🟡Q-1 Madhuben is admitted in medical ward with hyper pyrexia, Answer the following
🔸a. Define Hyperpyrexia. 03
When the body temperature rises above 41C or 105,8 F it is called hyperpyrexia. This is a severe condition and a medical emergency because hyperpyrexia is associated with severe infection, CNS system disturbance, malignancy, and poor circulation. Hyperpyrexia major indicates a problem that requires emergency treatment.
🔸b. Write down the factors affecting body temperature. 04
🔸c. Write down the nursing management of patient with fever. 05
To determine the objectives of the nursing management of a patient with a fever:-
Nurse to make assessment for nursing management of patient with fever :-
Interventions for the nursing management of a patient with a fever by the nurse:-
🔸A. Enlist common sites of decubitus ulcer. decubitus ulcer 03.
Back of the head-occipital region
🔸b. Write down causes of decubitus ulcer. 04
Pressure In patients with chronic disease, sleeping in the same position, the weight of his whole body falls on the linen of his bed. That is, the pressure comes on the skin of the back, so that gradually the skin becomes thin in the place where the bone is prominent, as a result of which gradually bed sore occurs in this place. The possibility remains
In fiction friction, especially the friction of the patient’s back skin with the bed linen is important. In addition, when there are wrinkles anywhere in the bed linen, the education of these wrinkles in the back skin causes the skin to thin. All these things rub and cause friction in the skin of the back. Many patients may experience fissures due to the pressure on the back while the dressing is on or the abdomen is bandaged. Also, sometimes rough handling while giving the bed pan to the patient may cause injury to the part. and can result in bed sores
Moisture while performing the procedure on the patient, if the bed or linen is left damp, in addition, the bed is kept wet by the patient, for example, if the patient takes tea, breakfast and feeding in the bed, the bed remains wet and due to this moisture, the skin of the patient’s back is wet. Bedsores are likely to occur. Among the other causes of bedsores, many types of minor causes can be mentioned, but mainly pressure, friction and destruction are important. Other causes are known as follows.
Pre-disposing factor
🔸C. Explain the role of nurse in prevention of decubitus ulcer. 05
Prevention of bedsores
Relieving pressure
Prevent muscle
Avoid friction
🔸Q-2 a. Define nursing process and explain components of nursing process. 08
Definition of nursing process
Nursing process is an active approach to provide nursing need and solve the patient’s problem by systematically planning appropriate decision to take nursing care of the patient in which each step is sequentially inter-related and interdependent is called nursing process.
A. Nursing History Taking :-
B. Physical Examination :-
C. Nursing diagnosis
The data collected from the history examination and other sources are organized and summarized. From the summarized data, the specific characteristics and etiology of the patient’s health problem are known and then nursing diagnoses are determined accordingly.
🔸b. Write down functions of hospital. 04
Patient care
Patient care All patients admitted to the hospital are cared for from admission to discharge, nursing care and other needs are met and in addition 24 hours emergency treatment is provided.
Prevention of Diseases
Prevention Is Better prevents the disease of the patient in collaboration with the doctor of the hospital. In order to prevent the disease, immunization is done for him in advance. In addition, cleaning and other operations necessary to prevent diseases in the hospital are done by the hospital.
Promotion of Health
To improve the health of the patients admitted to the hospital, disease related advice is also given by the hospital itself, health education is also given to the patient’s relatives to improve their health and any person associated with health in the hospital provides this type of health education. can
In modern times, medical science has made huge progress in diagnosis and treatment. New investigations and tools have been invented for the diagnosis of each patient so that the disease can be diagnosed quickly. It is an important function of the hospital to start his necessary treatment
Every person admitted to a rehabilitation and occupational therapy hospital is someone who wants to recover and settle back into their society or occupation.
Medical Education
Medical Education All activities in a hospital include many types of education and are provided by doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and technicians, in addition to planning for medical education where required, planning in-service education for staff within the hospital as required. To train everyone and this kind of education is imparted according to new discoveries and new health programs etc.
Medical Research
Different patients are admitted in the medical research hospital, according to which many types of research can be done by knowing their problems. This work of research is as important as medical education. However, many branches of the hospital carry out many types of research and they should be known by everyone. New education can be gained by knowing the skills
Social Services
That is, the social services are taken into consideration by the hospital and the security is especially given to the patients, for this there is also a social welfare department where the social workers give proper advice to everyone. Fitness age certificate Handicap certificate forms etc. are provided along with injured patient certificate and deceased patient 10 certificate birth and post mortem report for body are also provided.
Administration of Institute
A hospital is a large organization and all its employees are managed by the administrative office of the hospital.Records about the service of each employee are to be kept.Records Hospitals keep many types of records including patient admission to discharge records, birth and death records, infectious disease records, and some other types of records. Statistical information is recorded and written records of this matter are regularly sent to necessary places so this operation is very essential for the hospital.
🔸a. Explain the rights of drug administration. 08
Right patient
7 Right documentation
8 Right to Refuge (Right to refuse)
9 Right to assessment
10 Right to Evaluation
🔸b. Explain the prevention of cross infection in hospital. 04 Explain how cross infection can be prevented in hospital
Prevention of cross infection in hospital
🔸Q.3Write short answers of the following (Any Two) 2X6=12
🔸a. Write down about care of dead body. Write about the care of dead body.
It is very important to take care of dieg patient for which his -relative is sent out.
-Gently close the patient’s eyes and mouth.
To remove catheters, drainage tubes, Rilas tubes, IV infusion tubes, etc. and to plug cotton in body openings so that body discharge and blood do not come out and infection does not spread.
To give a sponge bath and to dress neatly Ask the relative to give it or to remove it if there is jewelery Put an identification card on the wrist with the patient’s name Address Age Ward No. Bed No. Date and Time
The identification card is done when the patient is to be sent to the mortuary room, but if it is to be handed over to a relative, signature is taken in the case paper.
If you want to send to the mortuary room, take the signature of the room man and the policeman and put the buckle number in addition to this, fill the mortuary room slip or form and if there is a police case, inform the police to see if the death certificate has been filled or not. Filled in two copies.
Recording in death register Recording in case paper Reporting death or informing death authorized person.
To prevent the spread of infection in the community
The HIV virus is killed in half an hour by sodium hydrochloride solution for proper disinspection of the patient’s used medical instruments etc.
Handing over the dead body of the patient with dignity and respect so that infection does not spread in the ward
🔸b. Define record. Write down importance of records & reports. Write the definition of record.Write the importance of record and report.
A record is a permanent written communication that documents information related to a client’s health care management.
A record is a clinical, scientific, administrative and legal document relating to nursing care provided to an individual family or community.
🔸c. Write down golden rules of first aid.
1.It involves quickly assessing the situation for any immediate danger and methodically treating it without panic, prioritizing the most urgent situation/situation.
. To give courage and reassurance to the patient if he is conscious,
.Maintaining body temperature
🔸Q-4 Write short notes (Any Three) 3X4=12
🔸a. Qualities of nurse – Qualities of a nurse
Kindness A nurse should have a sense of service, should be kind and kind, should not be mean to anyone or anything.
A health nurse should be physically and mentally healthy and capable. How can a person who is sick himself serve others? Sometimes the nurse has to work even after the duty is over. Sometimes there are hundreds of patients at the same time when there is an accident or an outbreak of disease. He needs to be in good health when he has to work for more hours at such times
A cheerful nurse should always be cheerful and enthusiastic and should always be enthusiastic. Only a cheerful person can bring joy to others.
Character A nurse should also have good character. Good character also makes the profession holy
Regularity A nurse should be regular in his working hours because he has to treat the patients regularly and in a timely manner.
Seventh Factors A nurse should not only have tolerance and modesty, but also be kind and empathetic towards the patient.
A sympathetic nurse should be empathetic, that is, put yourself in the patient’s place and think about how you feel if you find yourself behaving well. The nurse should have the ability to treat the patient without hurting his feelings.
Self-Confidence A nurse should have the confidence to fully heal the patient.
Alertness Alertness A nurse should have alertness and agility Willingness to work quickly Good behavior of a nurse increases the patient’s confidence
The app should not discriminate against any kind of discrimination, it should treat the patient as a patient and not discriminate based on caste, religion or economic status.
Honesty Nurse should be honest There are many equipment articles medicine etc. in the ward it is the responsibility of the nurse if any item gets spoiled or broken by mistake it should be reported to the authority
Scientific knowledge Nurse should work with his knowledge in view of scientific principal, not only book knowledge but also experience should be employed and should be applied with scientific principal and nurse should also have ten intelligence.
Economical Nature A nurse should be frugal in nature and should be able to do any work in a saving of time and energy.
Self-Dependent Must be self-dependent and not dependent on others for patient care.
Curiosity Nurses should always be willing to learn new things so that they can increase their knowledge over time. Next Resource Resources Resources should be able to make full use of whatever resources are available to treat the patient.
🔸b. Purposes of enema – purposes of enema
🔸c.Biomedical waste management –
Biomedical waste which is generated during the diagnostic treatment or vaccination of human or animals or in the production or testing of biological sciences or in research activities is called biomedical waste.
Bio medical waste management ensures that all healthcare workers and the environment remain safe
Biomedical waste and segregation are required at the time of waste generation to prevent further spread of infection.
For disposal of bio medical waste, there should be arrangements for category separation, collection, packaging, storage, transportation and disposal.
Disposal of bio medical waste generated from hospitals
Yellow Bag
Infected items like tissue, human anatomical part, dressing etc. are put in this bag.
Plastic items like JK. V set, syringe, catheter etc. are put in this bag
Glass items like vials, ampoules etc
In which sharp infected objects like needle, scalpel, are placed in this container.
🔸d. First aid in patient with shock — primary treatment of a patient with shock
🔸Q.5 Give the scientific reason (Any Six) 6 X2 = 12
🔸a Avoid bath soon after a heavy meal – Bathing immediately after a meal should be avoided.
Taking a bath after a meal reduces the body temperature so that digestion of food becomes difficult because there is a lot of blood flow in the stomach for food digestion, which is changed by taking a bath, so bathing immediately after a meal should be avoided.
🔸b. Bed should be made without wrinkles – Bed should be made without wrinkles
Wrinkles in the bed cause discomfort and restriction in circulation
And because of that bed can cause soreness, so you don’t get good sleep, the bed should be made without wrinkles
🔸c.Left lateral position is recommended for giving enema – It is recommended to sleep on the left side while giving enema.
The structure of the colon is such that the rectal tube can be easily inserted in the left lateral position and the injury is reduced.
🔸d. Oxygen is passed through water before administering to the client
Oxygen is very dry and can damage and irritate mucus membranes, so oxygen is passed through water to moisten it and then administered to the patient.
🔸e. Rubber mackintosh should not be kept folded –
If we fold the rubber macintosh it will become rough and many lines and fibers will be formed on it, the patient’s body fluid etc. cannot get out easily so the rubber macintosh should not be folded.
🔸f. Water should not be given immediately after giving cough syrup – Water should not be given immediately after giving cough syrup.
Cough syrup contains many contents that mix with the mucus membrane of the throat to act as a cough expectorant or loosening, forming a coating around the throat and giving its effect if water is drunk after the cough syrup. Water should not be given immediately after giving cough syrup because it does not come or may come less
🔸g.Rectal temperature is the most accurate temperature – The temperature taken from the rectal is the most accurate temperature.
Rectal temperature measures the body’s internal temperature, so the temperature is less likely to be influenced by external factors, thus increasing its accuracy.
🔸h. Soap is used for bath.
It is made up of salts of fatty acids. Soap is a good surfactant which affects and kills the proteins of micro-organisms from the body and it is emulsified and can be removed with running water.
🔸Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks. 05
1.H.S means_______ (hora somni-while sleeping at night)
2.The PH of blood is _ (7.35 to 7.45)
3.LAMA stands for___________ ” . (Leave against medical advice -leave against medical advise)
4.Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth is known as______
5.1 ounce_________gram. (28 grams)
🔸(B) State weather following statements are True or False. 05 State whether the following statements are true or false.
1.Heat regulation center is Hypothalamus.
5.Kneechest position is also called genupectoral position.
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