DATE 11/08/2017
Q.1 🔸a. How rodents can be controlled at home. . 03
Home remedies to prevent rat infestation are as follows
2.Rat poisoning:-
A. Barium carbonate:-
In this, four parts of wheat or rice flour and one part of barium carbonate and one part of zinc sulphate are taken to lure the rats to kill the rats, so a pill is made and placed. This pill kills the mice within 10 to 48 hours.
🔸b. Write the advantages of A.V.aids while giving health education. 04
🔸c. Write classification of vitamins. Describe the sources & functions of Vitamin C. 05
There are two main types of vitamins,
Source :-Fresh fruits and vegetables are very high in VIT-C. Since it is mostly found in fresh fruits and vegetables, it is known as the ‘fresh food vitamin’. Fresh citrus fruits like orange, mausambi, lemon, as well as guava, amla, papaya, pineapple, tomato, green chillies, capsicum, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower etc. are good sources of VIT-C. Root vegetables like potato, sweet potato, sweet potato etc also contain some amount of VIT-C. Consuming large amounts of such foods can provide VIT-C. Other foods, such as grains and legumes, contain virtually no VIT-C. But eating it by sprouting or fermenting it can increase its VIT-C content. Animal foods such as fish, meat, milk, eggs, poultry contain very little VIT_C.
Fruits like amla, guava and green leafy vegetables and green chillies are good sources of VIT-C. Amla contains the highest amount of VIT-C and Amla is also the cheapest. In amla we get twenty times or more VIT-C compared to expensive citrus fruits like oranges, mausambi etc.
(1) Healing of Wounds and Injuries – If there is any wound or injury on the body, it is healing. VIT-C is very important for the production of a special type of protein called collagen. The production of collagen helps the wound to heal faster when there is a wound or an injury on the body. This collagen is found from connective tissue. These tissues bind different tissues together like cement binds bricks. Collagen strengthens the blood vessels. A lack of VIT-C in the diet weakens the blood vessels, making them prone to rupture.
(2) Relieving stress: Ascorbic acid (VIT_C) is important in the secretion of two hormones from the adrenal gland namely epinephrine and norepinephrine. This hormone helps us deal with stressful situations in our lives like stress of daily life, stress of infections, stress of injuries and illnesses etc.
(3) Function of assisting in absorption of iron:-Iron is a major constituent of red blood cells. VIT-C helps in the absorption of iron by changing it to its absorbable form.
(4) The function of protecting some essential substances from being destroyed: Like VIT-E, VIT-C also protects certain substances like VIT-A and unsaturated fatty acids from being destroyed.
In addition, VIT-C is very important for the development of teeth, gums, skin
Effects on the body
Deficiency of VIT-C causes a disease called ‘scurvy’. The gums are swollen and painful. Gums bleed. Teeth become loose and fall out. Joints also become swollen, painful and tender.
Q.1 🔸a. list common health problems of school children. . 03
A total health problem
Following are the common health problems seen in school going children
1st Malnutrition with Protein Energy Malnutrition Vitamin A Deficiency Anemia
Eye problem including refractory effect in conjunctival itis tracks
In which Asthma TV Pneumonia etc
Diarrheal Diseases Inner Parasite
Behavioral problems such as habit disorders, personality disorders, educational problems including total peer
Anti social problem
🔸b. Write the barriers of communication 04
1.Physiological barrier
2.Psychological Barrier
3.Environmental barrier
4.Cultural barrier
🔸c. Explain the methods of cooking. 05
Method of ol Preparation –
Following are the different methods used to cook food.
(1) Boiling:-
(2)Steaming:- In this, food is cooked with hot steam. A pressure cooker works on this principle. It has more steam than a pressure cooker. It retains all the nutrients. This saves time and fuel. So this method is excellent.
(3) Faying (palate) :– Inside this, thepla, dosa, all kinds of pudla, oil are dried. Similarly, puri, bhajiya, vada, kachori etc. can also be fried in oil.
(4) Rousting: It is made by putting some oil or ghee. After that it is placed on direct heat. Chicken is prepared by this method. This method is also good.
(5) Baking: In this the food is cooked by dry heat. An oven is used to cook food through its hot air. This method is good. Biscuits, breads and cakes are made in it.
(6) Grilling: Dry heat is used in this, food is cooked by heating it on a metal grid.
🔸a. Write immunization schedule. . 08
🔸b. Write Bag technique. 04
Q.3 Write Shortnotes (ANY TWO) 2x 6=12
🔸 a. Define home visit. Write the importance of home visit.
Go to the patient’s house in the community and give it
🔸 b. Write the process of communication.
It should be based on need basis
Coding: Converting the information or ideas into a code of content eg words pictures actions etc. is called N Coding.
Channel of Communication: Channel is the medium of communication between the sender and the receiver. The whole communication is seen through its three medium system like interpersonal communication for example counseling and traditional media like puppet show navatanaki etc. in addition to mass media like radio telephone television poster. Film video etc mass media can be used to reach a very large number of people In today’s hi-tech era mobile email voice mail internet and blog etc can also be used as channels.
Receiver: Every communication must have a receiver. Without an audience, communication is meaningless, just noise.
Decoding: Opening the code is called decoding which means making sense of the received content.
Feedback: It is a flow of information from the receiver or audience to the center which is the reaction of the audience to the message. If the message is not clear, it is not acceptable, then the audience will reject it. The feedback system gives the center an opportunity to increase the acceptability of its message. Interviews are conducted through surveys etc
🔸c. Discuss the levels of prevention of disease.
(1) PRIMARY PREVENTION: Measures taken to prevent the occurrence of a disease or to prevent it as soon as it occurs is called primary prevention, in which
Accidents can be prevented by using protective devices in factories and industries. Also protection of the special organs of the body can be done.
For example, a person doing welding wears special glasses. Similarly, a person working in the X-ray department wears a special gown and glasses. The persons working in the factory of Rs
2.Secondary Prevention:- Prevents the progression of the disease and prevents its complications.
(3) Tertiary Prevention :- When the spread of the disease is more and it is beyond the first stage when there is no time for its prevention, it is called tertiary prevention.
Q.4 Write short notes (ANY THREE) 3 x 4=12
🔸 a. Explain functions of community health nurse.
Functions of Community Health Nurse:
(1) Community Need Assessment or Identification of Community: Conducting a survey to know the community health need, going door to door to know the need of the people. Apart from this, geographical situation, environmental aspect, sociocultural aspect etc. are included.
(2) Planning: Plans work with medical and other team members to provide comprehensive nursing care, in which schools, clinics and health centers also plan for health services. Apart from this, it plans for health education programs.
(3) Care Provider: Community health nurses work to provide continuous and comprehensive care to the wider community. Performs health promotion and decision making, treats sick people and wins their trust
(4) Educator: Educates people so that they can solve their health problems on their own. As a health educator, community health nurses educate people in groups, families and individually in the community, thereby promoting health promotion and prevention of illness, as well as rehabilitation and prevention of disability. A Community Health Nurse School plans and conducts health education sessions in the community for children, mothers, eligible couples, etc.
(5)Counselor: Community health nurses work in the community to find resources for the family to solve their problems.
(6) Human Resource: Identify and utilize early resources within the Community Health Nurse Committee.
(7) Observation: Community health community nurse observes and observes all the happenings around him so as to identify any changes in health status.
(8) Care Manager: As a care manager, the community health nurse provides health care services to the family.
(9) Medical Assistant:- To assist the Medical Officer and Health Program wherever required
🔸b. Write controlling measures of mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes lay eggs in water. It is a common thing. The water should be removed from this place and the place should be closed. E.g. Drains, sewage ponds etc
In this way to control larvae there are many places where mosquitoes are born. So this way of controlling mosquitoes is known as source reduction.
1.Applying oil
2.Synthetic Insect Side
3.Biological control
4.Residual insect side
🔸c. Write the objectives of under five clinic.
Q.5 Define Folloiwng (ANY SIX) 6×2=12
🔸 a. Health education – : According to Alma Ata (1978) “Health education is a process that encourages people to bring about knowledge and behavioral changes in their health practices and to maintain personal health and get help as needed.
🔸b. Nursing Process – : Nursing process is a systematic and scientific method in which care is provided by following steps of assessment and evolution.
🔸c. Noise: The word noise is derived from the Latin word noise which disturbs the balance of human or animal life and is called noise pollution.
🔸d, Cold chain – : The process adopted to maintain the temperature of the vaccine from where it is produced till it reaches the beneficiary is called cold chain.
🔸 e. Pandemic: Pandemic means any disease that spreads from one state to another state and from one country to another country and is seen all over the world is called pandemic for example swine flu covid 19 etc.
🔸f. Micro nutrient: Nutrients that are required in small amounts in our body are called micro nutrients, for example vitamins and minerals.
🔸 g. Weaning diet –: Weaning diet is the food that is introduced to the baby after six months along with the mother’s milk and the food that is given from above for the growth and development of the baby for example alcohol water, mango water, curd etc.
🔸 h. Communication: Communication is a process in which two or more persons exchange or share their ideas, suggestions and feelings i.e. exchange of ideas is called communication.
⏩.Q.6 .Fill in the blanks.
a. Filarial is spread by———- types of mosquitoes. Culex
b. CFTRI stands for———. .- Central Food Technological Resources Institute
c. Head quarter of WHO is in ——— Geneva.
d. One CHC covers——– population. 1,20,000.
e. Best method of cooking is——–. Steaming
⏩B. State whether the following statement is ‘True’ or ‘False’.
a. Vitamin E is a water soluble vitamin. → False
b. One ASHA is for every 2000 population. False
c. BCG is given by intra muscular route. False
d. Only immunization is provided under Mamta clinic. → False
e. Injection TT is not necessary for burns patient → False
⏩C. Match ‘A’ with ‘B’
‘A’ ‘B’
1.Iodine – a. Vitamin ‘C’.
2.Intra uterine device b. Reproductive health- Reproductive health
3.Ascorbic Acid — c. Tuberculosis –
4.Sputum Slide. D. Goiter –
5.MCH services E. Detection of cancer
f. Copper-T
Answer :-
1.Iodine D. Goiter
2.Intra uterine f.Copper-T.
3.Ascorbic acid a. Vitamin “C”
4 .sputum slide c. Tuberculosis
5.MCH-Services b. Reproductive Health