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BIO-SCIENCE Sample Paper (Answer)

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Sample Answer :-

Que-1 (c) Functions of Kidney Marks 04


Kidney is mainly responsible for urine formation.

Kidneys filter the blood and remove the waste products through urine.

The function of the kidney is to maintain the normal balance of electrolytes.

It works to maintain blood pH.

The body functions to remove waste products accumulated at the end of metabolism from the body.

Kidneys secrete a hormone called erythropoietin which plays a very important role in the production of RBCs.

Kidneys secrete a hormone called renin which plays a very important role in maintaining blood pressure.

Kidneys are responsible for maintaining water balance in the body.

Kidney prevents the elements that are needed in the body from leaving the body.

(b) Write the Functions of the heart.. 04 marks

Heart provides oxygenated blood supply to all organs and tissues of the body.

Heart is an important organ of the cardiovascular system. It functions as a vital organ without which the human body cannot survive.

The heart circulates the blood towards the lungs so that the blood can be oxygenated and purified.

Circulations like pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation are regulated by the heart.

The heart also regulates the heart rate according to the needs of the body and according to the body temperature.

The heart also regulates body temperature as it circulates blood to every part of the body.

As the heart pumps blood to the body’s excretory organs, the blood can be filtered and waste products removed from the blood.


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