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ENGLISH – GNM FY Behaviour science-2015 PAPER 5

Behavior science-2015

Que 1(a) Define defense mechanism and write its importance. 04

Define defense mechanism and write its importance

Defense mechanism is also called mental mechanism or ego mechanism.

A defense mechanism is a type of defense mechanism used by a person to adjust to the situation or to reduce the anxiety of the person when faced with any uncomfortable situation or a situation that damages the self-esteem of the person.

This mechanism is used by the person consciously or unconsciously. Its purpose is to remove the problematic situation from one’s conscious level and maintain one’s protection in the situation.

It is important to protect a person’s ego during situations of anxiety but by doing so it takes the person away from reality.

It helps the person to adjust with the new situation.

Defense mechanism protects a person against frustration and reduces conflict in him.

It maintains the mental balance of the person.

Can protect oneself from painful thoughts and can adjust against fearful situations.

Repeated use of unhealthy defense mechanisms can cause long-term damage and even mental illness.

Que 1(b) Enlist classification of mental mechanism. 04

List the classification of mental mechanism

Types of defense mechanism are as follows.

  1. Psychotic.

It is a severe pathological form of defense mechanism. In which any person behaves completely differently against any reality of the external environment. The person does not use any kind of coping mechanism or adjustment mechanism.

This defense mechanism is especially common in mentally ill individuals. This defense mechanism is also seen in a healthy form in young children.

A. D. Denial, distortion, delusional projection etc.

  1. Immature Defense Mechanism..

This type of defense mechanism is sometimes seen in adults and more in the adolescent age. When a person is in any anxiety or stress situation, according to this mechanism, instead of accepting the reality, the person uses unacceptable ways to get out of it.

A person who uses this type of defense mechanism more can also be known as a socially malextended person. Due to using this type of defense mechanism for a long time, a person can have serious problems. A person may have serious problems with his coping ability. This type of defense mechanism is commonly used by individuals with depression and personality disorders.

E. X. Fantasy, Projection, Hypochondriasis, Regression etc.

  1. Neurotic defense mechanism.

This type of defense mechanism is used by adults. In which short term advantage is seen to cope with any situation. But using this type of mechanism can lead to long term damage and problems.

A. D. Displacement, disassociation, isolation etc.

  1. Mature defense mechanism.

This is a defense mechanism used by any mentally healthy and emotionally healthy adult. It is also known as mature mechanism.

This type of defense mechanism takes a long time to develop but its use is beneficial.

A. D. Introjection, Identification, Suppression, Sublimation etc..

Que 1(c) Explain in detail any one of the mental mechanism. 04

Explain any one of the mental mechanisms in detail.


When a person is unable to perform a task as a result of which he fails, he makes excuses. At this point the person does not show true reason and instead presents it in a form that is acceptable to others.

By doing this he tries to save himself. A person gives explanations for reasons that are not accepted by the society and are not considered appropriate by the society.

For example, if a student fails in the exam, it shows the reason that the environment there is not suitable for studying.

If a person working in a company does not get promotion, it shows the reason that the policy of favoritism is done towards him by his boss or owner.

Through the use of rationalization a person covers up his weaknesses and presents the reasons for failure in an acceptable form.

Que 2 Answer for the following:-Answer the following

(a) Write the steps you will take to manage the aggressive patient. 06 What steps to take to manage an aggressive patient? Write it down.

As a nurse, it is important to be very careful when any patient is behaving aggressively.

The patient’s behavior should be calmly accepted and no stimulation should be given to him.

This time a team approach is also necessary because in aggression he also has to take care not to injure himself.

During the conversation with the patient, one should look directly at him and do not make any movement. Talk to him slowly and calmly.

Direct questioning should be done about its aggression and filling. Open-ended questions should be asked to bring out its fillings.

If the patient’s behavior is more dangerous, he is also restrained for safety purpose.

Along with this, a plan for nursing care is made during the assessment. In which an action plan is made for his safety, comfort and behavior modification.

Remove all harmful and potentially injurious items from the patient’s unit. A single leader should accompany the patient.

Que 2(b) Explain learning by trial and error method with examples. 06

Explain trial and error method of learning with example.

This method of learning is given by American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike. It states that any person or animal learns something by trial and error method. According to him learning is a gradual process. If repeated trials are done to learn anything, the error rate decreases and anything can be learned well.

So to understand this theory he conducted an experiment on a cat in which a cat is locked in a box and a piece of bread is placed in front of it so that it can see. The place where the cat is confined has a lock and key system. If any key is pressed, the door can be opened and the food can be reached. The cat often tries to open the door by pressing each key, but an error occurs. After repeated attempts by the cat, finally pressing a key opens the door and the cat can get the food.

Through this experiment it can be known that if anything is tried repeatedly, the amount of error can be reduced to zero. One can learn anything new through this method. Like swimming, cycling etc..

Children can learn activities like walking, sitting, standing, running etc. especially through this method only by repeated efforts.
The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time to do repeated trials.

Que .3 Write ANY THREE of the following:- 12

Write about any three of the following

(a) The Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation. Write the motivational theory of Abraham Maslow.

Abraham Maslow gave a human development theory between 1908 and 1970 according to which human behavior is creative. It is self-important. Every organism is driven to fulfill its basic needs.

According to this theory, each need is represented in the form of a chain.In which the most essential need is shown at the bottom. As one level of need is fulfilled, the individual moves towards the next level of need fulfillment.

Biological needs are shown at the bottom of this hierarchy.After the needs of hunger, thrust, air, sleep, sexual desire etc. are fulfilled, the person moves towards his next need safety and security.

As the needs from the lower levels are satisfied, the individual moves towards the next level i.e. self actualization.

When a person reaches the top of this hierarchy, it is seen that the person has fulfilled the biological need well, he fills the safe. After the filling of love and attachment is complete, he moves to self-actualization to fulfill his highest level needs.

A self-actualized person is aware of himself, and accepts himself. Is creative and has a positive attitude to accept new and immediate changes.

When this model was developed by Mass Law between 1943 and 1954, five needs were included in this model. But during the period of 1970 to 1990, cognitive need, aesthetic need, transcendental need were included. Eight needs are currently included in Maslow’s Hierarchy Model.

Cognitive Need..

According to this need, a person needs to increase his level of intelligence. According to this need one learns new, explores new and develops better understanding around it so that it becomes knowable.

Aesthetic Need..

According to this need, a person can experience the beauty in the environment and enjoy the feeling of good things in nature.

Self Transcendence Need..

This need is included at the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy and is treated as a Spiritual Need. One who acts to fulfill his own needs to others

Que 3(b) Error in perception.

Perception means to correctly interpret any sensation of the external environment received by our sense organs. Some errors are seen in this process which are as follows.

Hallucination –

This is a type of perception disorder. In which any person has perception of external environment even though there is no stimulation of any kind. For example, hearing any kind of sound is called auditory hallucination. In reality there is no sound in the external environment.


Illusion is known as wrong perception.

A person who receives a stimulus in the external environment instead interprets it as something else. It is also sometimes seen in normal individuals. There is stimulation in the external environment but the person perceives it wrongly. For example mistaking a rope in the dark for a snake.

Que 3(c) Factors affecting attention. Write the factors affecting attention.

Factors affecting attention are as follows.

  1. Health factor.

If there is any kind of health related problem then the person cannot maintain his attention properly. Like if any person has vision problem, any physical illness, hearing problem, due to such health issue, the person’s attention is not proper.

  1. Environmental factors.

A good environment is essential to give proper attention to any object or situation. An environment in which there is noise in the surrounding environment, light is more or less, if the outside environment is too cold or too hot, a person cannot pay attention well.

  1. Other External Factors.

Among the factors affecting attention is the nature of any stimulus, i.e. if it produces a more effective stimulation than others, it attracts more attention. Size and color of the stimulation is also a very important factor affecting attention.

A moving object attracts attention more quickly than anything stationary.

If any stimulus is repeated often, attention is attracted to it more quickly and duration of stimulation is also a very important factor affecting attention.

  1. Internal Factors.

Psychological factors within the individual also play an important role in attention. In which interest, habit, likes, dislikes, past experience, emotion, all these factors are very important to maintain attention on anything. If all these are working positively then attention can be maintained for a long time. But if this thing is negatively affecting then attention cannot be maintained for long.

Que 3(d) Sources of Frustration. Write the sources of depression.

The reasons for the occurrence of frustration are as follows.

Personal Inadequacies..

A person himself sets goals to get any need. Frustration easily arises when these goals are not met or reached due to personal shortcomings.

When a person is physically handicapped, he is unable to achieve certain desirable goals due to this handicap and feels frustration due to this.

  1. Internal Sources…

Frustration occurs when a person is unable to complete a particular goal or task due to his own internal shortcomings. If one cannot achieve any goal due to lack of confidence, fear or anxiety, it also causes frustration.

This type of frustration occurs when the body’s internal mechanism is not capable of accomplishing a desirable goal.

  1. External Source..

A person experiences frustration when external sources become obstacles in completing any task. Frustration occurs when external factors like physical condition, rain, traffic, earthquake, noise etc. become a hindrance in completing any task. The main cause of frustration due to these factors is time management which cannot be done at the right time. Due to which the desirable goal cannot be achieved. Environmental factors are largely responsible for these external sources.

  1. Conflict also causes frustration.

Like when any person has set a goal and is doing any major work for that goal. When any other bigovation plays in this ego, a person gets conflict and frustration comes due to this conflict.

Que 4 A.Answer the following:-

(a) What is population explosion? 02

What is population explosion?

Population explosion means a very rapid increase in population. Compared to the year 2000 in India, there has been a huge increase in population.

India is the fastest developing and growing country in terms of population and is likely to become the most populous country in the world in some years. At present it is the most populous country in the world. The reasons for this population increase include the following reasons.

India has the highest birth rate i.e. birth rate among people. Due to which the population is increasing very fast.
Due to the low death rate compared to the birth rate, the population increases very rapidly.
In India, marriage is done at a very young age in many communities. Due to this, the number of children is high and the population increases.

Population growth is very rapid due to child marriage, widow marriage and prolonged female fertility.
India has a large population of individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. They do not know about any method of family planning, lack of recreational facilities is a major cause of population increase among these people.

Due to this increase in population, the economy of the country and the economy of the individual have a huge impact.
Such as lack of employment, lack of development of jobs, lack of medical treatment facilities, living in overcrowded and overpopulated places, are also seen due to many harmful effects on health. Due to all these problems, the economic burden of the individual and the country increases and the economy goes down.

Que 4(b) Enlist difference between primary group and secondary group. 04

(Here for the sake of convenience it is not given in the form of difference but in the exam the student should write this question in the form of difference only)

Primary group is of small size while secondary group is of large size.
It is spread over a small area. It grows in a very large area.
They have a close relationship. They have distant relationships and not close relationships.

Members of this group are permanently associated. When the members of this group are together for some time.
Members of this group do not have enough relationships. While this group relationship is limited to purpose.
This group is formed by persons of blood relation. While this group does not require blood relation to be A.

The primary group follows from the formation of human society. Whereas a secondary group is a group formed from now on and for a purpose only.
Primary group is universal. While a secondary group is not a universal group.
Primary group members have a strong feeling between them and also have internal control, while secondary group members do not have strong feeling and have an external control.
Primary group members are very familiar with each other eg family. Secondary group members are not familiar with each other eg members who meet in a club.

Que 4(c) List out social problems and explain any one in detail. 06

Make a list of social problems and write about any one.

Social problems are complex and not based on any single cause. There are many factors behind the social problem.
Social problems are also integrated with each other to eliminate these social problems it is necessary to understand or remove their basic causes.

Following is the list of social problems.

Poverty means poverty


Drug Addiction

Dowry system means dowry system


Delinquency means juvenile delinquency
Handicapped Children

Child abuse

Social problems such as population explosions are seen nowadays.

Although men and women are considered equal in the constitution of India, women are still not given the same status as men in social terms. Their rights and entitlements are not given to them in due proportion.

Nowadays many crimes are seen due to social discrimination against women. Among the important crimes, rape, dowry system, kidnapping, prostitution related to all these crimes are seen against women in India. Apart from this, women are also forced to follow some different religion after marriage.

Women are also forced to have abortion if they have a female child in their womb.

Physical and mental torture and exploitation of women in their field of employment is also seen as a very important crime.

In today’s society, there are still cases where women and children are not given adequate education and they do not get quality health services, food, nutrition and their hygienic needs.

All the above mentioned crimes against women are more common in lower caste and lower socioeconomic background because the male dominated society is more populated and the standard of literacy is lower.

In today’s modern era, women are given importance in many fields and are also considered equal to men and due to their ability, women today are working on good positions and posts in many fields.

Que 5(a) Discuss the importance of sociology in nursing. 05

Discuss the importance of sociology in nursing.

It is a very important branch of scientific study of society and the people living in it.

In the nursing profession, the study of sociology is very important for many issues related to patient, patient treatment and hospital and health care team.

Sociology is very important for the hospital staff to understand the culture of the patient and his social life.

Through the study of sociology one learns about the diversity of different religions of different people and their caste and community.

Treatment can be provided keeping in mind certain beliefs etc. during the treatment of the patient.

Cooperation and team spirit is maintained among individuals through the study of sociology. Team spirit and cooperation can be gained by studying sociology while working with patients in a hospital as a nurse.

Through the study of sociology, the social relationship can be well maintained and the patient’s confidence can be won in the treatment of the patient, his recovery and also in the different types of nursing care given to him.

While working in the community, through the study of sociology, getting information about the community, and the culture and knowledge of the people living there, sociology is also very important in preventive services.

Through the development of different branches of sociology, sociology is also very important in different aspects of nursing like industrial nursing, public health nursing.

Through the study of sociology, social problems that arise during treatment can be understood and resolved so that better treatment can be given to the patient.

Thus, through the study of sociology, high quality patient care can be provided and patient participation can also be obtained properly.

Que 5(b) Write down basic needs of family. 03

Write the basic needs of a family.

A family is formed by living together with blood related persons. Everyone in the family has a need. Satisfying the needs of everyone in the family is very important. The basic needs of a family are as follows.

In the basic needs of the family, reproduction means reproduction is very necessary which by the mother father to get support in old age for himself to carry forward his name and family heritage, he produces children through the function of reproduction and it is very necessary to satisfy this need. is

Desires for sexual satisfaction of individuals arise in the family. Satisfying these desires through sexual function is also very important.
Economic need is also the basic and foundational need of the family in earlier times the men of the house worked outside and met the economic needs while the women maintained the order within the home.

Emotional needs are also very important to be satisfied by everyone living in the family. In which happiness, sadness, love, affection, it is very important to maintain between family members.
Apart from this physical need, intellectual need, spiritual need and safety are also very important.

Que 5(c) Write the functions of family. 04

Do not write family.

The important functions of the family are divided into essential and non-essential.

Essential Functions of the Family..

In which sexual relationship and satisfaction of sex desire after the marriage of man and woman is the main function.

Producing children from familia sexual relations is the task and bringing up these children properly by the family members is the main task.

Providing a home to each member of the family is the main function of the head of the family member. The main function of the family is to ensure that each member lives safely and peacefully in the house.

Every member living in a family should live in a spirit of mutual socialization, everyone should understand each other’s moral and social value, love and affection should be properly maintained between everyone is the essential function of the family.

Non Essential Function of the Family..

Each person in the family needs to have their own status and proper position in the family. So that he can live his life respect fully and it is also a medium for social identity.

The economic function of the family is very important. It is a very important function for every member to do economic development and fulfill the needs of every person living in the family.

Educational function is also very important for family members and their children. Education is very necessary and compulsory for everyone to live in society, grow and learn something.

Maintaining the health and medical status of each family member is also a very important function. In which the health-oriented function of the family member is very necessary to treat the family member during the time of illness and to maintain his health.

The recreational needs of every member living in a family must be met. So it is necessary to do recreational activities using mass media, television or other recreational tools in the family. Children need toys for recreation, things they like and activities to be fulfilled by family members.

It is necessary for the family to transmit religious and culture from one generation to another. In which it transfers culture, religious and all principles from one generation to another.

Apart from this, it is necessary to provide facilities to each family member to maintain their health and hygiene and to fulfill their requirements for good and nutritious food.

Que 6(a) State whether the following statements are true or false.

The following statements are true or false. Write it down.

a. High class family does not require health education. Upper class families do not need health education. wrong

b. Sociology is a study of group or society. Sociology is the study of groups or societies. correct

c. Family is not a fundamental unit of society. Family is not the fundamental unit of society. wrong

d. Poluandry means one woman having many husbands. Polyandry means one woman having many husbands. correct

e. Demography means the study of population growth. Demography means the study of population growth, false

f. Customs are the rules, which followed by society. Customs are rules followed by society. correct

g. I.Q. is an unit of measurement of social adjustment. IQ is a unit of measuring social adjustment. wrong

h. Joint family consists of parents and their children. A joint family is made up of parents and their children.False

Que 6(b) Match the Following Match the words

  1. Learning Learning 1.. Faise perception wrong perception
  2. Aggressiveness 2. Power of retaining and recalling past experiences
    Power Oak Returning and recalling past experiences
  3. Memory 3. Behavior modification Behavior modification
  4. Blocking of goals 4. Painter Blocking of goals
  5. Illusion 5. Being angry
  6. Habit 6.Frustration
  7. Free thinking 7. Time saving Fee thinking


2- 5

3- 2

4- 6

5- 1

6- 7

7- 4

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