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ENGLISH – General Nursing & Midwifery (First Year) BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES-2023 PAPER 7



Q-1 a. What is psychology? 03 marks.

The word psychology is derived from two Greek words. Psyche and the Logos.Is. Until 1590 the words psyche meant soul or soul or spirit and the word logy meant to study. Here the word soul was taken in a very wide sense. So later the word mind was used instead of soul.

By the end of the 19th century, William Woodt used the word behavior instead of mind, so according to the new definition, psychology means the scientific study of human behavior is called psychology.

William Woodt is also known as Father of Psychology.

The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also involves the study of the mind and how it works.

b. Write down scope of psychology. – State the scope of psychology. 04 marks.

The scope of psychology is wide and varied. In which different areas of study and application are involved. Here below is a broad overview of it.

1) Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology deals with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and psychological problems. Clinical psychologists work in hospitals, clinics, and private practice settings.

2) Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychology, like clinical psychology, takes steps to help individuals cope with life changes, improve well-being, and resolve inter-personal conflict.
Counselors work in schools, colleges, community centers and private practice.

3) Developmental Psychology
Developmental psychology examines human growth and development across the lifespan from infancy to old age.
Developmental psychologists study physical, cognitive, emotional and social development.

4) Educational Psychology
Educational psychologists study how people learn and develop in educational settings. Educational psychologists research effective teaching methods, assess learning disabilities, and design interventions to enhance learning outcomes.

5) Social Psychology
Social psychologists investigate how individuals think, feel, and behave in social contexts. He studies topics like Conformity, Prejudice, Group Dynamics and Interpersonal Relationships.

6) Industrial- Organization (I-O) Psychology
Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists apply psychological principles to the workplace. In which the focus is on areas like employee, promotion, leadership, organizational behavior and personnel selection.

7) Health Psychology
Health psychologists study the psychological factors that affect physical health and illness. Health psychologists work on topics such as stress management, health behavior change, and the mind-body connection.

8) Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychologists explore mental processes such as perception, memory, attention, language and problem solving. Cognitive psychologists also investigate how people acquire, process and store information.

9) Forensic Psychology
Forensic psychologists apply psychological principles to legal and criminal justice contexts. Forensic psychologists evaluate criminal behavior and competency.

10) Neuropsychology
Neuropsychologists study the relationship between the brain and behavior. A neuropsychologist is a person who deals with brain injuries, neurological disorders and cognitive deficits.
Assess and treat.

11) Experimental Psychology
Experimental psychologists conduct research to understand the fundamental principles of behavior and cognition. Experimental psychologists study topics such as learning, perception, and motivation.

12) Environmental Psychology
This field examines the interaction between people and their physical environment.
Environmental psychologists study topics such as environmental attitudes, behavioral motives, and the design of spaces to promote well-being.

These are just some of the major branches of psychology. And there are numerous subfields and specialists in each area.

c. Explain importance of psychology for nurses. – State the importance of psychology for nurses.05

Nursing and psychology are two different fields but they are interrelated.

Nursing field focuses on health problems and their recovery while psychology studies mental processes and behavior.

Nursing and psychology are interrelated because the nurse needs to know the patient’s behavior and emotional status while recovering from his problem.

A nurse has to deal with different people and different problems so she should have the necessary knowledge about human psychology.

Hence it is necessary to have knowledge about psychology in nursing.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand herself.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand her self.

Psychology helps the nurse to understand herself.

Psychology is useful in helping the nurse understand one’s own motives, desires, feelings and ambitions.

A nurse can know about his ability, strength, weakness and limitation with the help of psychology.

A nurse learns about how to relate to others, how to treat others and how to react in certain situations.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand other people.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand other people.

Psychology helps the nurse to understand the behavior of other people.

With the help of which the nurse will be able to know the behavior of other members of the health team like doctor, patient and his family member and will be able to work well together with them.

As a nurse has scientific knowledge of human behavior, she can understand other people well and easily and can build good interpersonal relationships.

Psychology helps the nurse understand the different defense mechanisms people use.

He will understand how customs and culture influence people’s behavior and provide effective care to people.

Psychology will help the nurse to improve situation by solving problem and change in the environment.

Psychology will help the nurse to improve the situation by solving the problem and change in the environment.

Nurses learn problem solving skills from psychology and can solve any problem.

The study of psychology helps in making adjustments as a result of mental illness and handicap and in solving the resulting problems.

Some types of diseases like heart diseases, cancer etc. can be kept under control with the help of treatment, but these types of diseases cannot be completely eradicated, but one has to live with them by making special adjustments. For this special coping skills required.

You will understand the relationship of body, mind and spirit.

She will understand the relationship of body, mind and spirit.

Psychology helps to understand the relationship between body, mind and spirit and how they affect each other.

The nurse will know how her emotions affect her body and


a. What is social change? – 03

SOCIAL CHANGE Social change means a change in the way people act and think or a change in the way people live and it includes changes in social forms and functions, all of which imply a change in social organization.

Social relations change within a social organization which means that social processes change and change within the social context.

Social change means changes in social phenomena over time.

Social changes are variations in accepted ways of life, whether brought about by changes in geographical conditions, cultural tools, population structure, or ideologies, and whether by group interventions.

b. Write down the characteristics of social change. – State the characteristics of social change. 04

Social change is a continuous process as population changes in technology values ​​and ideologies.This is different from social changes.

These changes are seen in all the societies of the world and also in the ways of life of all the societies.

These changes occur naturally or due to planned efforts

Social changes happen so slowly in some societies that they are not noticed and in some societies they happen faster which means that social changes do not happen at the same rate in the society which shows that the pace of change is not uniform due to time changes Predicting about social changes It is not possible to characterize the nature of social changes from this.

Social change occurs in all societies throughout the world.

Social change takes place in the whole community which means that the impact of social change is seen in that community.

The speed and extent of change is not the same in all societies.

Factors responsible for social change are not the same as change over time, hence social change is influenced and related to factors of time.

Social changes occur as a result of natural or man-made efforts.

Forms of social change are difficult to predict.

Change refers to a series of narrow reactions, meaning that a change in one part of a social system usually affects others and additional people until a change in the entire mode of life is observed.

Social change depends on factors such as technological economic change.

Social change includes changes in any physical group, changes in social relations, and acceptance of new ideologies in place of old ones.

Social change is the result of a number of factors.


A universal phenomenon.

Change in community.

Social change is not always uniform.

are influenced by time.

are natural.

Reactions are always in sequence.

c. Write down factors affecting social change. – State the factors affecting social change. 05


The society has seen social change which happens from time to time.

This change varies from society to society it may be fast in one society and slow in another there are many factors influencing social change.

Biological Factor,

Physical Factor

Technological Factor,

Cultural Factors.

Biological Factors

Biological factors include plants, animals, and humans.

number of people,

human constitution,

Hereditary quality of successful generations

The wave of happiness in society is always changing.

This can be seen from the life in ancient times and the life of people in present day.

This change has come gradually.

Only if the number of girls in the society increases, then different arrangements of marriage and family will come.

A higher birth rate results in population growth and a lower death rate due to improved medical and sanitary conditions.

With the change in the standard of living, there has also been a change in the attitude of the people.

The family will change the position of the woman in the household, the relationship between the family members, and the self-reliance of the family.

Population growth affects people’s physical health and vitality.

From the above factor it can be seen that the quality of population affects the social structure and social institutions hence all the factors are included which are responsible for changes in population growth.

For example:=

birth rate,

death rate,

infant mortality rate,

Increase in number of children and elderly,

Inequality between male and female ratio,

Increase in number of disabled,

Increase the number of people living in villages.

The standard of living decreases.


It provides some sort of physical causes that are responsible for changing society.

geographical environment,




sudden change,

volcanic eruption,

etc. etc

It has been found that the physical environment controls the social situation and the environment allows or limits the development of culture.

geographical environment

The geographical environment changes very slowly.

This same geographical environment can support very different cultures,

It has been observed that the geographical setting is a man-made part.

Man lives in a society of social relations.

So in most cases geographical environment produces social change

STROM (storms) :=

A storm changes the size and structure of a society.

Of which social relations are also affected, meaning that this can lead to social change.

EARTHQUAKES (earthquakes) :=

Earthquake causes destruction of natural resources, and loss of human life.

It results in important changes in the society thus social change takes place.

FLOODS (pur):=

Floods can give birth to Navagams in place of washed away villages

A dam will need to be built to prevent floods.

All this is leading to social change.


Sometimes there are epochal changes that raise parts of the earth’s surface, and submerge some parts. These changes play a major role in the transformation of society.


Volcanic eruptions are ready to bring new ones.

Due to this, there are changes in the society.

MISCELLANEOUS (other factors)

such as temperature changes,

There should be non-availability of certain resources like coal, iron, oil, etc

Lack of natural resources.


Technological changes are the cause of diversification in some organizations

The introduction of machine technology has not only changed the economy but also the structure of society in the form of social groups leading to gradual erosion.

Technology changes society by changing our environment.

This change to which we in turn adapt is usually in the physical environment. And the adjustments that come with the changes are often changes to customs and social institutions.

Q-2 a) Explain the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. 08

Abraham Maslow has given higher key theory of human motivation (theory of motivation).

In which the action of human behavior is explained when the tension is low and when the tension is high

Hierarchy is an arrangement of stages in which all majors are organized from lower level to higher level.

Hierarchy has levels which are organized according to need


Basic needs include physiological and safety & security.

Physiological needs:- means physical needs which include food, water, air, sleep, clothing, exercise, elimination, shelter.

Safety & Security Needs:- The need for safety and security includes no harm to anyone, healthiness, freedom from fear and protection, balance in family and society and property.


Psychological needs include attachment needs and self esteem needs

Attachment needed

Needs related to love which include giving and receiving affection, satisfaction in the relationship between two people, good friendship (Friendship), connection with each other, identification in a group, all these points are included.

Self esteem need

The requirements of honor

Self respect, confidence, achievement, respect from others, respect of others the need to be a unique individual.


Self actualization

Self awareness, self accepting, socially responsible, creative ideas, spontaneous and open to novelty and positive attitude.

Self-awareness means awareness of oneself, responsibilities to society, a sense of new ideas and innovation and a positive attitude towards challenges.

All these levels of Mass Law Hierarchy are arranged sequentially which are obtained one after the other

In 1970-1990, Maslow included Cognitive needs, Aesthetic needs and Transcendence needs. Thus, now it is eight-need model.

Cognitive needs:- Humans need to increase their knowledge, it is necessary to understand nature and to know everything that happens around it. And should be knowledgeable and intelligent.

Aesthetic needs:- Aesthetic needs: These are environmental needs and lead to a beautiful feeling of intimacy with nature and everything beautiful.

Transcendence needs:- Maslow later split the top of the triangle to add self-transcendence, sometimes referred to as spiritual needs. It can help others achieve self-actualization. When fulfilled, there is a feeling of fulfillment.

b) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of habit. 04

Both good and bad habits play an important role in our lives.

•> Advantages of habits

1) Efficiency
Habits allow us to perform tasks automatically without the need for conscious efforts or decisions, thereby increasing efficiency in daily routines and activities.

2) Consistency
By developing good habits we can achieve consistency in behavior over time.
A consistent habit helps achieve long-term goals and maintain positive lifestyle changes.

3) Time saving
By performing routine tasks at proper times through habit, time and mental energy can be saved which can be provided in more important or enjoyable activities.

4) Stress reduction
Knowing what to expect from habitual behaviors can reduce uncertainty and stress in daily life.
Predictable routines can provide stability and a sense of control.

5) Skill Development
Habits help in acquiring skill and mastery in any activity.
Regular practice through habitual behavior can lead to proficiency and improvement in different types of activities.

•> Disadvantage of Habits

1) Rigidity
While habits provide structure and predictability, they lead to rigidity and resistance to any kind of change.
Breaking habits requires conscious efforts and determination.

2) Unconscious behavior
Habits often operate from a subconscious level.
Which means that if we engage in habitual behavior without properly considering the consequences of habits, it can lead to mindless and impulsive actions.

3) Limiting growth
Bad habits prevent a person’s growth and development by reinforcing negative patterns of behavior.
Breakdown of bad habits is important if a person wants to achieve any new opportunity and goal.

4) Dependency
Dependence on certain types of habits such as substance dependence and compulsive behavior can have a harmful effect on physical health, mental well-being and relationships.

5) Resistance to change
Habits established by any person lead to resistance to life changes even if those changes are necessary and beneficial.
To overcome this resistance, there is a need for various types of afhots and magnifications.

6) Social Impact
Certain habits, especially those that deviate from social norms and values, lead to social stigma and disapproval that can affect social interactions and relationships.

Thus, by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of habits, one can assess the negative issues and eliminate them and balance the benefits of the positive issues to lead a proper and balanced life.


A) Write down the factors responsible for changes in attitude. 08
State the factors for attitude change.


The first interaction with parents and their connection with others helps in dealing with people.

A Respectful and Courteous Attitude of Parents helps in learning how to respect others without being specifically taught:


Attitude also changes through observation. As children grow up, they get more opportunities to interact with their friends.

Children behave more like their friends. The more they interact with their friends, the more their behavior changes


School also shapes attitude. teachers, the type of school environment all this makes a big difference in our attitude.

SOCIAL NORMS Social Norms:

Social norms can strengthen or weaken attitudes. Beliefs about what others do or what others will think if a person performs against societal norms can positively or negatively affect attitudes.


Mass media like news papers, TV – television, movies, radio etc. are also responsible for shaping our positive and negative attitude.


Personal experience is also responsible for shaping attitude.

For example, if a person has had a bitter experience while traveling in a Roadways bus, his attitude towards traveling in a Roadways bus will be negative.

b) List down the stages of growth and development. 04

  1. Birth of New Born Baby
    The baby comes out when there are enough uterine contractions. The baby’s mouth is then immediately removed with suction to remove mucus.

Immediately after birth, the baby cries and the breathing process begins with it. The umbilical cord is cut and clammed. It stays for a few days and then falls off. If normal vaginal delivery of the baby is not possible then caesarean section is done.

During the post-partum period (the period from birth to 6 weeks), the mother’s organs return to their pre-pregnancy state. During that time many hormonal changes take place and breast milk is secreted from the breast.

Babies consuming best milk are less likely to develop respiratory infections, skin disorders, constipation and diarrhea and also gain weight better.

The period from birth to one year is called infant period. During this time, the baby grows rapidly, develops teeth, and develops coordination of the muscular and nervous systems as it tries to sit, stand, and grasp anything.

    The period from the end of the infant period to the onset of puberty is called childhood. During this time the child develops physical growth, bowel and bladder control and communication skills like writing and speaking.

As the child comes in contact with people who love and care for him, he develops acceptance, worth and self esteem.

Self esteem develops in him later. Many children show in him responsibilities for taking care of himself and many look towards his family. For example: putting away his toys, making his bed or cleaning his table when able.

Decision making (the ability to take decisions by oneself) develops in a child during childhood. A child learns to make his own decisions. For example: What shall I wear today? Decisions are not always responsible and require parental guidance. The feeling of working, reading and completing work is awakened in the child, during which the child begins to understand many complex things in the world.

    Adolescence is the period between infancy and adulthood that generally includes people aged 12 – 19 years. During this time, it is seen to grow rapidly. Girls (11-13 years) grow earlier and faster than boys (13-15 years) and secondary sex characteristics are also seen. Meanwhile, he seeks more independence from his parents and lives more with his friends and peer group. Most of the adolescent shares and agrees on his ideas and values ​​with his parents.

➡️ According to parents, a healthy adolescent can be when….

To develop the child’s ability to act on his own, make him feel safe and prepare him for already disciplined behavior.

Stay in touch with the child. like ; Show interest in the activities the child does for his development and give him confidence and consent to do anything.

    After adolescence the period of adulthood begins. During this time, not much physical change is seen in it. If daily exercise is done during this time and healthy life style is maintained then one can stay fit in old age.

➡️ Early adulthood – During this time they are independent and know their responsibility and build close relationships with others.
➡️Middle adulthood – During this time they set the goal of life and decide its standard. For example, leaving an unsatisfying job and moving on to something new.
➡️Late adulthood – This is the longest standing period of the life cycle. People look back on what they have accomplished or achieved and feel satisfied. However, this time is depressing for many who have not achieved close relationships with others and who feel that they have no control over destiny.

Throughout the life cycle, from birth to death, people undergo many physical, mental and social changes. Whoever copes with all these changes in a healthy way is the best in old age.

  1. OLD AGE
    Biologically, a person becomes physically mature after the age of 25, when cells die faster than they are produced. Hardening, though brain condition and its (hardening) no specific duration. A person can stay young even at the age of 75 if he keeps himself active in current events every day and keeps fit.

➡️External signs of aging such as wrinkles on the skin, baldness (baldness) are seen in many people from the fourth decade and in many people do not appear until the sixth or seventh decade (a period of decades to ten years).

➡️ As an internal sign, the working capacity of his body system decreases. Sense organs become less sensitive. As the heart’s ability to pump blood and oxygenate the lungs decreases, so does the digestive and excretory system’s ability to process nutrients and remove waste products. Chances of many diseases also increase in old age like hypertension, cancer, arthritis. Already Correcting Harmful Behavior in Old Age. Adopting health-promoting behavior in young age to maintain good health status in old age.

➡️ Up to the age of 65 people have good mental health and are able to take care of themselves. A few people develop dementia (loss of memory and brain function). Alzheimer’s disease is a common cause of dementia. Depression is often seen as dementia in older people. Dementia often regresses when depression is treated.

➡️ In old age, many people are also traveling with social problems. Many people experience age discrimination. Many people change the idea about old age people such as intellectual failure. Loneliness is also a social problem of elderly people. To prevent social isolation among elderly people, encourage them to make new friends and participate in new activities.

Q-3 Write short answer (any two) 6×2=12

a) Write down characteristics of healthy family.

(1) Mating relationship (meeting relationship)

A family begins when a man and a woman develop a meeting relationship with each other

(2) Selection of mates

Husband and wife are mostly chosen by parents or elders of the household or the individual chooses according to his own wishes and there are many ethical rules in the selection.

(3) A form of marriage

A dating relationship is established by marriage. Marriage is determined by the norms of the society.

(4) System of Name

Each family is known by its own independent name

(5) Have tracing of descent

Each family has its own tracing of descent to determine the biological relationship of the person, the family may be Pradhan or the male Pradhan or equally recognized from both sides.

(6) Common resident
Every member of the family needs a house to live in and every member of the family lives in a common house

(7) Economical provision

Provides economic protection to every member of the family Fulfills the economic needs of every member of the family

b) Write down difference between primary group and secondary group.
State the difference between primary and secondary groups.

(Here for the sake of convenience it is not given in the form of difference but in the exam the student should write this question in the form of difference only)

Primary group is of small size while secondary group is of large size.

It is spread over a small area. It grows in a very large area.

They have a close relationship. They have distant relationships and not close relationships.

Members of this group are permanently associated. When the members of this group are together for some time.

Members of this group do not have enough relationships. While this group relationship is limited to purpose.

This group is formed by persons of blood relation. While this group does not require blood relation to be A.

The primary group follows from the formation of human society. Whereas a secondary group is a group formed from now on and for a purpose only.

Primary group is universal. While a secondary group is not a universal group.

Primary group members have a strong feeling between them and also have internal control, while secondary group members do not have strong feeling and have an external control.

Primary group members are very familiar with each other eg family. Secondary group members are not familiar with each other eg members who meet in a club.

c) Explain types of personality according to Dr. Cart Jung

CG Jung (a major Swiss psychologist originally a follower of Sigmund Freud) classifies personality into two main groups:

INTROVERT is an introvert and EXTROVERT is an extrovert and persons belonging to this group are called introverts and extroverts respectively.


According to Jung, INTROVERT Introverts have an attitude of keeping everything to themselves, especially in times of emotional stress and conflict. Characteristics of introverts include shyness and preference for working alone.

INTROVERT Introvert likes indoor games and keeps himself busy reading and writing books alone. He likes to be alone more.

They don’t like busy people/places.

INTROVERT An introvert has some fixed ideas and thinks a lot before doing anything.

INTROVERT Introverts are very sensitive and don’t spend as much money on other people as extroverts.

He is a day dreamer, shy, moody, alone, and cool.


EXTROVERT Extrovert has the opposite behavior qualities overall. Individuals of this group are outgoing, extravagant, lively and direct.

EXTROVERT Extroverted people react positively to various situations and mix freely with others.

They are talkative and good at social interaction. Extroverts are very generous and outspoken and sometimes even more daring

EXTROVERT Extroverts always like outdoor games and don’t pay much attention to details. They are always a happy, lucky person.

EXTROVERT Extroverted people usually spend a lot of money on others and try to get love and affection from others.

He is friendly, talkative, emotionally sensitive, fluent in speech, always looking for something to enjoy.

Q-4 Write short notes. Write a short note. (Any three)12

a) Family cycle. –

Everyone grows and enters a different phase in their life with different challenges and obstacles in each phase.
For example, in the first few years of life, a baby places trust in its caregiver

A child’s growth and development happens, each of them goes through their own growth phase, but along with growth, development is also important, it is necessary to understand it by his family, according to his stage, his development can be expanded through the family cycle.

(1)Unage adult

In this first stage, man issues are seen in which the child is separated from his parents. For example, when a child enters the age of 20, he goes to college, he is separated from his parents and his life experiences are his own. Separated from a family member and joins the Pierce Group to begin his career

(2) Newly married adult

In this stage there is commitment to the man is you marriage in which the person learns how to maintain his wife and relationship.

(3) Child bearing adult

A new family member comes into the couple’s life at this stage. At this stage, they need to make adjustments to their financial status duties and care for the child. They need to visit with the child’s grandparents. If they are not living together

(4) Pre school age children

In this stage, the child sees that full energy and enters preschool with Curio City

(5) School same child

In this stage, the child enters school, the parents encourage the child to maintain relationships with others and encourage him in social interactions that include education and other activities.

(6) Teenage Child

When the child turns 15 years is a challenging time for parents when the child wants to become independent this stage increases flexible family boundaries Parents should give opportunities for their child to grow

(7) Launching Centre

In this stage the child lives his college life, the child moves away from his family, the child moves away from home for his further education and after many months he comes for a visit where there is a task for the child to accept his sree pressure. And the family should support him

(8) Middle Age Adult

In which parents feel alone at home Adults converse with others and share their thoughts with each other and find closeness with other adults Adults marry and face their new illnesses and challenges

(9) Retired Adults

In this stage, the man is you return in which he should accept retirement, take care of his health and stay close with his family members and their children and deal with grief.

b) Nature of learning. –

  • Learning Is Universal:
  • Learning is universal. Every creature that lives learns. In which man learns the most. Thus, every living being in the world learns differently in different places.
  • Learning is a process of modification in behaviour:
  • Whatever we learn changes our behavior.
  • Learning is adjustment to situation:
  • Learning teaches a person to adjust to any situation. As one learns new things, one’s efficiency increases and one becomes able to adjust well to new situations.
  • Learning is Continuous:
  • Learning is a lifelong process. Learning continues as long as humans live.
  • Learning Is Through Experience:
  • Man and animal learn a lot through experience.
  • Learning Comes from All Sites:
  • Something new can be learned from everywhere. Children learn from parents, teachers, environment, media etc.
  • Learning is a purposeful and goal directed process:
  • Learning is a goal directed and purposeful process. One cannot learn well if the goal is not clear.
  • Learning Comes as a Result of Practice:
  • Learning becomes more effective through practice and repetition. With practice we can become master of anything.

c) Psychoanalytic theory –

The pioneer of psychoanalytic theory is Sigmund Freud. This theory is a comprehensive framework for understanding human behavior, personality, development, and mental processes.

It is based on the concept that unconscious motives and conflicts affect thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Here are the components of psychoanalytic theory.

1) Structure of Mind
Sigmund Freud A
A model of mind with three main components is provided.

1) ID(id)
The id is the primitive and instinctive part of the mind that works on the pleasure principle, which involves immediate acquisition of desires and impulses.

2) Ego
Ego is the rational and decision making part of the mind.
Ego works between the demands of id, superego and external reality. Ego works on the reality principle.

3) superego
The superego is the moralistic part of the mind. which internalize societal norms, values ​​and moral standards.
The superego represents the individual’s conscience and ideals of the ego.

2) Level of Awareness
Sigmund Freud suggested that there are three levels of awareness of the mind.

A) Conscious
At the conscious level, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are in immediate awareness.

B) Preconscious
Information in the preconscious is not currently conscious but can easily be brought into awareness.

C) Unconscious
Although thoughts, desires, memories, and emotions are hidden from conscious awareness, they can affect behavior.

3) Defense mechanism
Sigmund Freud stated that the ego uses various defense mechanisms to protect itself from anxiety and danger and to maintain psychological stability.
Eg: Repression, Daniel projection and displacement.

4) Psychosexual development.
Freud believed that personality develops through a series of psychosexual stages. Each stage is associated with a different erogenous zone and developmental task.
Oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital stages are involved in this stage.

5) Oedipus complex and Electra complex
Freud introduced the concept of Oedipus complex (boys) and Electra complex (boys). This concept presents an unconscious conflict of sexual desires and identification with parents.

6) Dream Analysis
Because Freud believed dreams to be unconscious desires and expressions, Freud developed a technique for interpreting dreams to gain insight into the unconscious mind.

7) Free Association and Psychoanalysis
Freud developed the method of association where patients freely express their thoughts and associations without censorship.

Psychoanalysis involves exploration to uncover unconscious conflicts and gain insight into psychological issues.

Psychoanalytic theory has been influential in shaping psychology and psychotherapy.

Psychoanalytic theory has also been subject to criticism and revision from time to time.
Contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives modified and expanded Freud’s original ideas, incorporating insights from other psychological theories and research findings.

d) Dowry system

Dowry is a social problem.

Dowry is defined as property received from one’s wife or her family at the time of marriage.

The bride can be defined as the gifts and valuables received at the wedding by the groom and his relatives.

The practice depends on the following factors.

Boy service and pay

Social and economic status of the girl’s father

Educational qualification of boy and girl

A boy’s work and his salary

Beauty and features of the girl

Future Prospects of Economic Security

Family size and composition of girls and boys

A girl’s parents not only give money and gifts or the like at the time of marriage but continue to give money and gifts to her husband’s family throughout her life.


One of the reasons for dowry is that every parent’s wish and aspiration is that her daughter marries high and into the whole family or to increase her prestige or to increase her daughter’s comfort and security.

Another reason for the existence of dowry is that dowry is given by parents

It is difficult to suddenly change this social custom of dowry

Some people give dowry only because their parents and ancestors were associated with dowry

Marrying within the same caste leads to a shortage of boys who have high jobs or good careers in business.

The boy’s parents demand a huge sum of money from the girls’ parents to accept their girl as a daughter-in-law.

Dowry is given only to show their high social and economic status.

The reason for accepting dowry is that they have to give dowry to their daughter and sisters so they look at their daughter’s dowry to fulfill the responsibility of finding husbands for their daughters.


This Act was passed on 20 May 1961. According to this act, exchange of gifts above ₹2,000 is not permitted and if a person is found to be receiving or giving dowry, he will be fined.

Violation thereof shall be punishable with imprisonment for six months or with fine which may extend to Rs.5000 or with both.

No action can be taken for violation of the Act unless some complaint is made.

Q-5 Define following (any six) )12

a) Sociology –

Sociology is a word composed of two words, Societus which is a Latin word. It means society. The word logic is derived from the Greek word logos, meaning to study or to study.

Sociology means the scientific study of the society i.e. the scientific study of the people in the society is called sociology.

The basic component of a society is the culture and its structure among the people of the society.

Sociology is the study of the behavior of any individual among individuals in society.

b) Illusion –

Illusion is known as wrong perception.

A person who receives a stimulus in the external environment instead interprets it as something else. It is also sometimes seen in normal individuals. There is stimulation in the external environment but the person perceives it wrongly. For example mistaking a rope in the dark for a snake.

c) Defense mechanism –

Defense mechanism is also called mental mechanism or ego mechanism.

A defense mechanism is a type of defense mechanism used by a person to reduce his anxiety or to adjust to the situation when faced with any uncomfortable situation or a situation that damages his self-esteem.

This mechanism is used by the person consciously or unconsciously. Its purpose is to remove the problematic situation from one’s conscious level and maintain one’s protection in the situation.

d) Community

Community means people living in a specific geographical area.A community is a group of people who share certain characteristics, follow a certain culture and religion, have interpersonal relationships, use a common language, and share common interests and values. .

The community is divided into two parts.

  1. Urban Community.

A group of people living in an urban area is called an urban community.

  1. Rural Community
  2. The group of people who live in tribal areas or villages is called rural community.

People of urban and rural communities have different characteristics.

e) Delusion

Delusion is a false belief held by a person. which cannot be changed in any way.

This belief is not learned by a person or by any education. Delusion is a false belief regarding any reference to a person. It is of the following types.

Persecutory Delusion

Delusion of reference..

Delusion of Guilt..

f) Personality –

A person uses the word personality in different ways in his life. Some individuals limit the use of the term personality to physical appearance, build, and color. But personality consists of the overall characteristics of a person. It covers everything whether a person is good or bad, strong or weak. We use the word personality a lot in our lives.

The word personality is persona which means like a mask. It was used by actors there during Greek drama.

Subsequently, this term has also been used by different psychologists. Personality shows the overall quality of a person. In which a person’s habit, thinking, attitude, interest and philosophy of life etc. are covered. Each aspect of this personality can be seen through a person’s behavior which differentiates one person from another person and creates his own personal identity.

Personality shows a person’s total abilities, characteristics and behavior. which a person has naturally or has developed artificially. Which differentiates him from other persons to some extent or more.

g) Behavior

Behavior means very large and broad and comprehensive. Behavior involves all the activities like motor, sensory, covert, overt etc. Forests are included. Activity is the manifestation of life and behavior is the collection of all these activities.

According to Woodworth, behavior is said to include not only conscious but also subconscious and non-conscious behavior within the activities performed from the womb to birth and finally, i.e. both covert and overt behaviors are included.

This behavior is not limited to human behavior. This psychology is also seen in animals and plants. This suggests that all living beings have the same behavior and psychology. In short, behavior is the sum total of a lifetime of experiences and activities.

h) Conflict –

It is a Latin word derived from conflictus which means to strike or think about any two things at the same time causing conflict.

This type of contact arises when a choice has to be made between any two identical items.

For example when choosing between two identical jobs.

Q.6(A) Fill in the blanks.05

1……… a father of modern sociology. ………… the father of modern sociology. AUGUSTE COMTE

2.Dowry prohibition act was established in ………year. Dowry Prohibition Act came into force in the year …………..1961

3.Hindu marriage act was passed in………..year.
The Hindu Marriage Act came into force in the year……….. 1955

4.Id is working on………..principle. Ed……. Works on theory. PLEASURE

  1. Juvenile delinquent is kept in ……….. Juvenile delinquent is kept in…………. JUVENILE JAIL & CORRECTION HOME (B) True or False – State true or false. 05
  2. Social changes is a universal phenomenon.
    Social change is a universal phenomenon. TRUE
  3. Family having high income do not require health education
    A high income family does not need health education. FALSE

3.Polyandry means woman having more than one husband Polyandry means woman having more than one husband. TRUE

  1. Super ego is referred as “Pleasure principle”. The superego operates on the “pleasure principle.” FALSE

5.I.Q more than 140 is called as genius person. A person with an IQ greater than 140 is called a genius. TRUE

5.I.Q more than 140 is called as genius person. A person with an IQ greater than 140 is called a genius. TRUE

(C) Match the following. 05


(A) Projection (A) Conflict between parents & children

(B) Intra personal conflict (B) Social problem Intra personal conflict social problem

(C) Inter personal conflict (C) Blaming another person for own mistakes

(D) Prostitution (D) Conflict within the person Conflict within the person

(E) Monogomy (E) A man marries more than one women Monogomy A man marries more than one woman.

F) A man marries only one woman. (A man marries a woman

A – C

B – D

C – A

D – B

E – F

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