Immunization means vaccination. These are biological substances that provide protection against specific diseases. In which the child’s immune system makes a specific immune response (antibody) against the given agent. This specific substance is called a vaccine.
Vaccines are prepared from weakened or inactivated pathogens.
Types of Vaccines:
Live Vaccines like BCG, OPV, MMR, etc
Killed vaccine like pentavalent, DPT etc
Toxoid like diphtheria, tetanus etc.
Apart from this, the vaccine is also prepared from a combination of cellular fraction, live and Kiddle.
BCG Vaccine
Its full name is Bacillus Of Calmette and Guerin. It is a live attenuated vaccine. It provides protection against tuberculosis in infants.
This vaccine is given at birth. It can also be given up to late 1 year.
BCG vaccine is administered 0.05 ml intradermally to neonates and 0.1 ml intradermally to infants.
A papule (5 mm diameter) is seen at the injection site 2 to 3 weeks after BCG vaccination. Ulcers form and fall off. The ulcer heals after 8 to 10 weeks and a permanent scar develops.
BCG vaccine is not given (contraindicated) in conditions like immunosuppressive, HIV AIDS, eczema or dermatitis etc.
10 to 20 doses can be given from one vial of BCG. It is diluted in 1 ml of NaCl.
BCG vaccine is given intradermally with a specific syringe (tuberculin syringe). It has a 26 G needle.
This vaccine is used within 3 hours of opening the vial and if there is any remaining vaccine, it is discarded after that. It is kept away from direct light.
Polio vaccine is available in both live (sabin) and inactivated (salk) forms and can be given by oral route and intramuscular or intradermal route.
It provides prevention from poliomyelitis.
It is a hit sensitive vaccine. It is stored at -20 degrees C.
After polio vaccination the child can be breast fed but not given hot drinks or hot milk for half an hour.
Every additional round of polio immunization should be given by the government to all children under 5 years of age.
Vaccine is not given in severe diarrhea and acute illness.
Pentavalent Vaccine
5 vaccines are included in this vaccine. Which includes Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Hepatitis B. It provides prevention from above 5 diseases.
This is a combined vaccine. Freezing this vaccine may lose its potency.
A booster dose of this vaccine is given from the age of 5 to 6 years.
There is a possibility of mild reactions like pain, swallowing, fever etc. from giving this vaccine.
In its severe complications, neurological conditions, Reyes syndrome etc. can develop. This vaccine is contraindicated in neurological conditions.
Measles Vaccine
It is a live attenuated vaccine. A single dose is capable of developing long-term immunity.
It provides prevention from measles.
This vaccine is used within 4 hours of opening as per open vial policy. Excess vaccine is discarded.
This vaccine is light sensitive.
Rubella Vaccine
This vaccine is a live attenuated viral vaccine. It is administered with the measles vaccine.
It provides prevention from rubella.
Measles and rubella vaccines are contraindicated in immunocompromised conditions.
2 doses are given at 9 to 12 months and 16 to 24 months.
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine is now included in the immunization schedule. Given at birth. Thereafter 6, 10, and 14, are also given in the schedule of weeks.
It provides prevention from hepatitis.
There are 2 types of it.
Plasma derived vaccines and RDNA yeast derived vaccines.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
This vaccine is given for the prevention of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. It is given for prevention of pneumonia and meningitis.
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is given in the infant immunization schedule. It has been included in the National Immunization Schedule some time ago.
Common Side Effect Of Vaccine (Common Side Effect)
Following are the common side effects of vaccine administration.
Swelling, fever, abscess, pain, lymphadenopathy, redness, itching etc. may be seen. Paracetamol and Brufen syrup are given for this side effect which are analgesics and antipyretic.
In addition, some hypersensitivity reactions, termed adverse events following immunization (AEFI), may occur. These are signs of hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylactic shock, hypotension, bronchospasm, etc. In which management is done according to acute emergency condition.
Cold Chain
A vaccine or medicine is stored at a suitable temperature to enhance its effectiveness. A cold chain is a temperature storage system in which a vaccine is kept at a specific temperature from its manufacture or production until it is delivered to a client. The channel for maintaining this temperature is called cold chain. This cold chain is also maintained during transportation and storage of the vaccine.
If the vaccine fails in this cold chain transmission channel, its effectiveness is not established and it cannot protect against the disease.
Mainly trained man power, proper cold chain processing equipments and proper transportation system are very important for cold chain processing.
The following are the equipments for cold chain installation.
Ice pack
Vaccine carrier
Cold box
Domestic Freeze
ILR (Ice Lined Refrigerator)
Cold chain can be maintained with the help of above mentioned equipments.
Order to store vaccine in the ILR
In ILR, the temperature is cold at the bottom and the temperature is slightly higher towards the top, so the order of vaccination from the bottom side is given below.
Vaccines are stored in the above order.
Vaccine Vail Monitor
VVM is a square drawn on a temperature sensitive paper applied to the vaccine. Which shows the potency and efficacy of the vaccine in the vial.
According to this indicator, the effectiveness of the vaccine inside the vial is decided from the color of the paper.
According to this monitor, the vaccine can be used in stage 1 and 2. Cannot be used in stage 3 and 4.
➡️Vaccine :
Vaccines are immunobiological substances. Which provides protection against specific diseases.
Rotavirus is a live attenuated vaccine. which provides prevention against rota virus infection. Prevention against gastroenteritis by rotavirus vaccine.
Rotavirus vaccine reduces severe diarrhea.
➡️Route of administration:
5 drops (0.5ml)
+2 to +8 Celsius in ILR is stored.
When stored in deep freezers at -15 to -25 Celsius at state and district level.
➡️Open vial policy:
Rotavirus does not have an open vial policy, so it must be used within four hours of opening
➡️ Type of rotavirus vaccine:
It is a monovalent vaccine
It is made from human stain.
Its dosage is as follows.
6 weeks
10 weeks
14 weeks
It is a monovalent vaccine
It is made from human stain and Bowen stain
Its dosage is as follows.
2 months
4 months
It is a pentavalent vaccine.
Its dosage is as follows
2 months
4 months
6 months.
Flu vaccine.
Protects against influenza virus. Influenza (flu) is caused by a virus that affects the respiratory system and usually causes an acute respiratory infection. The flu vaccine is important to prevent and reduce the severity of the disease.
Trivalent Vaccine:
Protects against three types of influenza virus.
Contains two types of influenza A virus and one type of influenza B virus.
Quadrivalent Vaccine:
Protects against four types of influenza virus.
Includes two types of influenza A virus and two types of influenza B virus.
Injectable Vaccine:
Usually given to children 6 months and older.
Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.
Nasal Spray Vaccine:
For healthy people aged 2 to 49 years.
Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV).
Everyone 6 months and older.
Especially curious groups such as:
Elderly (above 65 years)
Pregnant women
People with low immunity
People with chronic illnesses
Before the start of the fall and winter influenza season (September through October).
The spread of the virus can be reduced by timely vaccination.
May reduce the risk of influenza infection.
Reduces the risk of serious complications and hospitalizations caused by influenza.
Can prevent epidemics in certain populations (herd immunity).
Common: Pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site.
Other: Mild fever, fatigue, headache.
Rare: severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
Children under 6 months of age.
Those with severe allergies to vaccine components.
The vaccine is safe during pregnancy and is especially recommended for pregnant women.
The influenza vaccine is updated every year to ensure it remains effective against new viral strains.
Flu vaccination is an important measure for personal health and public health. It is effective in preventing influenza and reducing its serious effects. Getting the flu vaccine each year, especially for susceptible groups, is essential for safety and good health.
Vitamin A
At 9th month- 1 lakh IU(1 ml)- along with measles vaccine is given by oral route.
at 18th month – 2 lakh IU (2 ml)
2 lakh IU every six months for five years
Thus total 17 lakh IU dose is done