services provided to old age people:
A pension scheme was launched for those who retired from government services.
Pension is given as per prescribed formula
Along with pension, other facilities like reimbursement of medical treatment and leave encashment benefits are available from above.
A pension is provided to the elderly not in government service which is a fixed sum of Rs 300 per month.
These schemes are run in government and private institutions where medical services are easily provided to the geriatric population.
The Government of India under the Kalyan Yojana for Old Age established old age homes to provide residential facilities and other facilities like recreational needs where the old age people are entertained through physical and mental activity.
It is designed for voluntary organizations and welfare of the elderly.
help age India
age care India
help age India
HelpAge India is a voluntary organization headquartered in Delhi with 22 centers in major cities.
The major activities in this institute which are as follows…
To create awareness about the needs of the elderly in the society
Organizing various events like debate painting etc
To provide training to persons engaged in the old program
Managing the Mobile Medicare Unit
To establish training research and development centers to study issues and problems related to geriatrics and aged care in the current and changing context.
age care India
Same Care India is a voluntary organization providing services to men and women above 50 years of age.
Housing Residential and Institutional Services
Educational Recreational Social Cultural and Spiritual Services
Medical services
Part time job
Tours for old age
Services of professional consultant for taxation duties pension etc
Research and study on aging problems
Building understanding and providing an environment conducive to aging
Age care India has four types of members.
Founder member
Life member
Associate member
Temporary member
Sources of income for Age care India and other voluntary organizations viz..
At the time of admission of people
Fee of membership
The same Care India was created from 18 November 1980 to 1981 for the welfare of the elderly.
18 November is celebrated every year as elder’s day.
Other benefits for old age:
Advantage while traveling in Railways.
Hospitals get preference for medical services.
In other words opd has separate sections or counters for registration and to provide geriatric priority services.
There are separate counters for paying taxes and getting tickets for railway and bus journeys.
According to the 2001 census reports, 2.1 crore people of the total population of the country are disabled.
1.67 percent of the total population between zero and 19 years of age has a major disability.
Disabilities include the hearing impaired and the mentally retarded.
Many organizations work to make disabled persons self-sufficient and independent.
Establishment of national institutes:
There are many national organizations for the disabled such as training of professionals, educational maternity production and research in rehousing and development of appropriate medical services for the disabled under the Ministry of Welfare.
National organizations established for the welfare of persons with disabilities like…
National institute for the orthopedically handicapped at Kolkata
National Institute for Visually Handicapped at Dehradun
National institute for the mentally handicapped at secundarabad
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for Hearing Handicapped at Bombay.
Rehabilitation Councils were established under the Ministry of Health.
Where training program is provided for rehabilitation of disabled persons.
District Rehabilitation Center Scheme was started for disabled persons living in rural areas.
The scheme envisages comprehensive identification of persons with disabilities.
The center arranged services like medical rehabilitation educational vocational and placement for persons with disabilities.
Government of India manufactures aids and equipments for disabled training institutes to provide training to the disabled.
Established synthetic medical product corporations for training.
Voluntary sectors were set up by the government.
Three percent reservation for disabled persons in government and public sector is provided by the government.
Provision is made for persons with disabilities.
Special concessions for bus train and air travel etc. are given to persons with disabilities.
Handicapped are given preference in contracts for running STD/ISD.
This involves providing or subsidizing artificial aids for persons with disabilities.
Libraries like Braille library provide support for mentally challenged people like home scholarship etc. This government also awards social workers for serving people for the welfare of disabled people.
Drug addiction is a major social problem.
Which is affecting the children and youth of the country.
Most drug abusers are illiterate.
To deal with the problem of drug abuse, this problem needs to be controlled.
There are many departments for it which are as follows..
The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances Act was enacted in 1985.
It provides medical treatment for addicts.
In this related publicity, all the information about the disadvantages of drug addiction and how to deal with the problems caused by it is conveyed to the people so that they can lead their normal life again.
Departments like Education Youth Affairs and Sports Department under HRD help in how to deal with the problem of drug addiction.
Ministry of Welfare takes all the steps that a person has drug addiction. and helps people.
It includes the following.
Awareness should be brought to individuals and public.
Identification of the person who is drug addicted.
A person who is drug addicted should be given treatment.
A person who is a drug addict is told how to undergo rehabilitation.
From all this it can be concluded that Ministry of Welfare is concerned with educational and social welfare aspects.
There are various activities involved in the welfare of drug addicts…
In which…
Counseling Centre
Voluntary Organizations Welfare of people is done by these two.
Awareness and education is imparted among people.
De-addiction centers are created.
Coordinated and coordinated efforts are made for the purpose of curbing drug abuse.
Illegal drug trade is controlled.
Drug addicts are identified, treated and rehabilitated.
The Government of India enacted the Narcotics Drug and Psychotrophic Substances Act 1985 and 1988 to deal with the situation like curbing the illegal traffic.