Nursing management of patient with communicable disease
Measles are called rubella or red measles, or hard measles.
Measles is contagious caused by a virus. It is caused by an RNA paramyxovirus.
This is the most dangerous disease in children due to which rhesus is seen in the body.
Cause and Risk Factors
Measles is caused by a contagious virus that lives in the mucus of the throat and nose of infected children and adults.
This child is contagious for four days before and four days after the onset of ressus
Incubation period
The period from the time the antigen enters the body until the first symptoms appear is called the incubation period.
The incubation period of measles is one to two weeks.
The infection spreads through droplets from the throat, nose and mouth of an infected person. Droplets are mixed into the air by sneezing and coughing.
High Risk People for Migraines incl.
A child less than one year old
People who have not taken the Waxy Nation series properly.
People who received measles vaccinations only received immunoglobulin.
People who received an ineffectively killed measles vaccine between 1963-1967.
Unvaccinated people traveling to developing countries where measles cases are high.
People who are vitamin deficient and come in contact with measles are more likely to develop it.
Clinical Manifestation
When a person comes in contact with the rubella virus, symptoms appear 10 to 14 days later, which is called the incubation period.
During the incubation period, the virus multiplies.
At least it is found in two phases.
(1) Early phase
The following symptoms are seen in the early phase.
Fever at 39 degrees Celsius.
Run down filling
Sore Throat _Swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat.
Redness and irritation of eyes.
Light sensitivity
Snazzing and Rhinos
Loss of appetite
Muscle pain
(2) The Red Measles race develops 2 to 4 days later
Race starts in the face and spreads to the trunk, arms and legs.
Race They are like little red bumps at first.
The mucus membrane surrounding the molar teeth in the mouth contains grease sports that are the size of sand. This sports what is called a Koplik spot which is seen just before the race begins.
A typical, dull red, macular rash is seen behind the ears, spreading within a few hours to the face, neck, trunk, and extremities within a few hours, lasting two to three days.
Areces are not itchy but skin peeling is seen.
Red Measles is a mild disease, with few complications. Red measles makes the patient vulnerable to pneumonia, a bacterial infection.
Pneumonia is a complication of measles that occurs mostly in children, causing death in the same group.
In satelliteitis occurs in about one in a thousand cases and is a serious complication.
Red measles is seen more frequently in patients whose immune system is weak. More common in patients with malnutrition and HIV.
Diagnostic evolution
History Collection
Clinical Appearance
Doctors diagnose measles based on characteristic cysts, such as Koplik sports found in the mouth.
Measles can be confirmed through a blood test.
Mitesh has no specific treatment, there are several major ones for those who have come in contact with the virus.
Treatment of majors focuses on its symptoms. The patient is given a systemic treatment.
Giving Plaintrest to the patient.
Giving sponge bath to reduce the discomfort caused by fever.
Drink plenty of fluids, fruit juice, herbal tea etc. to prevent dehydration.
Giving over the counter medication like IU Profane, Aceta Menu Fan, can help relieve fever.
If there is a bacterial infection like pneumonia, ear infection then doctors prescribe antibiotics.
People who have low levels of vitamin A are more likely to develop measles, so provide them with vitamin A at a dose of 200,000 international units for a day.
A non-immunized infant exposed to measles should be given measles vaccine within 72 hours, which provides protection against the disease.
People with weak immune systems like pregnant women, infants etc. who have come in contact with the virus are injected with proteins called immune serum globuli. This injection is given within six days of exposure. This antibody to the mice
Immunization is the most effective way to prevent measles, so routine immunization is highly effective in preventing measles.
People who are not immunized or have not received full immunization are at high risk of developing these diseases.
The child should receive the MMR vaccine
People who have come in contact with the virus should take Shriram Immune Globin which reduces the chances of developing measles.
Chicken pox is a common skin disease in children that is caused by a viral infection. Very cella zoster virus is the viral agent of chicken pox.
Vascular rheumatism, fever, and malaise are seen in the chicken box. Very cella is a quiet infection, and in humans it works as a resvir.
Fever, itching and red spots are seen in the chest, stomach and entire body due to infection. The red spot converts into a small blister then it dries up and forms a scab.
Source of infection
The virus is present in oro-fering secretions, skin lesions and mucosa. It is spread from person to person by droplet.Chicken pox is highly contagious. An airborne particle, droplet that excels in the air, and is easily passed through the blister fluid between family members, school classmates, etc.
The infection is transmitted indirectly through articles, clothing etc. of an infected person that have come in contact with an open sore.
The patient is hylicontaginous five days before and five days after the rash appears, but when crusted around the sore, it is not person-logner contise. The incubation period ranges from 14 to 16 days, increasing to seven to 21 days.
Clinical Manifestation
Clinical manifestations in chicken pox vary according to the severity of the disease. Symptoms generally appear 14 to 16 days after exposure to the virus, but can occur from 10 days to 21 days.
Chicken pox is characterized by a mild fever that is above 102 degrees Fahrenheit for one to two days.
General Wickness
Race, which is the first sign of the disease.
The clinical manifestation of chicken pox is divided into two stages.
(1) Pre-eruptive stage
A person may experience sudden mild to moderate fever, backache, chills and malaise. This stage lasts up to 24 hours in adults but two to three days in more severe cases. Fever is observed for 4 to 6 days with the progress of resis. But decreases with the eruptive stage
(2) Eruptive stage
This is the first sign in children and occurs with the onset of fever. Races have a symmetrical distribution, racemes are found in the trunk but less in the face, trunk, and legs.
Races are also seen in the buccal and pharyngeal mucosal surfaces. But palms and soles are not affected while axilla is also affected.
Irritation is seen due to the recesses in the skin, the recesses are typically very high.
Recesses also develop along with red spotting and convert to progressive blisters forming open sores before crusting over.
Race has different stages which are Macule, Papure, Vesicle and Scab. Vesicles are filled with clear food and look like drops in the skin, superficial in the surrounding area of the inflammation.
Scabbing occurs four to seven days after the race. All are stimulated at the same time and in the same area is called pleomorphism.
Chickenpox causes insatellitis and cerebellar symptoms. Due to chickenpox there are some life-threatening complications like pneumonia especially in adults, immune compromise etc.
Chicken pox also affects pregnant women and causes premature death. If there is an infection, there is a possibility of mal form baby.
Diagnostic evolution
History Collection
Physical Examination
Characteristic of chicken pox like itching along with skin rashes, low grade fever helps in diagnosis.
At first smallpox and chicken pox are confused. But the small box is now IRA Deceded.
Scraping of skin reason under the microscope.
Viral culture.
Blood test.
Many treatments aim to reduce the symptoms of chicken pox, such as severe itching. Acetaminophen is used to reduce fever and acne, but this drug is also used in early viral infections.
D Phenhydramine and other antihistamines are helpful in controlling drug itching.
Varicella vaccine
This vaccine is used when a person has been exposed to the virus but is not showing symptoms.
A susceptible child is given the vaccine as treatment within 72 hours of exposure, increasing to 120 hours after exposure.
Cyclovir is the drug of choice for varicella infections
Adolescence and Adulthood
Very sella zoster immuno glo buelin
*Vari sella zoster immune globulin is given as a preventive measure within 72 hours of exposure to the virus.
Its dosage
If a person has been exposed to the virus but has not taken the person, this very shella zoster immune globulin is given to reduce or prevent symptoms. But this gives costly and temporary protection so it is recommended only when there is a risk of developing more severe symptoms of chicken pox.
Nursing Management
If the scheme is itching or uncomfortable, as a treatment, a total bath of three to four hours should be taken in the initial days.
Itching is often reduced by rinsing, as well as smoothing lotions and moisturizers applied to the skin lesions.
Scratching the blisters of chicken pox has the effect of shortening the finger mail.
Encourage the child to take cold fluids, use soft and bland diet while avoiding salty food. Sour fruits are good for healing.
Chickenpox virus spreads easily through droplets and blister fluid, so keeping the patient in isolation can prevent the speed of infection.
Continuous touching and scraping of the recess spreads the infection and scars are visible when the recess heals. Give cotton gloves to the small baby’s hands so that the sport does not touch and scratch.
Dress the child in loose cotton clothes and put on clothes in the afternoon. Provide a clean and total environment to the child, if there is a hot environment, the itching is more likely due to swatting.
If the child has blisters in the mouth, they should give bland food and avoid strong flavored, fried stuff. Giving ice cream and jelly helps. Apply some mouth soothing gel prescribed by the doctor
Swine flu
H1N1 flu is known as swine flu. Swine flu means that in the past people used to come in direct contact with pigs.
Swine flu is known as 2009H1N1 type A influenza. People get this disease from other people.
RSD’s nickname was swine flu. Because the virus that causes the disease originally jumped from a live pig to the human in which it evolved. The virus is a hybrid of genes from swine, bird, and human influenza viruses.
risk factor
The influenza virus infects the cells of the nose, throat, and lungs. The virus enters the body when contaminated droplets are inhaled or when live virus is transferred from a contaminated surface to the eyes, nose, or mouth.
You cannot catch swine flu from eating pork. If you have traveled to an area where many people have been affected by swine flu, you may have been exposed to the virus, especially if you spent time in large crowds. Farmers and veterinarians are at greatest risk of true swan flu due to exposure to pigs.
Young children especially those under two years of age.
People who have asthma, COPD, or chronic lung disease.
Pregnant women are six times more likely to get swine flu.
People who have cardiovascular and blood disc disorders.
People who have liver, kidney, neurological, and metabolic problems
Residents of nursing homes or other chronic care facilities.
Elderly people are at high risk.
Immune suppression, including HIV positive and drugs that suppress the immune system, such as chemotherapy given in cancer.
Clinical Manifestation
Sore throat
body one
Head one
a little
Like the regular flu, swine flu can lead to more serious problems including pneumonia, chronic infections, and other bridging problems. And it can make diseases like diabetes or asthma worse.
Some of the same antiviral drugs used to treat seasonal flu also work against H1N1 swine flu. O Selta Mivir, Piramivir, Jhana Mivir it works best. However, some strains of swine flu do not respond to oseltamivir.
These medications can help you recover faster and work best when taken within 48 hours of the first flu symptoms, but they can also help if you get them later.
Antibiotics won’t do anything for you because the flu is caused by a virus, not bacteria.
Over the counter it relieves pain, fever caused by cold and flu. Do not give aspirin to children under 18 because of the risk of race syndrome. Conform that over the counter drug is not aspirin.
Most cases of the flu, including H1N1 flu, require only relief of symptoms. If you have chronic respiratory disease, your doctor may prescribe additional medications to help relieve your symptoms.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccination for everyone over six months of age.
The H1N1 virus is a component of the seasonal flu short for 2014 to 2015.
The flu shot protects against the other two to three that are expected to be most common during flu season.
This vaccinia is available as an injection or nasal spray. Nature Spray is approved for use in healthy people aged two to 49 years who are not pregnant. Nasal sprays are not used in people over 50 years of age and under two years of age.
Some major it helps to prevent swine flu.
Stay home if sick, if you have swine flu you can pass it on to others.
Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is relieved.
Wash hands thoroughly and often. Use soap and water or, if that is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Covering mouth and nose when sneezing, not contaminating hands.
Avoid contact. Avoid crowds if possible and consider avoiding swine and other places if you have complications from the flu.
Reduce exposure indoors. If a household member has swine flu, keep a single household member responsible for personal care of the sick person.
What are mums? Write its causes, clinical manifestation, and its management.
Mums is a communicable disease. In which there is a viral infection in the salivary gland due to which painful swelling is seen.
The most common parotid gland infection is from the salivary gland. Redness, soreness is seen in the surrounding area due to infection in parodic gland.
Salivary gland produces saliva that helps to moisten and swallow food.
salivary gland
Parotid gland
Sublingual gland
Submandibular gland
Causative organism
Mumps is caused by paramyxovirus.
Incubation period: 14-21 days
Same group: Most common 5-9 years
Route of Transmission : Receiptary track
Mode of Transmission : Droplet Nuclei
Paramyxovirus spreads directly and indirectly from person to person.
Clinical Manifestation
Ear a on affect side
Pen flower and swallow parotid gland.
Stiffness on opening of mouth.
Pain is seen during chewing and squalling.
One of the muscles
Dry mouth
Sore throat
Loss of ape tight
Head one
Mild abdominal pain
Some other symptoms are seen in mail due to those diseases.
Tasty cull lump
Testicular pain
Scotch Swelling
Diagnostic test
History Collection
Physical examination-palpation of the parotid gland.
Blood test:
MP Body Testing
Viral culture
Management of mums
A seam tomatic treatment is given in mums to reduce discomfort during mums.
Non medical management
Giving complete bedrest to the patient.
Apply ice or heat pack to neck and scrotum. Which helps in the pain of swallow gland
Gargling through salt water.
Administer adequate fluids to prevent dehydration due to fever and anorexia. If the patient cannot take oral fluids, give IV fluids.
Medical management
Antipyretic: Aceta mino is used as a fan and used to relieve fever
Analgesic: Analgesic drugs are given for pain relief
Anti-conversion: If left untreated, fever can lead to febrile conversion, hence given as antic conversion.
In many cases imo globulin is given early but does not benefit much.
If orchitis is found in the mail, the doctor prescribes pain killers and corticosteroids to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
How to prevent mums
MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.
Two doses of MMR are given before the child enters school.
Complications of Mums
Meningitis is most common.
What is Ebola? Write its causes, clinical manifestation and management. Write the preventive measure of Ebola.
Ebola is a rare but serious disease in humans. Which is caused by coming in contact with the body feed of an infected person.
Ebola is caused by the Ebola virus, a virus belonging to the Filoviridae family.
E Bolo virus enters the human body and damages the immune cells and also damages the endothelium layer of the blood vessels due to which the blood vessel breaks and bleeding starts.
Ebola virus damages the organs of the body, so the function of the liver is altered. Damage to the liver, which produces blood clotting factors, reduces its production, which does not stop bleeding.
The Ebola virus is responsible for Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
So internal and external bleeding starts with other signs and symptoms in E Bola disorder.
History about the Ebola virus
In 1976, the virus first appeared in human beings.
2014 saw exploration in Africa that led to many deaths.
The Ebola virus has four species
I Worry Coast
The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 2014.
Transmission of Ebola virus
This virus remains as a reservoir in fruit bats, chimpanzees, gorillas etc.
It is spread by coming into contact with the blood, secretions, and organs of an infected animal.
Spread from an infected human to another human directly or indirectly.
It is spread directly by coming in contact with the body fluids of an infected person while it is spread indirectly by coming in contact with contaminated objects of an infected person.
A nurse who treats an infected person spreads it if she touches another patient without proper infection control measures.
If a pregnant lady is infected by the Ebola virus, the virus is transmitted through breast milk.
If an infected person dies, the virus is transmitted from his body.
This virus can be found in simian for three months due to which it is sexually transmitted.
Signs and symptoms of Ebola
Ebola has a flu-like feeling.
General symptom
High grade fever
Race with degree same blood clotting factor
Internal and external bleeding
Muscle pain
Sore thought
Im ped kidney function
Im pad liver function
Vomiting c
Abdomenal pain
Head one
Fati K
Lake of Appetite
First 7-9 days of infection
Head one
Muscle pain
10 -Day of infection
Sudden high fever
Blood in vo meetig
Passive Behavior
11-day of infection
Brain damage
Bleeding from nose, mouth, eye and nose.
12-day of infection
The final stage
Loss of Consciousness
Massive internal bleeding
Follow-up symptoms are seen up to two years after recovery from Ebola.
Filling tiered
Head one
Muscle and joint pain
Eye pain and vision problem
Weight gain
Hair loss
Skin diseases
Trouble sleeping
Hearing loss.
Diagnostic evolution
Ebola is difficult to diagnose compared to other diseases.
Some symptoms are similar to those of Ebola and pregnancy. So it is difficult to diagnose. Therefore, if you feel suspected in pregnancy, do the test frequently so that we can identify it early.
History Collection
Physical Examination
Antibody ELISA
Antigen capture detection test
Serum neutralization test
Viral culture
The virus is at a detectable level three days after a period of symptoms.
Treatment of Ebola
There is no specific treatment for Ebola
Hospitalize the infected person early to prevent the spread to family members and friends.
Early medical treatment should be given to an infected person as soon as symptoms occur, as this can improve the chances of survival.
Administer IV fluids and medications based on symptoms.
If there is an infection with the toxin type of Ebola virus, then giving the vaccine.
But if there is an infection of other species other than that, its vaccine is not available.
Blood transfusion is done as a supportive treatment if there is excessive blood loss.
Administering Ana Jessie K drug for pain reliever as per doctor’s prescription.
If vomiting is observed, give antiemetic drug.
If there is another infection with Ebola, such as malaria, order an anti-malarial drug.
Prevention of Ebola
Vaccination for Ebola virus species other than toxin Ebola virus is not available, so avoid traveling to areas where infection with these species is common.
Health care workers who carry infected persons should wear protective measures such as gowns, goggles, masks, gloves to prevent contact.
Isolate the infected person to prevent the infection from spreading to other patients.
Early identification of Ebola virus through good laboratory services and early treatment can prevent the condition from spreading.
Awareness of Ebola in the community is one of the best ways to prevent Ebola.
People can prevent Ebola by following steps.
Wash hands frequently.
Do not touch the body fluids of a person who has the Ebola virus
Not touching the funeral or rights of a person who died of Ebola.
If the poison is type of Ebola, take the vaccine.
What is dengue? Write its management, and preventive management.
Dengue is a vector bone. Which is caused by Aedes mosquito bite. Dengue virus lives in the saliva of mosquitoes.
Dengue fever is also called break bone and dandy fever. Awkward posture is seen in the affected person due to severe pain.
This is an epidemic disease.
Dengue virus resides in the saliva of Aedes mosquito. When a person is bitten by a mosquito, the virus enters the person’s body and multiplies, starting an inflammatory process that causes high-grade fever, severe body ache, and head ache. .
When the infected person is bitten by the mosquito and sucks blood, the virus enters the body of the mosquito along with it. The virus needs mosquitoes for further development. The same mosquitoes bite another normal person and effect it.
Causative organism of dengue
DEN-1. DEN-3
DEN. -2 DEN-4
Dengue is caused by these four serotypes of dengue virus.
But DEN-5 was found in 2013 but dengue five was not found in India.
Viruses have two types of structures.
Protein structure
Protein non-structure
Protein structure
In the protein structure of the virus, there are capsule protease, envelope protease and membrane protease.
Protein non-structure
In protein nonstructure
NS1 NS 4
NS 3
are located
Aedes mosquito bite
Dengue virus enter into skin (Langer Hans cell)
Virus replication takes place in Langerhans cells
Stimulation of T-cells increases due to entry into the lymphatic system.
Increases cytokines
Due to which plasma leakage occurs from the blood vessels.
Risk of ascites decreases plate late count sign and seam tom of dengue
Mild illness does not require hospitalization, it is cured by medical treatment on home base.
But if patient’s low BP, decrease plate late count and building start then patient is hospitalized immediately.
signs and symptoms of dengue
Although symptoms depend on the severity of dengue, there are three types of dengue fever.
(1) Classical dengue fever
High fever with chills
Chest pan
Frontal head one
Muscle and joint pain
Change in taste sensation
Abdo minal pain
Pain behind eye ball
Path of lymph nodes
Loss of apatite
Skin race
Extreme weakness
Feeling of Nozia
(2)Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Dengue hemorrhagic fever has symptoms of classical dengue fever but in addition
Bleeding from nose, gums.
Blood in vomiting and stool.
Hippe toe megali.
Positive tourni cat test.
Bleeding spot on skin
3)Dengue Sock Syndrome
In Dengue Sock Syndrome, ringtones of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever are seen and one of the following symptoms is seen.
Rapid week pulse
Cold and clammy scheme
Loss of Consciousness
Low blood pressure.
Warning sign
A warning sign according to clinical manufacture declared in 2009
Persistent vomiting
Abdominal pain
Body fluid accumulation
Nmu Causal Bleeding
Hipe to me gali
Decrease plate late count.
Classic fever does not require hospitalization.
There is no specific vaccine or antiviral treatment for dengue, only symptomatic treatment is given.
Paracetamol is used over the counter to relieve fever.
Sodium bicarbonate is given to treat AC dose conditions so that the condition is neutralized.
Drugs such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids are avoided because they cause varicose veins.
Give rest so that the patient feels comfortable.
Administer oral rehydration therapy to prevent dehydration.
Unable to tolerate oral fluids due to persistent vomiting leading to IVID.
If there is a condition like dengue hemorrhagic fever, check the level of bleeding and if necessary, do blood transfusion so that we can prevent grief.
If the late platelet count is too low, volumes of frozen and fresh plasma are administered.
If conditioning is done as a hobby, Christ Lord and cold start are done to increase the body fluid.
Nursing Management in Dengue
Evaluating patient’s heart rate, temperature, blood pressure in dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Checking the capillary refill, skin color, pulse pressure because if the building is high then the skin is cold and clammy and bluish color is seen due to lack of proper oxygenation.
Provide adequate fluid supply to prevent dehydration due to fever.
If shock condition occurs, keep checking the patient’s mental status and consciousness level, giving feet elevated position to ensure proper blood supply to the brain.
Diagnostic evolution
NS1 antigen
Rapid Combo Test
Viral culture
Prevention of dengue
Prevention is better than cure.
Early diagnosis and treatment to prevent transmission to others.
All water tanks should be properly cleaned and covered to prevent mosquito breeding.
Can be kept by mosquito repellent spray.
Use mosquito net to prevent mosquito bites.
Proper disposal and de-carding of un-use material, shell material and coconut shell etc.
To wear full slim cloth so that we can prevent mosquito bites.
Do not throw objects like broken utensil, unused bottle, old tire etc. as there is mosquito breeding during rainy season.
Cleaning rough drains before monsoon.
A mobile app in which Indian Fight Dengue educates the community on how to prevent dengue through games, videos, etc.
Where excessive mosquitoes are found, reduce them by mosquito feeding method.
Avoid aspirin, an anti-inflammatory drug, as it can cause sim tom veins.
Complications of dengue
Cardio myopathy
An Cephalo Pathi
Hepatic injury
Renal complications
Discharge and Home Care Guide Line
Avoiding diuretics, caffeine, alcohol etc.
Taking proper follow up.
Take vitamin or rich diet.
Using Moscow to Net
What is Chikungunya? Write its sign and seam tome, and management.
Chikungunya is a rare communicable viral infection.
Like dengue it is a vector borne disease transmitted by mosquito bites.
Alpha virus enters the human body through Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopicthus and spreads the infection causing high grade fever, severe joint pain, and body rashes.
The disease derives its name from “Swahili”, an African word meaning “that witch bends up”.
There is a possibility that a person may contract dengue and chikungunya because mosquitoes carry the viruses of both.
Newborns are highly susceptible.
More Than 65 Year Old People.
Hyper tension
Height disease
People with the following conditions are at high risk for these diseases.
Transmission of alpha virus
Human is the primary reserve. Addis mosquito bites those two times.
Blood to blood transmission can occur.
Incubation period is 3-7 days.
Sign and Symbols
Chikungunya is very similar to dengue fever.
Sometimes no cysts are seen which is called silent chikungunya.
High grade fever
Macular recesses in trunk and extremities.
Muscle and joint pain.
Chronic arthritis occurs due to joint pain.
Significant swelling of the joint.
Head one
General body pain
Ulcers in the mouth
Overwhelming tiredness.
Chikungunya has no specific treatment, only systemic treatment is given.
Paracetamol is a drug given on prescription that relieves fever and pain.
Giving plenty of rest and fluids.
Giving lotus of fluid to prevent dehydration due to fever.
Avoiding aspirin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that worsens symptoms.
If NSAID drug is given then it is given under proper observation.
Keeping the infected person separate so that transmission can be prevented.
Preventive measures of chikungunya
Same as dengue
What is Polio Myelitis? Write its clinical manifestation and its management
Polio Also Called Polio Myelitis.
This is a viral infectious disease. Which affects the gastro intestinal tract due to which regurgitation, nozia, vomiting, constipation are seen.
Polio myelitis is caused by the polio virus.
Polio was eradicated by WHO on 27 March 2014.
Polio virus affects the GI tract, but if the condition is severe, it affects the central nervous system by destroying neuron cells. Due to which muscle weakness is seen in the body.
This virus enters the body through the oral route and multiplies in the intestine.
Causative organism of polio
Polio virus Class of RNA viruses.
Polio is caused by poliovirus types 1, 2, 3, with poliovirus type one being more prevalent.
Incubation period : 7-14 days
Route of transmission: Orophical route
Mode of Transmission: Contaminated food and water
Polio spreads more during the rainy season.
(1) Sub clinical
This is a mild form of polio myelitis. This stage does not show symptoms and does not affect the central system.
90 to 95 percent of people have subclinical polymyositis.
(2)Non paralytic
This sub is darker than clinical but less than para light teak. which does not affect the central nervous system.
(3) Paralytic
This is the most severe type which affects the central nervous system causing full or partial paralysis. In which breathing muscles and leg muscles are involved.
There are three types of paralytics.
(1) Spinal Polio:
which affects the spinal cord.
(2) Bulbar polio:
In which it affects the brain stem.
(3) Bulbospinal polio:
It affects the spine and brain stem.
Involvement of the breathing muscles occurs in five to ten percent of people.
Clinical Manifestation of Polio
(1) Sub clinical infection
General discomfort
Slight fever
Head one
Nozia and Vo meeting
Decrease apeptide
(2) Non paralytic polio
Muscle stiffness
Muscle tenderness and spasm
Neck Pain and Stiffness
Two such, leg, ab do men pain and stiffness.
Skin races with pain
Moderate fever
Back pain
Excessive tirade
Head one
(3) Paralytic polio
Loss of reflexes
Muscle weakness all over
Bridging Difficulty
Difficulty swallowing
Bladder paralysis
Muscle paralysis
Sensei team to touch
Stiff neck and back
Severe constipation
Vic Cough
Horse Voice
Tripod sign
The patient is unable to sit on the chair due to pain.
A tri pod gate is seen in the patient.
Diagnostic evolution
History Collection
Physical Examination
Stool examination
Neurological assessment
Management of Polio
Polio cannot be cured only it can be prevented.
Oral Polio Vaccine:
It is a live vaccine that is given at birth.
Route: Oral
Amount: 2 drops
Booster dose: 16-24 months
Duration: 6,10,14 wks
(2) Fractional in active polio vaccine:
Duration: 6,14
Route: Intradermal
Amount: 0.1 ml
to be continued
This is a killed vaccine. That was what Salk had discovered.
Vaccines have an agricultural role in the fight against polio.
Focus on increase comfort and prevent complications in treatment of polio.
If a person is detected with polio, he should be hospitalized early so that complications can be prevented.
Hit and Physical Therapy
Muscles are stimulated through heat and physical therapy.
Antispasmodic drug
This drug relaxes the muscles to increase mobility.
Bed waste can reduce dish comfort.
Antibiotic drug
Secondary infection can be prevented by antibiotic drugs.
Antipyretic drug
Silver and pain are relieved by acetaminophen.
Analgesic drug
Headache, muscle pain, spasm are reduced by pain killer.
A nutritional diet helps in strengthening the immunity. So nutritional diet intake should be done.
Moderate exercise can print defaults as well as improve muscle function.
Artificial Breathing Device
If the breathing muscles are involved, oxygen is provided through an artificial device.
What is encephalitis? Write its clinical manufacture and management.
Infection or inflammation of the brain that is called encephalitis.
The brain is covered by a meninges layer but no injury or disease can cause infection.
Inflammation of the meningeal layer is called meningeitis.
This is a rare serious disease but it can also cause life threatening conditions.
It is an infection of the whole brain or its parts such as the cerebellum, cerebrum, and brain stem.
Causes of an encephalitis
The most common course is a viral infection. Viruses like herpes poliovirus, Arab virus, paramyxovirus, varicella zoster.
Bacterial infection.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Fungal infection
Auto immune diseases
risk factor
Excessive tobacco use.
Viral upper respiratory tract infection.
Otitis media
Immune Deficiencies
Type of N cephalitis
(1) Primary en cephalitis:
When the virus directly infects the brain and spinal cord, it is called primary encephalitis.
(2) Secondary en cephalitis:
If there is a body infection and it travels to the brain and infects it, it is called secondary encephalitis.
Clinical manifestations
Head one
Alter Level of Consciousness
Nausea and vomiting
Increases intracranial pressure
Photo phobia
Curing sign positive
Diagnostic evolution
History Collection
Physical Examination
CSF examination through lumbar puncture.
CT scan
Polymerase chain reaction.
Blood Examination: Sugar Level Urea, Electrolyte.
Electron cephalitisgraph
(1) Pharmacological management
Antiviral drug
If the disease is due to a viral infection, treat yourself with antiviral drugs.
Antibiotic drug
If the DCS condition is caused by a bacterial cell, treat it with antibiotic drugs
Anti conversion drug
If seizures are present, treat them with anticonversion.
Anti Piracy
In these diseases, fever is seen due to infection, so fever should be relieved by antibiotic drops.
Administering minitol and glycerol, if needed, lowers intracranial pressure.
Giving coti costiroid drug.
Supplementing with vitamins and minerals.
Administer IV fluids and dopamine to treat shock and electrolyte imbalance.
Dye Uretic Drug
Diurec can reduce the risk of cerebral edema.
(2)Non pharmacological management
Giving oxygen supply.
Keep the patient on mechanical ventilation if necessary
Preventive measures
Giving the child encephalitis vaccine is one of the best ways to prevent the disease.
Maintain good hygiene.
Do not share infected utensils.
Protection against mosquitoes and ticks.
Use of insecticides.
Loss of memory
Personality change
AP Lepsy.
Vision problem
Hearing problem
Speaking Is You
Difficulty in bridging
Nursing Responsibility
Perform a neurological examination.
Regular vital sign specially measuring temperature. Reducing fever through anti-piracy and providing fluid supply by maintaining intake and output chart.
Providing work environment to the patient.
Isolate the patient to prevent droplet spread.
If the patient is having seizures then giving low bed position.
Assessing sensorineural hearing loss, vision loss.
Keeping the patient oriented to time, place, and person.
Nursing Diagnosis
(1) In effective tissue perfusion related to disease condition.
(2) hyperthermia related to infectious diseases.
(3) disturb thought process related to personality change.
(4) risk for injury related to seizure and cerebral edema.
What is influenza? Write its clinical manifestation and management.
Influenza is a communicable disease that spreads easily from person to person.
Influenza is also known as the flu.
Haemophilus influenzae Te
Influenza A
Influenza B
Influenza C
is thai by.
Causative agent of influenza
Caused by negative single-stranded RNA viruses. It belongs to the ortho myxo virus family.
Which is not helical shape. 80 to 120 nanometers in size.
Influenza A and B have 8 segments. It is strong due to which disease conditions arise.
Influenza C has seven segments. Influenza C is the week that does not cause symptoms to appear.
Influenza A and B contain two proteins.
Heme Agutin
Neuro Amino Dash.
There are papillomas in the virus.
Structure of influenza virus.
Agglutination of ice
Sialic acid in the nose, throat, brocae binds with the receptor and enters the cell. It infects the cell.
Days of Neura Amino
This protein destroys the sialic acid receptor causing the RNA virus to spread. This protein is responsible for the spread of infection.
The virus enters the rectal track causing inflammation and necrosis of the AP thallium layer.
Transmission of viruses
It is an airborne disease transmitted by droplets.
Spreads from hand to hand or by touching material used by an infected person.
Incubation period: 18-72 hours
Resolve: 2-5 days
risk factor
Chronic lung, liver, heart disease
Pregnant woman
Signs and symptoms of influenza
Fever, average three days
Head one
Sore thought
Muscle and joint pain
Chest pain
Dry cough
Restless sleep
Lake of Appetite
Tyrande s
Vo meeting
a little
Diagnostic evaluation
Sample: Nasopharyngeal swab
Thoracic swab.
(2) Culture
(3) Rapid influenced diagnostic test
(4) PCR
(5) Serology
(1) Neuraminidase Inhibitors:
Oseltamivir and zanamivir are drugs that inhibit the function of neuraminidase. Which is effective against influencers A and B.
(2) m2 ion channel inhibitor:
Rimantadine and amantadine drugs are effective against influenza.
Symptomatic drugs are given.
Over the counter drug eg
Treats fever, pain, a sore thought.
Decongested drug:
This drug relieves nasal congestion, sinus pressure.
Antihistamine drug:
This drug treats rhinosinusitis, sinus pressure.
Ecris Liquid Intake
Doing left sweep and left compression specially towards the nasal area to reduce nasal congestion and body ache.
Congestion can be reduced by nezer strips and humidified fires.
Fever is reduced by acetaminophen.
Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.
Prevention of influenza
Influenza vaccine
We can prevent DCs by this vaccine.
Which is live and killed.
Another Major of Prevention
Avoid close contact
Staying at home when seeking.
Covering the mouth and nose when sneezing.
Frequent hand washing to prevent infection.
I, no z, do not touch the mouth.
Practicing good habits like getting plenty of sleep
Physically active
Manage Your Stress.
Do not share your belongings with an infected person.
otitis media
Ray syndrome