Que. What is a cardinal sign?
Ans. Cardinal sign is also called vital sign. In it, body temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, pain, oxygen level etc. parameters are measured.
Que. What is Tachycardia and Bradycardia?
Ans. When the heart rate in the body is more than 100 beats per minute, it is called tachycardia and if the pulse is less than 60 beats per minute, it is called bradycardia.
Que. What is pyrexia? State its classification?
Ans. Body temperature higher than normal is called fever or pyrexia.
Its classification is as follows.
Low grade.
Their body temperature ranges from 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
They have a body temperature of 102 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
High grade.
It has a body temperature of 104 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit.
In children, conversion due to high temperature is also seen, it is called febrile conversion.
Que. Why is mercury used in clinical thermometers?
Ans. MERCURY CHEMICAL As the temperature increases, the expansion of mercury is found to be the same relative to the increase in temperature, that is, mercury has a high coefficient of expansion. So that the increase in temperature can be taken accurate reading in the thermometer scale.
Que. Which position is given to an unconscious patient while doing oral care?
Ans. During oral care he is placed in a supine position and his head is turned to one side to reduce the risk of aspiration. If possible, mouth care can also be done in the side line position.
Que. What is a decubitus ulcer?
Ans. It is also called bed sore or pressure ulcer. Due to prolonged pressure on the part of the skin, due to non-change of position, due to altered blood circulation, etc., due to tissue damage of the skin, ulcers are seen in that part. It is called a decubitus ulcer.
The bony area immediately beneath the skin is the most prominent part of the body where ulcers are most likely to develop. Such ulcers are commonly seen in areas such as occipital area, scapula, elbow joint, lower back etc.
To prevent ulcer sores, the patient who has been bedridden for a long time should change his position every two hours and take proper skin care.
Que. What should be the height of enema can while giving enema to patient?
Ans. When giving an enema to a patient, the enema can should be held 12 to 18 inches above the patient’s level.
Anema is given in left lateral position.
When giving an enema, a rectal tube is inserted into the rectum 1 to 1.5 inches in children and 2 to 3 inches in adults.
Que. By what other name is artery forceps known and on what principle does it work?
Ans. It is also known as second hemostatic forceps as it is used to clamp the blood capillary and act to stop the bleeding.
Artery forceps work on the principle of a first class lever.
Que. State the use of dissecting forceps and its working principle?
Ans. Tooth dissecting forceps are used to hold skin and hard structures, dressing material etc.
Toothless dissecting forceps are used to hold soft tissue.
Dissecting forceps are class 3 lever acting instruments.
Que. What is temperature crisis and lysis?
Ans. When the body temperature is elevated and suddenly the body temperature drops rapidly and reaches normal, it is called a crisis.
A gradual decrease in elevated body temperature to normal is called lysis.
Que. What is subjective data and objective data give example?
Ans. Data provided by the patient, which cannot be observed or verified by the health care personnel, is called subjective data. It is also known as other symptoms. D. T. Abdominal pain
Objective data refers to information provided by the patient or history that can be viewed or verified by health care personnel. Objective data is also known as sign e.g. Skin Races.
Que. Which position is given to a patient with breathing difficulty?
Ans. Fowler position is given to patients with breathing difficulty i.e. dyspnea. So due to giving up right position, expansion of his lung takes place and relief is seen in breathing difficulty.
Que. What is hematochezia?
Ans. When fresh bright red colored blood is seen with school it is known as hematochezia.
Dark black colored blood seen with stool is known as Malina.
Blood accompanying sputum or mucus from the respiratory tract is known as hemoptysis.
Blood seen with vomiting is called hematemesis.
Blood seen with urine is known as hematuria.
Que. What should be the water temperature while giving a tepid sponge?
Ans. Tepid sponge is given in mild and moderate fever. In which the water temperature should be 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cold sponge is given in case of high grade fever or hyper pyrexia. No ice water is used in it. The water temperature in it is kept at 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
During the above sponging, the extra hit of the body is lost by the conduction method and the fever is reduced.
Que. What is a nursing diagnosis? Tell its types?
Ans. The diagnosis which is prepared from the patient’s history and assessment for planning his nursing care is called nursing diagnosis. These are the following types of diagnosis.
Actual diagnosis.
Which is based on the actual problem or signs and symptoms of the patient.
Risk Diagnosis.
Taking into account the present condition of the patient, the possibility of a future problem is called risk diagnosis.
Wellness Diagnosis.
It is also known as health promotion diagnosis which is planned to increase the well-being of the patient.
Que. What is Malecot Catheter and state its uses?
Ans. This is a type of rubber catheter. Which is inserted into the cavity and pus, bile, urine etc. are drained from the cavity.