1) Acute respiratory distress syndrome: This is a serious condition in which fluid builds up in the air sacs and lungs. As a result, oxygen cannot be transported and the level of oxygen in the blood decreases.
2) Air trapping (air trapping): In air trapping there is retention of air inside the lungs. Not all air is expelled during expiration and the lungs fill up.
3) Alpha1 antitrypsin: Alpha one antitrypsin is a protease inhibitor. Which is produced by the liver. Alpha one antitrypsin prevents lung damage caused by inhaling irritants and protects the lungs.
4) Aphonia: Aphonia means No Sound. Voice cannot be produced due to damage or infection in the larynx.
5) Apnea: Session of breathing
6) Asthma: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory tract. In which there is airway hyperresponsiveness leading to airway narrowing and mucosal edema and mucus production.
7) Atelectasis: In atelectasis, the alveoli, lobes and lungs are partially or completely collapsed.
8) Bradypnea: Slow breathing rate
9) Bronchoscopy: Bronchoscopy involves direct examination of the larynx, trachea and bronchi through an endoscope.
10) Bronchitis: Infection and inflammation of the bronchi is known as bronchitis.
11) Bronchiectasis : In bronchiectasis chronic dilation of bronchi and their branches is seen and pouches develop in them.
12) Broncospasm: Contraction and tightening of the muscles lining the bronchi. Due to which airway narrowing occurs.
13) Bronco dilator: A bronchodilator is a type of medicine that relaxes the muscles in the lungs and widens the airways.
14) Choking : Blockage of airflow due to an object (mainly food piece) stuck in the throat and wind pipe is known as choking.
15) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: This is a type of respiratory disorder. In which airflow is obstructed due to chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
16) Clubbing: Nailbed becomes wider and round shape.
17) Cynosis: Bluish discoloration of skin and mucus membrane.
18) Dyspnea: Dyspnea means difficulty in breathing or labored breathing.
19) Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing
20) Emphysema: Alveoli lose their elasticity leading to over distension of air sacs and destruction of alveolar walls.
21) Empyema: Abnormal pus collection seen in pleural cavity is known as empyema.
22) Epistaxis : Bleeding from the nose.
23) Hemoptysis: Presence of blood in sputum.
24) Hemothorax: Accumulation of blood in the pleural space.
25) Hoarseness: Hoarseness is also known as dysphonia. Horseness is an abnormal voice in which a rough and breathy voice is heard while speaking.
26) Hypercapnia: High level of CO2 in the blood. An increase in the partial pressure of CO2.
27) Hypoxia: Low oxygen levels in tissues and cells.
28) Hypoxemia: Low oxygen level in blood.
29) Induration: Abnormally hard lesions in the body. Also the skin tissue becomes thick and hard. Such a reaction is observed when the tuberculin test is positive.
30) Laryngitis: Infection and inflammation of the larynx is known as laryngitis.
31) Logenges: Logenges is a small medicated tablet. It is slowly dissolved in the mouth which stops phlegm and relieves throat irritation.
32) Mechanical ventilator: A mechanical ventilator is a positive and negative pressure breathing device that aids ventilation and oxygenation.
33) Metered dose inhaler: A metered dose inhaler is a small hand held device. There are certain types of medicine that are administered into the body through inhalation of the medicine.
34) Nasal flaring (nasal flaring): Nostril widening while breathing.
35) Obstructive sleep apnea: Absent breathing for some time while sleeping.
36) Orthopnea: Breathing difficulty is seen in flat lying down position (while sleeping on a flat surface) whereas breathing difficulty is not seen in upright or standing position.
37) Pallor: Skin pale color.
38) Pharyngitis: Infection and inflammation of the pharynx is known as pharyngitis.
39) Pneumothorax: In pneumothorax, air is trapped in the pleural space between the lung and the chest wall and the lung collapses.
40) Pneumonia: Infection and inflammation of lung parenchyma is known as pneumonia.
41) Pleural effusion: Abnormal fluid accumulation in the pleural space.
42) Pleural friction rub : A grating and cracking sound is heard due to rubbing of inflamed and roughened parietal and visceral pleura against each other which is known as pleural friction rub.
43) Pleural space: The space between parietal and visceral pleura is known as pleural space.
44) Postural drainage: Postural drainage is a technique in which the patient is given a certain position so that the secretion in the airway is drained with the help of gravity.
45) Pulmonary edema (Pulmonary Edema): due to accumulation of pulmonary fluid, it is seen in AD. This is known as pulmonary edema.
46) Pulmonary embolism (pulmonary embolism): Obstruction in one or more vessels in the lung is seen due to a blood clot, air bubble or fat droplet.
47) Purulent: Purulent means made of pus, discharge of pus.
48) Retraction (Retraction): When a person breathes in, the muscles between the ribs and the neck sink are pulled inward, this is known as retraction. Retraction indicates hard breathing.
49) Respiratory weaning (respiratory weaning): Gradually and systematically reducing the support of ventilation so that the patient can process ventilation on his own.
50) Rhinitis: Infection and inflammation of the mucus membrane in the nose is known as rhinitis.
51) Rhinorrhea: Rhinorrhea means runny nose. In which a large amount of fluid drains from the nose and nasal passages.
52) Rhonchi: Rhonchi is an abnormal, continuous breath sound. which is heard during inspiration and expiration. A rhonkai has a lower pitch than a whiz sound.
53) SARS: SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS is a viral respiratory disease caused by the SARS-related corona virus.
54) Sinusitis: Infection and inflammation of the sinuses is known as sinusitis.
55) Spirometry: Spirometry is a type of pulmonary function test. In which specific lung volume and rate are measured.
56) Stridor: Stridor is an abnormal, high-pitched whistling sound that occurs due to obstruction in the upper airway. This sound is heard during inspiration and expiration.
57) Tachypnea: Tachypnea means rapid and slow breathing.
58) Trismus: Difficulty in opening the mouth due to spasm of the muscles in the jaw.
59) Tension pneumothorax: Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition in which air is trapped within the pleural space and creates pressure against the lungs.
60) Thoracocentesis: Thoracocentesis is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in which a needle is inserted into the pleural space and the fluid in the pleural space is aspirated with the help of the needle.
61) Thoracotomy: Making a surgical opening in the thoracic cavity.
62) Tonsillitis: Infection and inflammation of the tonsils is known as tonsillitis.
63) Tracheotomy: Making a surgical opening in the trachea.
64) Vibration (Vibration): Vibration is a technique in which the lower chest part is massaged and vibrated with the help of both hands so that the secretion is loosened and rotated so that it comes out through the phlegm.
65) Ventilation (Ventilation): Ventilation means movement of air. The movement of air in and out of the airways is known as ventilation.
66) Ventilator (Ventilator): A ventilator is a type of machine which is designed for breathing in people who cannot breathe on their own.
67) Wheeze: A wheeze is a low pitched musical sound. Which is heard due to obstruction in the lower respiratory tract. A wheezing sound is heard only during expiration.
68) Xerostomia : Dryness of mouth