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Q-1 ๐Ÿ”ธA. Write the functions of P.H.C.. 08

According to Alma Ata, PHC has to perform the following functions.

(1) Medical Care :- In this, the patient is treated according to the disease in which injections or drugs are used, apart from this, preventive, promotive, curative treatment is given and minor diseases are treated.

(2) M.C.H. Services and Family Planning: Maternal and child health care, from antenatal period to all child health services like immunization, antenatal checkup, post natal checkup, nutrition etc.

(3) Safe Water Supply and Busy Sanitation: Chlorination of wells, running sanitation programs etc. to provide safe water for people to drink.

(4) Prevention and Control of Locally Endemic Diseases

It is important to control the diseases that are frequently seen in the community.

(5) Collection and Reporting of Vital Statistics: Collection and reporting of vital statistics like birth, death, delivery, notification of epidemic disease etc.

(6) National Health Programme: Implementation of each health program is done from the primary health center itself, such as participation in school health programme, malaria, filariasis, leprosy, tuberculosis, AIDS etc.

(7) Provision of Referral Services: Provision of referral services as required.

(8) Training of health guides, health workers and health assistants: Facilitation for training of health workers.

(9) Providing basic laboratory services: Providing basic laboratory services like hemoglobin test, urine test, blood smear for malaria etc.

๐Ÿ”ธB. Write the staffing patterns of P.H.C. 04

Medical Officer-1

Block Accented Education (B.EE)-1


Health Assistant (Mel)-1

Health Assistant (Female)โ€-1

Nurse Midwife-1

Health Worker (Female)/ ANM,-1

Senior Clerk-1

Junior Clerk-1

Lab Technician-1

Driver (as per number of vehicles)-1

Class Four-4

Q-2 ๐Ÿ”ธA. Write about Level of health care delivery system. 08

Health services are generally organized at three levels. Each is supported by a higher level to which patients can be referred. The level is as follows.

(1) Primary Health Care

(2) Secondary Health Care

(3) Tertiary health care

(1) Primary Health Care: This is the first level between the people and the health care system where essential health care is provided. Most of the health problems are solved at this level. This level is closest to people. This level is offered by PHC and its sub centers. Covers most of the area at the village level. All minor health problems like fever, common cold, cough etc. are treated here.

(2) Secondary Health Care: At this level, care is provided to patients with more complex problems. This level provides essential curative care, and is provided by Community Health Centers. This level works for the first referral unit in the health system. It is also called Inter Mediate Health Service. Most of them receive intensive treatment and diagnosis facilities are available.

(3) Tertiary Health Care: Super specialist care is provided at this level. This care is provided by regional or central level institutions. This institution not only provides highly specialist care, but also provides care and teaching by trained and specialized staff. This level solves the questions if any from the primary level.

๐Ÿ”ธB. Write the principles of home visit. . 04

(1) Planning should be done according to the needs of the people. Eg: A certain area has some kind of health problem. Accordingly, it should be according to the health need.

(2) Accurately collecting all the information of the family as well as general information of the community. In which to ask about family size, income, religion, customs etc.

(3) Being sensitive to the person’s feelings and needs during the visit.

(4) Always use nursing procedures safely and with technical skill.

(5) Giving more importance to quality than quantity of work.

(6) Approach with family should always be polite and trusting


Q-3 Write short notes. Any two 12

A. Types of Ventilation

1 ) Types of ventilation are as follows.

NATURAL VENTILATION This ventilation is a very common and natural type in which the factors of nature play a role in

Wind is the matural forse, the heat and impurity in the story is pushed forward by the speed of the wind. And clean air comes in its place. The grace of the wind well is called perfection. When the wind blows, there is also a suction action which is called aspiration and thus it does the work of matural ventilation.

2) Diffusion:- Diffusion is the property of every gas due to this process the air reaches the end of any building, room and every corner. And when its contraction increases it gradually moves towards less contraction. This process continues continuously.

3) Temp :– There is a temperature difference between the air outside the house and the air inside. In summer the indoor climate is cooler than the outdoor climate, similarly in the cold season the indoor climate is warm while the outdoor climate is cold. As such, when there is a temp difference, there is movement in the air. And this movement continues continuously in the hot region in natural ventilation, the air is cleaned through windows and doors. Hence the windows and doors are placed face to face in our country mostly people live on natural ventilation.

2) Artificial ventilation:– There are four types of ventilation which are as follows

1) Exhaust ventilator :- In the system of exhaust ventilation, the air is pushed out with a certain type of fum, it is called a joss fan, this fan runs on electricity, when the air of the room is spread out, vacuum is produced in the room and takes its place. So, on the other hand, the outside air moves inwards so that the environment of the room remains cool. Such fans are especially found in cinema halls, assembly homes, industries and kitchens.

2) Plenum ventilation:– In this method of plenum ventilation, the air is forced into the room for which a special sen is used. is

3) Balance vanti:– balanced This is a mix vanti of both josh and plenum vanti, the air of the collecting cleft fan and the air of the exhaust fan should be at the same level. This system is used when the natural system is not in working condition. Is performed.

4) Air condition:– (conditioning) Air condition is famous all over the country and it maintains temp and gives comfortable condition.

๐Ÿ”ธB. Hazards due to Air-pollution.

Health Effects of Air Pollution Impure air has an early or major impact on health. In which there is a possibility of condition like Ekput, Bronchitis. In early effects, especially the respiratory tract is also affected very soon.

If the air pollution is high, many times a person may die due to suffocation. This happened in Los Angeles in 1948 and London in 1972 and is called air pollution epidemic.

Air pollution also has another effect. In which some diseases like lung cancer and other respiratory system diseases also occur. Apart from humans, the life of plants and animals is also disturbed. If we look at the long term effects, it goes up in the long run. The building is damaged. The mountain is rolling. etc. are resorted to.

In order to reduce air pollution, the Government of India has issued the 1981 “Prevention and Control of Air Pollution Act”.

๐Ÿ”ธC. Write the methods of disposal. State the methods of waste disposal.

Refuse disposal (home and hospital) “Refuse means a useless thing that comes out of the house, waste from industries, waste from steet and water water material from agriculture is called refuse disposal.

retuse disposal as a health If garbage is accumulated around the place where people live, it damages the health of the people and the surrounding story.
1) Keeping garbage causes fly infestation in that place.
2) Rats and other vermin infestation increases due to garbage.
3) The non-pathogenic organism present in the waste gets mixed with the food of the person through flies and mites so that food bone disease occurs.
4) There is also a possibility of water and soil pollution.
5) Garbage piles are visually unsightly. and looks dirty so the waste should be collected and disposed of in proper senetorl way.

:- 1) Burnig method:- It is a very good method to destroy waste by burning. The device for burning waste is called incinerator.
Hospital waste is more infectious than body waste, so it is best to burn such waste and use an incinerator to burn this waste.
Insulators are made of brick and cement at the far end of the village or hospital. In which a window is kept in the lower part.

There is a space at the top for dumping the waste so that the ashes of the burnt waste can be taken out. And they have chimneys placed high up so that the smoke does not escape and pollute the story.

It does not require coal or any other material to burn the waste. If the waste contains soiled items like dust, glass fragments, paper shreds, then it becomes difficult to divert the waste. So separating such items is very good for waste disposal but its main disadvantage is that it cannot be composted.

2) Composting method :- This is also a good method of waste disposal in which a pit is dug in a low-lying area and the waste is buried in it.

In which the waste slowly shrinks. And compost is made from it, waste land can also be used for this.

This land can be used for growing vegetables. Many times open dumping is done for refuse disposal. But it is not right because the garbage remains open and flies and other insects are attracted to it, so close dumping is a better method than open dumping.

The landfill site should be 100 to 150 feet away from the city with a surface of 6 feet. Then a layer of 6 to 9 inches of plain soil is made over the waste.

Thus, the raised space is filled with waste and soil. The disadvantages of this method are more than the advantages which are as follows.

Disadvantages:- 1) Flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, etc. are infested due to garbage.
2) Odor from garbage mixes with air and pollutes the atmosphere.
3) It cannot be used in rainy season as the water gets absorbed into the soil. Similarly, the pollution spreads in the surrounding soil and in nearby wells etc.
4) Animals and birds spread this accumulated waste around.

3) Control tipping :- This is a very good method for waste disposal. In this a 3 feet deep pit is dug for waste disposal. And waste is kept in it for 3 to 6 months.

During this time, the bacteria build up in the waste compost. After 3 to 6 months, the waste is dug up and composted. And the pit can be reused. control tipping This method can be used well where there is no fly or any other insect infestation where the soil is high.

4) Computing method :- In this method, human excreta is disposed of in many villages and cities, which is called computing method. And nite solve is put in it.It has 6 layers of height. Then a layer of 2 inches of dar waste is applied on top of it.

In this way, when the pit is filled, a layer of waste is collected on top. When it reaches the ground level, it is covered with soil, the bacteria action is composted in it by sheer heat. Due to intense heat, pethogenic as well as other organisms are destroyed.

This pit fills up gradually over 4 to 6 months. And the compost thus prepared is useful for agriculture. Retuse and Nicelol disposal This method is also known as hot fermentation.

Repuse disposal after Bernig is considered another good method. Here one should also take special care that commusting is not suitable as it contains human excreta and it is singed hendal by the individual.

Q-4 Write short answer. Any three โ€“ . 12

A. Functions of Vitamin โ€“ ‘A’ –

Growth: Deficiency of vitamin A does not cause appetite and bone growth is also slow and CNS is also affected so help in growth function.

Reproduction: Retinol and retinal are essential for normal reproduction

Maintenance of AP thelial cells: AP is required for differentiation between thelial tissue and nucleus secretion.

Also three

Essential for maintenance of respiratory mucosa, upper layer of skin

Accelerates normal function of bones and teeth

Essential for sight

๐Ÿ”ธ B. Kitchen Garden –

A kitchen garden can be made by growing plants that are necessary for cooking in the courtyard of the house. A kitchen garden can be made near the kitchen and wherever there is open space.

It should be close to home and where it can be easily taken care of.

There should be a system where water can flow.

There should be a wire fence around the garden.

There should be a system of gardeners to preserve the garden.

Advantages of kitchen garden:-

(1) Use of time

(2) Atmospheric nature is maintained.

(3) Obtainable in vegetables in quality and quantity,

(4) Increases in the adornment of the house.

(5) Economic condition of Dhar should be maintained.

(6) The interest of the members of the household can be known.

(7) The diet of the family is improved.

(8) Unhealthy disposal of kitchen waste and water.

๐Ÿ”ธC. Therapeutic Diet: Diet is an important medicine for the treatment of disease. Many diseases can be made by modifying the In a patient with diabetes, D.D. It is very necessary for its recovery. Similarly, salt free diet can be given to reduce BP of hypertensive patients. Everyone eats food for fun. But when he is sick, he increases the problem of illness in his body by taking any food. Hospital nurse’s responsibility for this.

can be divided into the following four areas.

(1) RT feeding to provide nutrition to the patient who is unable to take food by himself, can be given through nasal tube for feeding through Liquidweed.

(2) Encouraging him to take food.

(3) To make proper planning of food and make efforts to provide adequate nutrition,

(4) Helping patients with special problems. E.g. F.F.D. in patients with jaundice. (fat free diet)

Principles associated with Diet therapy:-

(1) Planning the diet according to the disease.

(2) Food habit of the patient as per diet planning eg:- Keeping in mind the religious customs etc.

(3) Serve food hot. When serving cold food, serve it cold.

(4) Planning to get food in small quantities and at short distances.

(5) Making different items in food also according to the patient’s wishes.

(6) Do not force food in certain illnesses as hunger is less at that time.

(7) Adequate supply of food in chronic disease so tissue destruction can be prevented.

๐Ÿ”ธD. Benefits of A.V. Aids –

A.V. (Visual-Audio) aids that are useful in health education to explain in detail:

1. Information can be easily explained:

A.V. By using aids, we can explain information more easily. By using visual media (Visual) and sound (Audio), humans can learn more clearly and effectively.

2. Interesting learning experience:

With the use of visual media and audio devices in education, learning becomes more interesting. It becomes easier to arouse the interest of students and audience.

3. Visual Learning:

Most people learn better through visual methods. By using videos, PowerPoint presentations, images, etc., the information becomes easier to digest.

4. Increases intelligence and memory:

A.V. Information is remembered for a longer period of time. By using visual media, the brain increases information storage and memory.

5. Frequent direct pursuits:

By using sound and vision, you can see or hear that information over and over again. In this way, the information is better imprinted in the brain.

6. Practical Learning :

By using videos, pictures and sound, the ability to teach in a practical way is enhanced. Ex.As such, videos are a more effective tool for learning surgical techniques, use of medical equipment, etc.

7. Time and Effort Saving:

A.V. With this help, both teacher and students can save time and effort. Education can be imparted to many people simultaneously through PowerPoint presentations or videos.

8. Experiential Learning :

To learn through practical and live examples A.V. Aid is more excellent.By watching experiments or medical examinations in videos, students can learn better.

A.V. With these advantages of aid, health education becomes more effective, interesting and solid.

Q-5 Define Any Six โ€“

A. Health Education: According to Alma Ata (1978) โ€œHealth education is a process that encourages people to bring about knowledge and behavioral changes in their health practices and to maintain personal health and get help as needed.

๐Ÿ”ธB. Micro Nutrient: Nutrients that are required in small amounts in our body are called micro nutrients, for example vitamins and minerals.

c. Health: Health means that a person is completely healthy physically, mentally, socially and religiously and does not have any kind of disease or defect.

๐Ÿ”ธD. Community-Community: A community whose geographical boundary is fixed and all of them live together and use the internet with each other is called a community.

๐Ÿ”ธE. Cold Chain: The process adopted to maintain the temperature of the vaccine from where it is produced till it reaches the beneficiary is called cold chain.

๐Ÿ”ธF. Zoonosis: Zoonosis refers to diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans, eg bovine TB.

G. Sporadic-Sporadic: Those cases or infections that occur sporadically in the community that are sudden or unpredictable are called. E.g. Goiter

Q-6๐Ÿ”ธ A. Fill in the Blanks. Full of space.

  1. Children less than one year of age are called as_________. (infant)
  2. Vitamin B is _ soluble vitamin. Vitamin ‘B’ is a __ soluble vitamin. (water soluble)
  3. Vitamin is helping to control bleeding. The vitamin helps stop bleeding. (Vitamin K.)
  4. One gram of fat yields_______calories. 1 gram of fat contains _ calories. (9 calories)
  5. Pathogens in milk can be completely destroyed by______method. Milk germs are completely destroyed by __________method (passion germination).

๐Ÿ”ธB. Match the following. Connect the following links

‘A’ ‘B’

1.Rehabilitation -Rehabilitation 1. Reproductive Health -Reproductive Health

  1. Message – Message 2. Tertiary Prevention – Tertiary Prevention
  2. MCH Service – MCH Service 3. Malaria Fever – Malaria fever
  3. Plasmodium Vivax – 4. Vitamin A – Vitamin A – Plasmodium vivax
  4. Papaya 5. Communication – Communication


1 -2





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