GNC Paper 2016
Q-1 A. What is the meaning of adjustment? Write on adjustment by nurse in her profession. 06 What does MARKS adjustment mean? Write about the adjustments made by a nurse in her profession.
Adjustment means the condition of a person in which he can accept new changes or changes around him and adapt to them.
Due to any need or desire being blocked, the act of accepting the situation and coping with it is called adjustment.
This is a balancing act of conflict arising within us.
Adjustment is a part of our daily activities which we have to adjust in each aspect for physical, environmental, social or personal condition.
Adjustment is a sign of a healthy person. Due to which he can remain stress free and maintain good relations with other people or environment.
The adjustment made by the nurse in her profession is very important for herself as well as for the patient and other co-workers.
Every day different types of patients are treated in the hospital by the nurse, they have to understand the need of each one and adjust according to their condition due to this adjustment they can win the confidence of the patient and also help him in his treatment.
A nurse performs her duties at a center post in a hospital in which she has to adjust a lot with her colleagues and superiors regarding patient care. It is only because of this adjustment that he can develop his positive relationship with everyone.
A nurse can cope well with all the difficulties in her profession through the act of adjustment. He can remain stress free and can do his work with ease.
Que B. What is frustration? Write the sources of frustration. 06
Fustration is derived from the Latin word fustra. Which means obstructed or blocked.
When a person has a goal or an ambition in his life that is not easily fulfilled or when there is an obstacle in achieving it, this feeling of frustration is generated due to blocking of the person’s desire.
Life is full of frustrations, every person’s life is faced with small obstacles and some big problems in day to day life. It produces a filling of frustration due to not getting any work done. This leads to filling anxiety of depression. Frustration is also called negative feeling.
The feeling of feeling depressed due to not getting or fulfilling anything is called frustration.
Sources of Frustration..
The reasons for the occurrence of frustration are as follows.
Personal Inadequacies..
A person himself sets goals to get any need. Frustration easily arises when these goals are not met or reached due to personal shortcomings.
When a person is physically handicapped, he is unable to achieve certain desirable goals due to this handicap and feels frustration due to this.
Frustration occurs when a person is unable to complete a particular goal or task due to his own internal shortcomings. If one cannot achieve any goal due to lack of confidence, fear or anxiety, it also causes frustration.
This type of frustration occurs when the body’s internal mechanism is not capable of accomplishing a desirable goal.
A person experiences frustration when external sources become obstacles in completing any task. Frustration occurs when external factors like physical condition, rain, traffic, earthquake, noise etc. become a hindrance in completing any task. The main cause of frustration due to these factors is time management which cannot be done at the right time. Due to which the desirable goal cannot be achieved. Environmental factors are largely responsible for these external sources.
Like when any person has set a goal and is doing any major work for that goal. When any other bigotation is used in this bigotation, a person gets conflict and frustration comes due to this conflict.
Q-2 A. Explain the types of thinking. 08
Types of thinking..
The following types of thinking are given.
This type of thinking rests on a base of perception. Perception is based on any previous experiences a person has had or how that person has interpreted sensory impulses. This type of thinking is also called concrete thinking. Which includes thinking about real objects or real events.
This type of thinking does not require any real object or experience or perception of an event. This type of thinking is done through the use of abstract ideas or concepts. In this type of thinking, there is thinking towards making new discoveries or new experiments.
In this type of thinking, at the end of thinking, a new discovery or an idea comes out. Scientists or any researcher do this kind of thinking. This type of thinking has no boundaries. This type of thinking increases knowledge.
In this type of thinking one can trace causes and their effects or trace the effects of causes. This is a type of control thinking. In which the process is towards solving any problem and it is in a logical order. This is a very good type of thinking, due to which any problem can be solved.
Inducing and deducing reasoning are found in this type of thinking.
Inductive Reasoning.
This is the process of thinking from a part to a whole. In which a person thinks about the universal i.e. complete idea from that one point.
Deductive Reasoning..
In this type of thinking, the thinking process moves from a whole event to a part, that is, from a universal idea to a single point. In which someone who thinks all men are bad interacts with each person one by one and only then is a judgment made about all men.
This is an important type of thinking that is needed when a person has to understand past experiences and find a way out of a situation that has arisen in the present. In this type of thinking problem occurs when any person has set any goals and there are any obstacles in reaching them. This type of thinking is used to get out of this problem.
In this type of thinking, trial and error method is also used, a person’s time is also wasted. Failure is often seen last.
B. Explain why there is individual difference in intelligence? 04
Why are there individual differences in intelligence? Explain that.
Explain why there are individual differences in intelligence.
No two people are identical or born together but their intelligence is not the same. In some individuals it is more and in some individuals it is less. It is called individual difference.
If the graph of this intelligence is seen, it is seen to be curved. IQ level of people of many societies is seen as average. This graph is called a bell shape curve which shows that very few people are very dull and very few people are very intelligent or brilliant. Most individuals have average intelligence. Individual differences are also seen in individuals with this average intelligence. In which its genetic factors, environmental factors, physical factors, psycho social factors and many other factors depend on the development of intelligence.
Individual differences means what things people have in common and what makes them different in thinking, learning and behaviour.
Individual differences in intelligence are seen due to the following reasons.
Nationality is very important for individual differences. The intelligence level of the people of each country may be different.
People with different socio-economic backgrounds also have different intelligence levels.
Individual differences in the level of intelligence are also seen according to the hereditary characteristics of people of different castes and different religions.
Age, gender and personality also create individual differences in intelligence.
A person’s interest in intelligence, his learning and surrounding environment are also very important to create individual differences.
Q-3 Write answers of the following (Any two) 12
A. Relationship between psychology and health,
The relationship between psychology and health
Psychology deals with many branches. Relationship with health is a very important branch of psychology. It is associated with psychological stress and physical illness. It promotes a person’s physical health and behavior.
When any patient is admitted to the hospital, it is necessary to take special care of the patient’s psychological condition and behavior during every treatment by the hospital staff, doctor, nurse. By doing this, good results can be obtained in its treatment.
Doctors and nurses know that a patient’s physical illness has a significant impact on his psychology. So it is very important to understand the psychology of the patient and his psychological process and act accordingly.
Through the study of psychology, one can know the good and bad factors affecting one’s health. It is necessary to promote health promoting factors on health. In order to provide good health care and improve health-damaging factors, health-oriented information should be provided, such as alcohol addiction, cigarette smoking, etc.
Through a good relationship of psychology with health, any patient can be explained about his disease and its effects and his cooperation can be obtained. A good health habit can be explained to prevent any illness. Coping mechanisms to minimize stress can be explained. All these things affect the psychological aspect of the patient, which is closely related to health.
B. Explain the difference between illusion and hallucination with examples. Explain
Illusion & Hallucination.
Illusion means mistaken perception.
Hallucination means false perception
In an illusion, a person has a different perception of the external environment.
Hallucination means the perception of a person without any stimulus in the external environment.
Any stimulus is present in the external environment but is perceived differently.
No stimuli are present in the external environment.
E.g. In which a person perceives a rope as a snake in low light.
E.g. Auditory hallucinations in which a person hears no sound in the outside environment.
This is also seen in the mentally ill as well as sometimes in the normal person.
A mentally ill person can see this.
C. Discuss the importance of observation in nursing. Explain the importance of observation in nursing.
As a nurse, observation is an important factor in nursing when you work in wards, hospitals and work with patient care. As a nurse while working with the patient good observation is important and very much needed in all his activities. Whether recording vital signs of any patient, administering medicine to any patient or assessing changes in any patient’s condition, good observation at this time brings a very beneficial effect to the patient.
In order for a nurse to maintain good attention and perform well while working with a patient in a hospital, it is necessary to do one task at a time. If there is any distraction in any environment then it is necessary to ignore it and focus on one’s work.
By working in the hospital with good observation, he can take decisions in the critical condition of the patient. Can be helpful in the treatment of the patient. Can help the doctor in his decision. Able to maintain coordination with every staff and other persons.
QueQ-4 Write short notes. (Any Three) 12
A. Causes of mental retardation. Causes of Mental Retardation…
Mental retardation is any child whose intelligence is sub-normal. Mental Retardation A person with an IQ of less than 70 is known as a mentally retarded person.
Apart from IQ it is classified based on clinical systems. The following reasons are responsible for this mental retardation.
It is not known that there is any one specific reason for mental retardation but there are possibilities of developing mental retardation due to many reasons.
A child whose mother has any serious infection during pregnancy is likely to develop mental retardation after birth.
This problem can also arise due to the harmful effects of any medicine or drugs consumed by the mother during pregnancy.
There are also chances of this condition developing due to chromosomal abnormalities.
There are also chances of the child developing this condition due to the mother not taking enough nutritious food during pregnancy.
Mental retardation can also occur in children who do not develop normally during pregnancy and who have any congenital problem of the child.
Children who have congenital anomalies at birth, the child does not cry at birth, the child does not get enough oxygen or the child does not start breathing normally also have the chances of mental retardation.
If the mother has any kind of metabolic disorder or any kind of serious illness during pregnancy, there is a possibility of the child developing this condition.
A child may develop mental retardation due to any type of serious disease at the time of birth, metabolic disorder like thyroid gland disorder, phenylketonuria etc.
B. Responsible factors for personality development. Factors responsible for personality development,
Personality is the overall behavior of a person. One person and another person have different behavior and personality even though they are together. The following factors are important for its development.
This is a major factor for personality development. It is also called physiological factor. Many systems in this person’s body work in different ways. Mainly the nervous system, the endocrine system is the main system that controls the growth, development and behavior of the body. Due to the normal function of this system, there are possibilities of positive development of personality of the person. If the functions of this system are not normal, the person may experience abnormalities related to growth and development, which ultimately affects his personality.
In the biological factor, a person’s biological clock, his food related habits, the amount of nutrition in his body, whether there is any disease in the body or not, all these things can have a positive and negative effect on the development of the personality.
A person’s family, his society, his surrounding environment and culture are the major influencing factors in personality development.
The behavior of parents with the child in the family, the relationship of the child with the peer group, his school and other environment are also very influential factors for the development of personality.
This is an important factor affecting personality. In which a person’s psychology and behavior are very important for the development of personality.
A person’s intelligence, his interest, his attitude, thinking, social relationship, all these things can give a positive and negative effect on a person’s personality.
C. Social factors responsible for Juvenile Delinquency. Social factors responsible for child delinquency,
Child delinquency means juvenile delinquency.
It is a social problem that is usually seen in children below 18 years of age.
Child delinquency is common in every country of the world. It is usually more common in children of people with poverty and poor socio-economic background.
Social problems like alcohol addiction, increase in population, illiteracy etc. factors are very important for this type of problem to arise.
Children who have a broken home and the relationship of the mother and father are not good in the family are more likely to develop this type of behavior.
Children do not get enough love from parents or due to excessive control by parents towards children, the child’s socialization is not done properly and there are possibilities of developing this type of child criminal behavior.
It is also seen that mass media and urban life and lifestyle of people there are seen by children and in that way children can easily change and these changes can be seen in their behavior.
Children who are physically or mentally weak and are often rejected by society and family can easily turn to juvenile delinquency.
D, Factors affecting attention. Factors Affecting Attention.
. Write about the factors affecting attention.
Factors affecting attention are as follows.
If there is any kind of health related problem then the person cannot maintain his attention properly. Like if any person has vision problem, any physical illness, hearing problem, due to such health issue, the person’s attention is not proper.
A good environment is essential to give proper attention to any object or situation. An environment in which there is noise in the surrounding environment, light is more or less, if the outside environment is too cold or too hot, a person cannot pay attention well.
Among the factors affecting attention is the nature of any stimulus, i.e. if it produces a more effective stimulation than others, it attracts more attention. Size and color of the stimulation is also a very important factor affecting attention.
A moving object attracts attention more quickly than anything stationary.
If any stimulus is repeated often, attention is attracted to it more quickly and duration of stimulation is also a very important factor affecting attention.
Psychological factors within the individual also play an important role in attention. In which interest, habit, likes, dislikes, past experience, emotion, all these factors are very important to maintain attention on anything. If all these are working positively then attention can be maintained for a long time. But if this thing is negatively affecting then attention cannot be maintained for long.
Q-5 Define the following (Any Six). 12
The word psychology is derived from two Greek words. Psyche and the Logos.Is. Until 1590 the words psyche meant soul or soul or spirit and the word logy meant to study. Here the word soul was taken in a very wide sense. So later the word mind was used instead of soul.
By the end of the 19th century, William Woodt used the word behavior instead of mind, so according to the new definition, psychology means the scientific study of human behavior is called psychology.
William Woodt is also known as Father of Psychology.
The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also involves the study of the mind and how it works.
2.Respiratory drive
Respiratory drive is the act of respiration.
In the body, this action is constantly underway. Which is very necessary for a person’s life. Oxygen from the atmosphere goes to the lungs and reaches every cell tissue of every body. This drive is controlled through the respiratory center in the brain. Apart from this, due to the chemical changes of the blood in the brain, this drive is continuously active and the life of the person continues. This drive is the basic drive of a person and it is imperative to satisfy it.
Attitude means the way a person behaves or reacts in any particular manner in any situation is called his attitude towards it.
A person’s behavior according to his belief can be called the attitude of that person towards that thing or situation.
Attitude can be positive, negative or neutral.
Family is the smallest social group in the world. It is an important primary group. Within the family the husband joins the wife through marriage and may or may not have children thus the family is formed.
There is family everywhere in the world. There is no society without family.
There is a very good relationship between each member of this family member.
Family is the basic unit of society.
The members living together in the familima pass on every quality to their children from generation to generation according to their customs and religious traditions.
The word family is derived from the Roman word famulus which means service.
Definition of Family A family is a biological social unit. Which is prepared by Husband, Wife and Children.
Any family is legally constructed by the union of a man and a woman in marriage. People who live in a common place. They have children or are adopting children. There is a good social relationship between all members living in a family. They are closely related to each other. Each member of this family has a common goal. All the things in the house are shared by him in common. Living together and eating together. There is a strong emotional bond between each member of this family member.
Human is a social animal. He is not used to being alone. It always needs a group to stay healthy and well. Everyone is connected to other people in some way.
A group means when one or more persons cooperate with each other to satisfy a common goal or common needs and join a group, it is called a group.
In society, people who have similar interests work in groups to achieve common goals. These groups have their own distinct characteristics.
A person uses the word personality in different ways in his life. Some individuals limit the use of the term personality to physical appearance, build, and color. But personality consists of the overall characteristics of a person. It covers everything whether a person is good or bad, strong or weak. We use the word personality a lot in our lives.
The word personality is persona which means like a mask. It was used by actors there during Greek drama.
Subsequently, this term has also been used by different psychologists. Personality shows the overall quality of a person. In which a person’s habit, thinking, attitude, interest and philosophy of life etc. are covered. Each aspect of this personality can be seen through a person’s behavior which differentiates one person from another person and creates his own personal identity.
Personality shows a person’s total abilities, characteristics and behavior. which a person has naturally or has developed artificially. Which differentiates him from other persons to some extent or more.
A society means a community of people living in a particular geographical area.A community or society is a group of people who have certain characteristics, follow a certain culture and religion, have interpersonal relationships, use a common language and share common interests and values. is coming.
The society is divided into two parts.
Q-6 A. States whether the following statements are “True or False” 06
State whether the following sentences are true or false.
Family is not a fundamental unit of society.
Family is not the fundamental unit of society. (false)
Sociology is a study of group or society.
Sociology is the study of group or society. (correct)
Polyandry means having many husbands.
Polyandry means polyandry. (correct)
Ego Control the antisocial behavior.
Ego controls antisocial behavior. (false)
Good memory depends upon effective learning.
A good memory depends on effective study. (correct)
Dowry system has good effect on society.
Dowry has a good effect on the society. (false)
B. Fill in the Blanks 05
Learning is a_____process of behavior
Learning is a process of permanent change in behavior.
Average income of a person in a country is called_______income.
The average income of a person in a country is called per capita income.
To measure the intelligence _& _____tests are performed. Verbal and non-verbal tests are used to measure intelligence.
Dowry Prohibition Act established came into force in ______year. The Dowry Prohibition Act came into force from the year 1961.
C. Match ‘A’ with ‘B’. 04
‘A’ ‘B’
3.Rationalization 3. Hero Worshiping Hero Worshiping
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2 – 2
3 – 1
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