a) History of bacteriology and microbiology.
b) Scope of microbiology in Nursing
MICRO ORGANISM :- Micro-organism
Physics began in ancient times, mathematics began even earlier, but the knowledge of small living things, their biology and their impact on human life only dates back to the late 19th century. Until about the 1880s, people still believed that life could be created out of thin air and that illness was caused by sins or bad smells.
Microorganisms may have come to the earth first In the old studies it has been found that even thousands of years ago there were microorganism and epidemics were caused by them. Microbiology is a science that has developed in the last 200 years.Earlier people had little knowledge of medicine but lacked knowledge about the causes of disease.Cultures and sections of society differed in treatment and opinions about why people got diseases. Bad odors were thought to be caused by diseases, treated by removing or masking the offending odors, imbalances in the body’s humors (different fluids), and treated with bleeding (bleeding), sweating (sweat) and vomiting (vomiting) of the spirit. Although the concept of cure for sins, prayers, and rituals was known, it was not attributed to small living creatures but to bad smells or spirits, such as the Devil.
(1). Varo and Columella:- The disease is caused by an invisible organism (Animalia minuta). Which is caused by breathing or eating
(2). 13th Century Roger Bacon :-
It proved that diseases originate from invisible living creatures. They enter the body through breathing or in some other way.
(3). 1546- Fracastorius of Verona:-
He first suggested that diseases are caused by minute “seeds” or “germs” and spread from one person to another.
(4).1675 :- Antony Van Leeuwenhoek:-
Made his own Microscope which could magnify 160 times. With the help of which they found bacteria. He is called FATHER OF MICROSCOPY.
(5).1776:- Edward jenner (Edward Jenner):-
First of all prepared a vaccine against small pox (small pox). Immunization started.
(6). 1762-Von Plenciz :-
It concluded that each disease is caused by a different agent.
(7).1861 – Louis Pasteur :-
It was shown that fermentation takes place in fruits by micro-organism.
In 1856, he gave the Pasteurization method (pasteurization method), which was first used for wine and now used for milk and dairy products, to rid milk and its products of harmful micro-organisms.
In 1881 Anthrax Vaccine was discovered (anthrax is a fever caused by bacteria called anthrax).
In 1885, he developed the Posteure treatment of Rabies, which is still used today. He is known as FATHER OF MICROBIOLOGY.
(8). 1867 – Lord Lister :-
Started using phenol for prevention and treatment of Wound. Started using antiseptic solution for WOUND so that it can be kept free of micro organism. He is known as FATHER OF ANTISEPTIC SURGERY. He used carbolic acid during surgery.
(9) 1876 Robert Koch :-
In 1881, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis-the bacteria that causes TB) was discovered.
Discovered cholera vibrio in 1883
Anthrax bacteria were isolated
(10) 1925 – Sir Alexander Flemming
He invented the first antibiotic (drug that kills bacteria). He invented the first antibiotic penicillin.
(11) Paul Ehrlich:-
Discovered that the nature of tuberculosis bacteria is acid fast bacilli
Development of staining techniques for tissue and blood cells
Paul Ehrlich is known as the father of chemotherapy.
(12) Hans Christian Gram: Developed the method of ‘Gram stain’.
(13) Ernst Ruska: Invented the electron microscope.
(14) Elie Metchnikoff: Explain how phagocytosis is how the immune system destroys bacteria etc.
(15) Walter Gilbert and Frederick Sanger: 1977* developed the method of DNA sequencing.
Microorganisms have the power to cause disease in humans so their characteristics and behavior can be known through this study. So that the nurse can better treat and take care of the disease caused by that microorganism.
Microbiology studies how disease occurs. We can know how it spreads and how it can be stopped. Nurses are always in the hospital environment, so knowledge of micro-biology is also necessary for infection control and self-defense.
The need for laboratory tests to identify bacteria. Different tests are done for different diseases to know which type of bacteria causes which disease.
It is well known how important personal health and immune measures are for resistance to microbial diseases.
The prevailing superstitions, ignorance and misconceptions about the diseases caused by microorganisms can be removed and correct understanding can be given. Social beliefs can be changed.
Nurses use microbiology concepts when providing patient care or performing procedures.
Microbial disease can be recognized and measures can be taken to diagnose and prevent its spread.
Nurses use warm water or antiseptic to sterilize surgical knives, needles, scissors, and other metal instruments.
For Knowledge. Importance of Microbiology in Nursing Practice Nurses must have adequate education and training in microbiology to perform many roles in clinical nursing practice. (eg, administering antibiotics, collecting specimens, preparing specimens for transport and distribution, educating patients and families, communicating results to the healthcare team, and developing care plans. Monitoring microbiology study results and patient immune status) .