GNC SOLVED PAPER-2019 (Gujarat Nursing Council-2019 Solved Paper)
▶️a. Define health team – 03 marks
Ans. A health team is a group of many individuals who work together to maintain good health in the community and hospital in which each member of the team has different knowledge, qualifications, skills, abilities, personality. The health team consists of medical and Includes non-medical personnel who work in tandem. Which works according to the policies and rules applicable by the government.
Eg :- Health team of PHC including Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, Male Health Supervisor, Female Health Supervisor, Female Health Worker, Male Health Worker etc…
▶️b. Write down objective of community health nursing – 04 Marks
Ans. 1. Promoted maternal and child health. To reduce maternal and infant mortality (IMR,MMR) and morbidity.
▶️ c. Discuss the principles of community health nursing – 05 Marks
▶️a. Define primary health care – 03
Ans. Primary health care is the essential health care that can be provided practically and scientifically everywhere by accepted methods and technology with the full cooperation of the individual, family and society.
▶️b. write function of primary health care – 04
▶️ c. Write Principles of Health Education. – Write principles of health education. 05
Ans. Interest
This is a well-known psychological approach
People learn only if people are interested. Health education is related to people’s interest, so before giving health education, first of all, health needs of people should be known.
Big Vation
Desire or motivation is of two types
It includes immediate relief of hunger and sleep etc
Secondary, if stimulated by willpower or other external force, includes love, praise, competition, recognition, revenge, or punishment. These are essential needs of every individual. Motivation plays a very important role in health education. can be encouraged
Party passion
Participation is the main part of health education it is based on active learning and is superior to passive learning in which individual participation shows acceptance of the individual Group discussion panel discussion workshop etc. are types of active learning.
In health education, it is very important to know about the type of community and its manners, education level, economic status and their type of business, their culture, religion, habits and general behavior. Presents so that people can easily understand the message given to him
The message communicated should be credible, it should be with scientific knowledge and the culture should match with the local culture, educational system and our goals.
Very few people learn from one-time teaching while many people do not learn or accept new ideas or things.
Learning by Doing
Learning is a process. According to a Chinese proverb, doing something by yourself can be remembered for a long time, so health education should be given in such a way that people continue until they put it into practice.
Unknown to Unknown
Work in health education should begin with the process of changing what people know from what they do not know
Good Human Relations
A good friendly relationship should be established with the people which gives good results
Leader Effective communication can provide health education well if we take the help of local leaders who are among the people to provide education.
▶️Q.2 a. List out methods of family planning and explain any two methods of family panning. – 08 Marks
A. Temporary
1.Chemical method → form tablets
→ Jelly or cream
→Mechanical method
2.Mechanical method → Condom for male → Vaginal diaphragm → Cervical cap for female
3.Hormonal method
→ Oral pills
→ Injectable contraceptive
→Subdermal implant
4.Intra uterine device → Lipis loop → Copper-T
B. Permanent
→ Vazektoni or N.S.V.
→ Tubac Tommy
→ Laparoscopy
A condom
Advantages :-
Dis Advantages :-
Female Sterilization ::-
(1) Traditional tubectomy
(2) Mini laparotomy :-
(3) Laparoscopy :: –
▶️b. Write purposes of Home Visit. – 04 Marks
▶️a. List out methods of health indicators and advantages of health indicators – State the types of health indicators and write their advantages. 08 Marks
Ans. There are many indicators of health according to different concepts of health
Indicators influence health directly or indirectly
↣ Benefits of Health Indicator :-
▶️b. Prevention and control malnutrition in community – Prevention and control measures of malnutrition in community 04Marks
Ans. Rickets, goiter, anemia, beriberi, pellagrana, scurvy, etc. are nutritional diseases –
A. Family Level Prevention
B.National Level Prevention
▶️Q-3 write short answer (any two)
∎ Write short answer (any two) 2×6=12 Marks
▶️a. Write nurses role in school health program –
Ans. 1. Health Promotion and Specific Protection
Immunization of children
2.Early diagnosis and treatment
Ans. Regular and periodic health assessment of children
3.Prevention of complications and rehabilitation
Ans. Helping to reduce the occurrence of acute conditions by eliminating risk factors
▶️b. Explain mid day meal scheme. –
Ans. This program is also known as School Lunch Program
The School Mid Day Meal Scheme has been implemented in India since 1961 as a part of the National Nutritional Programme.
Mid Day Scheme is a School Mill Program created by the Government of India to increase the nutritional status of school going children at the national level.
Objective of Meal Scheme
Principles of Mid Day Meal Program
Purpose of Mid Day Meal Scheme
Suggestions for making food repairs
Food should be stored in air tight containers Whole wheat should be used rather than broken wheat Rice should be unpolished A dish with vegetables should be used with cereals and pulses Sprouted pulses should be specially included Fermentation should increase the nutritional value during cooking Care should be taken to avoid wastage of nutrients.Award overcooking should not be used.Boiled oil should not be used frequently.Carrot and Radish leaves should also be used.
Benefits of Midday Meal Scheme
Increases enrollment in schools Children come to school every day thus increasing attendance Helps children grow up healthy Children get a chance to develop many types of good health habits eg hand washing helps develop social equality Gender Helps increase equality Facilitates cognitive emotional and social development in children
Nurse’s Role in Mid Day Meal Programme
▶️ c. Describe ideal antenatal clinic –
Ans. The clinic should be away from crowded areas as well as markets and schools
The clinic should be in a place that is easily accessible to the public and should be accessible by public transport or close enough to be reached on foot.
The clinic building should be good and comfortable and should be in a prominent location. The clinic should have seating arrangements for women (A.N.C.).
Clinics should have examination room tables and screens to maintain the privacy of the expectant mother
There should be facility of investigation room and drinking water
Doctor Room Laboratory Office Each room should be different
The clinic building should be paved and the floor area should be cement or tiled
The structure of the clinic should be cement concrete slabs or cement sheets. The floor should not be smooth so that the beneficiary slips and gets injured.
The building should be well ventilated and 24 hours electricity supply and the beneficiary should be able to get all kinds of treatment.
Rooms The clinic should have adequate rooms like waiting room central registration room laboratory clerk room etc.
The clinic should have register card and folder number vice arrangement and separate registration room for this should have facilities for doctor examination and consulting room as well as conference room etc.
Teaching and conference rooms of nurses should have facilities for immunization and health education or health teaching which should have TV news paper magazines etc. Drinking water toilet wash basin latrines etc.
The clinic should have separate doors or facilities for entrance and exit so that people do not congregate at one place.
The furniture in the clinic should be as required and in working condition. Benches or chairs should be empty for sitting in the waiting room. Also, the registration room should have three to four chairs and three to four tables. The nursing room should have three to four tables for keeping records. There should be arrangement of table chairs as well as examination tables screen etc. for examination
Blood pressure instrument for physical examination i.e. sphygmomanometer torch tongue statula hammer thermometer hightweight machine and for gynecological exam vaginal speculum vagina cervical holslem etc. Sufficient linen and seat mattress screen towel napkin etc. Necessary stationery like register paper pad punch file opdcase paper etc. Aids like Click Book Pamphlet Roller Board Over Head Projector Computer Laptop etc. Equipment should be there so that health education can be imparted well and effectively Necessary medicine like Tablet IM Folic Acid B Complex Calcium etc. and Antiseptic lotion like Spirit Dettol Savlon betadine etc. besides the necessary tacking material including gold piece cotton pad bandage etc.
First all kinds of facilities should be in the clinic for the clinic to run well. People’s cooperation is very important for the clinic. Public organizations, social organizations, women’s groups, youth groups and voluntary organizations etc. are very important for the clinic. Socio-economic of the village where the clinic is to be run. According to the condition, there should be a system for people to come to the clinic easily, and the clinic should have a health film show, light refreshment, etc., according to the composition of the clinic.
▶️d. Describe the effect of polluted air on health & Write preventive and controlling measures of it. – Write down the effects of polluted air on health and state its prevention and control uses.
Ans. Poor air quality can have sooner or later health effects with conditions such as acute bronchitis.
Early effects especially on the respiratory tract are very soon affected. If the air pollution is high, it often leads to death due to inhalation. This happened in Los Angeles in 1948 and Lin 1972 and the air pollution epidemic. is called
Air pollution also has other effects which include some diseases like cancer and other respiratory diseases.
In addition to humans, plants and animals are also disturbed. If you look at the long-term effects, in the long run, buildings get damaged, mountains are eroded, etc.
In order to reduce air pollution, the Government of India issued Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in 1981.
(Prevention and Control of Air Pollution)
▶️Q-4 write short notes (Any Three) – 3×4=12 Marks
▶️a. process of communication –
Ans. Wherein Sender / Source : This person is the arranger of the message. An effective communicator should possess the following qualities: The purpose should be clear; The message should be tailored to the needs and interests of the audience;
It should be based on need basis
Coding: Converting information or ideas into a code of content eg words pictures actions etc. is called N Coding.
Channel of Communication: Channel is the medium of communication between the sender and the receiver. The whole communication is seen through its three medium system like interpersonal communication for example counseling and traditional media like puppet show navatanaki etc. in addition to mass media like radio telephone television poster. Film video etc mass media can be used to reach a very large number of people In today’s hi-tech era mobile email voice mail internet and blog etc can also be used as channels.
Receiver: Every communication must have a receiver, without an audience, communication is meaningless, just noise.
Decoding: Opening the code is called decoding, meaning that it makes sense of the content it has received.
Feedback: This is a flow of information from the receiver or audience to the center which is the reaction of the audience to the message. If the message is not clear, it is not acceptable, then the audience will reject it. The feedback system gives the center an opportunity to increase the acceptability of its message, usually a feedback poll. Interviews are conducted through surveys etc.
▶️b. Golden rules to Prevent Vitamin Loss –
▶️ c. Anganwadi-
Ans. The word Anganwadi means “courtyard shelter” in Indian languages. They were started by the Government of India in 1975 as part of the Integrated Child Development Services Program to combat child hunger and malnutrition.
I. C. d. S. Scheme Anganwadi is operational. This includes children aged 6 months to 6 years and pregnant mothers, expectant mothers, and adolescent girls aged 11 to 18 years. In which the beneficiaries are Supplementary Nutrition and Prev through Centres. Basic education and immunizations and referral services are provided.
Come to Anganwadi. Wa. Child supplementary nutrition and pre-primary education is provided to children/adolescents aged 6-months to 5 years through the worker. Fortified flour, nutricandy, balbhog packets, and gram are given for supplementary nutrition.
The word Anganwadi means “courtyard shelter” in Indian languages. They were started by the Government of India in 1975 as part of the Integrated Child Development Services Program to combat child hunger and malnutrition.
Anganwadi not done:-
▶️d. Factors affecting on B.M.R.
Ans. Variable Factor Nutritional status A malnourished person has a lower BMR than a well-nourished person. In starvation conditions, BMR decreases.
▶️e. purification of water by rapid sand – rapid sand filtration or mechanical filtration
The first rapid sand filtration was started in 1885 in USA. There are two types of rapid sand filtration one is pressure type and the other is gravity type the following steps are used.
Coagulation: In this the raw water is first chemically coagulant in which the dohash is reduced by using alum. The dose of alum is used at 5 to 40 mg per liter of water.
Mixing Chamber: After adding alum, water is kept in the mixing chamber for some time and alum is added to the water by a special device.
Location In this, the water population is passed through a chamber where it is slowly stirred for 30 minutes by a special device causing the aluminum hydroxide to become more concentrated.
In Sedimentation: Water is filled in a sedimentation tank where it is kept for two to six hours so that aluminum hydroxide and other impurities settle to the bottom of the tank and the water becomes pure.
99% of water is purified in this stage of filtration. Rapid sand filtration is similar to slow filtration. The filtration media is sand and the filtered water is collected through a perforated pipe. In this also a thin layer of slow sand is formed on the bed which is similar to the layer of slow sand filter. Due to filtration, impurities accumulate on it. So it gets dirty quickly. And Ben needs to be cleaned. It is called bed washing process. The impurity of the sand bed is purified by reverse flow of water. The time for this cleanse is about 15 to 20 minutes. The bed is then ready to use again. Slow sand and rapid sand are slightly different. Because once the water has filtered through the slow sand, the entire bed is regenerated. While the filter bed can be reused after bed washing in APD sand.
▶️Q-5 Define following (Any Six) 6 x 2 = 12
3.Fomite – -: Infected person is also infected with the used things like clothes, used utensils, furniture etc. which can spread infection which is known as fomite.
4.Carrier: r means those who carry the pathogen have presence of pathogen inside them but do not show any sign symptoms of the disease but can infect another person which is called carrier.
5.pandemic –
When an infectious disease spreads all over the world, that disease is said to be pandemic.Eg. Covid-19
Pandemic means any disease that spreads from one state to another state and from one country to another country and is seen all over the world is called a pandemic.
E. x. Swine flu covid 19 etc
▶️Q.6 (A) fill in the blanks. 05
LYCF stands for _________IYCF’Infant and Young Child Feeding
plague is sprecad by ________Plague is spread by _rats.
RNTCP stands for _________RNTCP full name is Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.
1st dose MR vaccine is given at _______age of child – 9 months.
C.H.C cover 1,20000 population in plain
▶️Q.6 (B) Here M.C.Q. are given in the application
▶️Q.6 (c) Match the following.
1) Scurvy a) Nicotinic acid – Nicotinic acid
2) Rickets b) Deficiency of Vitamin C deficiency
3) Pellagra – Pellagra c) Deficiency of Vitamin Vitamin D deficiency
4) Beri – Beri – Beri Beri d) Cyanocobulamin – Cyanocobalmin
5) Pernicious anemia – pernicious anemia e) thiamine
f) Riboflavin – Riboflavin
1) Scurvy b) Vitamin C deficiency
2) Rickets c) Vitamin D deficiency
3) Pellagra a) Nicotinic acid
4 ) Berries Berries e) Thiamin
5) Pernicious anemia d) Cyanocobalamin
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