Que 1(a) What is intelligence? .. 03
Man has the ability to think among all the animals in the world.It is developed in a person from birth. Intelligence is the general mental capacity of any individual. In which it affects a person’s ability to think logically, solve problems, learn anything new, etc.
Everyone is different from each other. Any complex idea or adjusting to a new environment or learning something new all have different types of capacity.
The word intelligence is derived from the Latin word intelliger.
There are individual differences in intelligence.
Different areas of a person’s cognitive capacity such as thinking, learning, reasoning and adapting also show different intelligence of each person.
Thus intelligence distinguishes one person from another.
Que 1(b) Write the nature of intelligence 04
State the nature of infectious agents.
It is heard that a person is intelligent compared to others which is determined by the comparison of that person’s performance and observation of his behavior and this is determined by another person. Which quality makes one person more intelligent than another is very important.
Intelligence is a type of mental capacity. which helps a person to handle or adjust to his surroundings.
Intelligence is a goal directed activity that helps a person deal with any situation.
Intelligence is multi-factorial with many influencing elements.
Intelligence is a mental activity that perceives any sensation coming from the external environment and gives an appropriate response to it. It informs the person immediately about the new change in any external environment and helps to give correct response to it.
Intelligence is a kind of power that helps a person to give the right response in any situation.
Que 1(c)Explain bell-shaped curve distribution of intelligence 05
No two people are identical or born together but their intelligence is not the same. In some individuals it is more and in some individuals it is less. It is called individual difference.
If the graph of this intelligence is seen, it is seen to be curved. IQ level of people of many societies is seen as average. This graph is called a bell shape curve which shows that very few people are very dull and very few people are very intelligent or brilliant. Most individuals have average intelligence. Individual differences are also seen in individuals with this average intelligence. In which its genetic factors, environmental factors, physical factors, psycho social factors and many other factors depend on the development of intelligence.
Individual differences means what things people have in common and what makes them different in thinking, learning and behaviour.
Individual differences in intelligence are seen due to the following reasons.
Nationality is very important for individual differences. The intelligence level of people of each country may be different.
People with different socio-economic backgrounds also have different intelligence levels.
Individual differences in the level of intelligence are also seen according to the hereditary characteristics of people of different castes and different religions.
Age, gender and personality also create individual differences in intelligence.
A person’s interest in intelligence, his learning and the surrounding environment are also very important to create individual differences.
Que 1(a) What is culture? ? 03
It is very difficult to know the origin of culture because it has been observed and continued ever since the existence of human society and people. It has undergone many changes over time.
Culture and its characteristics can be known from old studies and research.
Culture has a great importance on social life. To understand the nature of society, it is very important to study the community of people living in that society from all aspects.
Culture is the act of acquiring behavior by an individual, changing the behavior and transferring it from generation to generation to his family members and society.
Culture means the total characteristics of all the members in the group, the way of thinking and all the characteristics of how the group works and lives is called culture.
Que 1(b)List out the functions of culture. 04
Write the functions of culture..
Culture is very important in society. It is very important to understand the culture to understand the society.
No man is born learning culture, after birth culture is developed for him by his family members and surrounding society.
Culture is transferred from one generation to another. It is followed further. Language is the main carrier of culture and everyone believes that their culture is great and accepts that their culture is better than others.
Culture is the complex of any individual’s knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any capacity developed by the individual which can be used for the good of the society is called culture.
From the study of culture, all the characteristics of a person and his society can be known and help to change them.
The use of sociology and culture helps to understand the patient’s socialization and behavior. His participation in his treatment can be encouraged.
Culture differentiates each individual from other individuals or society which creates individual differences.
Que 1 (C) Write the characteristics of culture. 05
State the characteristics of culture.
The characteristics of the culture are as follows.
Culture is not innate to a person, it is developed by the people around him.
Culture is not an individual heritage or thing but part of a social system that is set by individuals in society.
Culture fulfills the social and ethical needs of individuals living in a society.
In a society many parts of culture are interconnected and internal order is maintained.
Culture is passed from one generation to another which is known as custom or tradition.
Language is the main carrier of culture through which it is spread.
In culture there are similarities in many things and differences in many things.
Cultural evolution is seen through new ideas and events from the past and the breaking of old customs.
A person’s place of residence, his/her customs and behavior, any technological conveniences, and religious beliefs have a significant impact on the isolation of culture.
According to cultural beliefs, there is very little cultural similarity among all people because it is so complex. However, there are certain beliefs such as the existence of God above all people.
Que 2 (a) Explain the branches of Psychology. 08
The following branches are found in the study of psychology.
The branches of pure psychology are as follows.
In which the general psychological principles of the individual and its theory are studied. In which the fundamental rules of psychology, the normal study of a person’s behavior is done.
In which the study of psychology is also known as psycho pathology. Which includes the study of mentally ill person’s diseases and related psycho pathology.
A scientific study of social perception, social influence and interaction of the people living in the society is done in it.
In which psychological experiments are done in different ways in the laboratory. In which mental process, behavior and related studies are stored.
In which biological processes affect mind and behavior related studies are done.
This branch of psychology includes some sensory perception and applied problems.
In this branch, studies related to the growth and development of a person are done. It is studied in relation to cognition, social function and other areas of growth and development.
The branches of applied psychology are as follows.
Which includes the subject matter of principles related to psychology and educational theory etc.
This branch of psychology focuses on the clinical diagnosis, assessment and treatment of disease.
In this branch, employees working in any company are studied the principles, industrial environment and related problems.
In which psychological principles and psychological techniques are studied with any legal client or criminals. In which legal issues like crime detection, false witness are studied.
Psychological principles and the study of these military services. In which the behavior and psychological principles of soldiers and their related behavior are studied at the time of war.
In this branch of psychology, the emotional, social and academic issues of school-going children are studied.
Que 2(b)Write the laws of effective learning. 04
Write the advantages for effective learning.
Learning is a permanent change in a person’s behavior that occurs as a result of any kind of practice or experience.
During the period from birth to death a person’s behavior changes and changes continuously and continuously. This change in behavior is known as learning.
Following are some rules for learning.
Law of Exercise…
This law of learning states that if a person keeps repeating a task over and over again, he can learn better, it is called the law of exercise.
Law of Readiness..
This person needs to be mentally prepared to learn anything. He can learn anything well only if he is completely mentally prepared which is called Law of Readiness.
Law of effect..
In this law of learning, anyone can learn anything well if someone is given some benefit as a result of learning anything. For example, if a child is given a chocolate as a benefit or gift for completing any task, he will be able to perform well.
Law of Attitude
One’s attitude is very important for learning anything. If a person has a positive attitude towards learning that subject then he can learn any subject well.
Law of Analogy..
In the Law of Analogy learning, a person’s response to doing anything is based on past efforts associated with that thing. In which a person acts on any new situation based on what he has built up in the past
Law of Multiple Response.
According to this law of learning, a person’s response to any new situation is affected by the number of attempts made by that person, and it is from those many attempts that the correct response is finally observed.
Que 2(a)Write the characteristics of urban community. 08 \
Write the characteristics of urban community.
Urban community means a group of people living in an urban area. These groups of people live in areas with high population density.Some characteristics of this area are as follows.
In urban communities class distribution is seen to be different i.e. separate group of people living luxurious life and poor and middle class persons living differently. There is no communication between the individuals of both the groups.
People in urban communities do not have primary contact and do not know who lives in the area around them or in the surrounding environment.
Mechanical attitude is seen in the people of this community, that is, these people are living in the criteria like sheet machinery. Human Beings i.e. mankind and its sensitivity towards it is less seen in the people of this community.
The people of the urban community have less sense of belonging towards the people around them, group, community or any organization.
People of different caste and culture live together in this community and together they develop new traits and new culture.Their culture, occupation and ideas are very different from each other.
People of this community maintain social distance. They do not have a sense of harmony with each other.
Due to the fact that the people of the urban community are working at a very high speed and energy during their daily life routine activities, a very stressful and tense and insecure environment is seen around them.
People of this community are also victims of many diseases and diseases due to living in overcrowded and polluted areas and their lifestyle.
Que 2(b) Explain Erikson’s psychosocial development of personality. 04 Write in detail about the stages of psycho social personality development of Erection.
Eight stages of psychosocial development of Ericks and Personality are given as follows.
This stage is the stage from birth to 18 months. It is also called the infancy stage. The mother is the primary person for the development of the child’s trust during this stage.
The child develops a sense of trust through the relationship with the mother.
The child feels good with the mother during this time and feels insecure towards any person other than her.
This is the early childhood stage of psychosocial development. Which is from 18 months to three years.
During this time, the child’s musculoskeletal system and nervous system develop well. So the child learns good skills. Mother – Follows Father’s commands. During this time, if the child can follow the commands received from the mother and father and can do the activities accordingly, then confidence develops within the child. If the child is not able to handle this activity, the child has a feeling of self-doubt or self-doubt. Therefore, it is necessary to give respect to the child’s need, mother – father.
This is the period of late childhood. Which is seen over a period of three to six years.
During this time the child develops to do his activities independently. He tries to do many things and takes initiative. If the child does this activity positively and succeeds, it develops confidence within the child and mother father needs to anchor it. So that the output of the child’s behavior can be good. If the child is prevented from doing this activity, he/she experiences feelings of punishment or guilt. This is detrimental to the normal psycho-social development of the child.
This is the period of school age. Which is seen in children between the age of 6 to 12 years.
During this time, the child develops his skills by doing activities very independently and after completing any skill or task, he needs the completion or encouragement from others. This also gives him confidence. If one fails to perform any task, his interpersonal relations are not good and inferiority is seen in the child.
This is the adolescent stage. This stage is observed during the period of 12 to 20 years.
Changes related to puberty are seen during this time. There are changes in sexual behavior and many changes in social and emotional life. During this time the child needs guidance and supervision to help him identify his role. If the child does not get enough support during this time, he will feel confused about his role.
This time is generally known as the age of 20 to 30 years.
This period is to create one’s image and develop one’s place in the society. Which includes job, family and social relationships with individuals. If a person can develop well in this regard then he gets self confidence and fills himself well but if any problem is found during this time then the person develops feeling of isolation and his personality cannot develop normally.
It is the period of adulthood. It is time if seen from 30 to 65 years.
The main work during this period is related to the welfare of the next generation in which the individual implements ideas about work, education, culture and spirituality in the second generation. If the task of these matters is accomplished, then positive personality development takes place in the person. But if he fails in that, a feeling of stagnation arises in the person.
This period is the period of old age from age 65 until death. During this time a person’s abilities decrease and his goals are very limited. He tries to find the reasons for the things he has not been successful in the past.
During this time his physical health becomes weak. It also affects the economy.
During this time he thinks about both the positive and negative aspects of his life. If positive feeling develops then sense of dignity is developed and if negative sense is developed then personality of things like anger, depression, loneliness etc. can be developed.
Que 3 Write short answer (any two)
(a) Write down the characteristics of mentally healthy person. Mention the characteristics of a mentally healthy person 6+6=12
Write the characteristics of mentally healthy individuals.
A mentally healthy person is free from internal conflict or tension with himself.
He feels himself comfortable.
He realizes that he is a needy person and a person liked by others.
He can maintain a healthy daily routine and can properly maintain his diet, rest, physical activity and hygiene.
He understands the rights and needs of others.
He is capable of identifying his needs in life and fulfilling them.
He can maintain good relationship and communication with other persons.
She can accommodate well. Can adjust his relationship with himself and with other persons well.
He has the qualities of being able to accept criticism from others and not being easily upset.
He can endure the frustrations and disappointments of everyday life and move on.
He is always searching for his identity, self-respect, sense of security and has confidence in his abilities.
He is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses and behaves in ways that are acceptable to others.
He gives respect to others and also gets respect from others.
He has good self-control and balance. So he can make adjustments logically and emotionally. He faces the problem and solves the problem by using intelligence. It also has the property of balancing against everyday stress and anxiety.
It accepts and adapts to new changes in its environment and daily activities.
Que 3(b) Write down the difference between joint family and nuclear family.
Write the difference between a joint family and a divided family.
(Write both sides as this difference)
A nuclear family consists of a mother, father and their biological or adopted children.
A joint family is formed by three or more generations living together in one house. Which includes father, grandfather, uncle, aunty, cousins and their children.
A nuclear family is a small family so that everyone’s needs can be taken care of.
Due to the large number of family members in a joint family, it may not be possible to give enough and equal attention to everyone.
In nuclear families, socialization and personal development of children cannot take place due to isolation.
Socialization and personal development of the child is very good in joint family.
A nuclear familima mother has rights over the income and property of the father and her children.
Joint family income is divided between each person and the property is divided equally between each person and the head of the family maintains each one.
In times of any trouble, a person in a nuclear family does not get social and financial support.
In a joint family, everyone gets social and financial support in times of trouble.
In a nuclear family responsibilities cannot be shared among many individuals so stress and frustration can be seen.
In a joint family, responsibility is shared between individuals so that stress and frustration are not common.
In a nuclear family, the mother and the father have to pay enough attention to the child’s growth and development, his learning and his play activities, so that children do not get enough growth and development easily.
Due to the fact that the child lives together in a joint family, the development of the child is good in all aspects like growth development, learning, play activities etc.
Nuclear family is economically independent so it has economic stability.
Economic stability is not maintained between earning and non-earning persons in joint family.
Que 3(c) Explain in detail the functions of family. Elaborate on family functions.
The important functions of the family are divided into essential and non-essential.
Essential Functions of the Family..
In which sexual relationship and satisfaction of sex desire after the marriage of man and woman is the main function.
Producing children from familia sexual relations is the task and bringing up these children properly by family members is the main task.
Providing a home to each member of the family is the main function of the head of the family member. The main function of the family is to ensure that each member lives safely and peacefully in the house.
Every member living in a family should live with the spirit of mutual socialization, everyone should understand each other’s moral and social value, love and affection should be properly maintained between everyone is the essential function of the family.
Non Essential Function of the Family..
Each person in the family needs to have their own status and proper position in the family. So that he can live his life respect fully and it is also a medium for social identity.
The economic function of the family is very important. It is a very important function for every member to do economic development and fulfill the needs of every person living in the family.
Educational function is also very important for family members and their children. Education is very necessary and compulsory for everyone to live in society, grow and learn something.
Maintaining the health and medical status of each family member is also a very important function. In which the health-oriented function of the family member is very necessary to treat the family member during the time of illness and to maintain his health.
The recreational needs of every member living in a family must be met. So it is necessary to do recreational activities using mass media, television or other recreational tools in the family. Children need toys for recreation, things they like and activities to be fulfilled by family members.
It is necessary for the family to transmit religious and culture from one generation to another. In which it transfers culture, religious and all principles from one generation to another.
Apart from this, it is necessary to provide facilities to each family member to maintain their health and hygiene and to fulfill their requirements for good and nutritious food.
Que 4(a) Principles of perception.04
Write the principles of perception.
The principles of perception are those given by the Gestaltists.
It is necessary to fully understand anything through the principles of perception. So that person can convert the physical information of that thing into psychological information well.
The principles of perception are as follows.
In order to understand any of these stimuli well, any figure and the background behind it is very important to give a full understanding of it.
In which to understand the impulses or stimulations of any thing well, one needs to look closely at that thing and understand it from the whole concept instead of understanding it in parts.
According to this principle of perception, any object or stimulus that is well organized in a group and has a specific meaning must be perceptually appropriate. The size, color and arrangement of the objects arranged in those groups becomes very important for understanding any mining.
According to this principle of perception, the perception of any object or stimulus is based on the size and color of the background or surrounding.
When any person sees any disorderly arrangement, he transforms it into a good figure according to his perception and perceives it.
For example, when a person sees a cloud in an irregular shape, he carefully perceives it and perceives it in the shape of a good figure.
In this, if any object and its background are connected with the movement, due to the movement of any one, it is seen that the movement of the other is taking place even though it is stationary.
For example, if a stationary object is shown in front of a moving background, the illusion is that the object is moving.
Que 4(b) Frustration 04
Fustration is derived from the Latin word fustra. Which means obstructed or blocked.
When a person has a goal or an ambition in his life that is not easily fulfilled or when there is an obstacle in achieving it, this feeling of frustration is generated due to blocking of the person’s desire.
Life is full of frustrations, small obstacles and some big problems are coming in day to day life of every person. It produces a filling of frustration due to not getting any work done. This leads to filling anxiety of depression. Frustration is also called negative feeling.
The feeling of depression due to not getting or fulfilling anything is called frustration.
Sources of frustration are as follows.
A person himself sets goals to get any need. Frustration easily arises when these goals are not met or reached due to personal shortcomings.
When a person is physically handicapped, they cannot achieve certain desirable goals due to this handicap and feel frustration due to this.
Frustration occurs when a person is unable to complete a particular goal or task due to his own internal shortcomings. If one cannot achieve any goal due to lack of confidence, fear or anxiety, it also causes frustration.
This type of frustration occurs when the body’s internal mechanism is not capable of accomplishing a desirable goal.
A person experiences frustration when external sources become obstacles in completing any task. Frustration occurs when external factors like physical condition, rain, traffic, earthquake, noise etc. become a hindrance in completing any task. The main cause of frustration due to these factors is time management which cannot be done at the right time. Due to which the desirable goal cannot be achieved. Environmental factors are largely responsible for these external sources.
Like when any person has set a goal and is doing any major work for that goal. When any other bigotation is used in this bigotation, a person gets conflict and frustration comes due to this conflict.
Que 4(c) Types of society 04
Write the type of society.
A society means a community of people living in a particular geographical area.A community or society is a group of people who have certain characteristics, follow a certain culture and religion, have interpersonal relationships, use a common language and share common interests and values. is coming.
The society is divided into two parts.
A group of people living in an urban area is called an urban community. Urban community means a group of people living in an urban area. These groups of people live in areas with high population density.Some common problems due to urbanization in this area are as follows.
In urban communities class distribution is seen to be different i.e. separate group of people living luxurious life and poor and middle class persons living differently. There is no communication between the individuals of both groups.
People in urban communities do not have primary contact and do not even know the people living in the area around them or in the surrounding environment.
Mechanical attitude is seen in the people of this community, that is, these people are living in the criteria like sheet machinery. Human Beings i.e. mankind and its sensitivity towards them is less seen in the people of this community.
The people of the urban community have less sense of belonging towards the people around them, group, community or any organization.
People of different caste and culture live together in this community and together they develop new traits and new culture.Their culture, occupation and ideas are very different from each other.
People of this community maintain social distance. They do not have a sense of harmony with each other.
Due to the fact that the people of the urban community are working at a very high speed and with energy during their daily life routine activities, a very stressful and tense and insecure environment is seen around them.
Due to the fact that people of this community live in overcrowded and polluted areas and their lifestyle is like this, they also become victims of many diseases and diseases.
A group of people who live in tribal areas or villages are called rural communities. Rural community lives in villages and has a low population.The main occupation of the people there is agriculture. It is the oldest community settlement.
People of urban and rural communities have different characteristics.
Characteristics of Rural Community..
There is a sense of unity among people living in rural areas. All the family members living in the village live together in happiness and sorrow and live in a spirit of cooperation with each other.
People living in rural communities know each other well and have very good social relations with each other.
The culture among the people of a rural community is similar and they all have common customs, traditions and social behavior.
The people of this community have a sense of cooperation within any work and have close relationships with the people around them. Mainly these people live in joint families.
Literacy level is not so high among the people of rural community and they are mainly engaged in agricultural occupation. Do social activities and religious activities and perform religious activities very well.
They are very hardworking and the surrounding people have very good hospitality. welcomes people. Live in harmony and good spirit with each other. Everyone understands the moral value of other people.
Local members are elected as the governing body that leads the people here and works for the welfare of the people of the village.
People here are not much educated so are mainly related to agriculture so the rate of poverty and illiteracy is high in rural community.
Que 4(d) Uses of sociology in nursing profession- Importance of sociology in nursing profession 04
Write the importance of sociology in nursing profession.
It is a very important branch of scientific study of society and the people living in it.
In the nursing profession, the study of sociology is very important for many issues related to patient, patient treatment and hospital and health care team.
Sociology is very important for the hospital staff to understand the culture of the patient and his social life.
Through the study of sociology one learns about the diversity of different religions of different people and their caste and community.
Treatment can be provided keeping in mind certain beliefs etc. during the treatment of the patient.
Cooperation and team spirit is maintained among individuals through the study of sociology. Team spirit and cooperation can be gained by studying sociology while working with patients in a hospital as a nurse.
Through the study of sociology, the social relationship can be well maintained and the patient’s confidence can be won in the treatment of the patient, his recovery and also in the different types of nursing care given to him.
While working in the community, through the study of sociology, getting information about the community, and the culture and knowledge of the people living there, sociology is also very important in preventive services.
Through the development of different branches of sociology, sociology is also very important in different aspects of nursing like industrial nursing, public health nursing.
Through the study of sociology, social problems that arise during treatment can be understood and resolved so that better treatment can be given to the patient.
Thus, through the study of sociology, high quality patient care can be provided and patient participation can also be obtained properly.
Que 5 Write the following definition. 12
(a) Psychology-
The word psychology is derived from two Greek words. Psyche and the Logos.Is. Until 1590 the words psyche meant soul or soul or spirit and the word logy meant to study. Here the word soul was taken in a very wide sense. So later the word mind was used instead of soul.
By the end of the 19th century, William Woodt used the word behavior instead of mind, so according to the new definition, psychology means the scientific study of human behavior is called psychology.
William Woodt is also known as Father of Psychology.
The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also involves the study of the mind and how it works.
(b) Sociology
Sociology is a word composed of two words, Societus which is a Latin word. It means society. The word logic is derived from the Greek word logos, meaning to study or to study.
Sociology means the scientific study of the society i.e. the scientific study of the people in the society is called sociology.
(c) Illusion
Illusion is known as wrong perception.
A person who receives a stimulus in the external environment instead interprets it as something else. It is also sometimes seen in normal individuals. There is stimulation in the external environment but the person perceives it wrongly. For example mistaking a rope in the dark for a snake.
(d) Family
Family is the smallest social group in the world. It is an important primary group. Within the family, the husband joins the wife through marriage and may or may not have children thus the family is formed.
There is family everywhere in the world. There is no society without family.
There is a very good relationship between each member of this family member.
Family is the basic unit of society.
The members living together in the familima pass each generation to their children according to their customs and religious traditions.
The word family is derived from the Roman word famulus which means service.
Definition of Family A family is a biological social unit. Which is prepared by Husband, Wife and Children.
Any family is legally constructed by the union of a man and a woman in marriage. People who live in a common place. They have children or are adopting children. There is a good social relationship between all members living in a family. They are closely related to each other. Each member of this family has a common goal. All the things in the house are shared by him in common. Living together and eating together. There is a strong emotional bond between each member of this family member.
(e) Attention
Attention is the ability of a person to focus on an object or activity for a specific time period.
A person receives different types of impulses from the environment through the act of his consciousness. Which affects our brain and we become unaware of the surrounding environment.
Attention is a complex process. In which we get different types of stimulation by focusing for a certain time on the action happening in our surroundings. For example seeing something, hearing something.
We can be simultaneously aware of different actions taking place in the environment but focus can be focused on any one action.
So the act of focusing on a single action at any one time is called attention.
(f) Group
Human is a social animal. He is not used to being alone. It always needs a group to stay healthy and well. Everyone is connected to other people in some way.
A group means when one or more persons cooperate with each other to satisfy a common goal or common needs and join a group, it is called a group.
In society, people who have similar interests work in groups to achieve common goals. These groups have their own distinct characteristics.
(g) Marriage
Marriage is a process through which a person i.e. a male and a female joins and creates a family and gives birth to children.
In our society, urban, rural, modern, tribal different cultures and different forms of marriage are found in different areas.
In marriage, a man and a woman join each other through husband and wife and start a stable relationship in a socially accepted form.
To define marriage, marriage is a socially approved pattern in which two or more persons join together and form a family.
Marriage is a stable union between a man and a woman. which gives them legal status as husband and wife and is a union accepted by society and law. Children born to a husband and wife through marriage are legally recognized by the society.
Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks.
A man marries only one woman is called_________
A man married to one woman is called monogamy.
2.______consists of husband, wife and their offspring
Nuclear family includes husband, wife and child.
1Q more than 140 is called__________
An IQ greater than 140 is called a genius.
_______is the father of sociology.
Auguste Comte is known as the father of sociology.
The study of population is called________
The study of population is called demography.
(B) True or False 05
Punishment for demanding dowry is imprisonment for six months.
Imprisonment for dowry offense is 10 months. (false)
2 Personality is dynamic in nature. (correct)
C. Match the following-join the pairs 05
(A) Freedom of Speech (A) Strong feeling
(B) Emotion- feeling (B) A forbidden thing
(C) Prostitution (C) Time saving
(D) Taboo (D) Fundamental Right
(E) Habit (E) Unemployment
(F) Social Problem
A – D
B – A
C – F
D – B
E – C