💙International health agencies and their contribution to health in India 💙
Health and disease have no boundaries.
According to Sir Paul Russell, there is no more international disease on this earth than disease.
If any disease breaks out in any part of the world, it can become an epidemic in any corner of the world.
In 14 countries of Europe, ships, travelers and caravans are closed 40 days before the plague to prevent it.
After this method was practiced repeatedly, other countries also adopted this practice.
With this idea, the working of international health is gradually established on a very necessary and scientific basis.
Some international agencies have made important contributions to promote the health program in India.
During this time, it received a lot of response from the people and a preliminary concept was organized in 1863 to take care of the wounded soldier and a diploma conference was organized again in 1864 for final consideration and action.
During this time, the International Red Cross was first established.
He received the International Congress of Medicine prize in 1897 and the first Nobel prize in 1901.
Initially, the goal of the International Red Cross was to provide care only in war, but from this the work was gradually increased. And care was also provided in other national disasters, such as flood, earthquake, fire, accident etc.
💙Objective of Red Cross Society
To provide relief to the suffering people and provide a comfortable environment.
To serve together with the National Red Cross Society.
To help develop the National and International Red Cross Society.
To provide leadership in the Red Cross Society for the improvement of health.
Prevention of disease
To serve officially for international health, health welfare organization.
➡️1. International Red Cross💙
Swist tourist and businessman Henry Brununt founded it in 1959.
Once he was going to Italy from Geneva to buy corn in some area.
During that time, when he reached Italy, he saw the soldiers there fighting among themselves and also saw these soldiers being negative towards each other.
He called some people from the surrounding village for help.
At this time, he changed his idea for his business and started serving and caring for those soldiers without giving importance to nationality.
➡️2. Rock feller foundation💙
This was started by Mr. Jones Rock feller in 1913.
This foundation is active in promoting the improvement of health and medical education in the out world.
This agency started its work in India in 1920, which includes research work and training of teachers, training of candidates in India to go abroad through travel brands and fellowships.
Sponsors the visit of medical specialties from the U.S.A. and gives grants to selected institutes.
➡️3. Ford foundation💙
This agency was started as part of the Rockefeller Foundation.
It focuses on the development of rural health and family planning in particular.
➡️4.C.A.R.E.(Co-operative for American relief everywhere)💙
This is a non-governmental organization, which was started in 1946.
It helps school children and mid-day meals.
It was started in India in 1950.
It contributes to medicine, literacy of vocational training and agriculture.
➡️5. F.A.O.(Food and Agriculture Organization)💙
It was established in 1945.
Its head quarter was established in Rome.
Its work mainly includes raising the standard of living, improving nutrition and increasing the efficiency of farmers, helping forests and fishing.
In addition to improving the conditions of the villagers, its main objective is to increase the population and increase food in return.
➡️6. I.L.O. (International labour organization)💙
It was established in 1919 and its main objective is to promote working conditions.
To improve the working conditions of labourers and improve their standard of living, as well as to maintain economic and social stability.
Its head quarter is in Geneva.
➡️7. U.S.A.I.D (United States Agency of international development)💙
It started in 1961.
It provides grants and loans for the health improvement of the people of India.
➡️8. Colombo plan💙
This is a Co-operative unit type agency which was established in 1950 by the government of South and South Asian countries as common wealth countries.
It was started for economic development.
➡️9. S.I.D.A.(Swedish International Development Agency)💙
This is an international financial agency.
It has been providing financial assistance to national TV programmes since 1979.
➡️10. D.A.N.I.D.A. (Danish International Development Agency)💙
This is also a financial agency which runs under the government of Denmark.
It has been helping in the national blindness control programme since 1978.
It has currently started the ongoing work of supporting the MCH programme in some parts of South India.
➡️11. W.H.O. (World Health Organization)💙
WHO came into force on 7 April 1948.
This is a non-political agency of the United Nations.
Its head quarter is in Geneva.
Any country is allowed to become a member of this organization.
In 1948, a total of 56 countries were members of this organization.
In 1996, 190 countries became members of this organization.
✨️Structure of organization
There is an Assembly.
Executive board
Secretary 1.Assembly
This is a meeting called once a year, especially in the month of May, for planning of work and budget.
Executive board
Members of exciting birth meet twice a year.
These members are qualified members in the field of health and plan and implement all kinds of work such as serving during epidemics, earthquakes or natural disasters.
This is an administrative body, in which the chief technical advisor is the main person.
Or it is also called the director.
In 1968, this Secretary had a staff of 3000 members, including doctors, nurses and health and other members of health.
Together, all of them plan on every issue for education activities, environmental health and help each other.
✅️Function of WHO
Gives necessary guidance to each other in the world.
Helps each country to strengthen their health services. For this, expert demonstration teams help in disease control programs.
Technological services such as,
A. Works to give epidemic warning, such as setting up check posts at airports and controlling.
Also controls sea routes.
B. International health regulation
Regulates international health.
Gives vaccine protection certificate before giving visa to people going from one country to another.
Health statistic
Prepares a report on deaths due to different diseases and their causes so that the cause of death can be identified.
Maintains the standard of drugs and vaccines. For this, different magazines publish bulletins and provide necessary information to the people.
Motivates research
✨️Contribution to India by WHO
Consults with the Central Government, such as,
A. the control of communicable disease
In which, vehicles and equipment are provided for different health programs like leprosy, TB, malaria, cholera.
B.public health administration
Tries to strengthen public health services.
Helps to maintain and improve environmental sanitation.
Conducts educational programs for professional workers like FSW, ANM and every health person.
College of Nursing in Madras and Chandigarh is run by WHO.
It helps in Biomedical research in India and also conducts research for FP method.
This organization came into existence in 1946 for the children injured in the world war and affected by the world war.
After the completion of the emergency work in 1953, it was known by a new name i.e. United Nation International Emergency Fund, but its original name continued.
Its regional office is in Delhi but its head quarter is in New York.
Mother and children programs are organized in collaboration with WHO.
✨️Contribution to India by UNICEF
A. Education
In which it provides scientific lab, workshop, library as well as different books and audios visual aid equipment for formal and non-formal education.
B. Helps in medical education and training for health.
In which it provides equipment, drugs and vehicles at PHC, as well as helps in medicine plants such as penicillin plant, D.D.T. Plant etc.
Provides fridge for vaccines.
Helps in ILR (Ice Line refrigerator), pediatric and obstructive department as well as health of medical colleges.
Also helps in nursing training and every training of health personnel.
C. Nutrition
Supply of milk powder for infant
Which especially helps in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat and West Bengal etc. states for delivery plan.
Helps Food and Agriculture Organization.
Such as running the Apply Nutrition program.
So far, a total of 986 blocks have been covered in India for this.
It helps in the above Nutrition Deficiency Disease like anemia, night blindness, xeropthalmia etc.
Provides iodized salt for iodine deficiency disease.
Anemia control program for anemia control in which iron folic acid helps in providing. D. Water supply Helps in the improvement of water supply with necessary equipment. E. Social welfare
In which it helps in applying family planning services in rural areas.
It helped the most in the fourth five year plan.
Apart from this, it helps in schools for the training of MPW and the necessary equipment for it.
G – Growth monitoring
O – Oral rehydration solution therapy to treat mild and moderate dehydration
B – breast feeding
I – Immunization
3 F>
F – family Welfare
F – food and nutrition
F – female children
Is a special agency of the United nation.
The main purpose of establishing this agency was to help underdeveloped countries develop and improve their living standards.
The World Bank provides loans for economic growth, such as loans to undertake population projects for population problems, as well as projects that include all purposes, especially electric power, road, railway, agriculture, water supply, education and family planning.
Many projects also cover health and investment.
WHO and the World Bank also jointly carry out many programs and projects, in which water supply and the world food program and population control program are especially important.
This program came into existence in 1966.
These programs were implemented to obtain technical assistance and funds.
For this program, a group of many members of the United Nations come together and run this program, the main purpose of which is as follows,
To help the poor people, so that the people of the country can access natural resources.
Economic and social sectors such as agriculture, science as well as health department and social welfare cover all the areas.
Members of UNDP meet once a year and report on the work and plan.
UNFPA ( United Nation Fund For Population Activity )
Since 1970, this organization has been helping India in different ways.
For the purpose of national level fund scheme, it helps in the development of infrastructure projects for family welfare and the improvement of any services available.
Currently, this organization is providing help for different family welfare in 11 districts of Bihar and 4 districts of Rajasthan.
In addition, it helps to increase contraceptive manufacturing capacity and develop programs for population education.
✨️Voluntary health agencies or organizations
Indian red cross society
Bharat Sevak Samaj
Kasturba Memorial Fund
The hindu kasht nivaran sangh
Tuberculosis association of India
Indian council for child welfare
Family planning association
All india women’s conference
All india blind relieve society
The central social welfare board
Professional bodies
Started in 1920, it has more than 400 branches in India. Its activities are as follows.
Relief work provides relief work during floods, droughts or earthquakes. At such times, food, clothes and all necessary things are delivered to the needy. In addition, it works during epidemics or epidemics.
Milk and medical supplies Hospital maternity home, children welfare center, school, orphanage etc. provides milk powder and vitamin supply.
Care of the sick and disabled soldiers is closely associated with the soldiers injured in the war.
Provides services to the soldiers and for those who are permanently disabled, there is a red cross home in Bangalore. Which works to protect such soldiers throughout their lives.
Maternal and child welfare services
Provides technical advice to such centers to establish maternity homes and child centers.
All India runs many such centers.
Family planning
Provides family planning services at its centers and organizes camps.
Helps in research activities. Distributes materials for child care and mother graft, besides the chent Jones ambulance association which runs first aid classes for men. Also runs nursing courses for women.
Provided scholarship for nurses to further their studies.
Junior red cross is a branch for children which gives boys and girls the opportunity to work during epidemics.
Also gives the youth an opportunity to live with brotherly feelings and provides first aid treatment.
Blood bank
Runs first aid and blood bank.
Maintains a list of donors.
Provides all services when needed.
Government of India gives grants to red cross society for help.
Sent Jone association which is a part of red cross.
This organization was started in 1952 and is a non political and non official organizer. Its main objectives are as follows.
People should work for their own health.
They do voluntary work for environmental sanitation in the village.
They plan camps for teachers, young and collegiate students. In this way, they do various activities.
Kasturba Memorial Fund
It was started in 1944 in praise of Kasturba Gandhi.
It was established to do social welfare works for women.
It provides necessary equipment for the purpose of empowering village women and for industries.
Apart from this, other agencies also provide funds for the advancement of women.
The Hindu Kasht Nivaran Sangh
It was established in 1950 but originally it was started and inaugurated in 1925 under the name of Indian Council of the British Empire Leprosy Relieve Association.
It was established in 1950 with a new name, in which the government and voluntary agencies work together.
👉 Activities
Work for Leprosy.
Prepares material for health education for Leprosy.
Provides financial assistance for Leprosy programs.
Publishes magazines.
Opens rehabilitation centers in hospitals and clinics for Leprosy.
Conducts research and investigation for workers.
Established in 1939.
It has organizations in every state, which perform different tasks and collect funds.
For training in antituberculosis
For health education
For clinics and conferences
For publications related to TB
To find out TB cases and provide treatment, different organizations are run by this association.
Established in 1952
Affiliated with the International Union for Child Welfare, which works with about 70 national voluntary agencies,
whose main objective is to provide a normal and healthy environment for the physical, mental, and social health of thousands of children in India.
This organization works to help them, in addition to organizing conferences, annual meetings and other programs to create awareness among the people and the government for integrated child welfare programs.
The organization was established in 1949.
It works as a founder in family planning services.
It also helps in providing training for family planning.
For which it has trained many doctors, health visitors and social workers.
All India Women’s Conference
This organization was established in 1926.
It is a voluntary organization for women only.
It has branches in every state.
It runs MCH clinic and Mahila Mandal.
It runs Mother Craft.
It organizes kindergartens and does adult education and distribution of milk etc., besides providing family planning services.
All India Blind Relief
This organization was established in 1946 with the aim of improving the condition of blind people.
This organization runs blind relief camps and also does welfare work to provide facilities to help blind people.
The Central Social Welfare Board
In 1953, the Central Social Welfare Board was formed and social voluntary agencies were formed by this board such as Mahila Mandal, Jesuit Club etc. came into existence.
75% grant is given for it, through which different programs are organized like,
Nutrition program, ICDS and many other activities like working women’s hostel, physically handicap, old age home and planning of services for the welfare of socially backward people.
It came into existence as an independent body since 1968, which is managed by the ministry of education, which was started for MCH in rural areas, such as home industry, sewing, handicrafts, match making etc. and earns income for their families.
Professional bodies
Which publish magazines related to their profession.
General publishes.
Organizes scientific sessions and maintains the standard of professional organization.
👉Functions of voluntary health agencies
To provide personal assistance to official agencies and help by providing funds for special equipment.
To help in research.
To provide material for health education and work for mass health education.
To prepare experimental projects and demonstrate them.
To praise the workers of official agencies by giving good examples.
To encourage the advancement of health legislation.