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Food Preparation, Preservation &
a) Principles of cooking, methods of
cooking and the effect of cooking
on food and various nutrients.
Safe food handling, health of food
handlers. b) Methods of food preservation–
household and commercial,
c) Food storage – cooked and raw,
household and commercial, ill
effects of poorly stored food.
d) Food adulteration and acts related
to it.

🥗 Principles of cooking, method of cooking:
🥗 Describe the various principles used in cooking

  1. Embrace the new variety:
    The best way to enjoy a healthy diet is to eat a variety of foods. Global pantries and local farmers markets are open, expanding and inspiring. Supermarkets and food companies are slowly whetting our appetite for authentic flavors.
  2. Cook more often:
    All the talk about Americans being too busy cooking obscures the truth about them.

Our readers report that cooking is a stress reliever, a little “me time” in the world.

Every meal cooked takes some control.

Like any habit, cooking breeds more of itself.

  1. Eat more whole foods:
    The fewer foods in your kitchen that come with a long list of processed ingredients, the better.

Whole foods—including whole grains in their many roasted and cooked forms—contain a wide range of nutrients and fiber.

This is not a ban on packaged foods but a judicious curtailment of those that facilitate excessive processing.

  1. Favor the healthy fat:
    That usually means more vegetable oil, more servings of certain oily fish, and less saturated fat from meat and dairy.

The good news is that the percentage of fat in your diet is less significant than the source of that fat.

  1. Eat less meat and more plants:

Push vegetables, fruits and whole grains to the center of your plate, and cut down on cooked meats, mind you, in small amounts.

Provides clear guidance on portions of our recipes.

  1. Cook seasonally and, when possible, locally.

This means taking advantage of the natural peak of peas and asparagus in the spring, tomatoes in the summer, apples in the fall, root vegetables in the winter, and imported foods that really taste their best.
Contains, such as citrus.

Out of season, visit the frozen-food aisle for many vegetables like peas and corn that retain not only their nutrients but also their sweet nature.

  1. Learn new cooking techniques:
    Mastery in the kitchen is its own joy, but it’s essential for the everyday cook.

Confidence comes with practice.

Paying attention to the method will break old habits.

The New Way to Cook Lite cookbook has technique and shortcut tips

  1. Buy the best ingredients you can afford:
    Buy not necessarily the most expensive ingredients, but the best and tastiest.

Shopping is a great adventure in most cities.

Look for good olive oil, preferably aged cheddar.

  1. Cook and eat mindfully and responsibly:

Healthy eating is about savoring every bite, caring about where the food comes from, preparing it carefully, and then sharing it joyfully with friends and family.

It’s hard not to feel reverence for a farmer’s perfect tomato or a baker’s perfect bowl, and then the joy of sharing it with people who care.
🥗 Describe about various cooking methods:

In cooking, there are some basic cooking methods that are used.

These commonly used basic cooking methods fall into two general groups.

The groups are:

Dry heat cookery method

Moist heat cookery method

Cooking is divided into these two groups because of how the food is cooked and the type of heat used.

  1. Dry heat cookery method:
    In dry heat cooking methods, the cooked food does not use water to cook the food.

Food is dried and heat is applied to cook the food.

Such cooking methods are: baking, steaming, grilling and roasting.

When heat is applied to food, the food cooks in its own juices or the water added to the food during its preparation evaporates during the heating process and this cooks the food.

Heat is applied directly to the food by convection thus cooking the food
is cooked. The action or movement of air around the food cooks it.

Let us now take a look at each of these cooking methods.
🥗 Dry heat cookery method:

  1. BAKING:

In the cooking method, food is cooked using convection heating.

The food is placed in an enclosed area where heat is then applied and the movement of heat within the confined space acts on the food causing it to be cooked.


To steam food, water is added to a pot and then a stand is placed inside the pot.

This water level should be below the stand and not above it.

There is no contact between the food and the water added to the pot.

The food is then placed on the stand and heat is applied.

The hot steam from the boiling water acts on the food and cooks the food.

It is the hot steam that cooks the food, because there is no contact between the food and the water inside the pot.

This method of cooking is very good for vegetables as the food does not lose its flavor and most of the nutrients do not lose during cooking.


There are two methods of grilling that are used these days. A type of grilling is commonly used by village people.

This occurs when food is cooked over hot coals over an open fire.

Food is placed on top of burning coals.

Sometimes people improvise by using wire mesh and placing it over an open fire to grill fish or vegetables.

Another method is using a grill that is built into the stove.

In this method, the griller, which has a tray, is heated and the food is placed on the grill tray to cook. Heat can be gas-generated or electric-generated, depending on the type of stove used.

Food is left to cook on the grill again with the grill door open.

People who can afford to buy a stove will use the grilling part to grill their food.

What happens in this type of cooking… is that the heat seals the outside of the food and the juices cook the food inside. The taste of the food is not lost and most of the nutrients are not lost.

The food is turned frequently to prevent burning and to ensure that the same heat and cooking time is applied to both sides of the food.

By doing this, the food is cooked evenly and well.

With roasting, direct heat is applied to the food. The heat seals the outside of the food and the juices inside cook the food.

Grilling is mainly used when cooking meaty foods such as fish, meat or chicken.

When heat is applied to the outer covering of food, it seals it and thus traps all the juices inside the food.

By direct heating action, the juices inside the food heat up, which then cooks the food.

Again very little nutrients are lost and the taste does not deteriorate.

The food is turned over frequently, so that all parts of the food are heated. This is so that the heat is applied evenly to cook the food properly.

In moist heat cooking methods, liquid is used as the medium to cook the food.

Such a medium can be water, coconut cream or oil.

This liquid is added to the food before heat is applied to it or sometimes heat is applied to the liquid before the food is added to the cooking utensils.

Moist heat cooking methods include:

🥗 boiling, stewing, shallow frying, deep frying, barbequing and basting.

All of these moist heat cooking methods use liquid to cook the food.

  1. BOILING :

This is the most common method of cooking and it is also the easiest. With this method of cooking, enough water is added to the food and then it is cooked over fire.

The action of hot water causes the food to cook.

Liquids are usually thrown away after cooking food.

In the case of cooking rice, all the water is absorbed by the rice grains so that they are cooked.

During the heating process, nutrients can be lost or destroyed and the flavor can be reduced with this method of cooking.

If you overcook the cabbage, all the nutrients can be lost.


In the cooking process using the stewing method, food is cooked using a lot of liquid.

A variety of vegetables are chopped, diced or cubed and added to the pot.

Sometimes pieces of selected meat, fish or chicken are also chopped and added to the stew.

The liquid is slightly thickened and thus served as stewed food.

This method is also used when preparing fruits to be served as dessert.

With this cooking method, each food is cooked at the same time in a single pot.

The flavors, colors, shapes and textures of the different vegetables that are used make stewing a simple cooking method. The only disadvantage is that
That some vegetables can be overcooked and thus lose a lot of nutrients.

So it is important that the vegetables that take the longest to cook are put in the pot first and the vegetables that need the least cooking are put last.

In this way most of the nutrients are not lost from the food.

When frying food using oil or solid fat it is important that you follow some rules to control the oil or fat.

🥗 Simple rules to follow while frying:

Make sure there is enough oil or fat in a frying pan or deep frying pan.

Cooking food should not have water dripping from it. This is because when water comes into contact with hot oil or fat, you will have oil sizzling and spitting from the pan, which can burn your skin if you are not careful.

Carefully drop the food into the hot oil. Try not to make a big splash as the oil can burn your skin.

Fat oil should be heated to a suitable temperature before adding food to the pan for frying. If oil or fat is added to food when it is not heated to the proper temperature, the food will soak up the oil and you will have food that is all greasy or greasy. If the oil or fat is overheated, the food will burn. Sometimes food especially donuts will brown on the outside but the inside dough is not cooked. To cook food using the frying method, there are two ways to do it. There are shallow frying and deep frying methods.

In shallow frying, food is cooked in a frying pan with little oil or fat.

The oil or fat is heated to an appropriate amount and the food is dropped into the hot oil.

The food is turned for a few minutes or stirred a few times before it is cooked and taken out.

If patties, potato chips or coated foods are fried, it is best to put a piece of them.

Soak oil from brown paper or paper napkin before serving inside the tray.

    This happens when a lot of oil or fat is used to cook the food.

The oil or fat is usually placed in a deep pan and heated to boiling point.

The food is then put into hot boiling oil and cooked that way.

Foods such as fish fingers, potato chips, meat balls and dough nuts are cooked using the deep frying method.

    Barbecuing is usually associated with fund.
    Parenting activities, parties or picnics.

It is most suitable for cooking meat cutlet, fish or chicken pieces.

Food is usually marinated with spices and tenderizers (to tenderize the meat) before being cooked.

With this method of cooking, a metal sheet with a stand is heated and oil is used to cook the food.

Sufficient oil is heated and food is added.

The food is then turned twice before it is taken out.

    This method of cooking is usually associated with roasting.

The juices or liquid that oozes out of cooked meat is often added to the grill when it is grilled.

The exterior of the meat is moist
Often the juices that come up during the cooking process.

Usually, excess juices from cooked meat are added to the mixture to make meat sauce.
⭐ food storage and food adulteration and act:
🥗 Define food storage:

The storage of a food product depends on its chemical composition and the way it is processed, packaged and distributed.

The storage of any food product depends on various factors such as the type of food, its shelf life, the temperature at which it was stored, its packaging and how efficient the storage unit is in maintaining the food at its recommended storage temperature. .

Proper food storage ensures the preservation of the nutritional value and functional properties of the food product without compromising its aesthetic value.

Safe and healthy food is an integral part of a healthy life.

Storing improper food is detrimental to healthy living.

Food storage plays an important role in maintaining the nutritional value of food and ensuring that it is safe for consumption.

Proper food storage practices help kill bacteria, molds, fungi, prevent them from multiplying and also prevent them from spreading.

This ensures that your food is fresh, clean and healthy and that its nutritional value is properly preserved.

Although proper food storage does not improve food quality, it prevents food quality from deteriorating.

The right temperature ensures that food retains its appearance, its aroma, texture quality and color.

Any food storage practice changes the nutritional value of the food, but the change is not significant.

Environmental conditions are also major contributing factors in maintaining quality.
🥗 Enumerate purposes of food storage:

🥗 Storing of food has several main purposes:

To procure all kinds of fruits, vegetables and other food items depending on the season

To export surplus production or to transport it to other parts of the country or to ensure its availability.

To preserve food for future use

To preserve the taste, smell and taste of food

To preserve the quality and nutritional value of food – as far as possible.

Preserving food on the go.

To store harvested and processed plant and animal food products for distribution to consumers.

Enabling a better balanced diet throughout the year.

Reduce kitchen waste by saving unused or uneaten food for later use.

Storing pantry foods, such as spices or dry ingredients such as rice and flour, for final use in cooking.

Prepare for disasters, emergencies and periods of food shortage or drought.

Religious reasons (example: LDS Church leaders instruct church members to store food)

To protect from animal or theft.
🥗 Explain various methods of food storage:

Methods of food preservation and storage:-

Preservation by cooling

Preservation by heat

Preservation by dehydration

Preservation by chemicals

Preservation by irradiation


Removing heat and moisture from food prevents it from spoiling, but some foods spoil by removing moisture.

Hence these substances are kept in cold storage or cold places to maintain moisture.

This method can be used on both domestic and commercial scale.

Domestic: Food is wrapped in wet cloth or kept in water or wet sand, in earthen pots or in a freezer.

In cold storage, chill storage and freezing

  1. Preservation by heat:

Various organisms remain active and grow rapidly at normal room temperature.

Cooking or heating food kills organisms and makes food safe.

Home Method:- Boiling, Cooking, Frying etc.

Large scale: pasteurization, sterilization

  1. Preservation by dehydration:

Moisture can cause food to spoil. Food can be preserved for longer by removing moisture. It can be done by drying and is called dehydration.

The methods are as follows:-

a. natural dehydration: drying the crops naturally in the heat of the sun.

b. Dehydration by heat: domestically and commercially by sunlight or heat

c. chemical:- milk powder and dry fish

Vacuum shelf dryer, dry air, cabinet dryer can also be used here.

  1. Preservation by chemicals:
    It is used to preserve and store food.

Preservation by adding sugar, fruit juice and jam

Preservation by salt and oil:- pickle

Sauce, pickle, sauce chemically preserved by sodium benzoate, citric acid.

  1. Preservation by irradiation:
    Commercial preservation of wheat, potatoes and onions is informed by the use of gamma rays.

Smoke contains phenol which helps in preservation.
🥗 Domestic methods:-

a. Cold method:
wet cloth, refrigerator, freeze etc.

Vegetable like spinach, lady finger, coriander leaves, papad, chips, spices, fruits, fish etc. are dried in sunlight.

c. Use of food additives:-
saffron, turmeric, cardamom, saccharine, etric acid.

Sugar and oil are used.

Used for pickle, juice, jelly, chutteney etc.

d. form changing:
A change in the form of food and drink to preserve it for some time. Ghee made from milk, butter, condensed milk can be preserved longer than milk.
🥗 Define food adulteration:

Food adulteration is an age-old problem. It involves a large number of practices.
For example: adulteration, substitution, concealment of quality, putting up for sale spoiled food, misbranding or false labeling and addition of toxic substances.

Confusion causes two disadvantages to the consumer

He is paying more for lower quality food stuff.

Some forms of adulteration are harmful to health, even resulting in death.
Discuss food adulteration act and various standards of food:

🥗 Prevention of food adulteration act:-1954

The objective is to ensure pure and wholesome food to consumers and protect them from fraudulent and deceptive trade practices.

Prevention of food adulteration (PFA) act was amended in 1964, 1976 and 1986.

Imprisonment for a minimum of 6 months with a fine of Rs 1000.

As envisaged under the Act in cases of proven adulteration, while cases of adulteration which may cause damage to the food and cause death or such damage which may amount to grievous loss (within the meaning of Section 320 of the IPC) the punishment is life imprisonment. Imprisonment and fine which shall not be less than rupees 5000.

1986 Amendment: Consumer and voluntary organization empowered to take food samples under the Act.

For this, the food standard rules are amended from time to time by the Central Committee. Any food that does not conform to the minimum standards is said to be adulterated.

Central Food Laboratories: Kolkata, Mysore, Ghaziabad and Pune.

Food adulteration is a social evil. General public, traders and food inspectors are all responsible for this.

Public, due to lack of awareness and their general disinterest, traders, for greed of money, food inspector, start making easy money on adulteration.

Voluntary health agencies and consumer guidance societies play an important role.
🥗 Food standards:

a. Codex Alimentarius:
FAO/WHO food standards. principal organ of joint

b. PFA standards

c. The Agmark standard: Directorate of marketing and inspection of government of India.

d. Bureau of Indian standards:– ISI mark

Note: AGMARK and ISI standards are not mandatory, they are purely voluntary.
The express degrees of excellence above PFA standards.

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