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Que1(a) What is attitude? 03

Attitude means the way a person behaves or reacts in any particular manner in any situation is called his attitude towards it.

A person’s behavior according to his belief can be called the attitude of that person towards that thing or situation.

Attitude can be positive, negative or neutral.

Que1(b) How attitude is formed? 04

Any experience a person has from his surroundings is important in forming his attitude towards that object or situation. The following factors are very important for the formation of this attitude.


Family is a very important factor in generating attitude.A person spends a great deal of time in the family and gets information about any thing or person from parents and other members. On the basis of this information his attitude towards that person or thing is formed. This attitude can be negative positive or neutron.


This person gets information by spending time with people of the same age, friends, neighbors, etc. This information helps to develop his attitude towards any thing or person by coming in contact with him.


A person’s environment plays a very important role in developing his attitude. A person himself goes through that situation or adjusts to any situation by his positive or negative attitude which is prepared towards that situation. If any condition gives a positive experience to a person, then the experience of that condition is positive for that person. If this condition gives negative experience then negative attitude can also develop.


When any instruction or understanding is given towards any person or thing from any person, a negative or positive attitude is generated towards that person or thing. This attitude is also based on our understanding power.


This is very important for learning anything. When any child tries to copy anything from the parents around him and tries to behave accordingly. Which helps to develop his attitude.


When any person observes the person or thing around him, any of his behavior is affected and due to this his attitude also changes.

Besides, many social and economic sectors are very important for developing attitudes. Neighbourhood, school environment, friends, social media and other things are very important for the development of attitude.

Que1(c) How will nurse change the negative attitude of patient into a positive one? 05

How will the nurse change the patient’s negative attitude into a positive one?

The attitude of the nurse while working with the patient in the hospital produces a very important effect on the patient. A positive attitude of the nurse is very important to change the patient’s attitude and to convert it into a positive attitude.

Changing the attitude of any person is a difficult task but it can be changed through positive attitude and proper communication.

A nurse should have good communication skills to change the patient’s negative attitude.

In which the nurse’s intention to change the patient’s attitude should be focusing on his problem. The nurse should be aware of the patient’s likes and dislikes during communication as well as factors affecting communication.

The nurse should respect the patient’s attitude and help him accept it.

The nurse needs to constantly inform the patient with new information to change his attitude. Giving new information can also change his attitude.

The nurse should use mass media and role play in the hospital to improve the patient’s misconceptions and help change his attitude.

If the attitude is not right, the reason should be found and after knowing this reason, it should be helped to change the attitude of the patient.


Que1(a) What is sociology? 03

Sociology is a word made up of two words Societus which is a Latin word. It means society. The word logic is derived from the Greek word logos, meaning to study or to study.

Sociology means the scientific study of the society, i.e. the scientific study of the people in the society is called sociology.

The basic component of a society is the culture and its structure among the people of the society.

Sociology is the study of the behavior of any individual among individuals in society.

Que1(b) Write the scope of sociology. .. 04

SocialG is a very fast developing subject. Which society is developing very rapidly for the study of different stages of human social life.

The following sub-divisions are developing in Sociology.

Social Morphology.

Geographical study of life is done in this and population problems are also studied.

Social Physiology

It is a branch of sociology dealing with social facts. In which religion, morals, policy rules, language etc. are studied on the aspect of sociology.

General Sociology.

In which the general characteristics of the society and the relationship of the person living in it are studied.

Rural Sociology.

In which sociology related to rural area is studied.

Industrial Sociology.

Sociology is studied related to the industry and the people working in the industry and living there.

Urban Sociology.

It includes the scientific study of people living in urban areas and their societies.

Educational Sociology.

A scientific study of education related matters is done among the people of this society.

Occupational Sociology.

Sociology is studied in relation to the people in this society and its different occupations.

Cultural Sociology.

Scientific study is done related to different people living in this society and its different culture.

Political Sociology.

In this, scientific study is done related to different political groups and political activities.

Apart from this, scientific study of medical sociology, military sociology, sociology of family and various different branches of sociology is done in sociology.

Que 1(c) Write importance of Sociology in Nursing Profession. 05

Write the importance of sociology in nursing profession.

It is a very important branch of scientific study of society and the people living in it.

In the nursing profession, the study of sociology is very important for many issues related to patient, patient treatment and hospital and health care team.

Sociology is very important for the hospital staff to understand the culture of the patient and his social life.

Through the study of sociology one learns about the diversity of different religions of different people and their caste and community.

Treatment can be provided keeping in mind certain beliefs etc. during the treatment of the patient.

Cooperation and team spirit is maintained among individuals through the study of sociology. Team spirit and cooperation can be gained by studying sociology while working with patients in a hospital as a nurse.

Through the study of sociology, the social relationship can be well maintained and the patient’s confidence can be won in the treatment of the patient, his recovery and also in the different types of nursing care given to him.

While working in the community, through the study of sociology, getting information about the community, and the culture and knowledge of the people living there, sociology is also very important in preventive services.

Through the development of different branches of sociology, sociology is also very important in different aspects of nursing like industrial nursing, public health nursing.

Through the study of sociology, social problems that arise during treatment can be understood and resolved so that better treatment can be given to the patient.

Thus, through the study of sociology, high quality patient care can be provided and patient participation can also be obtained properly.

Que 2(a) Write laws of learning and factors affecting on learning 08

Learning is a permanent change in a person’s behavior that occurs as a result of any kind of practice or experience.

During the period from birth to death a person’s behavior changes and changes continuously and continuously. This change in behavior is known as learning.

Following are some rules for learning.

Law of Exercise…

This law of learning states that if a person keeps repeating a task over and over again, he can learn better, it is called the law of exercise.

Law of Readiness…

This person needs to be mentally prepared to learn anything. He can learn anything well only if he is completely mentally prepared which is called Law of Readiness.

Law of effect..

In this law of learning, anyone can learn anything well if someone is given some benefit as a result of learning anything. For example, if a child is given a chocolate as a benefit or gift for completing any task, he will be able to perform well.

Law of Attitude

One’s attitude is very important for learning anything. If a person has a positive attitude towards learning that subject then he can learn any subject well.

Law of Analogy..

In the Law of Analogy learning, a person’s response to doing anything is based on past efforts associated with that thing. In which a person acts on any new situation based on what he has built up in the past

Law of Multiple Response..

According to this law of learning, a person’s response to any new situation is affected by the number of attempts made by that person, and it is from those many attempts that the correct response is finally observed.

Factors affecting learning

Learning is a permanent change in our behavior or a long-term change in behavior.

Many factors affect it. Which is mainly seen as below.

Learner no nature..

A learner is a very important factor for learning or learning anything. Learning cannot happen without a learner.The following factors are associated with the learner which mainly affect the learning.


Age is a major factor affecting the learner. Age is a major factor affecting learning capacity. Children cannot learn anything easily as compared to adults due to their young age.


Intelligence primarily affects learning. A person who has a good intelligence level can learn anything easily and in a short period of time.


Any learner can learn anything well if he can maintain his attention on anything. No learning can take place easily if attention is not sustained.

General Health..

Good mental and physical health of the learner is very important for learning. If this health is good then learning can be done well but if mental or physical health is not good then learning is not possible easily.

Fatigue and rest..

If a person is tired, he will not be able to learn anything easily if he is not rested enough. Hence rest is very essential for a learner to learn anything well.

Big Vation..

Motivation and goals are very important for a learner to learn anything well. Anything can be learned well if there is continuous encouragement to learn it.


Learner’s readiness to learn is very important for good learning. If he is physically and mentally ready, he is capable of learning anything and can maintain his interest.

  1. Learning Material..

The nature of learning material is very important for learning. If the learning material is such that the learner can understand and maintain his interest, then the learner can learn it well. But learning is not possible when the learning material is complex and without interest.

  1. Factors affecting learning method are as follows.

Learning Method..

Learning method is very important to learn anything well. If this method suits the learner and keeps his interest then learning can be done well.

Definite goal..

Goals should be clear or clearly set for good learning and continuous improvement. Due to which learning becomes easy.

Exercise and Repetition..

To learn any new thing, it is very necessary to repeat that thing often and practice that thing. Any complex and difficult material can be better understood and learned through repeated exercises and repetitions.

Parts Learning…

If any learning material is long then breaking it into different parts makes learning easier.

Reward and Punishment..

Reward and punishment are very effective for learning. Reward produces better learning outcomes than punishment.

Result as a feed back..

Taking result and review feedback from time to time improves learning.

Good physical atmosphere..

If there is good environment and ventilation is good, room temperature, comfortable seat to sit all these things help learning.

Que 2(b) Illustrate Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning. 04

Explain Pavlov’s method of classical conditional learning.

This is a method for learning. In which Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov invented this method. In 1904, he also received the Nobel Prize for this method.

Classical conditioning is also known as the theory of response to any stimulation.

In this experiment, Pavlov conducted an experiment on a dog. In which it was decided to ring a bell with the dog when food is given and at this time the amount of salivation of the dog was recorded. Along with this time was also recorded. After the experiment was run for some time, it was noted that the bell was rung and the dog was given food and salivation was recorded. After some time, only the ringing of the bell showed the same amount of salivation in the dog’s mouth as it did after the food was given, meaning that even the sound of the bell alone increased the salivation of the dog without the food being given. This is a conditioning response.

This theory shows that when conditioning stimulation is combined with unconditioned stimulation, conditioned stimulation is just as effective as unconditioned stimulation. According to this theory, both conditions are connected together.

The principles of classical conditioning can be used with the following areas.

Good health habits can be developed in anyone using this classical conditioning principle.

Any bad habit can be broken or any anxiety or fear situation can be adjusted through the application of this principle.

These learning principles can also be used to train animals.

Some psychotherapy can also use the principles of this learning to change behavior and attitudes.


Que 2(a) Describe types of defense mechanism. 08

Defense mechanism is also called mental mechanism or ego mechanism.

A defense mechanism is a type of defense mechanism used by a person to adjust to the situation or to reduce the anxiety of the person when faced with any uncomfortable situation or a situation that damages the self-esteem of the person.

This mechanism is used by the person consciously or unconsciously. Its purpose is to remove the problematic situation from one’s conscious level and maintain one’s protection in the situation.

Types of defense mechanism are as follows.

  1. Psychotic.

It is a severe pathological form of defense mechanism. In which any person behaves completely differently against any reality of the external environment. The person does not use any kind of coping mechanism or adjustment mechanism.

This defense mechanism is especially common in mentally ill individuals. This defense mechanism is also seen in a healthy form in young children.

  1. Immature Defense Mechanism..

This type of defense mechanism is sometimes seen in adults and more in the adolescent age. When a person is in any anxiety or stress situation, according to this mechanism, instead of accepting the reality, the person uses unacceptable ways to get out of it.

A person who uses this type of defense mechanism more can also be known as a socially malextended person. Due to using this type of defense mechanism for a long time, a person can have serious problems. A person may have serious problems with his coping ability. This type of defense mechanism is commonly used by individuals with depression and personality disorders.

  1. Neurotic defense mechanism.

This type of defense mechanism is used by adults. In which short term advantage is seen to cope with any situation. But using this type of mechanism can lead to long term damage and problems.

  1. Mature defense mechanism.

This is a defense mechanism used by any mentally healthy and emotionally healthy adult. It is also known as mature mechanism.

This type of defense mechanism takes a long time to develop but its use is beneficial.

Que 2(b) Write the rights of individual in a democratic society. 04

A person who lives in a society. In that society he has got certain rights and every member of the society has to act according to these rights.

These rights have been given to the individual in the Constitution of India and have accordingly been given the form of law. The rights of this person are as follows.

Right to equality means the right of equality

According to this law, every citizen in the country has got the status of equality. In which, despite their caste, religion being different, everyone is considered equal.

However, some special rights have been given to women and children and people from socially and educationally backward classes in the country. Based on which they can come forward for job or employment.

Right to Freedom means right to freedom.

According to this right all the citizens of India have got the following freedom rights.

Right to freedom of speech and right to express anything.

Right to live in peace.

Right to form Union or Association.

Right to move freely within the country.

Right to reside and settle in any part of India.

Right to own and use property.

Right to work with any profession or business.

The above freedom rights are given to every person as fundamental rights.

Right Against the Exploitation means the right to be free from exploitation.

According to this right, it is prohibited to keep any person as a slave or laborer. In which Article No. 23 is the right against any person to be made a forced laborer and Article No. 24 is the right against the employment of children in any form of employment, trade or hazardous occupation.

Right to Freedom of Religion

According to this right, every citizen living in the country is allowed to follow the religion of their choice. Apart from this, a person can join any religious organization, run religious organizations or work with religious educational institutions.

Cultural and Education Right.

According to this law, the minority communities in the country are protected. These rights are given so that those people can run their own educational institution and protect their culture.

Right to Property

According to this law, a citizen can own his property in any part of the country. It also includes the right to protect one’s property and not be harmed by another person.

Que 3 Write short answer (Any Two) 2×6=12

(a) What are the crimes against women in India?

Although men and women are considered equal in the constitution of India, women are still not given the same status as men in social terms. Their rights and entitlements are not given to them in due proportion.

Nowadays many crimes are seen due to social discrimination against women. Among the important crimes, rape, dowry system, kidnapping, prostitution related to all these crimes are seen against women in India. Apart from this, women are also forced to follow some different religion after marriage.

Women are also forced to have abortion if they have a female child in their womb.

Physical and mental torture and exploitation of women in their field of employment is also seen as a very important crime.

In today’s society, there are still cases where women and children are not given enough education and they do not get quality health services, food, nutrition and their hygienic needs.

All the above mentioned crimes against women are more common in lower caste and lower socioeconomic background because the male dominated society is more populated and the standard of literacy is lower.

In today’s modern era, women are given importance in many fields and are also considered equal to men and due to their ability, women today are working on good positions and posts in many fields.

Que 3(b) Describe various social problems of urban community.

Urban community means a group of people living in an urban area. These groups of people live in areas with high population density.Some common problems due to urbanization in this area are as follows.

In urban communities class distribution is seen to be different i.e. separate group of people living luxurious life and poor and middle class persons living differently. There is no communication between the individuals of both groups.

People in urban communities do not have primary contact and do not even know the people living in the area around them or in the surrounding environment.

Mechanical attitude is seen in the people of this community, that is, these people are living in the criteria like sheet machinery. Human Beings i.e. mankind and its sensitivity towards them is less seen in the people of this community.

The people of the urban community have less sense of belonging towards the people around them, group, community or any organization.

People of different caste and culture live together in this community and together they develop new traits and new culture.Their culture, occupation and ideas are very different from each other.

People of this community maintain social distance. They do not have a sense of harmony with each other.

Due to the fact that the people of the urban community are working at a very high speed and with energy during their daily life routine activities, a very stressful and tense and insecure environment is seen around them.

Due to the fact that people of this community live in overcrowded and polluted areas and their lifestyle is like this, they also become victims of many diseases and diseases.

Que 3(c) Write characteristics of a mentally healthy person.

A mentally healthy person is free from internal conflict or tension with himself.

He feels himself comfortable.

He realizes that he is a needy person and a person liked by others.

He can maintain a healthy daily routine and can properly maintain his diet, rest, physical activity and hygiene.

He understands the rights and needs of others.

He is capable of identifying his needs in life and fulfilling them.

He can maintain good relationship and communication with other persons.

She can accommodate well. Can adjust his relationship with himself and with other persons well.

He has the qualities of being able to accept criticism from others and not being easily upset.

He can endure the frustrations and disappointments of everyday life and move on.

He is always searching for his identity, self-respect, sense of security and has confidence in his abilities.

He is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses and behaves in ways that are acceptable to others.

He gives respect to others and also gets respect from others.

He has good self-control and balance. So he can make adjustments logically and emotionally. He faces the problem and solves the problem by using intelligence. It also has the property of balancing against everyday stress and anxiety.

It accepts and adapts to new changes in its environment and daily activities.

Que 3(d) Write effects of population on economy.

Population growth and overpopulation have very serious effects on the economic status of the society and the people living in the community. Due to high population, incidents like unemployment, poverty, hunger etc. occur in society and society.

Write the economic effects of population.

All these factors threaten the health of a person. As he is not able to maintain good health of himself and family members due to which again economic burden falls on his family.

Due to increase in population, the proportion of eletrcy increases. Due to which those people cannot get good employment or good environment going forward. Due to which the family and society become a burden.

Due to high population, the rate of poverty and unemployment increases.

People have to work hard to even meet their basic needs and conditions such as starvation are created.

Urbanization is seen due to high population. Also there is a lot of pollution of the atmosphere. Health problems increase due to this problem. Finally, the burden falls on the family and society.

Due to the increase in unemployment and poverty, the social life is disrupted and the amount of crime in the society also increases. Due to this economic loss is also seen in the society.

This increase in population has a very serious impact on the individual, family and all economic aspects of the country.

Que 4 Write short notes (Any Three) 3×4=12

(a) Stress-

Stress is a very common thing and everyone experiences it.

Stress is a serious problem nowadays. Everyone experiences stress in some way in their life.

Stress is physiological or psychological tension. Which affects the normal psychological balance of the person. It is an internal condition which is produced according to the physical demand of the person or the environment and society. This condition is damaging to the person as it is not under his control and he cannot find any coping mechanism or ways out of it.

Stress is a situation in the environment in which a person is not successful in meeting his demands and which causes stress.

Sources of the stress..

Stress is an unavoidable part of normal day to day life. In which the following causes create stress in a person’s life.

These major life events that create stress in a person such as conflict, poverty, unemployment and unemployment, breakup of marriage relationship, unwanted events in social life etc. create stress in a person’s life.

Factors that produce stress are called stressors. In which physiological stressors, environmental stressors, socio-cultural stressors, events occurring in the society etc. are included as stress factors.

Stressors are any internal or external event. Which can bring about any change in the physical, emotional, cognitive or behavior of a person are called stressors.

Body no response to stressors..

Stressors which are factors that produce stress within a person can cause physical, psychological and behavioral problems if they remain in the person for a long time. In order to understand the effect of these stressors and its reaction, Hans Selye has implemented a theory called the General Adaptation Syndrome Theory for stress by examining how our body responds to stressors.

A coping mechanism to control stress.

Physical skills are required to control stress. Using certain physical techniques can reduce stress. Like breathing exercise, deep breathing exercise is a very important physical skill to calm a person and relieve stress.

It is important to use different relaxation techniques to minimize stress. In which you can sit quietly in a quiet environment with your eyes closed and stress can be minimized with the help of relaxation techniques and physical comfort can also be maintained.

Stretching exercises are also very useful exercises for healing the muscles and for physical and psychological comfort by minimizing stress on the body.

Walking is a very good exercise. By which both body and mind can be relaxed and stress can be minimized. Our body’s hormones can also be normalized.

Getting enough sleep reduces stress and relaxes the body. Adequate sleep is very important to maintain mental balance or psychological equilibrium.

Meditation and yoga are also very necessary therapies to find psychological balance. With the help of which stress can be reduced and the coping mechanism with stress can be improved.

By diverting a person into social relationships and diverting them towards spiritual aspects, stress can also be reduced and problems can be minimized.

Que 4(b) Types of marriage

Write a short note on types of marriage.

Marriage is a process through which a person i.e. a male and a female joins and creates a family and gives birth to children.

In our society, urban, rural, modern, tribal different cultures and different forms of marriage are found in different areas.

In marriage, a man and a woman join each other through husband and wife and start a stable relationship in a socially accepted form.

To define marriage, marriage is a socially approved pattern in which two or more persons join together and form a family.

Marriage is a stable union between a man and a woman. which gives them legal status as husband and wife and is a union accepted by society and law. Children born to a husband and wife through marriage are legally recognized by the society.

The types of marriage are as follows.

  1. Mono Gami…

In this type of marriage, a woman and a man are joined by that marriage. Most of all marriages are of this type. This marriage is considered most acceptable.

  1. Polygyny…

In this type of marriage, a man is married to two or more women. In earlier times, this type of marriage was common. Even now this type of marriage is seen in some communities.

  1. Polyandry…

In this type of marriage, a woman is united with more than one man. This type of marriage was also seen in earlier times and among the people of some specific region and specific community. Nowadays these marriages are not seen much.

  1. Group Marriage…

In this type of marriage, a group of men marry a group of women.

  1. Companionate marriage..

In this type of marriage, the marriage between a man and a woman is based on understanding and the end of the marriage also comes from understanding. Children are not usually found in this type of marriage.

  1. One Hundredth Marriage..

In this type of marriage, a man or a woman chooses a man or a woman from outside their own class and marries them. In which persons outside the gotra, family or village are selected for marriage.

  1. Endogamous marriage..

In this type of marriage, a man and a woman marry in their own class, in their own caste and in their own community, in which they do not go outside their family or class.

Que 4(c) Dynamics of Human Behavior – .

Psychology is the study of human behavior. This study reveals that a person’s mind has some degree of reaction with the body. It is empirically proven that body and mind are interconnected. A person’s psychological function and physical condition affect each other. There are many systems and glands in our body. which is associated with psychological function. Which in our mind thinking, emotion, perception etc. affects our body actions.

There are many other sources in which body and mind are interrelated. Actions of body and mind are two way processes. In which the actions of the mind also affect the body functions to some extent.

Obesity affects many body functions. Magnification produced unconsciously produces a conversion reaction in the individual. Due to which the behavior of the person is seen as hysterical. Our psychology also affects the physical function of the body. If our psychological function is not normal then its effect is seen in the body as symptoms. It is also called cyclosomatic illness. In which condition like peptic ulcer can also be seen. In this way, the behavior of our body’s psychology and physiology are interrelated.

Que 4(d) Social control

Peace and security in the society is the primary need for the people living in the society. Every person lives according to the moral rules set in the society. No rule in a society stays for long, changes are made over time.

According to Davis, the control of the members of the society by the society in the interest of the society is called social control.

According to Landis, social control is a social process. Through which the structure of social organization is made and it is maintained.

A society’s traditions include customs, social laws, customs and norms of public policy.

Importance of Social Control..

Social control is necessary for the survival of society in society. Without social control, friction, violence, frustration etc. are created in the society.

Social control is necessary to maintain equality and equilibrium in the society.

Through social control, the behavior of the people living in the society can be controlled as well as rules can be established in the society.

Through social control, the needs of every person in the society can be fulfilled and the person also gets protection.

Social control can be brought about in the society as follows.

  1. Law means law

Many laws are implemented in the society to maintain the order of the society. Which are enforced by legal agencies. If this law is violated by any person living in the society, he also gets his punishment. Equal laws and regulations for all individuals in the society are very important in maintaining social control.

For example – The Children Act, PNDT Act etc.

  1. Education.

Through education in the society, wrong attitudes can be changed in a person and wrong beliefs and wrong customs can be removed through education. Education is very important to maintain social order in the society.

  1. Corrosion.

This is a negative way to establish social control in the society. In which any system is maintained by coercion or forcefully. In which we can maintain this system even by doing physical harm, imprisonment or death penalty.

For this strike, boycott and non co operation are also important to establish social control in the society as non violence work.

  1. Social control can be maintained in society through different beliefs. In which there is an invisible power behind it. People believe that some supernatural power will punish wrongdoing. So, due to the beliefs in the society, social control and the behavior of individuals remain under control.
  2. Tradition, Custom and Religion…

The social control of that society has also been maintained due to different customs and religious beliefs passed down from one generation to another in the society. Due to this, the behavior of the people of the society also remains under control.

  1. Folkways.

A behavior pattern that has been consistently observed for a long time in any particular culture in a society is called a folk way. which is modified as per requirement. These include things like respect, gratitude, cleanliness and hygiene.

  1. More..

For people living in a society, these behavior patterns are inherited from one generation to another. In which the parents take care of the children, take care of them, the children take care of their parents, etc. are included in morals.

  1. Public Opinion..

Any ongoing behavior is changed by this public opinion. Any rule may be changed from time to time by this opinion.

Que 4(e) Characteristics of culture – Write a short note on the characteristics of culture.

Culture is very important in society. It is very important to understand the culture to understand the society.

No man is born learning culture, after birth culture is developed for him by his family members and surrounding society. Culture is transferred from one generation to another. It is followed further. Language is the main carrier of culture and everyone believes that their culture is great and accepts that their culture is better than others.

Culture is the complex of any individual’s knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any capacity developed by an individual that can be used for the good of society is called culture.

The characteristics of the culture are as follows.

Culture is not innate to a person, it is developed by the people around him.

Culture is not an individual heritage or thing but part of a social system that is set by individuals in society.

Culture fulfills the social and ethical needs of individuals living in a society.

In a society many parts of culture are interconnected and internal order is maintained.

Culture is passed from one generation to another which is known as custom or tradition.

Language is the main carrier of culture through which it is spread.

Que 5 Write Definitions (Any Six) 6×2=12

Que 5(a) Community

Community means people living in a specific geographical area.A community is a group of people who share certain characteristics, follow a certain culture and religion, have interpersonal relationships, use a common language, and share common interests and values. .

The community is divided into two parts.

  1. Urban Community.

A group of people living in an urban area is called an urban community.

  1. The group of people who live in tribal areas or villages is called rural community.

People of urban and rural communities have different characteristics.

Que 5(b) Delusion.

Delusion is a false belief held by a person. which cannot be changed in any way.

This belief is not learned by a person or by any education. Delusion is a false belief regarding any reference to a person. It is of the following types.

Persecutory Delusion

Delusion of reference..

Delusion of Guilt..

Que 5(c) Group

Human is a social animal. He is not used to being alone. It always needs a group to stay healthy and well. Everyone is connected to other people in some way.

A group means when one or more persons cooperate with each other to satisfy a common goal or common needs and join a group, it is called a group.

In society, people who have similar interests work in groups to achieve common goals. These groups have their own distinct characteristics.

Que 5(d) Fantasy

One of these sees his own blocked desire and frustration through imaginary achievement. That is, it is also called divine dream. In reality one cannot make it successful.He attains it only by thinking or by striving to attain it.

This is a kind of defense mechanism. Which is used to resolve inner or outer conflicts.

Through the defense mechanism of this fantasy, the person fulfills the desires that cannot be fulfilled in reality through dreams or thoughts. By using it too much, one drifts away from reality and mental conditions can also arise. Fantasy is a normal mechanism at certain ages.

Que 5(e) Hallucination –

This is a type of perception disorder. In which any person has perception of external environment even though there is no stimulation of any kind. For example, hearing any kind of sound is called auditory hallucination. In reality there is no sound in the external environment.

Que 5(f) Regression…

This is a kind of defense mechanism. In which a person behaves in a less mature way or behaves naively.

When stress is created or a problem occurs in a person, he reverts to the behavior he used to do during his early developmental period. One’s response to the situation is a less mature or lower level reaction. For example, sitting in a corner crying after hearing any bad news. Cut your finger nails when any stressful situation arises.

Sometimes this behavior is normal but using it too often can cause symptoms of mental illness.

Que 5(g) Clonflict-

It is a Latin word derived from conflictus which means to strike or think about any two things at the same time causing conflict.

This type of contact arises when a choice has to be made between any two identical items.

For example when choosing between two identical jobs.

Que 5(h) Psychology

The word psychology is derived from two Greek words. Psyche and the Logos.Is. Until 1590 the words psyche meant soul or soul or spirit and the word logy meant to study. Here the word soul was taken in a very wide sense. So later the word mind was used instead of soul.

By the end of the 19th century, William Woodt used the word behavior instead of mind, so according to the new definition, psychology means the scientific study of human behavior is called psychology.

William Woodt is also known as Father of Psychology.

The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also involves the study of the mind and how it works.

Que 6(a) Fill in the blank. 05

  1. IQ more than 140 is called________ He ​​who has IQ more than 140 is called .. Genius ..
  2. (Genetic psychology is called as______ Genetic psychology is called .. Behavioral biology ..
  3. Types of memory are and_ Types of memory are.. long term .. and .. short term ..
  4. Average income per person in a year is called_________income. Annual average income of a person is known as ..percapita ..

Que 6(b) Join Jodka 05


1) Emotion Emotion 1) Painter

2) Family 2) Strong feeling Strong feeling

3) Infancy 3) Unit of society Unit of society

4) Fantasy Fantasy 4) Persona

5) Freethinking 5) Love and affection Love and affection

6) Imaginary achiever

1 – 2

2 – 3

3 – 5

4 – 6

5 – 1

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