Pediatric Nursing Chapter := 3 the sick child.
Selected key terms.
1) Feelings and emotions or less are called what?
Ans:= Apathic
2) Define/ Explain Trends:
A tendency to move in any particular direction is called a trend.
New changes or changes in pediatric nursing as new trends
is thrown away.
3) Explain/Define Concept
A new idea or thought given by any person is called a concept.
4) Explain/Define Rooming in
Rooming in means health care, especially in mother and newborn care, where the baby is kept in the same room with the mother instead of being cared for in a separate nursery. Due to rooming in, the newborn’s body temperature is maintained. And the child also gets adequate amount of breast feeding and the bond relationship between mother and child is also improved.
Thus, the concept of keeping the mother and child in the same room in the hospital for the care of the child after hospitalization is called rooming in.
5) Explain/ define Prevalence rate
The number of new and old cases of any particular disease in any particular population in any particular time period is called prevalence rate.
6) Explain/Define Mortality rate
Mortality rate is a measure used to measure the number of deaths in a particular population during any given period of time.
7) Explain/Define Morbidity rate
Morbidity rate is a measure used to measure the rate of any disease or illness in any particular population during any particular period of time.
8) The return to a former state its called
Ans:= Regression.
9) Give the synonyms (another name) of Irritability.
Ans:= impatience , Excitability.
10) An intense, irrational fear of specific objects, situation, activity or stimulus it’s called…
Ans:= Phobia
11) the mechanism of creating in one’s mind its called
Ans:= Fantasy
1) Explain the child’s reaction to the hospital. (Refer to Child Reaction to Hospital).
A child’s emotional reaction to hospital depends on the child’s illness and the type of stress and tension produced by hospitalization.
Illnesses that endanger the physical and mental development of children.
Due to illness, the child’s movement is restricted, the child does not sleep properly, the child cannot eat properly, and separation from parents and home environment causes emotional trauma in the child.
Due to hospitalization and pro-long illness, growth and development of the child is also stunted and adverse reactions are seen in the child.
A child’s reaction to hospital depends on the child’s age.
1) Reaction of Neonate (time from birth to 28 days)
After the birth of the child, a separate relationship is formed between the child and the mother. But when the child is hospitalized in the neonatal period, the relationship between the child and the mother is impaired.
If the child is hospitalized in the neonate period, the child does not have proper bonding with his family members.
During the neonatal period, the child starts bonding with the person around him and if the child is hospitalized during this period, bonding and trusting relationships are also impaired.
If the child is in the hospital, he stays away from his parents and due to being away, the parents cannot provide love and care to his child.
2) Reaction on infants (child from 28 days to one year)
Due to the infant being hospitalized, separation anxiety is seen in the infant.
If the infant is hospitalized, the basic trust that should develop in the infant is disturbed.
Emotional withdrawal and depression are seen in infants who are hospitalized.
Growth and development in the child is delayed. The infant is afraid of strangers.
Child cries excessively due to being hospitalized.
If the child is hospitalized during infancy, then the child becomes over dependent on the mother.
3) Reaction to Toddler (one year to three year old child)
If the toddler is hospitalized, he protests against anything or a procedure.
A toddler’s hope is impaired and he tries to run away from anything.
If a toddler does not like a nurse during hospitalization, he cries so much at the sight of the nurse that the child starts crying when the nurse comes to him to perform a procedure.
At this time the child keeps searching for its mother at any cost. If it is a toddler and he is hospitalized, the child shows anger and fear.
4) Reaction of Pre-school child (child from three years to six years)
A preschool child’s emotional reactions match the toddler’s emotional reactions.
Regression, Regression, Projection, Displacement, Aggression, Denial, Withdrawal and Fantasy are seen in Pre School Child.
5) Reaction of school aged children (6 to 12 years old child)
At school age, the child has fear, anxiety and different types of imagination and the child has fear of privacy.
A school age child does not use his defense mechanisms and shows a reaction to hospitalization. It does not use defense mechanisms like repression, regression.
Separation anxiety, negativism, depression and phobia are seen in the child.
6) Reaction of Adolescence (12 to 18 years)
During adolescence there is lack of privacy and fear of separation from family and school.
Adolescence at this time lives in a tension of insecurity.
Adolescents become angry at anything, demand unwanted things, and reject treatment or many people fall victim to depression or refuse any treatment.
Thus, due to being hospitalized, a different type of reaction is seen in the child.
2) Explain the effects of hospitalization on the family of the child. (State the impact on the child’s family and parents due to hospitalization)
Parents whose children are hospitalized not only feel alienated from their children but also feel that others are taking their place.
In addition, they feel a sense of inadequacy because other people are taking care of their children.
Due to hospitalization of the child, the unity of the family is also broken and the parents feel anxiety and guilt when the child is separated from their parents.
If there is a hospitalized child, the stress level of their parents and family members increases.
1) It mainly increases the stress level of parents due to many factors like,
A) Parents do not have proper information or knowledge about what kind of illness their child has.
B) Parents also fear that what and what kind of procedures are being done with their child in the hospital.
C) Parents are also afraid of what kind of treatment their child will be provided.
D) Parents also fear what is going to happen to their child in the future which also increases the stress level of the parents.
E) When a child is hospitalized, the cost of treatment can be very high, which places a financial burden on the parents but also increases the stress on the parents.
2) Parents often feel guilty that their child’s illness is due to parents not taking proper care of them and due to any defect in child care.
3) The child who is hospitalized, the parents of the child have anxiety, fear, disappointment, and the parents blame themselves.
4) When the child is treated, he is separated from his parents which makes the parents feel helpless as they cannot provide care to the child.
5) Many times the parents of the hospitalized child become angry with the health care personnel.
6) Anxiety is also seen in parents due to some causes of anxiety like,
Because of the strange environment of the hospital.
Due to separation of parents and child.
Due to child’s illness.
Due to the different types of procedures performed in the hospital.
Due to unknown events and out come.
Child suffering from any eyelash.
Due to parents not being able to take care of their child.
1) Explain the Role of the Nurse in helping child and family in coping with stress of hospitalization and illness. (Explain the nurse’s role in helping the child and family cope with the stress of hospitalization and illness).
Whenever a child is hospitalized, the stress level of the child and his family increases. So the nurse plays an important role to relieve the stress of the child and its parents.
A nurse works as a helping people for parents and their children
Because, a nurse is a source of comfort, strength and knowledge
works as
A nurse has to develop enough confidence to form a positive relationship with children and their parents.
As a pediatric nurse, the nurse is aware of the feelings of children and their parents to handle their problems. The nurse patiently listens to the child’s complaints to find out the reason for the anxiety of the child and his parents.
A nurse provides sympathy and guidance to parents who are caring for a child.
A nurse helps children and their parents feel less anxious and more secure and calm in the hospital.
A nurse provides the following care:
1) Family :=
The nurse provides permission for family members to stay with the child during hospital procedures and provides family center care to the child.
2) In Neonate (child of 28 days from birth)
While taking care of the neonate, the nurse also actively involves the parents in the care of the child by applying the rooming-in concept. And provides the child with continuous contact with its parents.
3) in infants (28 days to one year old child)
Encourages the mother to balance her responsibilities and reduce separation with confidence and competence.
An attempt is made to fulfill the infant’s basic needs by providing proper attention to the infant and handling the infant properly by the limited person.
Whenever the nurse is doing any medical procedure on the child, she allows her parents to take care of the child so that the child does not feel separation anxiety.
To relieve the tension and loneliness of the infants, the nurse provides them with toys.
4) in toddler (one to three year old child)
The nurse provides a rooming in for the toddler.
The nurse provides unlimited visiting hours to express the child’s feelings.
If the child gets angry with the nurse while hospitalized, the nurse does not provide any kind of punishment to the child.
The nurse tries to continue the child’s home routine like sleeping, eating, bathing etc.
The nurse provides the child’s choice whenever possible and also provides the child’s familiar toys.
Provides an adequate environment to the child for recreation and play.
The nurse maintains an understanding and relationship with the child’s parents.
Based on the child’s condition, the nurse allows the child for play and physical activity.
5) for preschool child (three to six years old child)
In the preschool child, the nurse minimizes separation anxiety in children by allowing the child’s parents to be present during any of the child’s medical procedures.
The nurse maintains a rooming-in approach.
The nurse tries to make the child’s hospital stay as short as possible.
A nurse tries to relieve a child from a stressful situation by providing love and care.
The nurse properly explains the procedure according to the child’s level of understanding and also maintains his privacy.
Provides opportunities for the child to verbalize his feelings.
The nurse provides love to the child due to which the child can accept the separation caused by hospitalization.
The nurse anchors the child to self-care and personal hygiene.
The nurse tries to allay the child’s fear by providing an adequate explanation.
The nurse does not do negative reinforcement in the child.
6) For School children (6 to 12 years old child.)
A nurse assists parents for elective hospitalization of a child.
The nurse respects the child’s right of privacy during any medical procedure.
The nurse helps to solve the child’s problem.
A nurse uses treatment rooms when performing any painful and invasive procedure.
The nurse explains the procedure and its benefits to the child so that the child can cooperate properly during the procedure.
When the child’s condition improves, the nurse encourages him to self-care, play and continue schoolwork.
The nurse encourages the child to maintain personal hygiene.
The nurse asks the child’s parents to cop up in anxious situations.
The nurse encourages the parents to properly participate in the child’s care.
The nurse allows the child to visit his siblings and friends.
7) for Adolescence (12 to 18 years)
The nurse helps the parents prepare the adolescent for a planned hospitalization.
Impact of nurse illness and hospitalization
Assesses what type of misconception is present.
The nurse provides orientation to the hospital staff, hospital routines, and facilities available at the hospital when the adult is admitted to the hospital.
Nurses take a complete history of the adult’s illness such as habits, recreation, and hobbies.
The nurse respects the adolescent’s privacy. And involves those who have food preferences in the diet plan.
Before performing any medical procedure, the nurse properly explains the procedure and gains the corporation of the adolescent and his parents.
The nurse provides the adult with opportunities for proper recreation and interaction with family members and friends.
The nurse guides the adolescent to promote his health and restore his daily routine activities.
Thus the nurse is a hospitalized child
in health promotion and its activities
Guides how to restore. thus,
It is important for the nurse to admit to the hospital
of the born child, his parents, and his family members
Identify the need and respond to it properly