Vital Statistics.
Vital means important events like birth, death, marriage etc. Statistics means numerical data and related science. Thus numerical data related to important events are called vital statistics.
Health Statistics.
Important events related to health and numerical data related to it are called health statistics. This data is also important for comparing health related majors.
Crude Rate (Crude Rate).
This is unstandardized rate or data. Which is calculated without any kind of specification. For this data any total event is counted in the total population during any time period. No specific boundary of any kind is placed while counting. For example, birth rate, death rate, these are all crude rates. Age, sex etc. information is not taken into account while calculating this so it is called crude rate.
Specific Rate (Specific Rate)..
This data is called standardized data. It includes data with any specific boundary within a specific time frame. For the calculation of any data in it, the information related to specific matters like age, marital status, sex, occupation, cause etc. is calculated according to the specific time. Hence this data is called specific rate. D. T. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) etc.
Fetal Death Rate.
The death rate of the product in the uterus of the mother before complete expulsion is called fetal death rate. The rate of death of a baby in the uterus before delivery is called fetal death rate.
It is classified as follows according to gestational age and weight and length.
Early fetal death.
In which intra-uterine death is seen before 22 weeks. In which the weight of the product is less than 500 grams and its crown hill length is less than 25 centimeters.
Mediate fetal death.
It causes the death of the baby in the uterus during 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. Its product weight is between 500 to 1000 grams and its crown heel length is between 25 to 35 centimeters.
Late fetal death.
Death occurs after 28 weeks of pregnancy and before birth. During this time the weight is more than 1000 grams and its crown heel length is more than 35 centimeters.
Perinatal Mortality Rate (Perinatal Mortality Rate).
Deaths occurring during late fetal and early neonatal period are called perinatal mortality rate. Death usually occurs within seven days of birth.
Incedense Rate (incidence rate).
The total number of newly added cases of a particular illness during a particular period is called the incidence rate.
Prevalence Rate.
All new and old cases of any particular disease during a particular period are called the prevalence rate.
Neonatal Mortality Rate (Neonatal Mortality Rate).
Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) is the number of deaths of children from birth to 28 days as compared to 1000 live births in a year.
Infant Mortality Rate (Infant Mortality Rate).
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is the rate of death of children under one year of age compared to 1000 live births in a year.
Under Five Mortality Rate.
The under-five mortality rate is the rate of death of children under five years of age compared to 1000 live births in a year.
To major in state and community health standards.
To identify any community or area health problem and health need.
To compare the health status of one country to another or one place to another and also to compare health status with present and past.
This data is also important for planning and administration of any health services.
It is useful for the implementation of a health program, to know its progress and to know all the data related to whether the program has succeeded or failed.
This data is especially important for research activities.
To obtain data on a particular disease such as how long a disease has been present, how many different types of disease there are, which age group and age group the disease affects, how severe it is, whether the factors associated with the disease have changed over time. We can compare and know the type of planning and administration of any medical services or health services related to those diseases with the help of vital statistics.
Sources of Vital Statistics
All these data can be obtained from the census.
Due to registration of vital events like marriage, birth, death etc.
From hospital records.
From notification of any infectious disease and related records and reports.
Survey, based on data from Health Survey.
According to the information obtained through research and related analysis.
This data can also be obtained from legal notifications as per Central Government and State Government policies.
The following tools are used to measure vital statistics.
Rate is the number of times any particular event occurs in a given population in a given period of time. Its measurement is called rate.
D. T. Death rate.
The following important terminology is used for the calculation of this measurement.
Numerator means the number of times any event occurs in a particular time period or population.
This term is used for comparison of denominator ie total population or total event. Mid year population is always considered in population calculation.
Multiplier means the event is multiplied by the appropriate coefficient to calculate the data such as 100 1,000 10,000 or 100000.
Dividing or comparing one value with another gives a ratio between the two data.
D. T. X:Y
Proportion is also a type of ratio. This tool is used to show how much of any event is part of the whole event.
Several mechanisms are useful for collecting vital statistics. As per civil registration system any data or event is registered as per registration laws of central and state government and at the end we can get vital statistics of any event.
Sample Registration System According to this system any sample collection is done and the corresponding data can be obtained at the end.
The model registration system can be used to collect data related to an event by using one of the models.
Vital statistics are collected through all the above methods.