🏹 Laryngoscope
This is one such device. which use larings
to visualize and insert the male ET tube. It is a tube like structure. Which is used to examine layers.
It was introduced by Manuel Garcia in 1854.
Direct Rigid Le Ringoscope
Indirect Rigid Laryngoscope
Video Laryngoscope- Rigid and Flexible
Flexible fiber optic laryngoscope. Type of Blade
Macintosh: (curved)
2.miller: (straight)
Blades by weight (size 0-4 no.)
0-3kg :Miller 0
3-5kg: Miller 0,1
5-12kg: Miller 1
12- 20kg: machintosh 2
20-30kg: Machintosh 2 and Miller 2
30kg: machintosh 2 and miller 2
Adult: 3 and 4 no.
*Use: (diagnostic and therapeutic)
To check the patency of the tube.
To evaluate the airway.
To remove the secretion
4.To place the endotracheal tube
Chronic cough
Carcinoma (biopsy)
To remove a foreign body
Treatment and surgery
Meconium aspiration
To place the ET tube
Mechanical ventilation
Tracheo- esophageal fistula
Local anesthetic sensitivity
Bleeding in the airway
Uncooperative e.g(child)
Trauma to the airway
Malposition of Thrace
Local tissue injury bradycardia and hypoxia
Damage Cervical spine (excessive extension of neck) Dental injury
Perforation bronchospasm in Thrace
Hypertension laryngospasm
_Vocal cord paralysis
Method of Disinfection
Running water shop solution
Alcohol swab autoclave
Disposable blades
_Optimal sniffing position (head extension and neck flexion)
Sedation method
Local anesthesia lignocaine+adrenaline
🏹 scalpel
A scalpel is a small and sharp bladed instrument. It is used in surgery skin incisions etc. It has different blades and sizes all have different purpose and use.
Blade No. 10, and Handle No. 3/5/7 are used for making incisions in pediatric surgery.
Blade no.11
Handle no. 3/5/7
It is used for drainage.
Blade no. 12
Handle no .3/5/7
In tonsillectomy and cardiovascular surgery.
Blade no. 15
Handle no.3/5/7
in plastic surgery and pediatric surgery
Blade no. 22
handle no.4
Making an incision in the skin.
Blade no. 23
Handle no.4
Place the skin and deep incision.
Blade no.24
Handle no.4
Making an incision in the skin.
Blade Type:
Stainless steel
Platinum sterilization with stainless steel
Handle: By boiling or autoclave.
Blade: Not sterilized. Also done in glutaraldehyde or by gamma radiation for up to 12 hours.
Clean with normal saline before use.
Sterilization method for all instruments:
Any article or instrument after use is taken care of by following steps.
In case of articles with blood content, all these articles are kept in sodium hypo chloride solution for 10 to 20 minutes so that the dish can be infected.
After this article is removed from sodium hypochloride, every part of it is carefully washed with running water and soapy water.
Then all these articles are dried and the article is checked for its proper working condition and if required lubricant is applied.
All these articles are then properly arranged in the drum and sent to the autoclave for reuse. So that this article can be sterilized and can be used safely for the second time.
To autoclave it at 121°C and 15 bar pressure for 25-30 minutes.
Have an instrument such as scissor to clean it with normal water.
This Dhar Vadu instrument is not boiled or autoclaved, because if it is boiled or autoclaved, its edge will be reduced.
So it is cleaned by normal water and kept in solution.
🏹 Needle holder
Needle holder is also known as needle driver.
It is a suturing instrument.
It is made of stainless steel.
It is used to hold the suturing needle during a surgical procedure.
2.box lock (box lock),
4.Ratchet (ratchet),
5.finger ring.
A needle holder is used to hold and push the suturing needle during any surgical procedure or wound closure.
In addition, a needle holder is also used during the ligation procedure.
A needle holder can also be used for reanastomosis.
Apart from this needle holder is used for OPD based suturing, caesarean section and normal delivery also when suturing is to be done.
The needle holder has crimped cross serrations on the inside of the top and a small groove to hold the bent needle firmly.
After care
(Aftercare of the article is given above which is used for all surgical sterile instruments. Note that.)
🏹 Cheatle forceps:
Cheatle forceps are sterile forceps.
Use: It is used to remove sterile instrument from boiling or autoclave drum or formalin chamber.
Cheatle forceps are kept in a container in methylated spirit solution when not in use.
8 inches
10 inches
12 inches
Its main principle is that we can remove the necessary instrument so that the other instrument does not get infected. It can be used to maintain sterile technique.
🏹 Sponge holding forceps
(Sponge holding forceps)
Its other name is ‘Rampless Swab Holding Forceps’.
Sponge-holding forceps are long, slender, sharp with a claw and finger bow, meaning a long and straight instrument with a rounded fenestration end.
The portion of the sponge holding forceps has a transverse serration.
This tool has a serration design to give it a good grip i.e. a serration design to grip any object properly with this forceps.
Sponge holding forceps are 7-9 inches (18-20cm) in length.
Made by
The sponge holding forceps are made of stainless steel.
1.jaw (if : having serrations)
2.shaft (soft)
3.box lock (box lock) or joint (joint)
5.finger bow (finger bow) or finger ring (finger ring)
6.Ratchet :- Ratchet has 3C ie catch, clamp and crush.
It is used to hold sponges and swabs while performing any surgical procedure.
It is used to hold swabs while painting in surgical procedures.
It is also used to hold a swab to clean the mother’s perineum area.
It is also used to remove blood and amniotic fluid from the vagina.
In addition, it is also used to hold the survey while tightening the vagina.
A sponge holder is also used to visualize the survey after forceps delivery.
A sponge holding forceps can be used in place of green armytech forceps in caesarean section.
A sponge holder can also be used in place of the ovum forceps.
It is also used for swabbing in KVT.
It is also used to facilitate dissection.
After care
given above.
🏹 Straight artery forceps:
It is made of stainless steel.
Straight artery forceps are used to clamp blood vessels and gently clamp soft tissue if bleeding occurs during any surgical procedure.
Its design has been made in such a way that it can be easily applied on open surgical site.
4 inches
5 inches
6 inches
8 inches
10 inches
Straight artery forceps are used to hemostasis – stop bleeding.
🏹 Curved artery forceps (Covered artery forceps):
Curved artery forceps:
It is made of stainless steel.
Its main use is to stop the bleeding in the deep tissue of the body cavity or during the surgical procedure.
It has been designed in such a way that the tissue or the artery can be easily clamped in the deep body cavity in the surgical site, so the part of the tip in the curved artery forceps has been made curved.
5 inches
6 inches
7 inches
8 inches
10 inches
Curved artery forceps work on hemostasis (stopping bleeding).
Dissection forceps hold the tissue and help to keep the operation area clear, and at the same time, for dissection or for other operations during the operation like holding the needle while taking sutures etc.
It has two types:
Non Tooth or Plain Dissecting Forceps and Tooth Dissecting Forceps.
Depending on the type of tissue, these forceps come in many types such as small, large, fine and heavy, named after their designers. Eg Lane’s, Victor Bonney’s, Millin’s, Gillie’s etc.
Points to identify
The biggest feature of this instrument is that the handle has a spring like structure.
The outer surface of the handles has few ridges on the middle part to give a better grip.
The blood is transversely serrated inside to get a better grip on the tissue. This serration also helps to hold the needle while taking the bait.
In tooth forceps, the tip has two teeth.
Non tooth or plain dissecting forceps
It is used to hold delicate and soft tissue without causing further injury.
In two-arm instruments, the tissue often splits out from the spring mechanism on both sides.
Tooth dissecting forceps
It gives good grip on tissues.
Only its teeth hold the tissue, so the surrounding tissue is less injured.
Since it has teeth on both sides, the tissue cannot come out.
It cannot be used where there is soft tissue.
This tissue may be injured after use.
🏹 Mosquito artery forceps:
It is made of stainless steel.
It is used as a hemostat (to stop bleeding), to open an abscess (pus has accumulated) at that place if there is a wound, to hold the end of the suture while suturing, and to cut the end of the suture while suturing. taken in.
It has 2 types.
Straight mosquito artery forceps
Curved mosquito artery forceps
4 inches
5 inches
6 inches
It mainly compresses the wag during bleeding so as to stop the bleeding and while suturing it can be easily sutured.
🏹 Kocher’s forceps:
It is made of stainless steel
To hold the superior thyroid pedicle vessels during thyroid surgery,
To hold the rib during rib resection,
To rupture the membrane during labor,
are used in etc.
5 inches
🏹 Fine tip scissor:
It is made of stainless steel.
Fine tip scissor is a surgical instrument that is useful for cutting and trimming.
Apart from this, it is used to cut extra dead skin/tissue.
🏹 Surgical scissor:
It is made of stainless steel.
Its edge is sharp.
It is used to cut tubing, in surgical dressings, in surgical dressings.
Apart from this, it is used to cut tissue, dead skin.
Scissors cut soft tissue with extremely high precision.
🏹 Mayo’s cutting scissors:
It is made of stainless steel.
It is used to cut thick tissue like uterus, muscle, breast, foot tissue.
Apart from this, it is used in general surgery like abdominal, thyroid gland surgery, any trauma, hernia etc.
There are 2 types of Mayo’s scissor.
Straight bladed mayo’s scissors
Curved bladed mayo’s scissor
6 inches
7 inches
It works on the principal of class 1 lever.
Scissor works by maintaining effort and load. In which the surgeon has to reduce the effort during the surgical procedure and
Tissue forceps:
It is made of stainless steel
It is also known as Adson tissue forceps.
It is used to manipulate tissue during surgical procedures.
Apart from this, it is also used to support the tissue during incision and suturing
Apart from this, it is used to improve texture by retracting the tissue during any surgical procedure.
Two types:
Plain tissue forceps
Toothed tissue forceps
6 inches
8 inches
10 inches
🏹 Aliis forceps:
It is made of stainless steel.
It is useful for grasping heavy tissue, grasping organs, besides holding slippery dense tissue during electrosurgery.
Apart from this, it is used to grasp soft tissue and fascia during breast and bowel surgery.
4 inches
6 inches
8 inches
These forceps provide reliable clamping action to pull the tissue so that the tissue can be grasped.
🏹 Mouth gag:
It is made of stainless steel.
Mouth gag is a surgical device.
Mouth gag is kept between upper jaw and lower jaw
Its purpose is that by keeping it, the mouth can be prevented from closing during any oral surgery and the surgery can be done easily.
Pediatric: 10 cm
Adult: 15 cm
Doyen mouth gag
Heister mouth gag
Mouth gag keeps the upper and lower jaw retracted during surgery so that the mouth cannot be closed.
🏹 Tongue depressor:
It is made of wooden and stainless steel.
Tongue depressor is useful to depress the tongue so that mouth and throat can be properly visualized.
Nowadays disposable tongue depressor is used more than stainless steel tongue depressor.
It depresses the tongue so that proper examination can be done.
🏹 Nasal speculum:
It is made of stainless steel.
Nasal speculum is used to widen the nasal cavity so that proper visualization of nasal cavity can be done during therapeutic and diagnostic procedure.
Apart from this, nasal speculum is used in anterior rhinoplasty, septal surgery, foreign body removal, polyps.
12 to 33 mm
Other Name:
Thudicum nasal speculum
It is mainly for proper visualization of nasal cavity
🏹 Aural speculum:
It is made of plastic or stainless steel.
It is installed in the autoscope and used in the examination of the tympanic membrane.
Apart from this, it is used in ear surgery, which is kept straight up to the external auditory canal so that the eardrum can be seen easily.
Apart from this, it is used to remove wax and edesquamated epithelial debris from the external auditory canal
It is mainly designed to make ear surgery easy.
🏹 C retractor
C retractor is also known as C shape retractor.This is a surgical instrument.
Which is used in different types of medical procedures. This instrument is used to hold tissues and organs at the incision site during surgical procedures. Due to this, the surgeon gets a clear view and access to the surgical site.
This instrument is called ‘C’ retractor because its shape is an English letter
is like ‘c’. It is made of stainless steel.
A C retractor usually has a C-shaped blade attached to the handle.
Blades vary in size and curvature depending on the specific surgical procedure and the anatomy of the patient’s body.
The handle is designed to be easily gripped by the surgeon or assisting staff
And manipulation can happen.
Use :=
C The primary function of retractors is to gently retract tissues or organs, their use to expose the surgical area.
The ‘C’ retractor should be held to one side. Due to the use of this instrument, the surgeon can effectively dissect without any obstruction.
access :=
Due to the ‘C’ retractor, the tissues at the surgical site can be held easily due to which the surgical site can be accessed easily.
In some cases, C retractors are used to protect tissues from injury and prevent accidental damage to organs.
Use in Procedure
C retractors are used in abdominal surgeries like appendectomies, bowel resections, hysterectomies etc.
C retractors are also used in orthopedic surgery like joint replacement, spinal surgery, and other specialty procedures like plastic surgery, neurosurgery, etc.
Size and Curvature
C retractors come in different sizes.
Like, small, medium and large size.
After Care:=
By studying the instrument
First clean it properly in running water and properly remove any debris, blood and tissues present.
After cleaning the retractor properly, inspect it for damage and its blade dull or not and the instrument is in proper working condition and then place the instrument in the autoclave for stylization.
After cleaning and properly inspecting this C retractor, properly packing it in a sterilization pouch and tray specially prepared for autoclaving the instrument.
By packing properly, the sterility of the instrument is properly maintained until it is used.
After that the packed seri tractor should be sterilized by proper and appropriate method like steam sterilization.
Ethylene oxide (Eo) gas sterilization,
And to properly sterilize the instrument by low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization.
Tuning fork:
Tuning fork is made of metal, stainless steel and aluminum.
It is mainly used for vibratory sensation and hearing assessment (air conduction, bone conduction).
Used in Rinne test and weber test for ear hearing by tuning fork