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Introduction ✨️

➡️In the 19th century, public health was used instead of community health, whose main purpose was to control people’s physical health and physical environment, which was especially related to environmental sanitation.
➡️In the 20th century, the concept of public health changed and included different issues, including,
➡️ 1. To work responsibly for the health of each person and that each person has the right to maintain his or her own health.

To work by targeting all aspects of health, not just the physical environment, which includes occupational health, social health, emotional health, because all these aspects affect health.
This changed concept was divided into four phases by bringing changes in the health program.
A. prevention of premature death
B. Prevention of disease, illness and disability
C. Promotion and maintenance of health
D. Rehabilitation
➡️Community Health Center is not only concerned with the health of an individual or a human being but covers all aspects that affect the health of people.

♦ Community

Definition of Community :-

A community can be described as a group of persons who socially interact because of shared goals and interests (McEwen & Nies, 2019).

A community can be described as a group of persons who socially interact because of shared goals and interests (McEwen & Nies, 2019).

(2)  All the people who live in a particular place, area, etc. when considered as a group

When considered as a group, all the people living in a particular place, area, etc.

(3) A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society

A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society

Thus, a community is a society in which many groups of people live in a particular geographical area and fulfill their basic needs. Such a group may include women, men, youth, children, etc. and they have different attitudes, beliefs and religions, such a group is called a community

♦ HEALTH – (Health):-

. In 1948, the W.H.O (World Health Organization) has given the definition of health, which is as follows.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and the absence of disease or infirmity.”

As per WHO

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and

However, health is a constantly changing process, so it is very difficult to maintain this goal. Health is common in most cultures. In fact, every community has its own concept of health, health is a fundamental and basic right of every individual, which has also been included in the constitution.

♦ Community Health  :-

Community health is defined as the group of individuals living in a society who aims to maintain, protect and improve the health of the people. “Community health is the aim of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of a group of people living in a society.”

“The community is one of the most useful means of improving health services or providing care to people. Because information about the factors affecting health is available from the community itself, the health status of people can be known and where the access to health care services is not sufficient, community health can be provided by community health services, nurses and other health workers.”

Define community health :-

*Community health✨️
➡️1. Community health is not limited to an individual but the health of the entire society is also equally important, so health is the right of the entire society, that is why it is the responsibility of the health care provider to ensure that everyone in the community gets all the facilities and gets care. Earlier, what we used to call public health is known as community health. Community health or public health is based on various factors such as housing, water, food, air, healthy habits, economic and political conditions.
➡️2. Community health has a broad meaning and is an organized effort to improve the health of people, maintain health, prevent diseases and keep all aspects of the community in mind, that is, community health.

“Community health focuses on the entire population and on populations with similar health concerns and characteristics. Overall, community health means the health status of people, members of the community, their health and the care available in the community for problems affecting health. Community health is an organized form of treatment, protection or preventive and health-related services”.

Define community health Nursing

Community Health Nursing –

“Community health nursing is the synthesis of nursing with public health practices applied to the promotion and preservation of the health of the population. Community health nursing is the provision of health services to the sick and healthy in the community. Community health nursing is guided by the assessment and determination of the health status of the population in the community.”


Community health nursing is a field of nursing that combines the nursing practices of primary health care and public health nursing.”


A specialized field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public health and social assistance and some phases of work as part of a total public health program to promote health, improve the social and physical conditions of the environment, and rehabilitate illness and disability.

Community Health Nursing:

This is a vast field of nursing practice and has a very close relationship with human well-being. Its purpose is to maintain community health using defined public health measures. In which there is no limitation to provide general and comprehensive treatment for a particular person or group of diseases, it has to be provided continuously and it is a continuous process.

In this, it is the responsibility of nurses to provide services to the entire community, so nursing has developed towards providing health services to each individual family, specific groups such as children, industrial workers in the community, in which nursing or family can provide services at their home, school or workplace. In this way, one has to understand one’s responsibility and work. For example, to get political support to strengthen the polio immunization program and to provide health education on a large scale and to vaccinate children against polio.

The services provided by the nursing profession in the community are called Community Health Nursing. In 1956, I.N.C. introduced this subject in nursing and trained general nursing students and informed them about nursing services. Nursing services are planned keeping in mind the aim of providing adequate health services to the people in the community.

  • Community health nurse

Community health division

(A) prevention of premature death

(B) prevention of disease,illness & disability

(C) promotion & maintenance of health

(D) rehabilitation

Goal of community health nursing

To prepare the family and community to increase their capacity to resist various diseases and illnesses.

To support the professional who is trying to maintain health and to raise the level of health.

To control and eliminate as much as possible the factors that affect the physical and social environment that endanger the health of the person.

To contribute to the improvement of nursing practice and public health nursing.

Scope of community health nursing

Home care

Nursing home (private or govt)

MCH care

Family planning centre

School health programme

Community health services

Industrial nursing

Domicillary services

Mental health services


Geriatric nursing service

  • Principles of community health nursing

👉1. All members of the health team should be aware of their duty responsibility.
👉2. The health worker should be responsible to the authority.
👉3. Professional relationship and adequate essential public health should be provided.
👉4. Everyone who works with people can help in the health program.
👉5. Services should be available to all people regardless of age, sex, caste, etc. (even if they are different from nationality)
👉6. The health worker should maintain a non-political relationship with people.
👉7. Public health workers should not accept gifts or bribes from anyone.
👉8. Provide health services as per requirement.
👉9. Available facilities and services should be provided by individuals.
👉10. The scope of work for family and community health should be wide.
👉11. Teaching should be a part of health services.
👉12. Continued service is effective service Continuous repeated contact should be with the family, which is necessary for careful follow up and effective treatment and teaching can also be given where necessary, trust can also be won and through it health and habits can be improved.
👉13. Evaluation is very important for planning and to know progress.
👉14. Record and report are very important in public health service, so that what has been done and what is left can be known, as well as strong and weak points can also be known.
👉15. Public health nurse should be qualified so that she can provide effective nursing services.
👉16. Facilities for further pending.
👉17. The condition should be one that provides maximum satisfaction.

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