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A nurse working in the field of public health nursing often carries a home visit bag with her during her field trips. Because it contains most of the things he needs. Ex. Procedure equipment Medicine etc. This bag is very useful for health worker. It has different compartments. The nurse has an idea of ​​which item is kept in which compartment. So it is very important to carry a visit bag in the field.

Bags are made of canvas, leather or light metal. It can be lifted by hand or with solder. The bag has an outer pocket that holds notebook, major tape, news paper or plastic seat, soap dish, nail brush etc.


A single bag is to be used for multiple family visits. So the principles of technique on how to handle it are as follows.

Spread a plastic seat or newspaper on a flat and clean surface and put a bag on it so that it is not contaminated. Hang up if it cannot be put down and there is room to stitch up. Place the bag in a place where children cannot touch. Wash hands with soap before opening the bag.

Perform nursing process as needed. Wash or boil everything after the procedure. Hand wash and then place in instrument bag. When this is not possible, place each item separately.

_ Keep everything inside in small pockets separately.
_ Every bottle of medicine should be labeled.

Burn contaminated dressing. Fold the used news paper so that the used item is inside and put it in the outer pocket of the bag.


Never do a home visit without a home visit bag or kit. There are two different kits. There is a delivery kit which is used for delivery and another kit for general nursing and post natal and prenatal visits.

Delivery Kit.

Unicef ​​kit for delivery is widely used and very suitable, it contains the necessary instruments and articles in an aluminum box. In the current modern trend, now disposable kit for delivery is supplied by UNICEF and who. Whose everything has to be used and discarded for a single mother.

Contains UNICEF delivery kit

1) Plastic bay containing plastic apron seat and nail brush.1

2) kidney tray 2
3) Aluminum Bowl 2

4) Artery forceps 2 pairs
5) Dissecting forceps 2 pairs

6) Scissors 1
7) Cheatle forceps 1 pair

8) Gloves 1 pair
9) Instrument box (with syringe and niddle) 1

10) Enema can with connection 1
11) Urethral catheter_1
12) mucus sucker, weight machine _1
13) clinical thermometer _1
14) rectal thermometer _1
15) cotton balls
16) sterile gauze piece

17) Antiseptic bottle _1
18) spirit bottle _1
19) eyes drop for baby
20) fetoscope _1
21) measures tap _1
22) note book _1
Bag _1


Nursing If 2 separate supplies are not provided, the nurse should amend this by keeping an air tight plastic bag or container.

If the equipment is to be carried for a long distance or for a long time, the weight of this box or plastic bag should be low and the necessary articles should be kept in it. The entire container should be completely disinfected. It should have different cotton lining.

The nurse should keep it separate. A pen pencil notebook or diary in which he has to record the things he observes and his records are to be written in it before leaving the beneficiary’s house. She should use to keep a clean news paper dressing in her bin.


  • 1) Soap nail brush and towel in a water proof bag1
  • 2) enema can_1
  • 3) rubber urinary catheter _1
  • 4) clinical thermometer _1
  • 5) rectal thermometer _1
  • 6) scissors _1
  • 7) artery forceps _2
  • 8) Dissecting forceps _2
  • 9) kidney tray _1
  • 10) sterilize dressing bag_2
  • 11) measures tap _1
  • 12) fetiscop _1
  • 13) One bag sterile soap stick_1
  • 14) Weight machine _1
  • 15) gloves _1 pair
  • 16) A large cotton bag to keep the disinfect instrument during the visit_1
  • 17) mucus sucker_1
  • 18) cord clamp _1
  • 19) eye antiseptic _1
  • 20) Urinary analysis out kil_1
  • 21) small size paper

[Equipment and than care] It is very important to take regular care of every equipment of the bag. (care of the equipment).

(1) Carrying contaminated articles from house to house can prevent the possibility of cross infection.
(2) The instrument can be kept usable for a long time.
(3) Every instrument should be well used.

It should be remembered that to keep the contents of the kit clean and in good condition, different equipment should be taken care of as mentioned below.


(1)Bag:- If it is a metal bag, it should be cleaned with soapy water and boiled, but if it is a canvas bag, it should be heated in sunlight without washing. Made for napkins and newspapers etc.

(2)Rubber articles:-All types of rubber articles in the bag should be washed thoroughly with soapy water, in which the tube and catheter should be hung so that they can dry well. Plastic aprons and seats should be dried in the shade. .Keep it well exposed to air before keeping it in a cotton bag. Then apply powder and pair it. Boil the rubber item in boiling water for 10 minutes to sterilize it.

(3) Thermometer:– The thermometer and its cover should be kept after washing in antiseptic solution with soapy water.

(4)Bottle:– The bottle kept in the home visit bag should be emptied once a month, its lid should be opened, cleaned properly and boiled, then it should be labeled well, in which the dose should also be written and then medicine should be filled in it.

(5) Enemal and still articles:- Boil these types of articles for 20 minutes and wipe them with a rice cloth. If the articles are hot, let them cool a little. Or put some spirit in the vessel and spread it, then light it with a match. Be very careful before doing this. Do this procedure in a place where there is no risk of fire.

(6)cord ligature or cord clamp:- This is kept in a glass bottle, this bottle should be boiled with the lid open and the thread should be boiled for 20 minutes and then placed in the bottle. Pour some spirit into the bottle and always use sterile forceps to remove the thread. A rubber pad can be used to keep the bottle cap closed at all times. When using thread, always use a strong thread so that the knot does not break by twisting.

(7)eye antiseptic:- ​​If silver nitrate preparation is to be used to clean the eyes, it should be changed every week, the bottle should be properly closed, the bottle should be labeled. is

(8) Instrument:- Wash each instrument thoroughly with water after use, boil for 20 minutes and dry before putting in the kit. Call Caesar but do not boil it, wash it with soapy water and flame it or keep it in antiseptic solution before use, after use, wash it, clean it and dry it, then apply some oil on its blade and joint so that it does not rust.

(9)Dry dressing and swab:-There should be arrangement in PSC and hospital to sterilize the dressing at regular time by many different methods of sterilizing the dressing and swab. Put in a small bowl or keep two layers of cotton in a packet and let it autoclave. The tin in which the dressing is placed should have holes in the lid and the lid should be kept open while boiling. The homemaker can also convince the mother to prepare the dressing so that the midwife can use it during delivery. Destroy the used dressing by burning the cotton materials. Of which linen should be washed well, boiled or autoclaved, then ironed and kept in a small cotton bag so that sterilized dressings can be obtained from home in case of emergency.

(10) BP instrument or sphygmomanometer:- BP instrument should be kept separate from rubber bag and cotton arm bandage. It should be washed and kept clean frequently. Clean the rubber tube and rubber bag with a spirit swab, never soak it. Always wash the cloth bag. For which soap solution should be used.

(11) Stethoscope:- Immerse the chest pitch in plain water Clean the tube with antiseptic solution and immerse in the solution Clean the metals by boiling the stethoscope.

If the correct method is used to sterilize the instrument, the nursing bag can be protected from infection, although full disinfection of the nursing bag daily is not necessary.

If the kit is used in an infected house, clean the kit daily using the towel swab in it. dressing and all necessary medicines antiseptic etc. should be changed.

The bag and its articles should be cleaned once in the wick. The kit should always be kept on a flat and clean surface. Delivery bags should be completely disinfected after use.


Empty the bag and boil the boilable articles and keep the other articles immersed in antiseptic or soft water. After washing the bag, after everything is disinfected, clean your hands properly. .

Spread a clean towel or clean cloth on the table and place the bag on it to arrange it properly. Since the bag is not only sterile but also infection free, working with an antiseptic method is the goal for bag technique.

Once it is completely disinfected then close it and keep a clean news paper in it so that it can be used again. If the Bagma’s instruments in the bag are used for an infected person, the nurse who gave the treatment should not become a source of infection herself.

_He should take a bath himself and wash his hair.
Before handling the _disinfect article he should put on clean cloth and after boiling everything he should take a bath.


Do not carry things that cannot be disinfected in the bag like paper notebook pencils etc. Also do not keep things like money or handkerchief in the bag.

Do not touch anything in the bag except after washing your hands first. For the procedure, it is necessary to open the bag and wash your hands. Then remove the article as required and close the bag.

Do not remove extra items other than those required for nursing care. Do not put used articles in the bag unless properly cleaned. If nothing has been boiled or washed in it, it is best to keep it outside the bag.

Always keep the bag on the table, bed or box. Place the bag on it only after placing the clean paper. Never place the bag directly on the ground.


The canvas bag has a green color cover with an iron frame, the frame has a small lower notch and a larger upper notch.

Thus there are two khanas over which a cotton cloth is wrapped with a string and it separates the two khanas. A wooden piece has to be placed in it, from which the mine is separated, this frame has to be placed in a green cover.

It also has a compartment in which the outer compartment is small, it is called outer compartment or uncompartment (sterile) and the middle compartment is also called upper or inner compartment. Which contains clean and sterile items.

_The lower compartment is called the lower compartment, it contains clean items, the table and equipment for hand washing are placed.

1) Outer compartment

In which urine test equipment like _
spirit lamp _test tube holder _two test tube _two holder _two dropper _acidic acid bottle _benidict solution bottle Matches.

_ All the above items should be placed in a cotton or plastic bag.

Height, Weight, Measuring Articles Measure tape, spring balance, square or square of the above equipment to be placed in a cotton bag and label the bag as Height Weight Measuring Article.

Equipment for antenatal care including phytoscope, needle, spirit then telequest book then plastic apron plastic sheet napkin.

Like family planning tools like condoms, oral pills, etc _ors packet _kidney tray scabies ni treatment tools including
_Keep a small cup, a paint brush, a bottle of BB lotion in a cotton bag.

2) Upper compartment

Upper compartment or inner compartment containing sterile and glass articles should be placed in a cotton bag. In which equipment for mother for emergency delivery like

2-artery forceps _one scissors _2 small boul _female catheter _kidney tray _cotton swab and bandage for perineal care Sterile code ligature, gauze piece, cotton swab or mucus succer for newborn baby.

Articles for dressing to be taken in a cotton bag containing _1-small boul _thumb forceps _tooth forceps _sterile gauze piece cotton swab
small bandage _thermometer _injection syringe needle(disposable) _eye ointment _liquid medicine _jonson violet _spirit _benzoin boui water Etc

3) Lower compartment

_ tablet or syrup bottle, iron folic, calcium, multi vitamin , sulfa , tablet aspirin, b_complex , antidiarrheal medicine, boric power, glass, spune,.
_Hand washing tools like napkin, shop with soap dish, nail brush etc. are kept in the lower compartment.


Bal Shakti helps for the nutritional needs of children and their growth and development. Bal Shakti contains essential proteins, nutrients, minerals, vitamins, which are essential for the child’s immunity boost, physical health, mental health, proper growth and development.

Advantages :-

Boosts the immune system so the body can fight off the virus.
Cognitive Development :- Support brain function and mental development.
Bone and Muscle Health.

Provides energy for physical activity and daily tasks.
Reduces the problem of indigestion and constipation and improves the digestive system.

Micronutrients High Quality Intelligence Enhancing Energy Enhancing

Take home ration 7 packets of Balshakti gram are given to normal children of 6 months to 3 years of age. 550 kg of calories and 13 grams of protein can be obtained from 125 grams daily.

Children underweight from 6 months to 3 years are given 10 packets of Balshakti 500 grams monthly. 800 kg of calories and 20-25 grams of protein are available from 185 grams daily.

Children underweight from 3 years to 6 years are given 4 packets of Balshakti 500 grams each month. 300 kg of calories and 8-10 grams of protein are available from 70 grams daily.

Seven packets of 500 grams for children of 6 months to 3 years
10 packets of 500 grams for very low weight children of 6 months to 3 years
3 to 6 years underweight children four packets 500 gm

Packet how long has been use :- Use it within four days after opening the packet and check the expiry date. Store below 30 Celsius away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Bal Shakti keeps well for up to four months after being packed if kept in a cool, dry place.

Per 100 grams :-
Energy 440 kilocalories,
Fat 10.5 grams,
Protein 10.5 grams
Carbohydrate 76
Sugars 29 grams
Vitamin A 160 micrograms,
Thiamin 0.28 mg
Riboflavin 0.32
Niacin 4.4 mg
Vitamin C 16 mg
Folic acid 40 mg
Iron 5.2 mg
and calcium 240mg.

Matrushakti Packet

This packet is given to pregnant women and expectant mothers
It consists of four packets in total.

Matrashakti is a powerful blend of various grains for pregnant women and expectant mothers.

The Pradhan Mantri Matrashakti Yojana has been launched by the government for the support and welfare of pregnant and lactating mothers under which Matrashakti name packet is given to every pregnant mother from Anganwadi.

Objectives :-

Adequate nutrition is provided to pregnant women to improve maternal health.
Reduce infant and maternal mortality rate
Nutritional support.


1.wheat flour

  1. Sugar
  2. Soua flour (soybean flour)
  3. mazize flour (corn flour)
  4. rice flour
  5. Gram flour
  6. Vitamins and Minerals.

√ Use this packet within seven days after opening
√ Matrashakti can be used up to four months after packing if kept in a cool, dry and clean place.

Nutritional Information.

Per 100 grams :-

Energy 445 kilocalories
Fate 12.59
Protein 13.49
Carbohydrate 76 g
Sugar 22 g
Vitamins A 328 micrograms
Thiamin 0.45 mg
Riboflavin 0.52 mg
Nixin 6 mg
vitamin c 21 mg
Folic acid 172mcg
Iron 12 mg
and calcium 414 mg

Categorized as GNM TY CHN II PRACTICAL, Uncategorised