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Community Health Nursing-II-Nursing-Sample Paper (Subscribe for Full Solution)

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Community Health Nursing-II-Nursing-Sample Paper (Short)

⏩Q-1 🔸a. Write down ESI act in detail.
Write the ESI acct in detail. 06

ESI Act:

ESI: Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act
The Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Act, was passed in 1948.
This act is a comprehensive social security act in the country. This act is an important measure to provide social services and health insurance in the country.

Certain benefits in case of sickness, maternity, disability and death due to employment injury to the employee such as,
Provides case and medical benefits in certain amount.

Applicability (as applicable):

The ESI Act applies to factories and certain notified establishments where 10 or more persons are employed. It covers both organized and unorganized sectors of the economy.

This Act Rs. 21,000 per month is applicable to salaried employees. However, the Central Government may raise the salary limit by notification.

Coverage: Employees covered under the ESI Act are entitled to various benefits provided under the scheme.

The Act makes coverage compulsory for ineligible employees and employers.


The ESI Scheme is administered by the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), a statutory body under the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India.
ESIC manages the funds collected through contributions and ensures effective implementation of the scheme.


Contribution to ESI Scheme is made by both employees and employers.

The current contribution rate is 1.75% of wages for employees and 4.75% for employers, which is 6.5% of gross wages.

Inspection and Enforcement:

The scheme inspects covered establishments to ensure compliance with its provisions.
Non-compliance with the provisions of the ESI Act may lead to penalties and legal action.

Decision and Appeal:

The ESI Act provides for adjudication of disputes relating to the implementation of the Act.
Employees and employers have the right to appeal against the decisions of the ESIC authorities.


The primary objective of the ESI Act is to protect employees and their families from financial hardship in the event of a medical emergency and to provide them with quality medical care and social security benefits.
Its objective is to promote health and welfare among the industrial workers covered under the scheme.

Benefits of ESI Act:

1) Medical benefit,

2) Sickness benefit,

3) Maternity Benefit,

4) Disability Benefit,

5) Dependent Benefit,

6) Funeral Benefit,

7) Rehabilitation Benefit.

1) Medical Benefit:

Medical benefit includes full medical care provided during hospitalization.
Comprehensive medical care is provided to the insured person and their dependents through a network of ESI hospitals, dispensaries and tie-up hospitals as follows:

OPD care,

Providing drugs and dressings,

All types of specialties medical services,

free drugs,

Pathological and Radiological Investigation,

Immunization and Family Planning Services,

Domiciliary Services,

Antenatal and Postnatal Services,

Emergency Services,

Ambulance Services,

Health Education in Patient Treatment.

etc. medical services are provided,

And together

In complicated cases where specialized treatment is required, the patient is referred for institutional treatment outside the state at the expense of ESI Corporation.

Other Medical Benefits:


artificial limbus,

Spectacles (prostheses),

hearing aid,

hernia belt,

walking caliper,

Jackets, etc. are also provided when needed.

2) Sickness Benefit:

If the sickness is certified by the Insured Medical Officer or Insurance Medical Practitioner then the assured is entitled to the sickness benefits.
Sickness benefit is payable for a maximum of 91 days in any continuous period of 365 days on a case by case basis. In this case the rate of payment is 50% of the daily wage.
A person receiving sickness benefit has to undergo medical treatment provided under the Act.

Extended Sickness Benefit:

If an insured person suffers from a long term illness, as per the Act, he is entitled to extended sickness benefit for a maximum of two years in addition to 91 days of sickness benefits. There are 34 illnesses for which a person who has been in continuous employment for more than two years Extended benefits may be paid.

Enhance Sickness Benefit:

Enhanced Sickness Benefit is provided for 14 days after Tubectomy to Assured Women and 7 days to Assured Males who have undergone Vasectomy.

3) Maternity Benefit:

An employee woman who is pregnant gets 120 to 180 days leave under maternity benefit.

Such pregnant women are not provided night work from 7.00 pm to 06.00 am.

In case of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) 15 days leave is given for the same.

In case of abortion, women are given 6 weeks or 45 days leave.

Paternity leave is granted up to 15 days.

Working pregnant women with excessive weight carrying are not covered under this act.

Antenatal, intranatal and post-partum services are also provided free of charge to pregnant women.

4) Disability Benefit:

Case benefit is provided in case of temporary or permanent disability due to employment injury.

The amount of benefit changes depending on the disability.

Temporary Disability Benefit (TDB) is payable from the first day of entry into indemnifiable employment and any contribution is paid in case of employment injury at the rate of 90% of wages for as long as the disability continues.

Permanent Disestablishment Benefit:

Permanently disabled benefits are paid at the rate of 90% of wages in the form of monthly payments based on the extent of loss of earning capacity as certified by the Medical Board.

In case of total disability, they are given life pension.

5) Dependent Benefit:

Dependent benefits are paid at the rate of 90% of wages to the dependents of the deceased or injured person in cases where death or injury occurs due to employment injury or occupational hazards.

6) Funeral Benefit:

Funeral benefits provide a cash payment of ₹10,000/- payable towards the funeral expenses of the insured on his death.

7) Rehabilitation Benefit:

The insured person and his family members can continue to receive medical treatment even after permanent disability or retirement.
An artificial limb is provided to the insured worker as and when required and the case is also provided as artificial and sickness benefits rate until replacement of the artificial limb is done.

Overall, the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 stands as a crucial pillar of social security in India, improving the welfare of covered employees and their dependents through various benefits aimed at providing financial assistance and medical care in times of need.

d. Write down responsibilities of D.P.H.N. 04
d. P. Write the responsibilities of H.N.

Responsibilities of DPHN (District Public Health Nurse):

“A PHN is a nurse who has additional qualifications for nursing responsibilities in the community and is most directly concerned with providing health education and care to individuals and families in the community.”

District Public Health Nurse General at every district level plans every activity along with CDHO (Chief District Health Officer).

The main responsibility of the District Public Health Nurse is to monitor Primary Health Center (PHC), Community Health Center (CHC) and Sub Centers.

Apart from this, the main following functions are performed by the District Public Health Nurse:

Managerial Role,

supervisory role,

Educational Role,

General Roll

••> Managerial Role: Responsible for the implementation of policies and programs formulated for nursing in the district.

Nursing Administration:

He is an important member of the Selection and Recruitment Committee, he is also responsible for in-service training, promotion, leave, and retirement as he sends recommendations to the District Medical Officer regarding the above tasks.

She participates in preparing budgets for nursing services, equipment and materials

He is responsible for forwarding the annual report, working report etc., which are received from the nursing personnel.

It evaluates the performance of nursing personnel working in the district.

It organizes, directs and develops community health nursing and midwifery services in the district.

He participates in all relevant discussions of health services in the district.

He will interpret the nursing and midwifery services in the district along with the District Health Officer and Zilla Parishad.

•Supervisory Role:

He visits from time to time and supervises the nursing personnel and health workers.

It has also taken disciplinary action.

It passes instruction in different nursing departments of the district to develop good cooperation, coordination and qualities in nursing services.

It emphasizes on improving the standard of patient care in the district to achieve high quality services in that district.

It is also responsible for nursing audits.

It monitors the activities of every health worker under its purview and provides guidance as needed to improve health services.

•Educational Role:

He visits nursing educational institutes (nursing colleges, schools and clinical areas) in the district from time to time and observes whether quality training i.e. theory and practical is provided to the students. .

It improves the standards of nursing students and nursing education by arranging health related workshops and conferences.

It conducts in-service educational programs.

Arranges Orientation Programme.

Arranges training programs for female health workers.

Also arranges the training program of Dice.

Also arranges training program for students of Health Health Center in rural field.

General Role:

She participates at the state level as the nursing representative of the district.

It cooperates with other institutions and organizations to improve the quality of nursing care.

It also organizes workshops, seminars, and discussions for nursing.

It also works to anchor nursing research.

Thus, the District Public Health Nurse (DPHN) has the following responsibilities

8.Uses of vital health statistics – Write the uses of vital health statistics.

Uses of Vital Health Statistics:

Vital health statistics, which involve various data related to births, deaths, diseases and other health related events in a population, serve many important purposes in public health and health care management.

Here are the main uses of Vital Health Statistics:

1) Monitoring health trends:
Vital health statistics provide crucial information for monitoring trends in population health.
This involves changes in birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, life expectancy and prevalence of disease over time.
By analyzing these trends, health authorities can identify increasing health issues, evaluate the effectiveness of public health interventions, and allocate resources appropriately.

2) Epidemiological Studies:

Vital health statistics are fundamental to epidemiological research.
Because of this vital health statistic, epidemiologists can assess the distribution of any disease and its determinants in a particular population.
For example, data on disease incidence and mortality rates can reveal patterns of disease outbreaks, identify risk factors associated with certain diseases, and guide strategies for disease prevention and control.

3) Health Policy Formulation
Government and health organizations use vital statistics to inform health policy decisions.
For example, data on maternal and child health outcomes guide policy aimed at improving prenatal care and reducing infant mortality rates.
Similarly, statistics of chronic diseases influence the policy of preventive health services and health promotion initiatives.

4) Resource Allocation:
Vital health statistics assist in the allocation of health care resources.
By understanding the population’s health needs through data on disease prevalence, mortality rates, and use of health care services, policymakers can provide funding and prioritize health care services where they are most needed.

5) Health Service Planning and Evacuation:
A health system uses vital statistics for planning and evaluation of health care services.
For example, birth and death data help predict future health care demand, determine staffing levels for healthcare services, and evaluate the effect of healthcare interventions on health outcomes.

6) Public Health Surveillance:
Vital health statistics are important for public health surveillance systems.
Surveillance involves the ongoing collection, analysis and interpretation of health data to identify health risks, monitor disease trends and implement timely health resources.
Vital statistics form a key component of these surveillance efforts.

7) International Comparison:
Vital health statistics provide a facility for comparing health outcomes and health care systems across countries or regions.
This comparison can highlight disparities and identify best practices for health care services and support global health initiatives.

Overall vital health statistics are essential for making evidence-based decisions in public health, health care planning, and policy development.

⏩Q-3 (A) Fill in the blanks. 10

🔸 1.Covid-19 is spread through …… virus, Kovid-19 is spread by …… virus.

coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

🔸2.Total……… international unit of vitamin ‘A’ solution is given up to 5 years of age. By the age of 5 years of vitamin ‘A’ solution a total of…… international units is given.

17 lakh IU (International unit)

🔸3.PEM stands for…..
Full Name of PEM….

Protein-Energy Malnutrition.

🔸4.RNTCP stands for….. The full name of RNTCP is ……

Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program).

🔸5.National Goiter Control Program was launched in……
National Goiter Control Program was launched in …….year.


🔸6.International Nurse’s day celebrated on…….
International Nurses Day……. is celebrated on

12 th May

🔸7.Malaria is transmitted by…….. Malaria is spread by ……….

bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.

🔸8.Oral pills is …….method of family planning. Oral pills are a ……method of family planning.

Hormonal method.

🔸9…….test is used to detect chlorine in water.
…….The test is done to find out the amount of chlorine present in the water.

Orthotolidine test

🔸10.Farmer’s lung occurs due to inhalation of………Farmer’s lung occurs due to inhalation of……….

Hay or grain dust.

(Reason: ISI mark is not commonly found on standards edible items in India. It is mainly used to certify industries and consumer products that conform to Indian standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Edible in India Items are marked with the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) mark, which indicates compliance with food safety and quality standards.)

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