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Fluid and electrolyte balance and Imbalance

a) Water contents of body, electrolyte and Acid – Base balance

b) Homeostasis

c) Review mechanism of regulating fluid and electrolyte movement

d) Fluid and electrolyte Acid-Base imbalance and its management

General terms:=


The number of solute in one liter of solution is called osmolarity.

2)osmolality (osmolality)

Osmolality means the number of solutes present in one kilogram of water solution is called osmolality.

3) isotonic ( isotonic):=

Isotonic fluid (solutions) means such fluid (solutions) in which there are no changes in the cell volume.

Ex. 0.9 % NaCl, Ringer Lactate (RL), Dextrose 5 percent

4) hypotonic (hypotonic):=

A hypo tonic solution is such that it causes cell swelling.

0.45% NaCl,0.33%,NaCl,0.2 % NaCl,2.5 %Dextrose

5) hypertonic solutions (hypertonic):=

This means that this solution shrinks the cell.

3% NaCl, 5% NaCl, Mannitol

Fluid, electrolyte and acid base balance is a dynamic process and is crucial to life.

Assessing and maintaining a patient’s fluid and electrolyte status is a major nursing responsibility.

If the balance of fluid and electrolyte in the body is normal then the function of the body will be normal.

But when there is even a little alteration in fluid and electrolyte, there is also alteration in the normal physiology of the body.

Body fluid is in balance if fluid intake and fluid output are normal.

Maintaining fluid and acid-base balance in the body is essential for health promotion.

Continuous dynamic changes are taking place in the body.

The body needs a proper amount of fluid.

To support changes in the body and to excrete waste material from it.


60% of the body of mail contains water.

While female body contains 50% water.

As much as 75% of it is water in the brain,
About 70 to 75% water in a mussel,
And 22% is in bone.

Elderly people have less than 50% water.

And an infant is 70% to 80% water.

1)extraacellular fluid

:= 35-40% is (14 liter).

•Interstitial fluid :=10.5liter, (situated between two cells)

•plasma:=3liter ,(Plasma)

transcellular fluid:=0.5liter.(cerebrospinal fluid. synovial fluid (joint fluid) aqueous humor (ocular fluid)

2) Intracellular fluid is 60-65% (28 liters)

There is 6-10 liters of lymph in the body.

And 3.5-5 liters of blood is there.

◙ explain the body fluid

Body fluid is in balance if fluid intake and fluid output are normal.

Maintaining fluid and acid-base balance in the body is essential for health promotion.

Continuous dynamic changes are taking place in the body.

The body needs a proper amount of fluid.

To support changes in the body and to excrete waste material from it.

60% of the body of mail contains water.

While female body contains 50% water.

As much as 75% of it is water in the brain,
About 70 to 75% water in a mussel,
And 22% is in bone.

Elderly people have less than 50% water.

And the infant is 70% to 80% water

◙ explain the fluid balance:-

The fluid of the body is constantly lost and the fluid balance is normalized by the intake of liquids, food by the human being.

Fluid balance is the balance in which water is taken into the body.
By any drink, food etc.,

And water is excreted from the body through urine and other waste products.

Due to this, fluid balance is maintained in the body.

Fluid is excreted mainly from the kidneys, lungs and skin.

Body heat is removed from the skin and lungs through the process of evaporation of water

Urea and other metabolic waste products are excreted by the kidneys.

Body fluids play an important role in supplying oxygen and nutrients to cells.

Aqueous humor in bodily fluid

Vitreous humor: It is located in the posterior chamber of the eye.


blood serum,

Breast milk (breast milk),

Cerebrospinal fluid

Cerumen (earwax),
Endolymph and perilymph,

Gastric juice (gastric juice),

Mucous (Mucus),

Peritoneal fluid (fluid around the abdomen),

Pleural fluid (fluid around the lungs),

Saliva (saliva),

Sebum (skin oil),




Vaginal secretion,

Vomit, urin, etc etc are located in the body and the internal environment of the body
Maintains homeostasis.

◙ body fluid has been divided into
Two compartments:

1) intracellular fluid (ICF: = fluid inside the cell),

2) Extracellular fluid (ECF: Fluid outside the cell)

1) intracellular fluid:=

Intracellular fluid is located inside the cell.

Cell membrane and cellular metabolism keep cellular constituents under control.

Intracellular fluid is two to three (2/3) of body volume.

Intracellular fluid contains potassium, magnesium, phosphate, organic anions, and proteins.

If the body is 60% water, the intracellular fluid is 40% of the body weight.

Intracellular fluid is a mixture of each cell but it is the same in all cells.

by volume Intracellular fluid is the largest body fluid compartment of the body.

2) Extracellular fluid:=

The fluid outside the cell is called extracellular fluid.

Extracellular is about 1/3 of body water.

Extracellular food is about 20% of body weight.

Extracellular fluid contains sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and other substances such as oxygen, glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids.

The extracellular fluid is further divided into three parts.

1) Interstitial fluid (ISF),

2) Intravascular fluid (plasma),

3)transcellular fluid.

1)Interstitial fluid:=

Interstitial fluid surrounds the cell.

This interstitial fluid is 3/4 of the extracellular fluid.

2)Intravascular fluid (plasma):=

Fluid and electrolytes move between interstitial and intravascular fluid and are plasma.

Plasma circulates as the extracellular component of blood.

And it makes up 1/4 of the extracellular fluid.

3) transcellular fluid:=

This is a set of fluids that are outside the normal compartment.

And this is equal to one to two liters (1-2 liter).

Which includes cerebrospinal fluid (CSF := CEREBRO SPINAL FLUID), digestive juice (DIAGESTIVE JUICE), MUCOUS.

◙ explain the function of body fluid

1) Blood delivers nutrients to the cells and removes the waste products of the cells from the body.

2) Body fluids work to keep blood volume and blood pressure normal and maintenance between them.

3) Body fluid maintains body temperature.

4) This body fluid evaporates the fluid through sweating and maintains the homeostasis of the body.

5) Body fluid works as an aqueous medium for the cell.

6) It works for many solvents for chemical reactions.

7) It helps digestion of food through fluid.

8) Fluid is responsible for excretion of waste products.

9) It works as a cushion of vital organs and protects viral organs.

10) Fluids help convert food into energy.

11) Fluid acts as a causation (i.e. cushion) between the joints of bones.

12) Fluid works in the elimination of waste products.

13) Fluid improves the health of the intestine and relieves constipation.

14) Fluid flushes the kidneys due to which the waste products of metabolism are removed from the body.

15) Fluid works to keep the body’s vital functions normal.

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