A nurse working in the field of public health nursing often carries a home visit bag with her during her field trips. Because it contains most of the things he needs. Ex. Procedure equipment Medicine etc. This bag is very useful for the health worker. It has different compartments. The nurse has an idea of which item is kept in which compartment. So it is very important to carry a visit bag in the field.
Bags are made of canvas, leather or light metal. It can be lifted by hand or with solder. The bag has an outer pocket that holds notebook, major tape, news paper or plastic seat, soap dish, nail brush etc.
A single bag is to be used for multiple family visits. So the principles of technique on how to handle it are as follows.
Spread a plastic seat or newspaper on a flat and clean surface and put a bag on it so that it is not contaminated. Hang up if it cannot be put down and there is room to stitch up. Place the bag in a place where children cannot touch. Wash hands with soap before opening the bag.
Perform nursing process as needed. Wash or boil everything after the procedure. Hand wash and then place in instrument bag. When this is not possible, place each item separately.
_ Keep everything inside in small pockets separately.
_ Every bottle of medicine should be labeled.
Burn contaminated dressing. Fold the used news paper with the used item inside out and put it in the outer pocket of the bag.
(All other details about Home Visit Bag are given in CHN SPECIAL. )
Bal Shakti helps the nutritional needs of children and their growth and development. Bal Shakti contains essential proteins, nutrients, minerals, vitamins, which are essential for the child’s immunity boost, physical health, mental health, proper growth and development.
(All other details about BALSHAKTI are given in CHN SPECIAL. )
This packet is given to pregnant women and expectant mothers
It consists of four packets in total.
Matrashakti is a powerful blend of various grains for pregnant women and expectant mothers.
The Pradhan Mantri Matrashakti Yojana has been launched by the government for the support and welfare of pregnant and lactating mothers under which Matrashakti name packet is given to every pregnant mother from Anganwadi.
( All other details about Matrushakti are given in CHN SPECIAL. )
Second generation antihistamines
Adult and child > 6 years : 5mg/daily or as per dr order
Mode of action
As an H1 receptor antagonist, with some mast cell stabilizing activity, it has no effect on the CNS.
It inhibits histamine release thus reducing allergic symptoms.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis, rhinitis due to other causes, chronic idiopathic urticaria,
To relieve allergic symptoms like fever, itching, hives.
Severe renal impairment, alcohol use, hemodialysis.
side effects
head one,
dry mouth,
abdominal pain,
nursing responsibility
Taking a complete medical history of the patient, allergies and current medications.
Educating patients about medicine.
Monitoring of side effects in patients.
Administer drug according to proper dosage.
Advise patient on follow up.
Also to document.
(Other additional medicines are given in CHN DRUGS.)
➡️Copper-t is a 2nd generation intrauterine device and it is a small t-shaped device which is inserted in the uterus.
➡️copper reduces fertility.
➡️It is used for contraception & family planning.
1) T-shaped plastic frame
2) horizontal stem
3) vertical stem
4) copper wires
5) thread
1) CuT 200B
2)Multiload 250
3) Multiload 375
4) CuT 380A
1)CuT 200B:-
➡️The vertical stem of this device has copper wire in 215 sq mm surface area and contains 120mg copper.
➡️Lifespan: 4 years.
2)Multiload 250:-
➡️It has copper wire in 250 sq mm surface area.
➡️It releases 60-100 micro gram copper per day.
➡️Lifespan:- 3 years
3)CuT 380A:-
➡️It covers 380 sq mm surface area.
➡️ vertical stem contains 176mg & horizontal stem contains 66.5mg copper.
➡️Lifespan:- 10 years
➡️It is mostly used.
4)Multiload 375:-
➡️It covers 375 sq mm surface area.
➡️Lifespan:-5 years.
Mode of Action:-
1) Biochemical & Histological changes in Endometrium.
2) Increases tubal motility.
3) Impairs sperm descent.
4) Prevent implantation of blastocyst.
1) Normal menstrual cycle.
2) No history of pelvic inflammatory diseases.
3) Contraceptive misuse.
4) Failed coitus interrupts.
1) Prolapse uterus
2) severe dysmenorrhea
3) Presence of pelvic inflammatory diseases
4) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
5) Ectopic pregnancy
6) Nullipara
Time of Insertion:-
➡️Post abortion
➡️Post partum
➡️Post placenta delivery
Methods of Insertion:-
1) Preliminaries:-
➡️History taking.
➡️Remove the device from the sealed packet.
➡️Fold thread, vertical stem & horizontal stem with vertical stem.
➡️Now the device is ready to introduce.
2)Actual Steps:-
➡️Ask the patient to empty the bladder & then give lithotomy position.
➡️Uterine size & position to be checked.
➡️Introduce posterior vaginal speculum & clean vagina and cervix with antiseptic solution.
Grasp the anterior lip of cervix with Allis forceps.
➡️Uterine sound should be passed through cervical canal and the length of uterine cavity & position of uterus should be noted.
➡️ Then introduce the device of the size of the uterine cavity length.
Indication for Removal:-
1) Persistent excessive uterine bleeding
2) Perforation of uterus
3) flaring up of salpingitis
4) Pregnancy
5) missing thread
➡️Effective Contraceptive.
Fertility can be restored.
➡️inexpensive & easy to use.
➡️No need for constant supervision.
➡️Free from harmful effects.
Ectopic pregnancy
➡️spontaneous expulsion
➡️pelvic infection
➡️perforation of uterus
(Other details are given in Family Planning)
BCG Vaccine
Its full name is Bacillus Of Calmette and Guerin. It is a live attenuated vaccine. It provides protection against tuberculosis in infants.
This vaccine is given at birth. It can also be given up to late 1 year.
BCG vaccine is administered 0.05 ml intradermally to neonates and 0.1 ml intradermally to infants.
A papule (5 mm diameter) is seen at the site of vaccination 2 to 3 weeks after BCG vaccination. Ulcers form and fall off. The ulcer heals after 8 to 10 weeks and a permanent scar develops.
BCG vaccine is not given (contraindicated) in conditions like immunosuppressive, HIV AIDS, eczema or dermatitis etc.
10 to 20 doses can be given from one vial of BCG. It is diluted in 1 ml of NaCl.
BCG vaccine is given intradermally with a specific syringe (tuberculin syringe). It has a 26 G needle.
This vaccine should be used within 3 hours of opening the vial and if any remaining vaccine remains, it should be discarded. It is kept away from direct light.
(More given in other vaccines.)
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