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A team is defined as a group of people with different levels of knowledge, abilities, skills and personality who must compliment each other and who share a common goal.

A team is a group of people who have different levels of knowledge, abilities, skills and personality but they complement each other and their goals are the same.

πŸ’› Characteristics of team

A team has a specific purpose.

Follows team rules.

A team is organized in its own way so that it can achieve its goals.

Team members work together to support each other. Why is a health team necessary to provide health services?

In different health programs, it is impossible for one person to do everything and it also requires many skills and different opinions, so taking the opinions of more than one person can reach the target.

If there are more than one person, they can understand every need of the community and a health team is necessary to provide such health services.

πŸ’› Characteristics of health team

They have clear objectives.

They have high and achievable goals.

Health team has manners.

Everyone’s role is clear.

Team members work for growth and welfare.

Every member of the team uses their work and skills.

The ability to work of the team member increases.

It is necessary for the right decision.

Differences are discussed openly.

The talent of giving priority flourishes.

Open and honest communication takes place.

The tendency to compromise develops.

The ability to work according to the time schedule flourishes.

Daily evaluation is done regularly.

Health team at the PHC consists of the following health personnel or staffing pattern of PHC

M.O (team leader)

block extension – male or female

Health worker – male or female

Health guide

PHC level M.O. He is a team leader but he cannot fulfill the needs of the community alone, but with the help of the team he can provide the best and maximum services.

πŸ’› Job description for PHC M.O.

supervision of health team member


Health – Preventive

Training program – PHC staff including FHW, Health guide, volunteer worker, angadwadi worker and dai are trained.

MCH services – ANC, PNC, infant

Immunization and prophylaxis scheme

School health program

Control of communicable disease

All national health program
πŸ’› FHS (female health supervisor) and FHA (female health assistant)

Regular L.H.V. training was stopped and they were given additional training of six months and made health assistant or health supervisor.

They have to cover four sub centers in a population of 20,000.

One FHW has to cover a population of 5000.

πŸ’› Job responsibilities of FHA or FHS

Supervision and guidance

Supervises and guides the FHS staff.

Strengthens the skills and knowledge of the health worker.

Helps the health worker in planning his program.

Visits the sub center once in a week on a specific day and gives guidance to the FHW.

Periodically checks the work of the health worker and sends the evaluation report to the PHC M.O.

Supervisor visits the worker’s area.

Recommends the pregnant mother for VDRL test and sends its report to the PHC M.O.

  1. Team work

Helps in every work wherever needed.

Attends block level meetings.

Helps the male health assistant in his work.

Organizes staff meetings at the PHC.

Helps the PHC M.O. in providing health services in different areas.

Works as a member of the health team in the health program.

  1. Supply of equipment and maintenance of Subcenter

To check the stock at the sub center at regular intervals along with the health assistance and to see whether the necessary equipment is in working condition.

To check the stock of medicines and storage condition.

  1. Record and report

To check the record. To keep all the records in order, FHS should give proper guidance and if necessary, get them prepared together.

To check the report received from the health worker and submit it to the PHC M.O.

  1. Training

To organize and provide dai training with the help of health team worker.

To organize and conduct training for different categories of health workers as well.

  1. Maternal and child health

To conduct MCH clinic at the sub center once a week along with the health worker and whenever the trained dai and health worker call, provide them with necessary support and guidance.

  1. MTP (Medical termination pregnancy and family Welfare)

To conduct weekly family welfare clinic at sub center with the help of each health worker.

To personally meet and motivate the beneficiary in case of non-cooperation for family planning service.

To provide necessary information and guidance for MTP and to refer the appropriate cases to the appropriate place.

To distribute contraceptive devices with the help of FHW.

To assist PHC M.O. during the outreach campaign.

To provide services related to IVCD.

  1. Nutrition

To identify cases of malnutrition in infants and young children and provide necessary treatment and refer if necessary.

  1. Immunization

To monitor whether each infant and ANC mother has been immunized.

Primary health care and medical care

To provide first aid treatment of minor elements.

To provide primary care in accident or emergency cases and refer the case to PHC or nearest hospital.

To follow-up the case referred by the health worker.

  1. Health education

To provide health education on different subjects and to get the cooperation of FHW, especially family planning, MCH, nutrition, immunization and blindness should be included in health education.

To organize group meetings with the leader and to encourage every health worker to attend the meetings.

To announce the message of different programs during the meetings and help in delivering the message.

To organize training.

To discuss the welfare program with the women of the women’s group, teachers and other women of other communities and to take the help of FHW in this.

  1. Vital statistics

To collect reports from the sub center and submit them to the PHC M.O. (monthly, weeks, annual).
πŸ’› Job responsibilities of MHA or MHS

supervision and guidance

Team work

Supplies equipment and maintenance of Subcenter

Record and report


In which.,

Male health worker visits his area as per his schedule like supervising him and visits him frequently for that.

Visits at least 10% of the houses in the village to check the work of MPW.

During the visit, if any case of fever is found, he collects thick and thin slides of it and also gives it as anti malarial treatment.

Checks whether positive case radical treatment is given for his area or not.

Anti malarial measures like spraying of D.D.T., anti mosquito net and if there are holes, he gives health education to the people for garbage disposal.

  1. Organizes training – program and takes help of local leader in this activity related.

Takes steps for CD- Communicable disease and stays with MPW for treatment in epidemic situation.

Submits report of notificant case to main authority.

If there is a case of rabid dog, anti rabies vaccine is given and the dog is disposed of.

Helps in finding out, treatment and follow-up of cases of Leprosy and T.B. and regular treatment will make them completely cured.


Safe water supply
If drinking water points are open, chlorinate them.

Apart from this, provide information about construction of smokeless stove for senitory laterine and subsidy for it.

  1. UIP Universal Immunization Program

As per the immunization schedule, check whether children up to 0-5 years have been vaccinated or not and whether TT injection has been given to pregnant lady or not and supervise the work.

  1. Family planning

Meet eligible couples face to face to motivate and guide them for family planning.

Organize family planning camp and follow-up of operated cases and guide the beneficiaries about the benefits they are getting.

  1. Nutrition

To find malnourished cases and refer them to M.O. for treatment.

To find out the deficiencies like anemia, worms, Iodine deficiency, calcium deficiency, etc. in children of 0-5 years and to distribute iron folic acid etc. to the beneficiaries and check whether they are getting it.

Medical care

To provide medical care in accident or emergency and if necessary, refer to the nearest hospital.

To collect every report of vital statistics and submit it to M.O.

Responsibilities of female health assistant or female health supervisor (FHS

FHW is a member of the important health team that provides health services to the people in plain area and tribal and Healy area with a population of 5000 at the sub center and 3000 at the population.
Function of FHW

MCH care

Registration of antenatal mother and continuous care till pregnancy.

Laboratory examination in which sugar, HB and the above services are provided during home visit at PHC or during clinic at sub center.

Find out the case of abnormal pregnancy and refer to the hospital.

Conducts deliveries in her area and supervises the deliveries done by dai.

Takes at least three postnatal visits of deliveries done in her area and gives necessary care and suggestions.

Advises necessary care for growth and development.

Assists M.O. and health assistant in the clinic.

Informs the beneficiary about the different services available individually or in groups Does.

Provides information required for family planning registration to eligible couples, distributes contraceptives.

Provides follow-up services, especially if the newly married couple has adopted the method of family planning, and verifies that there are no side effects.

Develops good relations with the couple accepting family planning, village leaders, dai and health guides, and encourages people to benefit more from family planning services.

Identifies women leaders in their area, takes help in their services, and organizes women’s group meetings.

  1. Referral services

Identifies mothers in need and refers them to the nearest hospital and provides referral services as needed to get treatment in time.

  1. Nutrition

Finds cases of malnutrition in different category groups, especially school going, young children, ANC, PNC, etc., identifies and treats them.

Distributes iron folic acid tablets to ANC, PNC and infants and follows up on them.

Distributes vitamin-A solution to children from 9 months to 5 years.

Provides information about nutrition to mother and child and involves them in nutrition program.

  1. Immunization

Give TT injection to ANC mother.

Protect every newborn with DPT and OPV.

  1. CD

Identify CD during home visit and inform PHC M.O.

Distribute chloroquine in case of malaria and take action for treatment.

If any person in your area is taking treatment for TB or leprosy, follow-up whether he is taking it regularly.

Give treatment if there is a case of diarrhea, dysentery.

Teach the community how to make ORS solution in diarrhea and case and refer to PHC M.O. in serious cases.

  1. Dai training

Make a list of dai who are delivering in your area and participate in health and family welfare program.

Help FHA in dai training program.

  1. Vital event

Register birth and death of your area in the birth and death register.

Record and report

Register ANC.

Help FHA for its record.

If you have to make a report, make it on time and submit it to the health assistant on time.

Make a map of your area and use it during the service.

  1. Primary medical care

Treatment of minor elements

Treatment in accident or emergency

Provide referral service to serious cases.

  1. Team activity

Organize staff meeting at PHC and attend block level meeting.

Help MHA.

Organize guidance every week wherever needed.

Maintain cleanliness of sub center.

Help in organizing camp.

Help every member of the team in every way wherever needed.
πŸ’› Function of MPW

Conductor survey of the sub Centre area and maintainance record of all family

Vital statistic

participate in malaria control program

participate in leprosy Control Programme

participate in family planning service and provide information on the family planning method

reporting about communicable disease

co-ordinate the activities with health worker

maintain record District public health nurse (DPHN) position

Her area of ​​job is district and she works independently in the district.

All nursing persons who are in the field area of ​​her district like primary health center, sub center, family welfare program and other health programs are her responsibility.

In technical matters she keeps in touch with the health director or nursing director of health services and gets guidelines from them on every technical matter and health related program.

General duties – Develops every service of free services and community health in her district, as well as gives necessary guidance and organizes it.

Participates in discussions on health-related services in their district.

DHOs are informed in the district council about the need for midwifery services and nursing services.

Gives suggestions to DHO for appointments, transfer, leave, further education and selection of nursing staff.

Takes responsibility for the need of supplies and equipment etc.

Participates in budget planning.

Evaluates reports coming from the district and sends them to the DHO office.

Sends monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and annual reports prepared by him to DHO.

Plans and conducts nursing services provided in the district.

  1. Supervisor – Responsible for the supervision of community health nursing employees of his district.

Encourages employees to develop their strengths so that they can provide the best care in the community.

Helps maintain the enthusiasm of each member of the health team, and assists this group of health team in serving the people.

Evaluates the work assigned to each employee individually.

  1. Educational work – Responsible for continuing education and refresher courses in the orientation training program of nursing persons.

He is also responsible for the above in-service education.

Plans refresher courses and other short-term courses for nursing personnel.

Develops training programs for non-nursing personnel by assisting other team members.

Assists and guides health workers in their programs.

Suggests staff to take further education, whether in the district, outside the district, outside the state or abroad.

Provides information about nursing services to the community and staff.

Provides training to students when they are placed in rural health centers.

In-service education program or job training

πŸ’› This training is provided to the staff of the institute for development and to improve the quality of patient care.

The AIMS of this training are as follows:


To develop the skills of their members

To prepare team members to accept additional responsibilities

To increase knowledge

To understand the agency’s policy, philosophy and its goals Advantages

Continuous education and new knowledge can be obtained.

Skill develops and moral power increases.

Helps in increasing teaching ability.

Helps in good supervision.

Helps in personal professional development.

Helps in improving IPR.
πŸ’› Supervision of health person

That is, checking the work being done from a higher level.

Supervision is checking the work where there are deficiencies, where there are mistakes in that work and trying to improve it.

Nowadays, supervision is a work done as a guide, which includes technical guidance, advise, demonstration and training so that the interest of the person in doing the work increases and the work can be done well.

Supervision is also an important factor for skill development.

Supervision always expects leadership.

A supervisor is always a good teacher.

Good supervision can be done through observation.

In indirect supervision, records and reports are checked.
Role of CHN in supervision

In addition to nursing service, supervision is an important aspect in community health nursing, which is found in every health program.

Supervision of CHN includes maternal health, infant, preschool child and CD control.

Generally, a qualified nurse is always appointed as a supervisor.

She covers things like training, administration and teaching for the employees.

πŸ’› CHN is a role model in every part of the world, so her ROLL can be described as follows:,

Health center

In sub center and health department, she is responsible for the supervision of nursing person like ANM, FHW etc.

She has to provide services at health center, sub center or community level.

She has to plan, organize and coordinate health services.

Community need assessment is done, services are planned for that, participate in those services and provide guidance.

She takes responsibility for providing direct and indirect services in individual or field and supervises them.
πŸ’› Function of CHN in PHC

The work of a CHN, the post he works on, the place he works in and.., varies according to his education and experience.

In India, CHNs provide supervision and instruction in private agencies and PHCs and also do other important work.

Specifically, his role at the PHC level is as follows:


A. Study or identification of community: In this, the community is studied, especially the population, geographical location, occupation of people, social and economic condition, culture and beliefs, as well as the way of thinking and health needs are identified.

In addition, to identify the health needs, they conduct a survey of the problem and plan services based on it.

B. Analysis: They study the necessary information from the field, estimate it and give a report at their work place. In accordance with their work, they estimate what services are available in their area.

  1. Planning

Comprehensive nursing care plans for individual, family or community illness and health-related services.

Planning with family, medical team, community development project member.

Planning for school health services, clinic and health center.

Planning for health education program or community for people’s needs.

  1. Implementation

In which direct care is provided to the patient, in which family provides care in the community,

Helps the doctor in early diagnosis, and also implements instructions for it such as injection, dressing, investigation etc.

Provides adequate care through whatever facilities are available at home.

Providing guidance during illness in the family and supervising any treatment that is given.

Providing health teaching and counseling in the family.

Providing information on referral services to benefit from appropriate services as required.

To systematically record all the necessary services provided to the family.

Collection of vital statistics

To provide information to the community on all types of services.

To register ANC

To provide newborn care and postnatal care etc.

To provide supervision and guidelines to the community health workers and to give necessary instructions.

  1. Evaluation

To prepare a monthly report of the work done and to analyze it.

To register new cases coming to the clinic, to verify their revisits and to evaluate each of their visits.

To participate in survey resource and revisits.

Categorized as GNM TY CHN 2, Uncategorised