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Important Points to Keep in Mind Before Appearing for the Nursing Council Examination:
  • Read the Paper Thoroughly: After receiving the paper, first, read it once to familiarize yourself with all the questions.
  • Use of Pen: Use a blue pen as much as possible. If necessary, you may use a black ballpoint pen. Do not use any other type of pen.
  • Avoid Patterns Indicating Identity: Do not use any patterns such as lines, boxes, circles, etc., that might indicate your identity or leave any marks on the paper.
  • Illustrations: Draw accurate diagrams where required as per the instructions in the paper.
  • Seat Number: Do not write anything other than the seat number on the question paper.
  • Answering Questions: Before answering, read the questions carefully twice. Answer as per the requirements of the question. Pay special attention to the weightage of marks while answering.

b. Write down clinical manifestations of Acute Renal Failure. 04

  • Write the signs and symptoms of acute renal failure.
  • B. ARF has the following symptoms-
  • Protein in the urine (proteinuria)
  • Blood pressure first falls and then rises.
  • (Hypertension followed by initial hypotension)
  • Irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia)
  • Excess fluid in the body. (Hypervolemia)
  • Cystic edema
  • Decreased urine output or no urination (oliguria and anuria)
  • Low amount of sodium in the body (hyponatremia)
  • Increased amount of potassium in the body (hyperkalemia)
  • Itching all over the body
  • (systematic pruritis)
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Anorexia
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Hematemesis
  • Uremic breath
  • Paler
  • Caesar
  • headache
  • Kusumual Breathing

b. What is Halitosis? Write down causes of Halitosis. What is halitosis? Write the causes of halitosis


Halitosis means bad breath.

Every person gets bad breath after eating certain things like onion, garlic. But if the smell of the mouth does not go away, then they have the disease of halitosis which can affect other parts of the body as well.

Causes of halitosis:-

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Harmful bacteria
  • Dry mouth
  • Head and Neck Cancer
  • Tonsil stone
  • Gum disease
  • Nose, Throat and Lungs Infection
  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease


  • Brushing should be done twice and that too for at least 2 minutes and tongue scraper should be used to clean the tongue.
  • Alcohol free mouth wash should be used
  • Have a regular check up with the dentist
  • Drink more fluids to avoid dry mouth
  • Sugar free chewing gum should be eaten to boost saliva
  • Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco should be avoided

Q 5 Write Definition (Any Slx). Write the definitions. (any six)


This is a surgical operation in which an opening is made in the large intestine and the damaged part of the colon is removed, the colon is shortened and the cut part is attached to the abdominal wall. “

2.Kussmaul Breathing – Kussmaul Breathing is a deep and labored breathing pattern associated with metabolic acidosis, especially diabetic ketoacidosis.

with This is a type of hyperventilation due to which the carbon dioxide content in the blood decreases due to increased respiration rate and depth.


Osmosis is the process of fluid moving towards higher concentration in the presence of a semipermeable membrane and this process continues until the concentration on both sides is equal.

B. Fill the blanks

  1. Abnormal fluid collection in the pleural cavity is called Ascites
  2. M.R.I stands for.

Magnetic resonance imaging

3.Sialadenitis means :-

Inflammation of salivary glands

  1. Xerostomia means:- Dry mouth
  2. Orchitis Means:-

Inflammation of the testes

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