➡️ All the activities from birth to death are involved in it, which is done by that person is called behavior.
➡️Mind is the psyche through which a person is aware of his surroundings, can understand emotions, make decisions and solve dilemmas.
Psychopharmacology :–
➡️Scientific study of drugs affecting the brain
Ductless Endocrine Gland :-
➡️A gland whose secretion is called a hormone. Which is directly secreted in the blood. Which do not have duct eg:- thyroid gland, adrenal gland, gonads, and pituitary gland etc.
➡️When the mind affects the body it is called psycosomatic.
When the body affects the mind, it is called somatopsychic.
➡️ Related to motor activity. T. :- Walking, swimming, dancing, running etc.
➡️Relating to psychological activities like thinking, reasoning, judgment, knowledge.
affective :-
➡️ Related to emotions and feelings.
➡️ Substances for natural pain killers in the brain and brain stem.
Corpus Callosum :-
➡️A band of nerves connecting the two cerebral hemispheres that connects the two hemispheres medially.
Cerebral hemisphere:-
➡️Two halves of cerebral cortex which are in two parts namely right and left.
An infant (1 month to 1 year old) is born with many behaviors. Behavioral changes also depend on how the child interacts with the outside world. The human society within which a child develops, learns its values and adjusts itself according to that environment. This behavior varies from person to person. Due to which many similarities and differences can be seen.
A person’s nature and behavior depends on his DNA and his external environment. Its physical activity, cultural difference is seen in it. A child is not born with any racial differences but is influenced by his DNA and external environment.
Factors affecting behavior;
This includes the following factors.
a) ductless endocrine gland;
These glands send their secretions directly into the blood. Which has no ductus. Its secretion is called a hormone. These hormones are responsible for the change in the personality of that person. Different types of glands secrete different types of hormones.
~ Pancreas :-.
The pancreas sends insulin into the blood. How much sugar remains in the blood depends on the insulin level in the blood. When there is a lack of insulin, the sugar level inside the cells in the body also decreases and due to this, the oxygen supply to the neurons decreases and due to this, mental powers decrease. Changes and imbalances are seen in the nature of the individual. There are mood swings, anger and irritability, and increased fear.
~Thyroid Gland;-
The thyroid gland plays a very important role in physical and mental development. If the thyroid gland is absent from birth, the child does not develop. If it is oversecreted, it causes rapid physical growth, excessive sweating, excessive thirst, irritability, anxiety, agitation, reduced tolerance to hits, and personality changes. is
If its secretion decreases, weight increases, lethargy increases, skin becomes dry, hair loss can be seen, forgetful habits may occur, therefore, both decreasing or increasing thyroid secretion can be harmful.
~ Adrenal Gland :-
Adrenal gland secretes a hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline plays an important role in human behavior. Due to adrenaline, sexual characteristics can be seen in both male and female. It also provides fight and flight response. When any stressful activity arises. If the quantity of this increases, due to it the blood pressure can increase and the heart rate also increases. When the secretion of the adrenal gland decreases, the muscles relax, the pupil dilates, and there is sweating.
~ gonads ;-
~ Pituitary Gland :-
b) Physique :-
Physical structure is related to temperament. E.g. : Fat people are more outgoing and social and thin people are more irritable, self-controlled and less social.
c) Body Chemistry :–
Differences in temperament are due to changes in the chemical elements of a person. These chemicals are of two types one is made inside the body and the other is taken in by the person from outside, eg. Alcohol, drugs etc.
d) Other Factors :-
Factors such as sex (male or female), intelligence and nervous system affect this.
2) Social Factors :-
One person’s environment is very different from another person’s environment. Different factors affect it. Like school, home, family and society etc. it is divided.
The environment of the home contributes a lot in the development and personality formation of the child. The effects of parents and their culture have a great impact on the child. E.g. Overprotectiveness, abuse by parents, broken home, sibling rivalry, etc. affect the child.
a) Home :-
A child is never born socialized, it becomes socialized after birth, and a wide variety of behaviors can be seen in it. This depends on complex factors. When a child is born, it first comes into contact with its family members. Parents, Brother, Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother etc.. The child’s emotional relationship connects with them. He learns qualities from them and appropriate behavior.
He can also become antisocial when he is hated, exploited, neglected, neglected. When a parent is overprotective towards a child, the child becomes completely dependent on the parent and cannot trust anyone else.
A child brought up in a democratic home can adjust socially in a better way. Within democratic parenting, the rules and regulations of the child’s life are already told by the family members and their benefits are explained.
b) School :-
The child comes out of the home environment and goes to the school environment. There he meets friends, forms his group and also meets those older than him. There he learns to be a good citizen.
Also learns his academic score and extracurricular activities like games, hobbies etc. It builds self-confidence. If the child has any problem and the teacher notices it, he should immediately inform the parent about it.
When the phase of puberty comes, there is a change in the attitude of the person. Social activities may decrease, group activities and interests also decrease. Behavior tends to be stable, positive, and toward adulthood instead of being overly sensitive and antagonistic.
c) Society :-
A child learns traits, values and attitudes, beliefs and behavior according to the norms of society. His behavior is according to society’s expectations and according to his comfort. Generally a person is judged according to his behavior within the society and all these things create different qualities in a person like language, attitude, etc…
Interaction of Body and Mind :-
Both neural and chemical processes are necessary. If we want to know the relationship between body and mind and the behavior towards it, then we will see how the body or body affects the psyche (mind).
When we talk about the body mind relationship, we want to know what effect a physical problem such as pain has on the psyche and what changes in behavior are caused by it. These volatile changes are described by us both neurally and chemically.
Study of Drugs and Effects;-
A drug is a chemical substance. Which is a foreign substance to the body. It is introduced into the body either totally or partially (eg; thyroxine hormone is also made in the body and is also taken as a medicine if it is partially in the body). Not all drugs interact with the mind eg. Penicillin drug is given at the time of infection but it has no effect on the mind or behavior. A hybrid branch called psychopharmacology has been created for this purpose.
Generally the nature of the drug is to operate the physical system. Even then the effect of this is seen mentally. For example, due to medicine, memory, perception, etc. are affected and due to this, the balance of body and mind can also be disrupted. Psychoactive drugs are divided into different categories. It has different nature and effects. Understanding the mechanism of action of these drugs and drugs helps us understand the relationship between body and mind.
Split Brain and Whole Brain ;-
Many believe that consciousness can also have a physical structure. When the brain was researched on this, it was said that if someone thinks like this, he may have an unusual mental syndrome. Sperry said that such people do not have a single stream of consciousness, such patients behave in many ways. It is as if he has two streams of consciousness, one in one hemisphere and one in both hemispheres.
In other words, two minds, there is no connection between the two and both work in different ways. Fechner hypothesized that if we had two separate hemispheres operating in different ways, we would have two separate consciousnesses. Sperry in 1981 for The Split Brain
Effects of Body on Mind :-
States of mind affect both physical and behavioral function.
Effects of Stress:-
Stress is a common experience, as is pain. We are all familiar with stressful events; When we sit to fill the exam and your heart rate rises, copied in the exam and the principal sir calls to his office and fills etc. things are a kind of stress, which we all must have experienced. When we become aware of this filling, we run away from it, but running away does not reduce the stress and does not solve our problem. Due to this stress, there are many common changes in the body that need to be adjusted.
Hans Selye says that stress is a non-specific response of the body when any uncommon situation arises.
Our behavior affects our body. Partly stressors can be called our perceptions and reactions to stress affect our body’s immune system. All these things connect physical and mental health. If we see, if a person is under stress for a long time (chronic stress), it affects his neural, hormonal and immune system. Meditation can be said to be an anti-stress, which has beneficial effects on the body.
Hormones have an early effect on the body’s immune system due to the release of ‘natural opiates’ also known as endorphins. Endorphins work as natural pain killers. Its receptors are found in the brain, particularly in the brain stem. At a higher level we see the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal (HPA) system and the combined work of these systems results in the flight and fight response. The effect of which can also be seen on the immune system. From this it is not known that; where is mind?
Normally, our experience of the world is reflected by our inner thoughts and feelings, also suggesting that we have a single consciousness. So the cortex structure of the brain is divided into two equal parts (hemispheres which are halves). This half structure is called hemisphere which is cortex and also called cerebral hemisphere. Nerve fibers connect the two hemispheres and these nerve fibers are called the corpus callosum. Researchers have already stated that the two hemispheres work for basically opposite bodies (eg, the right hemisphere controls the left body and the left hemisphere maintains control of the right body). If the consciousness is united with the cortex, then this hemispheric work takes place in coordination.
In the 1950s, a psychologist named Roger Sperry suggested from experiments with monkeys that cutting and separating the corpus callosum of the two hemispheres would have no significant effect on behavior, much less a frontal lobotomy procedure. However, nothing can be said with certainty within Humanus. One difference is that monkeys do not speak, but according to Broca, speech can be seen in one hemisphere so soon there is no sure what happens if we separate the two hemispheres of a human.
In the 1960s, a Los Angeles surgeon named Philip Vogel was treating a patient with long-term epilepsy who, in most of the cases, was given anti-seizure medication for the treatment of epilepsy, but the patient did not recover from it and had massive seizures. Which used to be seen twice a week. In epilepsy, seizures begin in one hemisphere and spread throughout the hemisphere, leading to detours of sensation and convulsions. Mal ataxia: In many cases the seizure is transferred from one hemisphere to the other hemisphere through the corpus callosum and the corpus callosum acts as a bridge and this leads to increased seizure which is a serious problem. Due to this, a person’s life can also be lost. These attacks were occurring in Vogel’s patient. Vogel cut the patient’s corpus callosum and it worked to not only prevent mal attacks but also reduce the frequency of seizures. Due to this, the normal life of Vogel’s patient could improve.
Role of Brain and Behavior in Illness :-
If we see, the body system and all the organs are inter-related with each other. The nervous system has a special influence on the body and the nervous system works together with all the other systems. That is why the brain works for a person round the clock. The feelings and emotions of that person directly or indirectly shape the behavior of the person and the personality is developed.
Disease is said to be a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual process. It means that when a person suffers from any illness, his body, mind, and environment all work together. Illness is a complex interaction that is the result of attitude, stress build-up, diet, heredity, etc. E.g. Stress can be psychological, physical or even environmental. The body is made to cope with stress and secretes many real hormones like catecholamines, corticosteroids etc…. These hormones cause a lot of damage to the arteries. Due to this, antibodies are suppressed and natural killer cells are also suppressed and they act on the body and cause diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
Definitions of mental health (According to WHO)
“Health is a positive condition in which people are physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially healthy and able to fulfill all their responsibilities, perform all the functions of daily life, and are satisfied with their internal relationships. A person who has is called mentally healthy.
A person who adjusts to all the situations of the world and lives more and more happy is called a mentally healthy person.
Both mental health and physical health are dependent on each other, both are interconnected
If a person is physically unwell, he will also be mentally unwell.
Many philosophers and scientists believe that there is a natural connection between body and mind.
Positive mental health means one’s ability to cope with the present situation and adjust satisfactorily in the future.
Change is the law of the world
A mentally healthy person is one who accepts and enjoys the changes in life.
It develops satisfying relationships with others.
There are two aspects of mental health ie Pansa.
1-Individual Aspect
Individual aspect means adjustable from within, self-confident and free from all inner opposition, frustration, tension, thoughts, feelings and adjusting with surrounding people and environment.
2-Social Aspect
Every person is born in a society then it becomes the responsibility of that society to educate and build its traditional customs.
A person is accepted as a member of society when internal adjustment is seen in his behavior.
Home, school, community provide the child with the love, security, shelter, attention and foundation needed during his growth period which enhances his mental health.
Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person
1-Free from internal conflicts he is not at war with himself
A person who is free from his inner conflicts
-Enjoying a positive philosophy of life.
-Free and independent of inner conflicts stress and anxiety
2-he search for identity
He finds his identity
-Confidence in own ability to succeed.
-Satisfaction with your own gender.
-Security of self-worth and self-respect in the group.
3-He knows himself his needs problems and goals that means self actualization.
He knows himself, his needs, problems and goals i.e. self actualization.
-Accepts one’s responsibilities successfully and happily
-Evaluates own behavior.
-Accepts all the faults in oneself.
-Enjoys a positive philosophy of life.
-Enjoys his hobbies in his free time.
4-He is well adjusted
It is a well adjusted table.
-All are well adjusted to the situation
-If someone criticizes him, he accepts it.
-Not easily disappointed.
-Suffers frustrations and disappointments from everyday life.
-Confidential i.e. develops confidential relationships so that one can share one’s feelings, worries, fears etc. without any hesitation.
5-He has a strong sense of self-esteem
He has a strong sense of self-respect.
-Able to deal with any problem.
6-He faces problems and tries to solve them intelligently that means coping with stress and anxiety.
If any problem comes, faces it and solves it intelligently and also copes with lake and anxiety.
-Accepts any problem if it occurs and is capable of making decisions to get out of the problematics problem.
7-He has a good self control.
He has good self control.
■Mentally healthy person is able to adjust with other people, situations and surrounding world.
■He has the ability to solve his own problems with his own efforts.
He has the ability to make his own decisions.
A mentally healthy person has a sense of responsibility.
Accurate perception of reality:
His behavior shows emotional maturity.
Tolerance of frustration and disappointment is present in his behavior.
Capacity for growth and development:
He lives a balanced life of work, rest and entertainment.
Positive outlook on life:
He has the ability to give meaning and purpose to his daily activities.
He has the ability to understand the problems of others.
■ A mentally healthy person has a sense of personal security.
warning sign of poor mental health
In an adult
-Prolonged anxiety and depression
-Changes in personality
-Excessive anxiety and fear
-Low ability to face any problem
-Suicidal thoughts
-Changes in eating and sleeping style
-Increased anger protest and violent behavior
In a child
-Excessive crying
-Feeling fear and dread in normal activities
-Constantly worrying
-Difficulty in completing school work proficiently
And fight against others
-Excessive anger
-pronounces certain words like
*I’m stupid
*No one loves me
*I know you all hate me
*No one likes me etc
In everyday life, emotions have a powerful effect.
Our moods, choices, communication, and our relationships are all affected by emotions.
Emotions color our lives.
Joy, sorrow, fear, anger, sadness, jealousy are all emotions.
Emotions can be positive (such as joy, happiness) or negative (anger, sadness).
In order to have a healthy and peaceful life, a balance between both types of emotions is necessary.
To control emotions, the following points should be kept in mind:
Gaining knowledge about emotions, their causes and consequences.
Understanding not only the feelings of others but also one’s own feelings, limitations and strengths helps in managing emotions.
Keeping yourself busy by participating in useful activities will divert attention away from emotionally stimulating experiences.
Controlling emotions does not mean ignoring them. It means to first identify the emotions and then act on them appropriately. So, control life by controlling emotions.
As it is said “control the emotions, don’t let the emotions control us”.
Here are some steps to learn how to take control of your emotions.
1.Know your feelings and what causes your feelings
There are emotions that can be the result of other emotions. For example, jealousy is an expression of fear that you are not as good at studies/anything else.
So one should know what kind of situations are causing what emotions.
Analyze what you were thinking, until you think. It causes emotion
For example, your boss may not make eye contact with you at lunch. And without even realizing it, you start thinking “He’s preparing to fire me”.
Write down all the evidence that supports or contradicts the thought that triggered the emotion. When you start thinking about it, you might realize that no body is a good match for this particular boss, he can’t really fire anyone because the department is so understaffed. And his reaction at noon might not be what you thought.
With this, you can conclude that your job is safe regardless of your boss’s annoyance. And so you are freed from the feeling that was bothering you.
You always have choices, think of at least two ways. For example, if someone insults you, and you feel angry, you immediately respond to the insult. But whatever the feeling, there are alternatives. Do not react, do nothing. This approach is especially good when you know someone is trying to depress you.
Relax yourself: easy to say, but hard to do. But there are some ways to relax that don’t require a lot of training, experience, or willpower. When we are angry or upset, we tighten our jaw. Deep breathing is a simple and effective way to control emotional distress.
Remove yourself from situations that will create negative and unnecessary emotions.
If negative thoughts keep hitting the mind, say ‘stop’ out loud. Whenever those negative thoughts come to mind, mentally say “stop”.
Illness for any particular reason leads to psychological problems for the patient as well as his caregivers.
People suffering from physical ailments often lose the ability to perform a variety of activities.
The focus should be on meeting the psychological needs of patients as well as relatives/caregivers. Some while providing patient care
However, it is well recognized that the diagnosis of the disease and its exhausting treatment are extremely stressful events and emotional burdens for the patient. And this is very important to understand the psychological or emotional factors of the patient in understanding the disease.
Psychological/emotional problems of patients and their relatives are listed as follows:
When the doctor diagnoses the patient and gives information about the disease and its existential risk, the patient and the family have to use various defense mechanisms to maintain psychological stability.
They face intense emotional reactions.
Common psychological symptoms are body image changes, deformities, addictions and fear of death.
Patient’s first solution is fear of death, fear of separation from others and self and mental disorders, communication with family etc.
A patient with fear of death goes through different stages and states like denial, anger, depression and acceptance.
This can be very important depending on the patient’s disease and his own health.
This leads to physical and biochemical changes.
Physical changes in appearance such as wasting (severe weight loss) or weight gain, shortness of breath, swelling, pain, cough, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite and fatigue.
Blood Investigation – (increased blood sugar, as in diabetes).
Physical and metabolic changes have a strong link with psychological outcomes like self-esteem, depression, anxiety, fear, etc.
Medicines can cause unwanted side effects. All types of medicines including prescription and over the counter medicines, herbal, vitamins and natural or herbal medicines can have side effects.
Long-term complications of the disease develop gradually. There is a long illness.
The risk of complications increases. These complications can be fatal. Because emotional relationships can influence disease progression and vice versa.
Factors such as financial burden, reduced physical activity, fatigue, sleep, lack of social support and unwanted side effects of pharmacotherapy can worsen the patient’s condition.
Patients may have various psychological disorders. There are many predisposing factors for mental disorders in patient like nature of disease, other physical problems, previous depression and psychological disorders, communication with family etc.
Psychological disorders that are commonly seen in patients are mainly depressive disorder, adjustment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder.
Illness of one family member affects each family member and the whole family emotionally.
In the event of a critical illness of one of their members, every family reacts with fear.
After initial diagnosis, diet regimen, medicines or patient’s death requires cooperation among family members.
Families have difficulties in accepting the pain of their members and that is why activities for families during treatment are so important.
They make it possible for patients to reconnect with their families, re-identify and accept the needs of their parents, partners and children, as well as re-learn how to live.
Psychological problems that may affect the occurrence of disease are depressive life events, social relationships and social support, personality traits, coping with disease, negative emotional reactions, psychological disorders, and suppression of emotions as described below.
Stressful life
Death of loved one
Job loss
A girl wants to be a police.
A man strives for a good job.
A person in great pain desires relief from pain.
A person is intensely hungry and thinks of nothing but food.
A woman works hard at a job to achieve a sense of success and worth.
These are just a few motives that play a huge part in human behavior.
Basic desires such as hunger and sex, complex long-term motives such as political ambition, desire.
These examples show us that behavior is directed and pulled toward a goal.
This driving and pulling force resulting in persistent behavior directed towards a specific goal is known as ‘motivation’.
Definitions of motivation
Motivation is derived from the Latin word ‘movere’ which means “to move or excite or activate.” Literally, it is a process that energizes a person or motivates them to move forward in an activity. Activity stimulates, fulfills a need and reduces stress. Until it fulfills the requirement, the drive does not decrease.
Motivation is often used to refer to a person’s goals, needs, desires, intentions, and motives.
For example, when one is hungry, the need is for food, and that motivates the drive. When food is sought and the “hunger” drive subsides and activity ceases, all human behavior is motivated by something.
Today, virtually all people and scholars have their own concept of motivation and they include various terms like motives, needs, wants, drives, wishes, incentives etc.
Defines motivation. There are three words to understand the concept of motivation i.e. motive, motivator and inspiration.
MOTIVE: A motive is an internal state that energizes, activates, or moves (hence motivation) and which directs behavior toward goals. A motive is a restlessness, a lack, a force that pulls and excites the organism to do something to reduce the restlessness, remove the lack, relieve the force.
Motive (needs in individuals)
Motivating (activating needs and providing an environment to satisfy needs)
motivation (engagement in action behavior)
Intentions can be inferred from behavior (the things that are said and done). It can be conscious or unconscious. Intentions also help predict behaviour.
Motivating: Motivating
which suggests that a person, in a social context, becomes a channel for the satisfaction of a goal and motivates another person to engage in an action (toward a goal) by ensuring that it is appropriate for the person. For example, in school/college, the teacher motivates and channels the student to reach the goal.
While motive energizes action, motivating is channeling
Activation of motives, motivation is action behavior. Motivation depends on motives and motivation becomes a complex process.
McFarland defines motivation as the urges, urges, desires, ambitions, efforts, or needs to direct, control, or explain human behavior.
Based of motives
Affected by motivating
goal-directed behaviour
Related to satisfaction
. One is fully motivated
Needs are the inner feelings of a person
Even if the needs are identified, the problem does not end here. As specific needs may result in different behavior of different individuals due to them
Organic/Physiological/Biological Motives:
a) Hunger : Hunger
b) Thirst: Thirst
c) Desire for sex: Desire for sex
Life’s goal
Vocational ambitions
Level of aspiration
Specialized interest eg. Sports, hobby etc. Special interest e.g. Sports, hobbies etc.
Level 1 : Physiological needs
Level 2 : Safety needs
Level 3 : Love/Belonging needs
Level 4 : Esteem needs
Level 5: Self-actualization needs
Maslow’s theory of human motivation:
Abraham Maslow has given higher key theory of human motivation (theory of motivation).
In which the action of human behavior is explained when the tension is low and when the tension is high
Hierarchy is an arrangement of stages in which all majors are organized from lower level to higher level.
Hierarchy has levels which are organized according to need
Basic needs include physiological and safety & security.
Physiological needs:- It means physical needs which include food, water, air, sleep, clothing, exercise, elimination, shelter.
Safety & Security Needs:- The need for safety and security includes no harm to anyone, healthiness, freedom from fear and protection, balance in family and society and property.
Psychological needs include attachment needs and self esteem needs
Attachment needed
Needs related to love which include giving and receiving affection, satisfaction in the relationship between two people, good friendship (Friendship), connection with each other, identification in a group, all these points are included.
Self esteem need
The requirements of honor
Self respect, confidence, achievement, respect from others, respect of others the need to be a unique individual.
Self actualization
Self awareness, self accepting, socially responsible, creative ideas, spontaneous and open to novelty and positive attitude.
Self-awareness means awareness of oneself, responsibilities to society, a sense of new ideas and innovation, and a positive attitude towards challenges.
All these levels of Mass Law Hierarchy are arranged sequentially which are obtained one after the other
In 1970-1990, Maslow included Cognitive needs, Aesthetic needs and Transcendence needs. Thus, now it is eight-need model.
Cognitive needs:– Humans need to increase their knowledge, it is necessary to understand nature and to know everything that happens around it. And should be knowledgeable and intelligent.
Aesthetic needs:– Aesthetic needs: These are environmental needs and lead to a beautiful feeling of intimacy with nature and everything beautiful.
Transcendence needs:– Maslow later split the top of the triangle to add self-transcendence, sometimes referred to as spiritual needs. It can help others achieve self-actualization. When fulfilled, there is a feeling of fulfillment.
Stress is found everywhere in the world and in all people.
Everyone in the world experiences stress.
Everyone has different experience of stress like job related stress, children have stress of school and exam, everyone experiences different stress.
Stress can be seen in many ways and we have to face stress in the face of life.
Stress is a part of our life that we cannot avoid.
Whatever challenge comes in life, stress also comes along with it, but this stress gives two types of results, positive and negative.
We get the result according to how we take the stress, if we take the stress positively, then it is positive and if we take it negatively, then it is negative.
Definition of stress
Stress means that any thing is demanded and if that thing is not available then there is tension, it is called stress.
Hans Selye defined stress as “the non-specific response of the body to the demands of any change”.
“Any situation can be stressful for one person while it can be challenging for another person. For example, cooking can be a source of stress for someone who hates spending time in the kitchen, while it can be an exciting challenge for others who love to cook.”
Any reaction to change leads to stress in both positive and negative ways.
Both our body and mind are affected by stress.
Under normal circumstances, stress prepares the body for “fight or flight” by stimulating certain hormones like adrenaline, increasing heart beats and speeding up digestion.
Hence, stress seriously affects a person’s general health
Therefore, to deal with stressful events, it is important to identify the sources and effects of stress as soon as possible.
Problems of life
There are many events in life from which stress comes like daily repeated activities of life and its boredom, stress in family relationship, loneliness, no job.
Conflict:- If a person gets an opportunity from two or more places like a job offer comes from two places and both the places are good for the job, then there is a conflict as to which place to go.
Joblessness:- If there is no business or job there is stress in life
Divorce:- If any couple has to take divorce for any reason, the stress of separation comes and tension comes.
Disaster:– An accident or a disaster causes physical injury and stress
Frustration:- When a person sets a goal in his life and makes his behavior towards that goal but does not get success, then that person experiences frustration and stress.
Individual Differences:- All the people in the world are unique, so everyone’s emotions and emotionally strong and points of the week are also different, many are emotionally strong, then many are emotionally week, those people who are emotionally week feel more sick and stressed. is
Four types of stress
Good stress is felt when a person is excited
When a person goes to an exam or does any other work that causes excitement, GOOD STRESS POSITIVE STRESS is felt which makes life excited.
GOOD STRESS is essential for growth & development
HYPOSTRESS means a person who is less stressed than a person who constantly feels bored.
Daily HYPOSTRESS is experienced if a person is not satisfied with his job such as not getting a job according to his post and education or doing another job.
When a person gets this kind of stress repeatedly, that person does not get inspired and does not get motivated.
HYPERSTRESS means when a person is given more work or pressure than his capacity, HYPERSTRESS is seen.
In today’s fast era many face HYPERSTRESS such as too much work and less time or if too much work is given in a particular time then HYPERSTRESS is experienced.
DISTRESS (BAD STRESS) is also called NEGATIVE STRESS and it is harmful to health.
There are two types of BAD STRESS.
1.ACUTE STRESS (SHORT TERM STRESS):- Acute stress which short term stress means short term or short term biological stress which is sufficient for minutes or hours.
Acute stress is frequently experienced in day to day life.
2.CHRONIC STRESS (LONG TERM STRESS):- Chronic or long term stress
Chronic stress can last for months to years.
Chronic stress is a very serious type of stress that leads to health related problems and even death.
People tend to ignore chronic stress until they encounter some unusual physical symptoms.
How to cope or deal with stress
Whenever someone shows symptoms of stress it is the prime responsibility to recognize it and take immediate action.
Using the “FARE” approach to dealing with stressful events.
A: Awareness
R: Relaxation
E:- Exercise
Flexibility: Flexibility to accept change in your life. Instead of denying the problem, try to find a solution to it.
Awareness: Being aware of identifying the source of stress in order to manage stressful events.
Relaxation: Follow a thorough relaxation routine like deep breathing, body massage, physical workout etc.
Exercise: Regular exercise helps reduce stress and keep the body healthy.
Breathing Exercises – Deep Breathing Exercise
Relaxation:– Sit or lie down in the starting position in a quiet room. Relax and rest the whole body.
Muscles stretching exercises:- Muscle stretching exercises. Muscle stretching exercises induce relaxation and reduce stress.
Walking:– Walking clears the mind, reduces tension and increases energy. Walking leads to the production of endorphins from the brain which gives relaxation.
Better sleep:– To get a good sleep, sit in a comfortable position and read a book, watch TV or play a game. By doing this, even if you do not sleep, you will get rest and reduce anxiety.
Enjoy yourself
Planning for your time (making time-table):- Make a time table for your work in which the important work should be placed first, make a list of all the work and give a time limit.
Adjustment all changes in your life:- Adjustment of changes in life
Do not make any big changes at once like buying a house, taking another property, doing any function, do not do all these at once so that no financial problem occurs.
Aware about your self:- Be aware of yourself
Learn about what you can do and choose a job or jobs that you are capable of and can do so that life becomes less stressful and less frustrating or frustrating.
Decisions making power:- Take decisions wisely.
Consider both the pros and cons of the choice when making a decision.
Like & Love your self:- You like and love yourself.
If you have a flaw, accept it and don’t worry about everything else – like how do you feel? Don’t worry about height etc.
Be Positive & Think Positive:- Think positive and be positive
Good and positive thoughts can prevent negative and bad thoughts
A positive attitude reduces anxiety
Any calamity has two aspects one positive and one negative if thought positively then the result also comes positive and if thought negatively the result comes negative.
Always share your problems with your near one:- You should always share your problems with anyone close to you
If there is any concern or problem, then share the problem with any of your friends, relatives or anyone close to you and get a solution.
Build a Happy Family:– Building a happy family
To be loving with all the members in the family
Make time for each other in family and talk, play and enjoy with each other.
Make Good Friends:- To make good friends.
Good friends are needed as much as a happy family is necessary in life.
Make friends with whom we can all share the problem.
Keep Happy & Healthy:– Be happy and healthy
Regular exercise and eating healthy food and getting enough sleep so that we can stay healthy and happy.
Make sometime for your self:- Take some time for yourself
Take some time for what you like or your hobby and enjoy it.
A state of opposition between two or more ideas, interests, goals, etc. When there is a clash between two groups, between internal and external environments, conflict develops.
The conflict persists until one cannot choose one option among many.
What is conflict?
Conflict—conflict between people with opposing needs, desires, or demands.
According to sources, conflict can be of three types:
Interpersonal conflict: A conflict between two people
For example conflict between husband and wife, conflict between parents and children, conflict between small group and large group, conflict between boss and employee.
Intrapersonal conflict: conflict within a person
For example his desires, goals and objectives.
It is also called internal conflict as this conflict is found within the individual.
Conflict between person and his environment: Conflict between person and his environment
Conflicts caused by environmental changes like floods, earthquakes, wars etc.
One has to struggle against these conditions.
According to the goal, conflict can be of following types:
Approach-approach conflict: Positive positive goals
When there is a conflict between two equally attractive goals, the situation is known as approach conflict
For example a person wants to go to watch a movie in the evening and at the same time wants to watch a cricket match.
Avoidance-avoidance conflict: Negative-Negative Goals
When there is a conflict between two negative goals, the situation is known as avoidance-avoidance conflict.
For example, a student hates to complete his school assignment, but also hates the punishment he receives if he fails to do it. He wants to avoid both if possible.
Approach-avoidant conflict: Positive – Negative Conflict
When a person is attracted to a positive goal but this goal also has some negative characteristics, the situation is known as approach-avoidance conflict.
For example, a girl wants to get married, but at the same time, may fear moving away from her home and her family.
Dealing with Conflict
The process of finishing the opposition between two or more desires, objectives, goals, persons etc. is known as dealing with conflict. Conflict can be resolved using the following methods:
Win-lose approach:
Deciding on one solution and leaving the other behind is a win-lose approach.
Lose-lose approach: Lose-lose approach
When no one is happy with the outcome, a lose-lose approach occurs. Questions are never resolved under this approach.
Win-win approach:
This approach leads to mutually acceptable results. This is the most effective method of conflict resolution.
Define the problems and know the problems of both
State the problem in a way that avoids blame and judgment.
Maintain rapport at all times.
Listen carefully to the other person.
Make sure you understand the other person’s interest and are ready to clarify your interest.
Take enough time to understand the problem.
Identify all possible options for solution:- Identify all possible options for solution:
Ask the other person to suggest his possible solution.
Respect the other person’s ideas.
Select one acceptable solution:- Select an acceptable solution
Don’t pressure the other person to come up with a solution.
Communicate when a decision appears close, so you both clearly understand.
Implementation plan:- Implement
Be specific about who does what and when.
Set a timeline and be very specific about the task.
Evaluating process make effectiveness:- Make the process of evaluating effective.
Include this process in the implementation plan.
Decide when and how progress will be measured.
Talk about the experience:- Talk about the experience
Invite the other person to share his or her perspective on the process
Be honest about your own perspective on the process.
Discuss your progress.
Failure to satisfy a basic need that may be due to any kind of obstacle is known as Frustration.
Too much tension leads to frustration.
A person suffers from frustration because he does not know how to get relief from his stress.
Feeling upset or upset as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.
Depression is defined as a feeling that occurs in situations where whenever we face any obstacle in reaching our goals, a person becomes depressed and as a result gets angry or loses confidence.
The word frustration is derived from the Latin word ‘frusta’ which means obstacle.
Frustration is the blocking of goal-directed behavior.
The term ‘frustration’ refers to the inhibition of goal-directed behavior. Motives are frustrated, or blocked, emotional feelings and behavior often result
The frustration we experience can be seen as the result of two types of goal inhibition. There are internal and external sources of depression.
INTERNAL SOURCES Internal sources:
Frustration Internal sources of frustration When a person cannot get what he wants, he experiences this frustration due to lack of confidence or fear of social situations.
EXTERNAL SOURCES External sources:
It results from external causes which include outside conditions
Encounters we encounter in life include other people or things that get in the way of our goals.
One of the biggest sources of frustration in today’s world is the frustration caused by the perception of wasting time.
When you’re in traffic, in line for food at a restaurant, gas agency, or bank.
Thus, watching your day go by when you have so much to do, becomes a huge disappointment. External frustration can be inevitable. We can try to do something about it.
For example, finding a different route if we are stuck in traffic, or choosing a different restaurant if we have to wait for food. But sometimes we can’t do anything about it.
is a way of life. One can learn that while the situation itself may be uncomfortable and frustrating, one need not despair.
Acceptance in all situations of life is the secret to avoiding frustration.
Frustration can happen for many reasons and some of them are:
Conflict with others
Environmental conditions that cannot be controlled
Economic constraint
A high level of aspiration
Social customs, beliefs, traditions, restrictions
Conflict within the person
Frustration can be removed by keeping the following points in mind.
The situation must be re-examined to find out the exact reason
If necessary, then modify the goal
Find alternative solutions to overcome frustration
Accept reality
Think positively
Withdraw yourself from stressful situations
Increase one’s ability to cope with situations
Talking to a friend or anyone to get rid of frustration can get rid of frustration.
Accept reality. If you have done everything in your power/ability then accept it as it is.
Stop blaming yourself, admit if you are wrong and move on. Stop getting angry and calm down
Relax your mind.
It’s always good to be around optimistic people.
Freud noted that a major drive for most people is the reduction of tension, and that the main cause of tension was anxiety.
Now, the ego has difficulty satisfying both the id and the superego.
The ego has some tools that it can use in its job as a mediator, tools that help to protect the ego. This is called DEFENSE MECHANISM OR MENTAL MECHANISM OR EGO DEFENSE MECHANISM.
Everyone uses a DEFENSE MECHANISM. Their use does not imply mental illness or psychosocial imbalance.
The mechanism used to protect a person from psychological distress is known as DEFENSE MECHANISM.
DEFENSE MECHANISM helps individuals overcome depression and anxiety associated with conflicts.
DEFENSE MECHANISM is a system of adjustment by which a person relieves or reduces anxiety caused by an uncomfortable situation that threatens self-esteem.
Ego defense mechanisms operate consciously or unconsciously.
COMPENSATION:– COMPENSATION: A person tries to cover his WEAKNESS by directing his potential on other aspects of life.
eg:- An academically weak student can become a college champion in cricket by working hard.
DENIAL:- Refuse: Refusal to accept an unacceptable idea, behavior & reality.
eg:- A terminally ill person refuses to admit that anything is wrong even though he is fully informed about the diagnosis and the expected outcome.
DISPLACEMENT:- Displacement: Dissolving one’s inner feelings into a less threatening object.
eg:- A person may yell at his pet dog when he comes home after a bad day at work. So one’s anger is directed at another person or thing at some other place where less harm is done.
INTELLECTUALIZATION:- Intellectualization: Using a logical explanation to separate the emotions from the painful event.
eg:- After being transferred to a new job, i.e. away from home, a person hides his anxiety by increasing the benefits of the job.
PROJECTION:- Projection: Blaming another person for one’s own mistakes.
EG:- A person who is untruthful can satisfy himself by saying that others are also liars and untruths.
RATIONALIZATION:- Rationalization: To justify one’s unacceptable thoughts by giving a socially acceptable reason.
eg:- A person who cannot do a job well, may be satisfied saying that hard work at this job does not pay well.
REACTION FORMATION:– REACTION FORMATION: A person behaves in a way that is completely opposite to his actual feelings.
eg:- A jealous employee who hates his senior may show respect and affection towards him.
REGRATION:- Regression: A return to an earlier and more comfortable level of development.
eg:- A person who is not making sufficient progress in studies. May relieve his anxiety by crying or getting angry.
REPRESSION:– Repression: Unconsciously forgetting painful thoughts, events or conflicts.
eg:- Forgetting best friend’s birthday after a fight.
SUBLIMATION:- Sublimation: A person can redirect his unacceptable activities into socially acceptable and desirable activities.
eg:- A person with aggressive behavior can transform into a competitive sports activity.
We all like many things and dislike many things.
Attitude is an imaginary attitude that represents one’s likes & dislikes.
Attitude evaluates an object, thing, person, behavior and event
Attitude is positive, negative and neutral.
Kimball Young defined Attitude as, “Attitude is a consistent and characteristic response to some situation, idea, value, physical object or class of objects or person or groups of persons”.
Attitude is positive, negative and neutral.
Respectful attitude towards our elders is positive attitude, on the other hand, hateful attitude towards a particular person or community is an example of negative attitude.
positive Attitude: It is favorable Attitude. In other words, it is fond of people, things, situations, etc.
negative Attitude: It is a hostile attitude i.e. when a person does not like 1 person, things or situation.
Neutral Attitude: It occurs when a person has no likes or dislikes.
We are born and brought up in a social environment which helps us to imbibe Attitudes passively and passively. In the development of attitude, heredity plays a very minor role but environmental factors contribute majorly to the development of attitude.
ASSOCIATION & REINFORCEMENT Association and reinforcement
Some rules or attitudes are reinforced to express or actually act based on them, thus it learns them. For example, a child’s parents and their friends are of the same nation, same ethnic and class origin.
A child spends a lot of time with his parents and after a while begins to believe that they are different by copying them, even if they do not consciously try to influence him.
The same process works with other individuals, such as peer groups, teachers, or any important people in the child’s life.
It involves involuntary responses and is elicited by pairing two stimuli.
Two events that occur frequently close to each other over time become associated and before long the individual reacts to both events in the same way.
E.g. Pleasant or unpleasant experiences with members of a particular group can lead to a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE attitude toward that group.
Learning is based on modeling. We observe others. If they are being reinforced for expressing a certain behavior or a certain attitude, it makes it more likely that we too will behave or express this attitude.
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE Cognitive dissonance
When two conflicting feelings, beliefs or behaviors exist, it creates a state of tension and the person tries to reduce the tension by changing their feelings, beliefs or behaviours.
For example, if a student studies hard for a nurse test, she expects to do well. But if she studies hard and fails, dissonance is triggered.
Some attitude is held because it does some unconscious work for the person.
When the nurse gives health education in the slum area, logic gives health education.
Even after a child develops an attitude, he continues to be exposed to information that primarily supports it.
At this stage, various socioeconomic factors determine what he listens to.
Their neighborhood, newspaper, school, church, friends etc. are more homogeneous than the rest of the world.
If he was rich, he would live in a big house.
His neighbors will also have money. If studying in a public school, his classmates will come from his neighborhood and have similar attitude.
Attitude and behavior are two sides of a coin.
If we know the attitude of any person, we can predict the behavior of the person.
But sometimes people’s behavior doesn’t change by changing their attitude.
For example, drug addicts continue addiction despite knowing the dangers of addiction.
Attitude-behavior relationship can be used therapeutically.
For example, if we know that he/she has a general attitude towards living a healthy lifestyle, we cannot predict his/her eating behavior.
Our emotions and thoughts can be influenced by changing our behavior. When a person is feeling low, his loved ones show positive behavior to change his mood.
Attitude can affect a person’s behavior positively or negatively.
Always be aware of its effect on a person’s attitude or behavior.
Attitude is a feeling, belief or opinion one approves of something.
Behavior is an act of reaction that occurs in response to an event or internal stimulus (i.e. thought). Attitude type is manifested in a person’s behavior.
If a nursing student has strong interest and positive attitude towards painting, though every year he fails in nursing subject. But he does well in drawing competitions every year.
In this way, people with good and positive attitude are active
It is often said that attitude is everything. Right Attitude is especially important for a Nurse. A nurse’s positive attitude can have a great impact on her career and her success.
Causes of Negative Attitude Disagree with co-worker,
Something is said by the patient that bothers him or may be any personal problem.
For this, the nurse must be able to understand and separate his personal and professional life.
Benefits of Positive Attitude for Nurse :-
A positive attitude will help the nurse to remain optimistic.
A nurse with a positive attitude is willing to commit because it is easier for her to face the challenges of everyday life and see the bright side of life.
Positive attitude increases self-esteem.
A nurse with a positive attitude makes better choices and lives a healthy lifestyle.
A nurse with a positive attitude is physically and mentally healthy.
A good attitude attracts others.
It will help in enhancing optimal and consistent performance. When she performs at her best, she will be able to achieve the ultimate goal in healthcare i.e. helping patients heal and maintain healthy lifestyles.
Positive attitude reduces accidents or unintentional incidents. If she is in a bad mood she will be more mentally distracted and will not be able to concentrate properly. Hence the nurse can cause more damage to the patient.
Nurse gets good progress in her career.
Nurse has a major role in shaping positive attitude and behavior.
A person’s positive or negative attitude towards their hospital stay may be a result of their own previous experiences. Hence, it is the nurse’s responsibility to find the cause of the negative behavior
A nurse with a positive attitude is better able to handle job stress and handle difficult situations better.And he will get promotion and advancement in his career.
Change negative behaviors into positive behaviors that help patients heal.
To be a successful and efficient nurse the following attitude traits should be kept in mind:
A: Ambitious in doing his/her task well
B: Building up morale
C: Cheerfulness, cooperativeness, making patient comfortable
D: Developing a sense of security to patients
E: Efficient and skilful care given to patients
F: Firmness
G: Grow professionally
I: Interest in the problems and difficulties of other people
J: Respect for judgment of others
K: Knowledgeable
The first interaction with parents and their connection with others helps in dealing with people.
A Respectful and Courteous Attitude of Parents helps in learning how to respect others without being specifically taught:
Attitude also changes through observation. As children grow up, they get more opportunities to interact with their friends.
Children behave more like their friends. The more they interact with their friends, the more their behavior changes
School also shapes attitude. teachers, the type of school environment all this makes a big difference in our attitude.
SOCIAL NORMS Social Norms:
Social norms can strengthen or weaken attitude. Beliefs about what others do or what others will think if a person performs against societal norms can positively or negatively affect attitudes.
Mass media like news papers, TV – television, movies, radio etc. are also responsible for shaping our positive and negative attitude.
Personal experience is also responsible for shaping attitude.
For example, if a person has had a bitter experience while traveling in a Roadways bus, his attitude towards traveling in a Roadways bus will be negative.
Habit is a big part of our life.
Habits are one of the most influential factors of our existence, because our actions, our responses, our decisions, our life style are all governed by our Habits.
A particular activity that a person does regularly unconsciously is known as a habit.
A habit is a behavior that you do automatically without thinking and unconsciously.
Automatic A process that occurs automatically is called a habit. Like someone has a habit of putting nails in the mouth, someone has a habit of not getting up and washing and praying and reciting prayers.
Habit is a recurring unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through repeated repetition.
Habit is an automatic routine of behavior that is repeated regularly without thinking
A Habit always needs a stimulus to start e.g. Any aggravating factor.
Habit can be copied very easily
The more actions are repeated in the behavior, the stronger the habit becomes
There are two habits, good and bad
Good Habit A good or healthy habit
It is a behavior that is beneficial to a person’s physical & mental health, often associated with a high level of discipline and self-control.
Examples are regular exercise, a properly balanced diet, exercising, not smoking, eating healthy food, feeling better about yourself, appreciating everything more and being grateful every day, being more organised, doing yoga, facing the day with a positive attitude. etc.
bad habit
Harmful habits for health, biting nails, smoking, borrowing money, not eating healthy food, taking outside fast food, excessive alcohol or drug addiction, hair pulling, gambling, drug addiction etc.
Bad habits are easy to form but extremely difficult to break.
It takes more time to form good habits. Scientists believe that it takes a person at least 3 weeks to form a good habit.
The habit formation cycle can be explained using the 3Rs of habit change. Follow the 3 R step pattern when forming a new habit and breaking a bad habit.
Reminder/Resolution: Resolution is a strong decisive step taken for purposeful action. Resolution depends on the assistant’s ability to complete tasks and reach goals.
Routine/Rehearsal: Rehearsing a new habit helps in habit formation.
Reward/Repetition: A new behavior becomes a habit only when it is repeated long enough to make the behavior automatic.
If the reward is positive, then the person will want to repeat the routine again when reminded. Repeat the same action enough times and it becomes a habit
BAD HABITS keeps a person away from his goals which he wants to achieve in his life.
BAD HABITS not only wastes one’s time and energy, it also changes one’s physical & mental health.
Tension and addiction are the main factors responsible for the formation of BAD HABITS.
Instead of breaking BAD HABITS, replace the BAD HABITS with a new habit that provides the same benefit.
For example, instead of stopping the BAD HABITS of smoking when you are stressed, you should come up with a different way to deal with stress and a new habit or habit that is positive and has a good effect when you feel the urge to smoke.
Everyone has at least one bad habit. Be it over-sharing on Facebook, eating junk food or compulsive shopping.
BAD HABITS damage a person’s happiness, health and social relationships.
For example, chronic tardiness occurs when a person consistently fails to arrive on time for social engagements or meetings while others are waiting for them. Eventually, it can lead to loose friends or significant others. And if he does this at work, he will probably lose his job.
Other BAD HABITS have fatal consequences such as eating the wrong and unhealthy foods and failing to exercise, smoking and drug and alcohol abuse, unnecessary shopping endangering financial stability and mental health; And so some BAD HABITS may require professional help to change.
Understanding the basic steps of behavior change can begin the process described below.
One can change what one decides. It can also change his BAD HABITS.
The more honest he is about the nature of his BAD HABITS, the more likely he is to continue on the path to change.
He might want to start by keeping a list of his BAD HABITS such as how often he stays up late, eats too much, smokes, drinks too much, etc.
Once he has decided that he wants to change, convince himself that he is able to achieve his goal. It is inspiring to see other people successfully transform. But he needs to see what changes in himself.
Once a person discovers his internal motives and external incentives that cause BAD HABITS, he will move towards changing them.
By finding the triggers that cause BAD HABITS, pay attention to the consequences that reinforce the bad habit like attention, happiness, excitement etc. Then use these results to build good habits.
BAD HABITS take years to break. It is hard not so easy to break those BAD HABITS in a moment.
Make a time table based on the goals he wants to achieve. For example, to change a sedentary life style, exercise gradually from 5 to 10 minutes per day, then gradually increase the exercise time with 5 minutes more per day for a week.
If a person is going to reach his ultimate goal, he needs to know how well he is doing.
A diary can be kept to achieve a goal. A calendar can also be marked.
Do not be discouraged by any discouragement between your daily regular schedule
Instead try to find out why it happened. Note these incidents in a diary and think about changing these BAD HABITS.
The support of friends, family, teachers, supervisors or mentors is taken which is the best way.
Needing help does not mean a person is a failure. That means the change will require more resources than initially anticipated.
Being a Nurse is one thing and being a highly skilled Nurse is another.
A highly efficient nurse should be able to stay calm and focus on her tasks despite tension issues.
Good habits help reduce stress.
A nurse with the capacity to calmly handle tense situations has the greatest chance of performing well for patients.
Good habits are beneficial to a person because they require limited cognitive abilities when they become routine.
Good habits also reduce the cost of time and effort because a person can perform well who already has good habits instead of having to find some new options.
Good habits reduce stress and tension.
When a habit is acquired, it requires no effort and no conscious attention
The habit becomes automatic and automatic.
habit reduces fatigue.
Repeated actions become automatic and give. The work which seems more difficult in the beginning becomes very easy.
Habits helps nurses to perform simple tasks in the space they occupy.
Habits save time because they are automatic and unconscious so work is done easily with less attention.
Nurse’s action and movement becomes easier, faster and more accurate.
Despite all these advantages, habits also have disadvantages. Our actions become stereotypes.
A person finds it difficult to adjust to a new situation.
Habits kill one’s feelings, thinking and creativity, thus making us feelingless. It affects us physically & mentally.
For example, if any changes happen during the lunch break in school, the student is physically & mentally disturbed. Habits also interfere with our other activities.
When there is a pre-existing habit, new information is not taken into account.
Also, people are more particular about short-term results than long-term outcomes. Habits need to be changed due to its negative out come in the long run.
But changing a habit is more difficult if
It is often repeated.
There are strong related rewards
The reward comes very soon after the action.
Perception means sensation plus interpretation.
Perception is the interpretation of sensory stimuli. Which reaches the brain through our sensory organs. Interpretation explains to us the meaning of the sensation so that we become aware of the object.
For good perception, it is necessary for the sensory organs of our body to work well. So that we can be aware of the stimulation coming from the external environment.
Perception is done in different ways by different individuals.
For example, if a glass is held half full of water, one person will see the glass as half full while another person will see the glass as half empty.
Perception takes place through sensory organs.
Like Visual Perception Visual Perception & Auditory Perception Auditory Perception
When we hear a sound in our ears we interpret it. And we become aware of what this voice was. Thus Perception explains to us the meaning of Sensation.
For example hear any sound from the external environment or see an object.
Perception means the interpretation of any sensory stimulation.
To understand any task, we absorb the stimulation coming from the external environment and interpret it so that we can be aware of it. This action is known as perception.
Perception is a very complex psychological process. In which a person receives different stimuli from outside, analyse, identify and then interpret them and understand the meaning of any stimulation.
Perception is a psychological process.
Perception is an intellectual process.
Perception is a process through which we understand the meaning of the environment.
Perception is a process that constantly operates between us and reality.
Perception includes sensation. That means it includes your five senses.
Perception is perceived differently by different people. That is, it is seen individually judu judu.
People’s action, emotion, thought and feelings are stimulated by perception.
The principles of perception are given by gestaltists. Hence the principles of perception are known as ‘gestalt principle’.
There are more than 100 principles found in Perception.
When we experience the world, different stimuli come at the same time.
It is necessary to fully understand any thing through the principles of perception so that the person can convert the physical information of the thing into psychological information well.
Thus this law explains how we perceive different stimuli.
Law of Perception is as follows:
According to the principle of figure ground relationship, the relationship between the figure of the stimuli and its background is seen.
That is, to understand the stimulation well, it is very important to understand its figure and the background behind it.
In which the color, size, shape and intensity of the figure is seen relative to the background for the perception of the object or stimuli.
For example when we look at a figure we see it as a chessboard and when we look at the background we see two faces.
Closure means closure
According to the principle of closure, when we see an incomplete pattern, we complete that pattern through a sensory gap or perceive and make it meaningful.
If the points and lines are close together then it is seen as a figure or group.
This type of organization helps in interpreting stimuli, patterns and incomplete objects in our environment.
For example, in the given picture, the complete lines can be better understood as a square and a circle.
Grouping means forming a group.
According to the principle of grouping, things, objects, stimuli and figures are seen as groups for a meaningful pattern.
In which their size, color and arrangement are very important to understand the meaningful pattern.
Principles of grouping are divided into three types:
Proximity means closeness
According to the principle of proximity, we see objects or stimuli that are close to each other as a group.
For example in the given picture we see the three columns of the circle as a group in which the 3 columns are arranged in a line of two by two. When we do not see that there are total 6 columns of circle.
Similarity means sameness.
According to the Principle of Similarity, when things look similar to each other, our eyes perceive them as a group or a pattern.
For example in the given picture we see the line with black circle as a separate group while the line with white circle is seen as a separate group. Because they are similar in color to each other.
Continuity means continuity
According to the Principle of Continuity, we see the object or stimuli as continuity, it is seen as a unit or group.
For example, in the given picture, we see a line with dots of black and red color that overlap as a continuous line.
According to the principle of contrast, we perceive the object or stimuli based on the background of any object or stimulus or what is around it and what size and color it has.
For example, in the given picture, the circle at the center of one figure appears larger than the circle at the center of another figure. But both circles are same in size.
According to the principle of good figure, when a person sees any irregular arrangement, he perceives it as a good figure.
For example, when we see a cloud in an irregular shape, if we perceive it carefully, we can see it in a good shape.
According to the principle of movement, if any object and its background are connected with movement, due to the movement of any one, the other which is stationary is also seen to move.
For example, if a stationary object is shown in front of a moving background, it gives the illusion that the object is also moving.
According to the principle of adaptability, how stimuli are perceived depends on the adaptability of the perceiver.
For example, a person who is already acclimated to working in bright sunlight will find normal sunlight quite dim. But a person who is not already adapted to work in intense sunlight will find even normal sunlight intense.
The boundary between the figure and the background is known as the contour.
According to the principle of contour, the degree of contour that separates the figure and the background is the stimuli or object
is responsible for recognizing and organizing them into meaningful patterns.
Connectedness means connectedness.
According to the Principle of Connectedness we tend to see lines, shapes or colors as a unit and the elements connected to them as a group.
Symmetry means symmetry
When we perceive objects we tend to perceive them as symmetrical shapes and tend to see them as a unified group.
According to the principle of common fate, elements moving together are seen as a group.
For example, a flock of geese flying in the same direction in the sky is seen as a group.
Depth perception involves seeing an object in 3 dimensions and helps in knowing how far away an object is.
Form perception is the ability to see an object or picture in its shape and pattern. For example see P word from B.
Motion perception is also known as movement perception. In which the speed and direction of the object is seen based on visual and input.
When we know that something is of a certain size, we tend to see it as that size even if it is far away from us. For example, when a person is moving away from us, the object becomes smaller in the retina, but we see the person according to his size.
In time perception, a person perceives time differently in activities he likes and dislikes. For example, an activity or event that we don’t like makes time seem to pass slowly. When in a favorite thing time passes instantly.
Different colors are recognized by the human eye in color perception.
Visual perception involves the interpretation of visible light information reaching the eye.
Haptic perception involves recognizing all aspects of touch using the hands.
Speech perception helps individuals interpret and understand the sounds of the languages they use.
Harmonic perception helps to understand the relationship between pitch values occurring at different times.
In modal perception, an object that is not actually complete is perceived as complete.
Factors affecting perception are divided into two categories:
Objective factors include factors affecting the physical character of stimuli.
As the intensity is higher, the person will perceive it more. For example, a person over-perceives loud noises.
Different and shocking things we perceive first.
When a stationary object makes a movement, we quickly perceive it.
We prefer something new and innovative more than something old and used.
Repetition causes us to adjust to repeated stimuli.
Subjective factors include factors affecting the perceiver.
Perception depends on the sensory organ and its receptor. For example, if the cone cells in the retina are not developed, then we cannot perceive color.
The sensory area in the brain and its associated areas affect perception. If auditory area is destroyed then auditory perception will not happen.
Past experience affects perception. Past stimuli affect present stimulation.
If we have an interest in the thing and we have already made up our mind about it, then we will be able to perceive that thing quickly.
Our needs and desires change perception.
Our mood and emotions affect perception. For example, when we are in a good mood, we perceive everything well
Perception means receiving any stimuli from the external environment through our sense organ and interpreting it correctly. In this process some errors are encountered which are as follows:
This is a kind of perception error. In which a person perceives it even if there is no stimulation of any kind in the external environment. That is, even though the lack of stimulation is seen, the person perceives it.
For example, at night a person can hear the sound of someone moving and whistling.
Hallucination is mostly seen in mentally ill person.
There are five types of hallucination:
1) Auditory hallucinations
2) Visual hallucinations
3) Tactile hallucinations
4) Olfactory hallucinations
5) Gustatory hallucinations
Illusion is also known as wrong perception.
In illusion, wrong perception leads to wrong interpretation. In which a person receives a stimulus from the external environment and interprets it as something else.
Thus stimulation is present in illusion.
The illusion is seen in normal individuals.
For example mistaking a rope for a snake in the dark
(a) Illusion caused by stimulus factor:
Horizontal, vertical illusions are caused by a stimulus factor eg, a snake instead of a rope.
(b) Muller Lyer-Illusion/geometrical illusion:
Müller Liar-Illusion/Geometric Illusion: Observation of the given figure would lead any normal person to say that horizontal line ‘A’ appears shorter than line “B”, but actually both lines are of equal length.
(c) Hering Illusion/Fan’s illusion
In the figure below, two horizontal lines are parallel. The distance between 1 and 2 is the same throughout the figure. But, they appear to each as unique.
d). Zollner Illusion: All these lines are drawn parallel. But they are not seen as parallel.
(e) Height Width Illusion: Height Width Illusion: A tall hat is placed in a short vase. The height and width of the caps are the same. But one appears taller than the other.
(f) Ponzo Illusion: Ponzo Illusion: It is also a geometric illusion. Circles 1 and 2 are actually the same size. But the circle seems to be one big and one small.
(g) Jastrow Illusion: Two crescents 1 and 2 are of equal size but 2 appears larger than 1.
(h) Illusion of movement: Illusion of movement: When an observer sees a moving picture when the object is not actually moving.
(i) Moon Illusion: Moon illusion: The Moon appears much larger near the horizon than when it is at its apex, even though the visual angle subtended by the Moon remains constant.
Observation includes two mental activities namely attention and perception.
Accurate perception and attention are beneficial for nurses.
As a nurse, observation is a very important aspect while taking care of patients in the classroom and in the ward.
Perception and observation are very necessary to provide qualitative care to the patient.
If the nurse does not make sharp observation, then she will not be able to note the important and critical symptoms of the patient and as a result, the patient will find recovery time.
Accurate perception and observation will help the nurse to increase information and knowledge.
Giving sufficient attention to each task or activity.
Focus on one activity at a time.
To avoid distractors.
To do meditation.
To observe accurately and quickly but not hastily. So that we can avoid false perception.
To keep our interest and growth active.
To avoid personal bias.
Perceiving and interpreting stimuli equally.
Cultivating the habit of accurate observation.