Statistics related to vital events such as birth, death, marriage, sickness etc. occurring in society are called vital statistics by the writer.
Statistics obtained by keeping good records can be used to know the level of health of the people and also provide planning and health administration and guidelines.
By drawing in numerical form for systematic and correction, the necessary statistical information is obtained from the record of the sheet.
Vital Statistics can also be called health statistics.
These health statistics include three main things:
Status of health measures such as sickness and death.
Factors affecting health such as population, housing, social and economic status
Nursing services such as preventive, promotive and curative services
đź’™ Uses of vital statistics
It is useful to maintain the level of health in the society as well as to maintain the health needs of the people and to know the health problems of the people.
It is useful to maintain the level of health of the people of other countries, to compare it with it and to know the past events and the current situation.
Useful for health administration and planning.
Useful for knowing the progress of health programs and health services that are currently available and for evaluating their success.
To resource on health issues of the people of the community
đź’™Resources of vital and health statistics
census (population census)
Registration of birth, death and marriage
Notification of infectious disease
Records of hospital and health center
Health survey
Census is an important component and important source of vital statistics.
Population census is conducted every 10 years in many countries including India.
The first census in our country was conducted in 1971 and the last census was conducted in 2011.
In this census, information about family members, including name, age, sex, marital status, place of birth etc., is collected.
This census information is published by the Commissioner of India and the Registered General.
Census not only provides information about the health status of the people but also provides important baseline data for planning health programs.
Administration and resource are not only in the community health department but in every government sector.
Registration is another important source of vital statistics and health statistics.
If the registration of birth and death is accurate, then a true idea of ​​the population can be obtained, but in our country, registration is still not maintained properly. There are many reasons for this:
A. Lack of uniformity
There is no specific way to collect information on birth and death in our country.
In many states, vital statistics are compulsory in both rural and urban areas, while in many places it is compulsory only in urban areas.
In many states, information is collected by village watchmen and police station personnel.
B. Lack of completeness
Most people do not register their birth and death, so the record is not correct.
C. Lack of accuracy
The age at the time of death, its true cause and its information are insufficient.
D. Lack of knowledge
If the person providing the information is illiterate, the information cannot be given correctly and correctly.
In rural areas, this work is done by the watchman, in which the watchman is illiterate, so the registration does not take place due to incomplete information or negligence.
E. Transmission of data
The medium of information transmission does not give the correct information, i.e. the information is not given by the health department and the information is given by the police or revenue department and it is incomplete due to lack of accuracy.
F. Ignorance
Due to the low level of education among the people, they do not understand the importance of registration and are ignorant of it and
they are deprived of some of the benefits that are available immediately after the birth of the child.
Due to this ignorance, registration does not take place at the time of registration.
The Registration Act was enacted in 1969 and was implemented from the first of 1970.
To ensure accurate information about births and deaths, the government of India promulgated the Central Birth and Death Registration Act, and registration of births and deaths became mandatory everywhere in India.
Notification and reporting are the first steps in controlling communication, which provide a day to day report of the community.
Cholera, smallpox, plague and AIDS should be internationally notified, besides other important cases like enteric fever, TB, diphtheria, leprosy, measles, polio, whooping cough, etc.
Information about communicable diseases can be obtained from them.
Reports of indoor and outdoor patients can be obtained from hospitals and information about different activities is available from health centers, such as MCH, FP and school health environmental sanitation and control of CD etc.
The term health survey is used for the diagnosis of community health problems.
It provides a comprehensive daa of health and sickness of the population of each place.
Health survey
⬇️ ⬇️
Specific general
The first health survey was conducted in Sigur in 1946.
Special survey is used for the investigation of a specific problem.
Health survey is done as a sample of the total population
Because, survey of the total population is expensive and according to the schedule, the field worker completes the table through questionnaires.
For general health survey, generally,
Family schedule
General individual schedule
Nutrition assessment
Client survey
In this way, the collected data is analyzed and a report is tabulated.
To conduct a health survey for a health problem.
This data is useful for program, planning, evaluation and research.
đź’™Important vital statistics
Birth rate
Death rate
Specific death rate
perinatal mortality rate
Expectation of life
General Fertility rate
Birth rate is the live birth rate in a year Ă— 1000 which is calculated on the basis of the middle-aged population.
Birth rate = no. of birth
During the year
Estimated mid
Year population
The median population of a village is 5000 and 120 children are born during the year.
Birth rate = 120Ă—1000
= 24
Death rate = Total deaths during the year
Estimated mid
Year population
The median population of the village is 5000. There are a total of 500 deaths during the year.
Death rate = 500 Ă— 1000
_Ă— 100
In which specific cause+age group and Occupational, sex etc..
Specific cause- cholera
age group- infant
Specific period- weekly, monthly, annual
Specific death=death during
The year
Estimated mid
Year population
Deaths during the year in children up to 1 year of age are calculated on 1000 and on the median.
IMR = Deaths during the year
Number of live births during the year
= 150 Ă— 1000
= 50 IMR
đź’™ Estimated Mid Year Population
The population counted on July 1 of any year is called the estimated mid-year population of that year.
The difference between the population figures of that census is the population increase in 10 years.
The population increase can be obtained in 10 years.
The population increase of that 10 years can be obtained.
The difference between the previous two populations is calculated as the average annual population increase, and the annual increase will be in the next 10 years,
and the estimated mid-year population can be calculated.
The estimated mid-year population is calculated to calculate the birth rate and death rate.
That is, the population counted on July 1 is calculated on March 1 of every year.
While the mid-year population is calculated on 1st July.
The period between 1st March to 1st July = 4 months
Mid Year Population = Last Census – Previous Census
= 2001 – 1991
= 15,900 – 12,300
Population increase in 10 years = 3600
Population increase per year = 3600
So to calculate the estimated middle class population of 2001, 1 march to July =
4 months=360
__Population increase per year
To calculate the Mid Year Population of 2001, the population of 2001 was 15,900
15,900+120 = 16020