Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
Selected key terms/definition
define gonorrhea
This is a type of common venereal division.
which is transmitted by Neisseria gonorrhoea.
This infection is primarily transmitted through the genito urinary system and occurs in both males and females.
If this disease is not treated, it also causes fever and arthritis conditions.
And if the hands are contaminated by this organism, the infection can also spread to the eye.
Gonorrhea is a type of contagious purulent inflammation that spreads mainly in the urethra, vagina, etc. and its causative organism is Nigeria gonorrhea.
define syphilis
Syphilis is an acute and chronic bacterial infection.
And these diseases are mainly sexually transmitted which are mainly transmitted through oral or anal sex.
The causative organism of syphilis is traponoma palladium bacteria.
Adi diseases are mainly transmitted when the skin or membrane breaks down during vaginal or anal intercourse.
It is mainly transmitted by painless sores. And mainly it can also occur in the genitals such as the rectum.
Define granuloma venerium
Venarium in granulosum is a systemic sexually transmitted disease and is the causative organism is klebsiella granulomatis (formally known as calymmatobacterium granulomatis).
It is mainly ulcerative and causes chronic inflammation and scarring in the genital organs.
Define chancroid Granuloma (Define disease in chancroid granuloma) :=
Chancroid is a sexually transmitted infection. And it has pain full sore in the genital area.
In chancroid there is swelling in the inguinal lymph node, which is located at the junction of the abdomen and leg.
One method to prevent chancroid is to be sexually active in a safe manner.
define aids(acquired immuno deficiency syndrome):=
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a fatal syndrome.
And it is transmitted by human immunodeficiency virus.
Once infected with HIV, it remains for life.
In AIDS disease, a person’s immune system is down.
AIDS is a life threatening condition that can also lead to neurological disorders and malignancies.
A person who has AIDS has a severely weakened immune system and is unable to fight any infection.
define genital herpes:=
Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection and occurs in men and women.
The causative virus of genital herpes is herpes simplex virus (herpis simplx viral :=HSV).
The infection is transmitted through the breakdown of mucus membranes and skin when any infected person comes in contact.
define chancres (Define chancres):=
Chancrese means pain less lesson is present on penis, vulva, lips, mouth, vagina and rectum.
define dyspareunia :=
painful intercourse.
define opportunistic infection :=
Illnesses in these are caused by different organisms that do not occur primarily when a person’s immune system is normal but an opportunistic infection that spreads when a person’s immune system is weakened.
define reverse transcriptase (Define reverse transcriptase):=
This is a type of enzyme that transforms RNA into DNA.
define incubation:=
In this, when any infectious agent enters the body and its first signs and symptoms appear, it is called incubation.
test includes for std:=
Taking a blood sample,
Cervical culture,
oral, vagina, penile or rectal swab.
Urine sample.
how to take patient Sexually history:=
Asking for a sexual history is awkward for both the patient and the health care professional, but taking a thorough and accurate history can identify all of the patient’s disease conditions.
Taking the patient helps in early identification of any STI disease condition.
And due to that its proper treatment can be provided.
assess the sexual history,
number of sexual partners,
type of sexual contact,
use any contraceptive method,
duration of relationships,
if patient partner has any sexually transmitted infection,
risk factor of partner,
date of last sexual intercourse,
previous history of any sexually transmitted infection,
for women date of last menstrual cycle,
assess other sexual health concerns the patient would like to discuss.
physical examination
Physical examination is very important because of which the patient’s well-being and health condition can be known.
It is known as a preventive step in which early identification of any high risk disease condition can happen to the patient.
Perform a thorough physical examination of the patient.
To see if the patient has any sign of sexually transmitted infection such as weight loss, fever, lymph node distention, etc.
Inspecting the external genitalia for any type of lesion, inflammation, genital discharge or any anatomical irregularity.
perform a perianal inspection.
do anoscopy if patient has any rectal symptoms.
Assessment in female have any type of discharge from the genitalia.
Assessment inale have any type of abnormal skin growth at genitalia.
Perform speculum examination for complete visualization of cervix and vaginal wall.
Perform a manual speculum examination of the uterine cavity for any mass or tenderness.
Vaginal speculum is used to inspect the internal organs of the female reproductive system such as vagina, cervix to see if any inflamed mucosa, discharge, ulceration, masses, nodules, and bulging are present or not and also any swelling, discharge. To see if there is or not.
Palpation of abdomen to assess the size, shape, position of uterine body and fundus.
which type of diagnosis done for sexually transmitted infection? (What diagnostics can be done to detect sexually transmitted diseases?)
Many sexually transmitted diseases can be tested through blood samples and urine samples, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Herpes, HIV, Syphilis, etc. can be detected through urine and blood samples.
But in some cases, some sexually transmitted diseases cannot be detected by blood and urine test, it takes a little longer time, so blood and urine samples help to detect sexually transmitted infections.
This is a biochemical test which is mainly done to detect whether any antibody or antigen is present in the sample.
This test is done to detect syphilis by looking for the presence of syphilis antibodies in a blood sample from someone who has the disease.
4)swabs for sexually transmitted infection (tell about this diagnostic test):=
Vaginal swab, cervical swab, urethral swab are taken to detect sexually transmitted infection.
A vaginal swab is taken while performing a pelvic examination.
A urethral swab is taken using cotton tipped applicators.
And an anal swab is also taken and this is mainly taken to check for any infectious micro organism.
5) VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory) (Venereal disease research laboratory tell about this diagnostic test)
V. D.R. L. The test is done to screen for syphilis.
In this trepono, the bacteria called palladium (traponomapalladium) is responsible for causing syphilis.
A vdrl test is done to detect whether antibodies are present in a person’s body to fight against it.
6) Pap smear test Tell about this diagnostic test:=
Pap smear test is not to detect sexually transmitted disease but Pap smear test is done to detect any early cervical cancer.
If the Pap smear test is negative, there is no sexually transmitted disease.
But when the test is positive, the person has human papillomavirus (hpv) infection.
And it mainly detects high risk for cervical cancer.
Explained about sexual health and hygiene.(Describe about sexual health and hygiene.)
Sexually transmitted diseases are mainly transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact, so it is very important to maintain sexual health and hygiene.
Maintaining sexual hygiene is very important to maintain body health.
Genital hygiene prevents infections from developing and being transmitted.
If a woman engages in any sexual activity, her external genital area should be cleaned before starting any sexual activity.
One of the purposes for cleaning the external genital area is to prevent any infection from developing or being transmitted.
It is very important to clean the external genital area both before and after any sexual activity. To prevent transmission of any type of STI (Sexually transmitted infection).
Do not do too much flushing of the vaginal area due to which the pH balance of the vagina is affected due to which the chances of infection increase.
It is necessary to keep the private part dry properly.
Men also need to keep their genital area properly clean due to which Sexually transmitted infection can be prevented from developing and transmitting.
Both men and women should remove hair from the pubic area with proper grooming to prevent infection.
Shaving pubic hair not only gives a clean appearance but also removes itching and bad odor.
Underwear should be changed daily.
Underclothes should be of proper style and made of cotton material.
Under closes made of nylon and terrylene do not absorb perspiration properly and this can lead to fungal infection of the skin.
The genitalia should be cleaned from anterior to posterior in such a way as to prevent transmission of infection.
Underwear should not be too tight.
If too tight, it spreads infection and promotes bacterial growth.
Urination should be done immediately when the urge to urinate occurs to prevent the spread of bacteria.
The genital area should be properly washed with water before urination and after urination to prevent transmission of infection.
If the partner has any type of sore in the mouth, then oral sex should be avoided so that transmission of infection can be prevented.
A barrier method of contraception should be used during sexual activity to prevent infection.
Sexual activity should be avoided during periods.
Extramarital relationships should be avoided.
Every woman should undergo a pap smear test after the age of 30 for early detection of malignancy.
A gynecologist should be consulted if there is excessive discharge from the genital area.
A man with any urinary infection or penile infection should get treatment and avoid sexual activity until the infection is treated.
Hygienic condition of genital tract should be maintained properly after delivery or after any operation.
1) Define gonorrhea. Define gonorrhea.
2) Explain Etiology, clinical manifestation, Diagnostic evaluation of gonorrhea.
List the causes, signs and symptoms, and diagnostic evaluation of gonorrhea.
3) Explain about the medical and nursing management of patients with gonorrhea.
A patient who has gonorrhea
1) Definition of gonorrhea:=
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted venereal disease.
Gonorrhea affects both men and women.
The causative organism of gonorrhea is Nigeria gonorrhea (neisseria gonorrhoea).
This infection is mainly transmitted in the genito-urinary system which includes the genitals, rectum.
If this disease is not treated, fever and arthritis conditions can occur.
If the hands are contaminated by this organism, there are chances of the infection spreading to the eye as well.
Gonorrhea infection is mainly seen in the age group of 15 to 24 years.
Gonorrhea is also known as “the clap”.
2) Etiology of Gonorrhea:=
neisseria gonorrhoea bacteria,
transmit through vaginal, oral, and anal sex,
Any prior history of gonorrhea.
Any other sexually transmitted infection.
If proper hygienic condition of genital area is not maintained.
If previously diagnosed with gonorrhea.
Sexual activity started early.
Have multiple sex partners.
If a pregnant mother has gonorrhea, she can transmit the infection to her baby.
clinical manifestation (state symptoms and signs):=
in 👨🦼 men:=
Burning sensation occurs during urination.
Purulent discharge from the penis.
Frequency of urination increases.
Pain, redness and soreness occur.
Urethral scarring.
enlarge scrotum.
Pain and itching sensation during urination.
prostate gland and testicles inflammation.
A yellow and green thick discharge comes out from the tip of the penis.
in female 🤵♀️:=
Purulent discharge.
Discomfort and pain in the abdomen.
Burning sensation.
Reincarnation has urgency and frequency.
There is difficulty in walking and in the world.
salpingitis (salpingitis := infection and inflammation of fallopian tube).
low back pain,
pain during intercourse,
Discharge from vaginal area which is thin or thick yellow and green.
There is discharge from the anal area and there is irritation.
Bleeding from the area.
Tenderness is felt in the abdomen and pelvic area.
Diagnostic evaluation:=
history tacking and physical examination swab test,
Culture from cervix, urethra, rectum or throat.
urine examination.
Nucleic acid test done.
gram staining.
3) medical management
azithromycin (zithromax, zmax),
doxycycline (monodox, oracea)
oral gemifloxacin,
injectable gentamicine combined with oral azithromycin.
nursing management:=
Taking a proper history of the patient.
Providing proper antibiotic medicine to the patient.
Perform serum examination for syphilis.
Provide proper education to the patient about personal hygiene.
Providing proper education to the patient about the disease condition.
Tell the patient to avoid multiple sex partners.
Educating the patient to use a barrier method of contraception.
Provide psychological support.
Providing antibiotic medicine to prevent infection.
advise the patient to practice abstinence.
Tell the patient to keep good personal.
use barriers method of contraceptive,
get tested,
be monogamous,
don’t use alcohol and drugs,
limited number of sex partners.
define syphilis.Define syphilis.
2) Explain Etiology, Clinical manifestation, Diagnostic evaluation, of syphilis.(Write the causes, signs and symptoms, and diagnostic evaluation for syphilis.)
3) Explain medical and nursing management of patients with syphilis. (Describe medical and nursing management for syphilis.)
1) Definition of syphilis:=
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease.
The causative organism of syphilis is Treponema palladium.
This disease usually starts with a painless sore and occurs mainly in genital,rectum and mouth.
The organism of this disease is caused due to break down during any vaginal or anal intercourse.
Its incubation period is three weeks.
These symptoms are mainly seen within nine days and last up to three months.
‘traponoma palladium,
Due to coming in contact with any infected person,
Unprotected sexual activity,
Due to contact with infected blood or bloody fluid.
Due to multiple partners engaging in sexual activity.
Due to coming in contact with an infected partner.
sign and symptoms:=
In this clinical manifestation according to stage of syphilis :=
1) primary stage, (primary stage)
2) secondary stage, (secondary stage)
3) latent stage, (latent stage)
4) late stage.(late stage)
1) primary syphilis:=
Primary syphilis occurs two to eight weeks after exposure to the bacteria.
It starts with a small round sore called a chancry which is painless but highly infectious.
hard sore or pimple on valva or penis,
A sore can be single or multiple.
Sore is also present on lips, tongue, hands, rectum and nipple.
it heals and leaves almost invisible scar.
Exudate from lesions and sores is highly contagious.
2) secondary stage:=
The secondary stage starts two to four weeks after the appearance of the sore and lasts for two to four years.
low grade fever,
loss of appetite,
weight loss,
sore throat,
Redness and sore eyes,
jaundice with or without hepatitis,
Pain in joints, muscles, and long bones,
sore on body,
hair loss.
3) Latent stage:=
This is the third stage of syphilis.
This stage lasts mainly for five to 20 years.
It is mainly asymptomatic but affects multiple organs.
In this, the tumor occurs in the skin, bones, and liver.
4)late stage:=
This is the last stage of syphilis.
And about 15 to 30 percent of people who don’t receive syphilis treatment enter this stage.
And the duration of this is very long and this last stage is a life threatening condition.
In this, a tumor-like mass is created.
It damages the heart valves and blood vessels.
Meningitis (infection and inflammation in the meninges of the brain),
There is no coordination.
Sleep is reduced.
Impaired judgment.
slurred speech.
Difficulty seeing.
Deafness occurs.
Mental Illness.
Memory decreases.
destruction of soft tissue and bones.
neurological disorder,
heart disease.
Diagnostic evaluation
history taking and physical examination
blood tesat:=A blood test is done to see if any syphilis antibodies are present in the body.
fluid from sore.
cerebrospinal fluid analysis.
vdrl test.
fta-abs (fluorescent treponomal antibody absorption) which test is specific to treponoma Palladium test.
medical management
antibiotics Penicillin.
Teyracycline and erythromycin antibiotics.
health education to the patient.
nursing management:=
Treatment should be started as soon as the disease is detected.
The patient should be examined at 3rd, 6th, and 12 months to control the disease.
Avoid coming in contact with a person who has syphilis infection.
A detailed examination of the person who is suspected should be done.
Provide patient education on barrier method contraceptive use.
Treat the patient symptomatically.
Educating the patient or taking proper treatment.
Continues abstinence until recovery from syphilis or any sexually transmitted disease.
Provide patient education on using barrier methods as contraceptives.
provide privacy and confidentiality of patients.
Ask the patient to take regular fill up.
Providing education to patients about sexual hygiene.
1) define granuloma venerium:=(Define venerium in granules.)
2) Explain Etiology, Clinical manifestation, Stages, Diagnostic evaluation of granuloma venerium.(Write the causes of venerium in granules, its signs and symptoms, and diagnostic evaluation.)
3) Explain medical management and nursing management of granuloma venerium.(Write the medical and nursing management of the venereal patient in granules.)
1) Definition of granuloma venerium:=
Venarium in Granulo is a systemic sexually transmitted disease.
Its causative organism is chlamydia trachiomatis.
Granuloma venerium is also called donovanosis.
In this, the lymph nodes of the genital and rectal side are affected.
Then there is the swelling.
Recesses cause ulceration, irritation and recesses.
Incubation period 7 to 21 days.
Sexually active people,
mostly occurs at tropical and sub tropical regions: like paupa, New guinea, central Australia, southern India, the Caribbean,
through vaginal and anal intercourse,
spread through oral sex,
More common in men.
the disease usually spread through vaginal or anal intercourse.
through any contaminated food or water.
By coming into contact with an infected individual.
After coming in contact with infected body fluid.
sign and symptoms:=
lymph node enlarges.
Ulceration occurs.
rectal stricture and fistula.
incontinence of urine.
painless, red nodule that slowly enlarges into round, raised lump.
Soreness occurs in the anal area.
A small red bulla-like formation occurs around the anus.
Tissue is damaged.
purulent pus.
low grade fever.
blister formation.
stages of granuloma venerium
This is the first stage in which a small pimple occurs.
And it gradually spreads to the surrounding tissues.
And these are mainly pink or red in color.
It occurs in the area around the anus and is mainly painless.
And if it gets injured, bleeding can also happen.
Stage:= 2
This is the second stage in which the skin is also involved and the ulcer goes deep.
And the ulcer goes deep into the anal tissues and spreads to the inguinal area as well.
Stage:3 :=
When the vanadium in the granules goes to the advanced i.e. third stage, the ulcer goes deep and involves the tissues and scar formation.
Write medical and nursing management of vinarium in granules.
Diagnostic evaluation
history taking and physical examination.
vdrl test.
specific immunofluorescent test.
giesma stain bacteria.
culture of the causative organism.
kiebsilla granulomatis.
Laboratory investigation such as those used to detect syphilis.
medical management
liquid diet.
fluid therapy.
nursing management
1) define chancroid.
2) Explain the etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic evaluation of chancroid.(Write the causes of chancroid, its signs and symptoms and diagnostic evaluation.)
3) Explain the management of chancroid.(Write management of chancroid.)
1)Definition of chancroid:= Chancroid is sexually transmitted.
It causes a painful sore in the genital area.
It occurs in the genital organ and is quite painful.
This involves swelling in the inguinal lymph nodes and swelling of the lymph nodes where the two meet in the abdomen and leg.
Chancroid is spread through sexual contact.
Gram negative streptobacillus haemophilus ducreyi.
Sexually active person.
It is more common in people who do not maintain personal hygiene.
Chancroid is more common in men than women.
through sexual contact.
By Broken Skin.
Through unprotected sexual activity.
From coming into skin-to-skin contact with a person who has a chequeroid sore.
By coming into sexual contact with an infected person.
anal sex, oral sex, vaginal sex.
throught the physical contacts.
sign and symptoms
This infection is only in a local area and spreads throughout the system.
a small bump that converts into painful ulcer.
Its size ranges from 3 to 50 mm.
There are rashes on the affected area.
dysuria (pain during urination).
Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).
ulcer formation.
Enlargement of the lymph nodes.
Swelling occurs in the inguinal lymph node located at the point where both the abdomen and the leg meet.
Painful swelling.
Red and shiny skin over the sores.
Leakage like pus and infectious fluid.
The rash may spread to other areas.
Diagnostic evaluation
history taking and physical examination.
Microscopic examination.
a specimen examination.
Gram staining.
smear examination.
blood samples examination.
urine examination.
medical management
Incisions and drainage of abscess.
nursing management
Educating the patient about proper washing of genital organs.
Educate the patient to form an educational relationship with someone who is uninfected.
Using a contractive during sexual activity.
Using a barrier method as a contraceptive.
Conduct regular laboratory investigation of the patient.
1) Define AID (AQUAIREDIMMUNODEFICIENCYSYNDROME) (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).
Define acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
2) Explain about Etiology, Mode of transmission, Clinical manifestation, Diagnosis evaluation of aids.(Describe the causes of spread of AIDS, its signs and symptoms, its diagnostic evaluation.)
3) Explain the management about aids. Describe the management of AIDS.
1) Definition of aids:
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a fatal illness.
It is mainly spread by human immunodeficiency virus.
Once a person is infected with HIV, it remains for life.
HIV weakens a person’s immune system, so any infection in the person’s body can easily take place.
So AIDS is not a single symptom but a set of many symptoms hence called a syndrome.
Its incubation period is from 1 month to 10 years.
human immunodeficiency virus,
Hiv 1,
Hiv 2,
sex workers,
health care worker,
Due to coming into contact with the blood semen, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, breast milk, cervical or vaginal secretions of any HIV infected person.
sex with injected partner.
injected injected nidal and syringe.
transmit through injected mother to their child.
exposure to contaminated blood.
Blood transfusion.
Organ Transfusion.
Due to coming into contact with a person who already has syphilis or any other sexually transmitted disease.
signs and symptoms
Symptoms and Signs:=
weight loss,
Continuous cough for a month,
lymph node swelling,
Muscular system weakness,
Liver involvement.
sore throat.
Enlargement of the spleen.
mouth sore.
nausea and vomiting.
skin rashes.
feeling tired
Oral ulcers.
Loss of appetite.
Weight loss.
Sweating at night.
Swollen lymph nodes.
Diarrhea that last for more than a week.
Sore of the mouth, anus, or genitals.
Recesses in the skin.
Memory drift.
Many other neurological symptoms are seen.
Mode of transmission
1) sexual transmission:= HIV and AIDS are transmitted through sexual contact.
2) Transmission through blood := In this, transmission of AIDS also occurs through the transmission of blood or due to coming in direct contact with any infected blood.
3) Perinatal transmission: May be transmitted from mother to child.
Diagnostic evaluation
history taking and physical examination.
recombinant DNA
PCR (polymerase chain reaction).
ELISA (Enzymes linked immunosorbate assay).
viral isolation in culture.
Lymph node biopsy.
rapid HIV antibody test.
Western blot antibody testing.
Hiv viral load test.
complete blood count.
CD4CELL Count.
medical management
1) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI).
2)Non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI):=
3) protease inhibitor:=
Ex:= ataxanavir.
4)entry or fusion inhibitor:=
5)Integrase inhibitor:=
nursing management
1) Ineffective Airways clearance:=
Positioning the patient properly.
Teach the patient and deep breathing exercises.
Provide proper oxygenation to the patient.
Suctioning the patient properly.
Maintain patient hydration status.
2)imbalance nutrition:=
Assess the patient’s nutritional status.
Provide the patient with a diet that is high in protein and high in calories.
Provide fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain and protein to the patient.
Provide easily digestible food to the patient.
Daily oral care of the patient.
Provide food that the patient likes.
3) ineffective coping:=
Assess the patient’s social support.
Spend time with the patient.
Interacting with patient, client, and family members.
4)Impaired skin integrity:=
Assess the skin integrity of the patient.
Using air mattresses, water mattresses for patients.
Providing back care to patients.
massage the skin around the affected side.
5)Risk for infection:=
Tell the patient about the importance of personal hygiene.
Keeping the patient away from the person who has the infection.
Patients should use a barrier method as contraceptives.
Tell the patient not to smoke.
Ask health care workers to maintain strict aseptic technique.
Avoid unprotected sex and use a barrier method of contraception.
Do not reuse razors and toothbrushes that have been used.
Do not share used needles and syringes with other people.
Avoiding pregnancy to a mother who has any sexually transmitted disease. Because that infection can also be transmitted to her child.
To provide advertisement in mass media and television to bring awareness about Sexual Health.
Any type of blood or organ donation should not be done to a person who has any HIV infection.
All blood should be screened for Hiv 1 and Hiv 2 before transfusion.
Using streak sterilization practices in hospitals and clinics.
Use used needles and syringes.
Avoid coming in contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person.
Effective use of sterilization and disinfection.
Explaining about AIDS to the patient.
Provide antiviral treatment to the patient.
Providing psychological support to the patient.
1) define genital herpes.
2) Explain Etiology, Clinical manifestation, Diagnostic evaluation of genital herpes. (Write about the causes of genital herpes, its signs and symptoms and diagnostic.)
3) Explain about management of genital herpes.(Write management of genital herpes.)
1) Definition of genital herpes:=
Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection.
It is seen in both men and women.
The causative organism is herpes simplex virus (HSV := herpes simplx viral) which is caused by contact with broken skin or broken mucous membrane of an infected person.
herpes simplex virus.
If there is a history of any kind of sexually transmitted infection before.
If sexual intercourse is done at an early age.
Due to direct skin to skin contact.
oro genital contact.
Mother to baby transmission.
spread through objects like bath towels (fomites).
signs and symptoms
Symptoms and signs
Painful red colored papules develop on the genital area.
Painful blisters form from this red papule, then the blisters break down and convert into painful ulcers.
If seen in a man, the shaft of the penis is on top.
In females, it is found in the labia, vagina and cervix.
Inflammation occurs.
muscle pain,
regional lymphadenopathy,
Pain in union (dysuria),
urinary retention,
Vaginal discharge in female.
Diagnostic evaluation:=
history taking and physical examination.
blood test.
polymerase chain reaction.
viral culture.
medical management
Antiviral medicine like
nursing management
Put a handful of salt in warm water and bathe with that water.
Water abundantly.
Apply Vaseline or topical lidocaine to prevent pain.
Provide pain killers to the patient.
Urination should be done while bathing so that prevention from urinary retention can be obtained.
Tell the patient to maintain the cleanliness of the blister and its dryness.
Clean the lesion two to three times a day using warm water, soap, and hydrogen peroxide.
After educating the patient about urination, the genital area should be washed properly.
Ask the patient to wear loose underwear.
Underwear should not be too tight.
Ask the patient to drink plenty of water.
Ask the patient to take a sitz bath for 15 to 30 minutes.
Provide patient education on using a barrier method as a contraceptive.
Provide education to the patient to avoid sexual activity until the lesion heals.