Thinking means thinking.
Humans are distinguished from animals because humans have within them the power of thinking and the power of speech.
Hence due to thinking power humans can learn better than animals and adjust anywhere.
According to Aristotle 2000 years ago, man is a thinking animal. The term used for humans is homosapiens. Which means a thinking man or a thinking man.
Every time we are awake during the day we are thinking about something and also we are thinking in our dreams when we are sleeping. The act of thinking continues continuously.
Humans think about their past experiences, future situations and external reality.
Definition :
Thinking is a higher mental process involving verbal symbols, internal visual and auditory images, ideas, concepts and mathematical symbols.
Thinking is the perceptual relationship made for the solution of a problem.
Thinking is a cognitive activity. In which information is processed and any problem is solved. It is always goal directed.
Thinking is a pattern of behavior in which internal representations of objects and events are used to solve some specific purposeful problem. Like signs and symbols
Nature of thinking:
Thinking is a cognitive activity.
Man is considered superior to animals because of his thinking power. Computers, robots, satellites and new discoveries are the result of human thinking, reasoning and problem solving abilities.
Thinking Is Direct Toward Goals.
Thinking is goal or purpose directed. Humans use their thinking ability to solve problems.
Thinking involves use of symbols and language.
Symbols are used in the thinking process. A symbol represents some event or thing in the world. Images, concept symbols and languages are used as tools for thinking.
Thinking is a problem solving behavior.
From birth to death human beings have to face some problem which they use thinking process to solve.
Thinking is a motivated and perceptive activity.
We think because we want to find the truth or because we want to understand a problem and solve it. We think about our future plans. Thus thinking is a purposeful activity.
Perceptual or concrete thinking :
(Perceptual or Concrete Thinking):
Perceptual thinking is a simple form of thinking.
This type of thinking is based on perception. Perception is a process in which sensory impulses are interpreted based on experience.
Perceptual thinking is based on any previous experiences a person has or how that person’s sensory impulses are interpreted by that person.
Perceptual thinking is also known as concrete thinking. Because it works on the perception of real and concrete objects and events.
This type of thinking is more common in small children and animals.
Conceptual or abstract thinking :
(Conceptual or Abstract Thinking)
This type of thinking does not require any real object or experience or perception of an event.
Conceptual thinking is also known as abstract thinking because abstract ideas or concepts are used in this type of thinking.
This type of thinking is superior to perceptual thinking.
This type of thinking is economical because it involves making new discoveries and experiments.
Language plays an important part in this type of thinking.
Creative thinking:
(Creative Thinking)
Creative thinking is a boon to society. Because they enrich the knowledge of mankind.
The purpose of creative thinking is to create something new.
In this type of thinking, a new discovery, idea or event emerges at the end of thinking.
Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem solving, organization and communication.
This is the type of thinking of scientists or researchers. Which includes reasoning and imagination.
Creative thinking has no boundaries and can be used every day. As a result of creative thinking, one’s knowledge increases and one becomes empowered to do everything.
Reasoning or logical thinking :
(Reasoning or Logical Thinking)
This is a control thinking. In this type of thinking, thinking is problem oriented. Every factor involved in this type of thinking is in a logical order.
Reasoning is a process during which a person becomes aware of a problem and identifies it and thinks to come up with a solution to the problem.
This is good thinking that can be used to find causes and effects. So that a person can solve the problem in a good way. Especially for immediate problem solving.
A person uses his past experiences to come up with a good solution to the problem that arises.
Inductive and deductive reasoning are found in this type of thinking.
Inductive Reasoning: In this type of thinking, the thinking process is from individual to universal. That is the process of thinking from a part to a whole. In which a person thinks about the universal i.e. complete idea from that one point.
Deductive Reasoning: In this type of thinking, the thinking process is from universal to individual. A special scale is used in this type of thinking. While thinking that all men are bad is decided only after talking to one person after another. For example all actresses are beautiful i mean most of the ones i have seen are beautiful. In this type of thinking one uses logic.
Problem Solving:
(Problem Solving)
Problem solving is an important type of thinking in which a person uses his knowledge, facts and data for the solution of a problem.
This type of thinking is seen when a person finds it difficult to find a way out of his past experiences and current situation.
This type of thinking is seen when a person experiences obstacles in reaching his set goals.
This barrier can be physical, social or economic. which prevents a person from reaching his set goal or his progress towards a goal.
Problem solving can be done with the help of trial and error method or insight learning. But this method wastes a lot of time and often fails.
Step of problem solving:
(Steps of Problem Solving)
1) Identify the problem: If any problem occurs, identify it early so that its appropriate solution can be found. 2) Explore the problem: After identifying the problem, if we are sure about that problem, then think about it from different angles. 3) Set Goals: Set goals after thinking about the problem from different angles. 4) Look at Alternatives: After deciding the problem, think about relevant solutions to the problem. And to collect the solution. 5) Select a possible solution: To choose a relevant, realistic and accurate solution from the solution to the problem. 6) Implementation of possible solution: To implement a selected solution. and taking necessary action. 7) Evaluation :
Evaluating how effective the solution we have selected for the problem is. and monitoring how well the problem is solved.
Apart from this, thinking is classified into two other types:
Controlled thinking:
(Control Thinking)
Control thinking involves control over the thinking process. Our thoughts are closer to reality and to achieve a specific goal.
Free thinking:
(Free Thinking)
In free thinking there is no control over the thinking process. In this thinking one does not desire to achieve any specific goal. This type of thinking does not depend on reality, time and space.
Importance of creative thinking for a nurse :
(Importance of Creative Thinking for Nurses)
Creativity is an important skill for solving problems and generating new ideas.
As a result of creative thinking, nurses can improve their thinking.
Therefore, creative thinking is very important in nursing.
With the help of creative thinking, nurses can use different methods of problem solving.
A nurse has to deal with many patients every day. Hence he has to face many problems and often needs to take decisions. Hence the nurse needs creative thinking.
If a professional nurse has a good habit of creative thinking, then he can solve his professional problems well, in addition to this, he can also solve his personal problems.
Apart from this, it is also helpful in career planning, solving family life problems.
Creative thinking helps in dealing with the technological system in the hospital.
Creative thinking helps the nursing tutor improve the student’s learning experience with methods such as multimedia and storytelling.
Creative thinking helps nurses overcome challenges related to funds, supplies, various medicines and medical equipment.
Way to improve thinking:
(Way to Improve Thinking)
Working on many topics at once can confuse our mind so focusing on one topic only. So that good results can be obtained.
Set aside an hour for our most important work:
Give yourself an hour of focused solitude to work on the most important task. It increases productivity and creativity.
Enhancing visual senses and creative talent:
Exposure to art stimulates the visual senses and creative talent within us. So we should take an art book and spend time with nature.
Creating Mind Map:
This is a best practice to visualize and organize our project in mind. Hence a mind mapped memory is long lasting and helps to organize thought. Hence creating a mind map.
Taking breaks in between:
Stop thinking and relax when our brain becomes heavy or feels stressed. When a topic was worked on for more than an hour. Our concentration and focus gets disturbed. So take some rest and freshen up and then think.
Alteration in thinking:
(Ultration in Thinking)
Dilutions are classified as follows:
Thought Broad Casting:
In Thought Broadcasting a person feels that his thoughts are being broadcast through TV or radio and read by others.
Thought Insights:
In which a person feels that thoughts are put in his mind by someone.
Thought Withdrawn :
In this the person feels that his thoughts are being forcibly taken away by an outsider.