πa) Definitions: Community,
Community health, community
health nursing
πb) Concept of Health and disease,
dimensions and indicators of health,
Health determinants
πc) History & development of
Community Health in India& its
present concept.
πd) Primary health care, Millennium
Development Goals
πe) Promotion and maintenance of
Community is one of the most useful tools for improving people’s health services or providing care. Because information about the factors affecting health is obtained from the community itself, the health status of the people can be known and where the reach of health care services is not enough, community health can be provided by community health services, nurses and other health workers.
β¦ HEALTH – Health:-
. In 1948, W.H.O (World Health Organization) gave a definition of health, which is as follows.
“Health is a state in which a person is physically, mentally, socially and spiritually healthy and free from any disease or defect.”
As per WHO
“Health is a state or complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.”
However, health is a constantly changing process so maintaining this goal is very difficult. Health is common in most cultures. In fact, every community has a concept for their health, health is the fundamental and basic right of every person which has also been included in the constitution.
β¦ Community
Define Community :-
A community can be described as a group of persons who interact socially because of shared goals and interests (McEwen & Nies, 2019).
A community can be described as a group of individuals who interact socially because of shared goals and interests (McEwen & Nies, 2019).
(2) All the people who live in a particular place, area, etc. when considered as a group
All the people living in a particular place, area, etc. when considered as a group
(3) A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together in a larger society
Thus, a community means a society in which many groups of people live in a specific geographical area and provide for their basic needs. Such a group consists of women, men, youth, children etc. and they have different attitudes, different beliefs and religions, such a group is called a community.
β¦ Community Health :-
Community health is defined as the group of individuals living in a society who aims to maintain, protect and improve the health of the people. “Community Health” means the purpose of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of a group of persons living in a society.
Community health provides preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitation services.
π Define community health:-
“Community health focuses on the population as a whole and its populations with similar health concerns and characteristics. Overall community health means the health status of people, members of the community, their health and the care available in the community for problems affecting health. Community health is the treatment, prevention, is an organized form or preventive and health related services”.
π Define community health nursing:-
Community Health Nursing –
“Community health nursing is a synthesis of public health practice nursing applied to the promotion and preservation of people’s health. Community health nursing means providing health services to the sick and healthy in the community. Community Health Nursing The health status of the population in the community is determined by and guided by the assessment carried out.”
“Community health nursing is a field of nursing that combines the nursing practice of primary health care and public health nursing.”
A specialized field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public health and social assistance and several phases of the work as part of a total public health program to promote health, improve social and physical conditions, environment, illness and rehabilitation of disabilities.
Community Health Nursing:
This is a vast area of ββnursing practice and has a very close relationship with human well being. The aim is to maintain community health using defined public health measures. In which there is no limitation to give general and comprehensive treatment for a specific person or group of diseases, it has to be given continuously and it is a continuous process.
In this, nurses have the responsibility to serve the entire community, so nursing has developed towards providing health services to individual families, specific groups such as children, industrial workers in the community, in which nursing or family can be served at their homes, schools or workplaces. . In this way one has to understand his responsibility and act. E.g. Seeking political support to consolidate the polio immunization program and providing health education on a large scale and vaccinating children against polio.
Services provided in the community by the nursing profession is called community health nursing. In 1956, the I.N.C. Through this Subject’nursing, general nursing students are trained and informed about nursing services, nursing services are planned keeping in mind that the necessary health services of the people in the community are available in sufficient quantity.
π To enlist scope of community health nursing. (Enlist the scope of community health nursing.)
Scope of Community Health Nursing
Principal Vice Principal
_ Professor
School Health Nurse Occupational Health Nurse
Home Nursing _MCH & Family Planning Geriatric Nursing
Rehabilitation Nursing Health Education
Collaborator Manager
Research Coordinator Data Collector
District Public Health Nursing School Health Nurse
_Community Health Nurse
π To explain nurses responsibility in community health nursing.
To encourage the adoption of health belief attitudes and behaviors that contribute to the health of the overall population. To support health policy changes for the modification of the physical and social environment.
Encouraging the community to take responsibility for family and personal health. Initiate and participate in health promotion activities.
To reduce the risk of infectious disease outbreaks. To apply knowledge of disease processes and epidemiological principles.
Using appropriate technology for reporting and follow up. Helping Individuals and Families to Adopt Health Behaviors
Encouraging behavior modification. Individual and family work to maintain a safe environment.
Using health surveillance data and knowledge in FRIEND in daily work. Collecting and storing data.
__Contribute to population health assessment.
π To describe concept of health.
Concept of Health
In all communities the concept of health forms a part of their culture.
A very old meaning of health is “absence of disease”.
A change in the concept of health
The concept of health is not defined in the same way by different professional groups. Hence confusion develops about the concept of health. So following are the different concepts about health.
Bio medical concept
Ecological concept
Psychosocial Concepts
Holistic concept
Concept of Well Being
π To describe various changing concept of health
Bio medical concept
According to this concept health means “absence of diseases” if a person is free from diseases then he is considered a healthy person.
From the point of view of the medical profession, the human body is a machine. Diseases mean that the machine breaks down and the only job of the doctor is to repair the machine.
This concept has reduced the role of environment to social psychological and cultural determinants.
This concept does not address the main health problems like malnutrition, accidental drug abuse, mental diseases, chronic diseases, environmental pollution, population explosion, etc.
Ecological concept
This concept is according to the dynamic equilibrium between human and his environment and diseases are the disharmony of human organism with environment.
The concept of a good environment suggests that all fields of society are affected by health. Which are agriculture, animal husbandry, food, industry education, housing, public works and other fields.
Quality of Life:
It is concerned with personal feelings of satis faction, happiness and sadness about numerous problems of life thereby increasing the standard and quality of life to achieve the feeling of well-being.
π WHO-definition
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Another definition
The state of being healthy in body, mind, or spirit, especially free from physical disease or pain. (Webster).
The new philosophy of health is as follows.
Health is a fundamental human right.
Health is essential for a productive life.
Health is inter sectoral.
Health is an integral part of development.
Health is central to the concept of quality of life.
Health involves individual state and international responsibility.
Health and its maintenance is a major social investment. Health is a global social goal.
π Concept of well being:
Well being used in the definition of health is an important word. By which health can be managed. It includes standard of living, level of life.
Standard of living means the standard of living of a person can be done by per capita income. In which everything like income, occupation, housing standard, level of health, cars, recreation, services etc. is taken into account.
Level of Living means education occupation, working and housing condition, Social Security, dress all these things are included.
All the indicators mentioned above are important components of well being.
Quality of life’s indicators’s P,QL I P P= means Physical Q = means quality L = means Life I = means Index,
This indicator is suggested by WHLO, which is linked to three events
(1) I.MR = Infant Mortality Rate
(2) Life = Acceptance β .
(3) Literacy = Literacy
π Factors affecting in maintaining health:
(1) Balance diet
(2) Safe drinking water
(3) Good Housing
(4) Proper disposal of waste
(5) Socio economic condition
(6) Environment
(7) heredity
(8) Small Family
(9) Occupation
(10) Health and Family Welfare Services.
(11) Life Style.
WHO has defined health but not diseases becauseβ¦.
It has many shades ranging from symptomatic to dangerously manifest illness.
Some diseases occur acutely and some chronically.
Some DCs have a carrier state.
In some cases a single organism causes more than one disease. (Streptococcus).
And in some cases the same disease can be caused by more than one organism. (diarrhea)
Some DCs last for short and some for long time.
In some DCs, borderline features are unclear.
End points of diseases are variable such as disability or death of the host.
The term “disease” means “without ease” when something is wrong with body function.
π To define the disease
According to Webster’sβ¦
There is a condition in which the health of the body is impaired. A departure from a condition of health is a change in the human body that interferes with the performance of important work.
According to Oxford English Dictionaryβ¦
A condition of the body or some part or organ of the body in which its functions are disturbed or deformed.
Ecological point of viewβ¦.
Maladaptation of Human Organism with Environment.
Another definition..
Disease is the opposite of health i.e. any deviation from a state of common function or complete physical or mental health.
Disease means when the disease enters the organism body and succeeds in producing the disease, it is called disease. When the body is disturbed it is called illness. There are different theories for disease concept.
(1) Super Natural Theory :-
This theory talks about natural forces. In earlier times, diseases such as smallpox, smallpox, leprosy were believed to be caused by divine power, and were believed to be diseases caused by the sins of the previous age.
(2) Germ Theory:
It is believed that disease is caused by some type of insect (From 1895 to 1895, this theory was presented by a scientist named Pasteur, in which he stated that the disease is caused by the entry of any bacteria or micro organism into the body.
(3) Theory of Multiple Cause :
More than one reason is responsible for this disease. For example, if someone has tuberculosis, his economic status, etc., are the reasons behind it. Thus more than one cause is responsible.
π To enlist of dimension of health
Dimension of Health
Physical Dimension
Mental Dimension
The Social Dimension
The Spiritual Dimension
Emotional Dimension
Vocational Dimension
Another Dimension
π To describe various dimensions of health
Physical Dimension
Full functioning of the body is a sign of good physical health.
Good color
Healthy skin
Bright throughout
Lustrous hair with body and excess fat
A sweet breath
Good appetite
good sleep
Regular function of bowel and bladder
Smooth easy and coordinate body movement
All vitals are within normal range.
A good sign of a mentally healthy person
Well-adjusted, free from internal conflict
Accepting criticism and not getting upset easily. Inventor to identify himself
Strong sense of self-esteem Knows oneself (needs problems and goals)
Self-control is facing a good problem and trying to solve it intelligently.
Emotional Dimension
This is related to feeling.
To know the importance of indicators of health
(State the importance of indicators of health.)
Health is multidimensional. Dimension is affected by a number of factors.
Health is very complex so many indicators are used to measure health.
Measuring the health status of the community. To compare the health status of two communities or two nations.
To distribute health resources for assessment of health care needs.
To evaluate and monitor the health programme. To measure the extent to which the objectives and targets of the program are achieved.
π To enlist the health indicator
Mortality Indicator Morbidity Indicator
Disability Indicator
Nutritional Status Indicator
Health Care Delivery Indicators
Social and Mental Health Indicators
Environmental Indicators of Life Expectancy Birth Time
Utilization Rate Another Indicator
π To describe the health indicator.
1.Mortality indicator
Crude Death Rate Infant Mortality Rate
Maternal Mortality Rate Child Mortality Rate
Under 5 Mortality Rate Disease Specific Mortality
2 morbidity indicator
Includes incidence and prevalence of communicable and non-communicable diseases in the community.
4 Nutritional Status Indicators
Measurement of mid arm circumference, height, weight of Under 5.
Measurement of Weight Height of School Children. Prevalence of low birth weight (<2.5 kg).
8.Environmental indicator
Air pollution Water pollution Radiation Solid waste
Exposure to toxins in noisy food and drink
Utilization Services
It includes health services used by people
Infant Immunization Bed Occupancy Rate
_Bed turn over races
π To define health & health determinants
Determinants of Health:
That is, in which personal socioeconomic and environmental factors influence health status.
π To enlist important determinants of health
Determinants of health:
Environment determinants political system
Biological determinants Behavioral determinants
Socio economic determinants of health care delivery system determinants
π To explain health determinants
β² Environmental determinants:
The environment has a direct impact on the health of individuals, families and communities.
Both external and internal environmental factors influence our health.
Air, water, noise, radiation, housing, waste management etc. all affect health status and quality of life.
β² Political System:
The political system has a great impact on the social environment we live in. No health program can be implemented properly without strong political.
Socio-political environment, economic development, law and order, public health regulation and good level of performance.
β² Biological determinants:
Hereditary and genetic determinants affect physical and mental retardation, metabolic disorders, chromosomal abnormalities etc. which are of genetic origin. It is the nurse’s responsibility to provide proper genetic counseling to those at risk of being genetically impaired.
β² Behavioral determinants
Health is a mirror of a person’s lifestyle. Because defects and bad habits have an adverse effect on a person’s health.
Community health nurses must be aware of patient or individual behavior patterns to improve their health status.
Risk-taking behavior based on carelessness and misconceptions affects people’s health.
β² Socio Economic Determinants
Socio economic status has a major impact on the health status of any country. Education, economy, occupational opportunities, housing, nutritional level of per capita income etc. determine health care system and health resources.
β² Health or delivery system determinants
Health care delivery system plays a major role in the field of health. Equal distribution of facilities, overemphasis on acute care, availability of health personnel in rural areas, inadequate referral services, lack of resources etc. determine the health status of individual family and community.
π List all type of history.
Early History
3000 BC History=Environmental Sanitation 1400BC History= Aryans Inversion of Ayurveda Direct Medicine
Past Vedic Period History-
600 BC History Pramaacharya Pranl Visara
Rahul Sankirtayanas 650-1850 British India Civil Military Senis Royal Commission Sanitary Commission After Independence- Five Year Plan
_Various health preferences
π To explain each of the history
Early History
Individual Civilization (1300BC) Plans made up of cities and drainage both domestic and public (environmental sanitation).
1400BC=Invasion of Aryans Ayurveda and direct medicine came into existence. Manu Sahela = Personal Health Dietitian, Hygiene Rituals Rules and regulations for integration of physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
_Sarva jana sukhino bhavanto – May all people be free from disease and may all be healthy.
Post-Vedic Period (600BC -AD)
Hospital system for men, women and animals led by Rahul Sankityan, Principal of Medical Education Pranavishrama at Taxila and Nalanda University,
650 -1850 AD Arabic system of medicine Unani (Muslim regimes).
Due to political changes, medical education and medical services stagnated and ancient universities and hospitals disappeared.
π To explain history of British India
British India:
1757: The British established their rule, establishing the Civil and Military Services.
1825: The Quarantine Act is promulgated.
1859: A Royal Commission was appointed on the protection of water supplies, the construction of sewers and the prevention of epidemics of public health.
1864: Sanitary Commission appointed in Madras Bombay and Bengal.
1869: Appointed Public Health Commission and Statically Officer.
1875: Birth and Death Registration Rules promulgated.
1880: Secession Act is passed.
1881: An Indian factory is passed The first Indian census is taken.
1885: The Local Self Government Act was passed.
1888: Local bodies were directed to look after sanitation but no local public health staff was appointed.
1897: Epidemic Diseases Act.
1904: Plug report brief.
1909: Control Malaria Act Kaushal
1911: To promote the Indian Research Fund Association.
1912: Appointment of Sanitary Commission and Health Officers in India to help Government local bodies.
1918: Lady Reading Health School Delhi and Nutrition Research Laboratory Coonoor established.
1919: First step in decentralization of Health Administration Public Health Hygiene and Vital Statistics under the control of an elected minister.
1920-21: The Municipal City and Local Boards Act was passed.
1930: All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health Calcutta established and Marriage Restraint Act passed.
1931: Establishment of Maternity and Child Welfare Bureau.
1937: Central Admission Board of Health established.
1939: The Madras Public Health Act was passed. The first Rural Health Training Center was established.
1940: Drugs passed one.
1943: Bhor Committee appointed.
1946: The Bhor Committee submitted its report.
Public Health
Medical history
π explain after independence
1947: Establishment of Ministries of Health at the State and Centre
1948: The ESIESI Act was passed, linking India with the WHO.
1949: Constitution of India adopted.
1950: Planning Commission established.
1951: First Five Year Plan launched.
BCG vaccination program started.
1952: Primary Health Center established.
1953: Nationwide family program launched.
1954: Contributory Health Services Scheme launched at Delhi.
Central Social Welfare Board was established. National Water Supply and Sanitation Program was inaugurated.
1955: Training Center established by Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute.
The Hindu Marriage Act was passed.
1956: Launch of Second Five Year Plan and establishment of Central Health Education Bureau. Director f.p. Established a TB Chemotherapy Centre.
1957: An influenza pandemic swept the country. Demographic Research Center was established.
1958: National TB Survey completed Recommendation for Panchayat Raj.
1959: Mudaliyar Committee appointed Panchayat Raj for the first time in Rajasthan National TB Institute established.
1960: Pilot projects to eradicate smallpox were initiated.
1961: Third Five Year Program was launched National Smallpox Eradication Program was launched National Goiter Control Program was launched.
1963: Nutrition program launched. Drinking Water Board was established.
1966: Minister of Health was also appointed as Minister of Family Planning.
F.p. A separate section was started to establish a small family nomes.
1969: Fourth Five Year Plan launched. All India program started.
Birth and Death Registration Act came into force. Termination Pregnancy Bill passed.
1974: Fifth Five Year Plan launched. India became smallpox free. Amendment to India Factories Act, Three Tier Plan for Medical Care.
1980: Sixth Five Year Plan launched.
1985 – Seventh Five Year Plan launched.
discuss the development of health in India in ancient period
In ancient timesβ¦
Clean environment, planned cities, air, fire, water, space, earth were considered very important in Vedic culture. The importance of community health during that period is further justified by the presence of medical scientists for example Charaka and Sushruta “Nirogikaya”.
The University of Nalanda and Taxila have facilities for teaching medicine and the Unani Medical System has been accredited.
Explain development of health in India in British period.
During the British periodβ¦
The Royal Commission tried to find out the unsettled condition of the British soldier in India.
Florence Nightingale studied the public health situation in India and suggested preventive measures for it.
For that in 1918 Lady Reading Health School was established. Training of Lady Health Visitor (LHV).
All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health was established in 1930.
The Indian Red Cross Society established the Mother and Child Welfare Bureau in 1931.
The Drugs Act was passed in 1940.
Appointment of Bhor Committee or Health Survey Development Committee in 1943.
In 1946 Nursing Colleges were established in Delhi and Vellore.
π discuss development of health in post independence period
(Discuss the development of health in the post-independence period.)
In the post-independence eraβ¦
1947: Ministry of Health was established at both the Central and State levels because of the Health Concurrent List.
Appointment Rules Panel and Director of Health Services Center of Health Ministry at Central and State level.
With reference to the Indian Nursing Council.
1949: India became a member of the World Health Organization. Law passed on Employment State Insurance Scheme.
1950: Planning Commission formed.
π Describe development of health & nursing in five year plan
(Describe the development of health and nursing in the Five Year Plan.)
First 5 Year Plan (1951-1956)
Diploma Course in Community Health Nursing started by College of Nursing Delhi 1952 Central Council of Health formed. In 1953 the National Program on Malaria Central Smallpox Eradication and Family Planning Initiative, Filaria Central Program and Prevention of Food Adulteration were passed.
Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961)
1956 Central Bureau of Health Education was established.
National Malaria Irradiation Program launched National Tuberculosis Institute Bangalore established.
Third Five Year Plan (1961-1969)
Publication of Mudallier Committee, establishment of Central Family Welfare Institute, Smallpox eradication, Goiter Central, National School Health Program started, National Communicable Diseases in Delhi, Central Program in Trucks and Chadah Committee Report on Malaria Eradication were present in this period. Also published were Mukherjee Committee Report on Strategy for F.p. and (1967) Jangalwala Committee Report on Health Services.
Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-1973)
The National Minimum Need Program was Health Services and training in multi-purpose health was started based on the recommendations of the Kartar Singh Committee.
Fifth Five Year Plan (1974 – 1979)
Srivastava Committee report on providing three tier health services in rural areas was presented.
India was declared free from smallpox during this period.
Integrated Development Child Services (ICDS) was a ghost. National Health and Family Planning Institute and India adopted the “Health for All” concept. (Alma Declaration)
Sixth Five Year Plan (1880-1985)
Government of India’s Safe Drinking Water, Air Pollution Prevention Act and National Health Policy were also announced.
1983 .and Bhopal Gas Tragedy Register.(1984)
Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-1990)
World Bank launched Universal Immunization Program (1985) and Safe Motherwood Program National AIDS Central Program was launched.
Eighth Five Year Plan (1992-1997)
“Health for All” Government paid special attention to provide health services to poor society. Health education was given more facility.Child survival and safe motherhood program was started. The government started the Basic BSC (m) program three years ago.
Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002)
The Ninth 5 Year Plan aims to address the health needs of female adolescent children, improve the quality of services and increase coverage. The plan also seeks to increase male participation in paternity prevention and STD’s central to reproductive tract infections and HIV/AIDS. Increase in number of medical and nursing personnel gives special attention to growth of basic structure.
Information Education Communication (IEC) National and District Level Training and Trainer.
Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007)
Number of New Scheme Projects and Schemes by Planning Commission India.
Improving the health care system.
Developing Human Resource for Health. Using Ayush Service Better.
Prevention and management of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Strengthening production and supply of communicable diseases drugs.
Adequate Health Care Finance Quality Assurance Prioritize Medical Research etc.
Eleventh Five Year Plan (2004-2012)
Improvement of Primary Health Care System Swasthya Abhiyan Seva
Mental Health Care Elderly Care and Fertility Regulation
Increase the utilization of the indigenous (AYUSH) system of care for the disabled.
Effective implication of flagship (NRHM) programme.
Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017)
_Reduce IMR to 25
_Reduce MMR 1 and Child Sex Ratio 2:1.
_Decrease in nutrition to less than half of MFH-3 levels in children in the 0-3 age group
π Level of Health Care
Health services are generally organized at three levels. Each is supported by a higher level to which patients can be referred. The level is as follows.
(1) Primary health care.
(2) Secondary health care.
(3) Tertiary health care.
(1) Primary health care :
This is the first level between patient & health care system where essential health care is provided. Most of the health problems are solved at this level. This level is closest to people. This level is offered by PHC and its subcentres. (-cold, fever, s)
(2) Secondary health care:
At this level, care is given to patients with more problems. Essential curative care is provided at this level, and is provided by Community Health Centres. In this level health system
Works for First Referral Unit. Whata :- 1..c, Vine, gravely situated)
(3) Tertiary health care:
Super specialist care is provided at this level. This care is provided by regional or central level institutions. This institution not only provides highly specialist care, but also provides care and teaching by trained and specialized staff. This level solves the questions, if any, from the primary level.
π Primary Health Care:
In September 1978, the 30th World Health Assembly of WHO at Atma, an international conference organized under the joint efforts of WHO and UNICEF, clarified some fundamental and basic principles for the development of health care. and E.S. By 2000, the policy states that all citizens of the world should achieve a new level of health that will enable them to produce economically and lead socially useful lives, through a primary health approach. Presented, not only but to be achieved in the spirit of social justice. It is considered imperative that primary health care is the first contact with people, with individual families and national health for the community. In which health for people and health by people can be created. So cooperation of people is very necessary for health care health. Atma Arti’s conference in 1978 gave the following definition.
π Definition of Primary Health Care: Primary health care is very necessary health care. Primary health care is defined as primary health care, which can be provided practically and scientifically everywhere through the accepted methods and technology with the full cooperation of individuals, communities and society everywhere, and which can be afforded by the country.
π Elements OR Components) of Primary health care:
From 1981 onwards the following elements were identified for Primary Health Care as announced in this Act.
(1) Providing health education for control and prevention of health problems.
(2) To make people aware of getting enough food and nutrition. Providing adequate safe water supply and opportunities to learn about basic needs.
(3) Promoting family planning to maintain mother and child health.
(4) Immunization of children against communicable diseases.
(5) To control and prevent local endemic diseases,
(6) To provide proper and necessary treatment of common diseases and injuries.
(7) To make efforts to ensure that every person has access to adequate and necessary medicine for the family and society.
π Principle of Primary Health Care:
WHO’s expert committee has included 6 principles in its definition for primary health care in 1984. which is below.
(1) Everyone living in the community should have equal and adequate access to health services. Nia itral distimune
In which special attention should be given to the vulnerable person or group of children which is known as social justice.
Adequate number of doctors or nurses should be available to provide health There should be mandatory appointment of doctors and nurses in rural areas.
(2) Community health care is run by the people, for the people, so the community should be involved in its planning, implementation and maintenance.
(3) Technology used for health services should be appropriate. Use techniques appropriate to society. E.g. Ors. Therapy (oral rehydration therapy)
(4) Health Department cannot work alone. So social welfare, agriculture food, housing water purification, community, environmental protection, communication can be coordinated through TV, radio etc.
(6) Prevention & Prevention is better than cure
It is better to prevent a disease than to cure it. E.g. It is better to immunize a child to prevent it than to treat it after it has contracted Measuis or Polio:
π Role of Nursing in Primary Health Care:
In the meeting held in Geneva from 9 to 13 December in 1985, the role of nurse in primary health care was identified by WHO which is as follows.
(1) Nurse is a direct cure provider.
(2) Nurse is a teacher and education.
(3) Nurse as a supervisor and manager.
(4) Nurse as a researcher and evaluation.
(1) Nurse as a direct care provider :
In order to provide good primary health care, we as nurses need to develop a variety of skills that can be used in clinical and community settings.
(1) Nurse as a direct care provider :
In order to provide good primary health care, we as nurses need to develop a variety of skills that can be used both in the clinic and in the community. The services provided in this are antenatal care, post-antenatal care, delivery and neonatal care, care should be taken for the healthy living of the child. Which includes immunization, importance of breastfeeding, weaning etc. Everyone participates in the national program related to health. According to the principle of primary health care, more things should be covered and good quality care should be provided. Mind Manjiya Trinichi and Shrota Ni
(2) Nurse as a teacher and education:
Nurses should provide health education to individual families and communities to protect people’s health and prevent communicable diseases. Audiovisual aids should be used to teach this. Also provides training to health workers living under it like female health workers, multipurpose workers, student nurses etc.
(3) Nurse as a supervisor and manager:
If you want to provide primary health care, you have to take some kind of leadership.
In which the following health care staff have to be supervised. Also, health or services have to be planned together with other staff of the health team.
Community health services have to be organized and administered. For which the following matters are involved.
(1) Community’s health need access.
(2) To know the response of the community regarding the health need,
(3) Communicating with the community. (4) Planning the work,
(5) Organization.
(6) Implementation.
(4) Nurse as a researcher and evaluation :
Services provided in primary health care are related to the living person. So the nurse should also be dynamic for the services and should prepare himself in the role of researcher and evaluator to provide the services according to the improvements and new findings. This role involves analysis, monitoring, and delivery of health care and health services to the individual.