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Health Committees in India & Their Alternate Names

Health CommitteeYearAlso Known AsKey Recommendations
Bhore Committee1946Health Survey & Development CommitteeUniversal Health Coverage (UHC), Three-Tier Health System (PHC, CHC, DH)
Mudaliar Committee1962Health Survey & Planning CommitteeSet norms for doctor-population ratio, specialist services
Chadha Committee1963National Malaria Eradication Programme (NMEP) Review CommitteeIntroduced Basic Health Workers (BHWs) for family planning
Mukherjee Committee1965Committee on Integration of Health ServicesRecommended integration of malaria services with PHCs
Jungalwalla Committee1967Committee on Integration of Health ServicesSuggested Unified Health Services under a single administration
Kartar Singh Committee1973Multipurpose Health Workers CommitteeSuggested Multipurpose Health Workers (MPHWs) at PHC level
Shrivastav Committee1975Group on Medical Education & Support ManpowerProposed Village Health Guides (VHGs)
Rural Health Scheme Committee1977Community Health Worker SchemeRecommended training Community Health Workers (CHWs)
ICSSR & ICMR Committee1980Committee on Social Determinants of HealthFocused on Public Health Research & Social Factors in Health
Bajaj Committee1986Committee on Medical EducationStrengthening Medical & Health Worker Training
Jain Committee1987Committee on Ayurveda in PHCsSuggested Integration of Ayurveda with PHC Services
Krishnan Committee1989Committee on Health Insurance for PoorRecommended Health Insurance Scheme for weaker sections
Ranjit Roy Chaudhury Committee2013Committee on Clinical Trials & EthicsSet Ethical Guidelines for Clinical Trials in India

βœ… Key Takeaways for Competitive Exams:

  • Bhore = Health Survey & Development Committee (First Major Health Plan in India).
  • Mudaliar = Health Survey & Planning Committee (Specialist Services, Doctor-Patient Ratio).
  • Shrivastav = Group on Medical Education (Village Health Guides).
  • Ranjit Roy Chaudhury = Clinical Trial Ethics Committee.

National Health Programs in India

πŸ”Ή The Government of India has launched various National Health Programs to tackle major health challenges such as communicable diseases, maternal and child health, nutrition, and non-communicable diseases.
πŸ”Ή These programs aim to improve public health, provide universal healthcare, and strengthen the health system.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • Focus areas: Disease control, maternal & child health, nutrition, sanitation, lifestyle diseases.
  • Implemented by: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW).

2. List of Major National Health Programs in India

Program NameYear LaunchedObjective
National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP)1962 (Revised in 2020)Eliminate TB by 2025, Free diagnosis & treatment.
National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP)1983Early detection & treatment of Leprosy (Hansen’s disease).
National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP)2003Control Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis, Kala-azar.
Revised National Polio Eradication Program1995Eradicate Polio through Universal Immunization.
National AIDS Control Program (NACP)1992Reduce HIV/AIDS transmission, Free ART (Antiretroviral Therapy).
Universal Immunization Program (UIP)1985Free vaccines for preventable diseases (DPT, MMR, Hepatitis B, Polio, etc.).
National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB)1976Reduce blindness prevalence through cataract surgery & eye care.
National Mental Health Program (NMHP)1982Community-based mental healthcare services.
National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Program (NIDDCP)1992Prevent goiter, hypothyroidism through Iodized Salt.
Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)2005Cash incentives for institutional deliveries to reduce MMR & IMR.
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)2013Screening for 4Ds (Defects at Birth, Diseases, Deficiencies, Disabilities) in children.
Ayushman Bharat – PM Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY)2018Free health insurance up to β‚Ή5 Lakh for poor families.
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)2014Adolescent health, Nutrition, Menstrual Hygiene, Sexual Education.
National Program for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS)2010Control of NCDs (Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Stroke).
Poshan Abhiyan (National Nutrition Mission)2018Reduce malnutrition, anemia, low birth weight among women & children.
Indradhanush Mission2014Boost Immunization in underserved areas.
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY)2017Maternity benefit scheme – β‚Ή5,000 financial aid to pregnant women.
National Oral Health Program (NOHP)2014Improve oral health & dental care.
National Health Mission (NHM)2013Strengthen healthcare services in rural & urban areas.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • NTEP = TB elimination by 2025.
  • JSY & PMMVY = Maternal health programs.
  • NPCDCS = Controls NCDs (Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Stroke).
  • Ayushman Bharat = Free β‚Ή5 Lakh health insurance.

3. Quick Revision

CategoryHealth Programs
Communicable DiseasesNTEP (TB), NLEP (Leprosy), NVBDCP (Vector Diseases), NACP (HIV/AIDS), UIP (Immunization), Polio Eradication
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)NPCDCS (Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke), NMHP (Mental Health), NOHP (Oral Health), NPCB (Blindness)
Maternal & Child HealthJSY (Safe Delivery), PMMVY (Maternity Benefits), RBSK (Child Health), RKSK (Adolescent Health), Poshan Abhiyan (Nutrition)
Health InsuranceAyushman Bharat – PM-JAY (β‚Ή5 Lakh Health Insurance)
Public Health & NutritionNIDDCP (Iodine Deficiency), NHM (Rural & Urban Health), Poshan Abhiyan (Nutrition)

4. Key Takeaways for Competitive Exams

βœ… TB Elimination = NTEP (Target: 2025).
βœ… Polio Eradication = UIP (Universal Immunization Program).
βœ… Maternal & Child Health = JSY (Institutional Delivery), PMMVY (Financial Aid to Pregnant Women).
βœ… Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease = NPCDCS (Non-Communicable Diseases Program).
βœ… Ayushman Bharat = β‚Ή5 Lakh Free Health Insurance for Poor Families.

Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana: Cashless medical treatment for BPL families up to β‚Ή3 lakh.

Khilkhilat Scheme: Safe postnatal transportation for mothers and newborns.Doodh Sanjeevani Yojana: Fortified milk distribution to combat child malnutrition in tribal areas.

Chiranjeevi Yojana: Free institutional deliveries to reduce maternal and infant mortality.

1. Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Program

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 1997
πŸ”Ή Objective: To reduce maternal, newborn, and child mortality & morbidity and promote reproductive health.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Family planning & contraceptive services.
  • Safe motherhood (Antenatal & Postnatal care).
  • Immunization for newborns.
  • Prevention & management of reproductive tract infections (RTIs) & sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • RCH is part of NHM (National Health Mission).
  • Safe motherhood, Family planning, Child health are core areas.

2. Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 2004
πŸ”Ή Objective: Early detection, prevention, and control of outbreaks of communicable & non-communicable diseases.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Real-time disease monitoring via IDSP portal.
  • Early warning system for epidemics (Dengue, Malaria, COVID-19).
  • Community-level disease surveillance units at district & state levels.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • Monitors communicable & non-communicable diseases.
  • Uses laboratory surveillance & real-time reporting.

3. Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) Program

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 2013
πŸ”Ή Objective: Holistic approach to reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Covers Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postnatal & Newborn Care.
  • Focus on Adolescent Health (Menstrual hygiene, Anemia prevention, Sexual education).
  • Convergence of services with Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), National Iron Plus Initiative (NIPI), and Family Planning programs.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • RMNCH+A integrates services across all life stages.
  • Focuses on Women’s Health, Child Nutrition, and Adolescent Health.

4. Micro-Nutrient Supplementation Program (MNP)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 1991 (Part of National Nutrition Policy)
πŸ”Ή Objective: Prevent micronutrient deficiencies (Iron, Vitamin A, Iodine, Zinc).

βœ… Key Features:

  • Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Supplementation for pregnant women & adolescents.
  • Vitamin A supplementation to prevent night blindness in children.
  • Iodized salt promotion for goiter prevention.
  • Deworming campaigns to improve nutrient absorption.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • MNP prevents anemia, night blindness, goiter, and malnutrition.
  • Closely linked to ICDS & Poshan Abhiyan.

5. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 1975
πŸ”Ή Objective: Improve child nutrition, early childhood care & maternal health.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Services provided through Anganwadi Centers.
  • Supplementary nutrition for children <6 years & pregnant/lactating mothers.
  • Immunization, health check-ups, and referral services.
  • Preschool education for children 3–6 years.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • ICDS is India’s largest child development program.
  • Provides Nutrition, Healthcare, Preschool education.

6. National Mental Health Program (NMHP)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 1982
πŸ”Ή Objective: Provide mental health services at all healthcare levels and reduce stigma.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Integration of mental health with primary healthcare.
  • District Mental Health Program (DMHP) for decentralized services.
  • Training of healthcare professionals to diagnose & treat mental illnesses.
  • Suicide prevention & stress management programs.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • NMHP integrates mental health into PHC services.
  • District Mental Health Program (DMHP) strengthens decentralized care.

7. Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 1997
πŸ”Ή Objective: Provide financial assistance for poor patients undergoing treatment for life-threatening diseases.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Financial support for BPL families for critical illnesses.
  • Covers diseases like cancer, renal failure, cardiac surgeries, neurological disorders.
  • Funds are provided through State Illness Assistance Funds (SIAF).

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • RAN supports BPL patients for expensive medical treatments.
  • Implemented through State & Central Funds.

8. National Program for Healthcare of the Elderly (NPHCE)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 2010
πŸ”Ή Objective: Comprehensive healthcare for senior citizens (60+ years).

βœ… Key Features:

  • Geriatric OPD & Special Clinics in district hospitals.
  • Home-based care & physiotherapy for bedridden elderly.
  • Training of healthcare professionals in geriatric care.
  • Linked with Ayushman Bharat for free treatment.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • NPHCE focuses on elderly healthcare & geriatric services.
  • Provides home-based care & physiotherapy.

9. National Program for Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH)

πŸ”Ή Launch Year: 2018
πŸ”Ή Objective: Address health issues arising due to climate change.

βœ… Key Features:

  • Research on climate-sensitive diseases (Heatstroke, Vector-borne diseases).
  • Development of Climate-Resilient Healthcare Infrastructure.
  • Capacity building for health workers on climate change impact.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • NPCCHH addresses health threats due to environmental changes.
  • Focuses on heatwaves, floods, and air pollution-related diseases.

10. Quick Revision

Program NameObjectiveKey Focus Areas
RCH (1997)Improve maternal & child healthFamily planning, Antenatal care, Immunization
IDSP (2004)Disease surveillanceEarly detection, outbreak control
RMNCH+A (2013)Comprehensive reproductive & child healthPregnancy, Newborn, Adolescent care
MNP (1991)Prevent micronutrient deficiencyVitamin A, Iodine, Iron, Deworming
ICDS (1975)Child & maternal nutritionAnganwadi services, Preschool education
NMHP (1982)Improve mental health servicesDistrict Mental Health Program, Suicide Prevention
Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (1997)Financial aid for critical illnessSupport for BPL families (Cancer, Kidney Failure)
NPHCE (2010)Healthcare for elderlyGeriatric care, Home-based services
NPCCHH (2018)Address climate change health impactHeatwaves, Air pollution, Vector-borne diseases

Key Takeaways for Exams:

βœ… RCH & RMNCH+A focus on maternal & child health.
βœ… IDSP is for disease surveillance & epidemic control.
βœ… ICDS provides nutrition, healthcare & preschool education.
βœ… NMHP ensures mental health services at all levels.
βœ… NPHCE provides geriatric care for elderly citizens.
βœ… NPCCHH deals with climate change & health effects

School Health Programme (SHP)

πŸ”Ή The School Health Programme (SHP) is a comprehensive initiative aimed at promoting and protecting the health of school children through preventive, promotive, and curative healthcare services.
πŸ”Ή It was initially introduced under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and later integrated into Ayushman Bharat as part of the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK).

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • Ensures school children’s health, nutrition, and hygiene.
  • Integrated with Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) & Ayushman Bharat.

2. Objectives of the School Health Programme

πŸ”Ή Acronym: “HEALTH” (Health, Education, Awareness, Lifestyle, Treatment, Hygiene)

H – Health PromotionPromotes healthy habits and lifestyle changes in school children.
E – Early Detection & TreatmentScreening for anemia, vision defects, hearing loss, malnutrition, dental problems, and learning disabilities.
A – Awareness & Life SkillsEducating students on nutrition, personal hygiene, mental health, substance abuse prevention, and reproductive health.
L – Lifestyle & Physical ActivityEncourages sports, yoga, and an active lifestyle.
T – Treatment & Referral ServicesProvides free treatment and referrals for detected health conditions.
H – Hygiene & SanitationPromotes safe drinking water, menstrual hygiene, handwashing practices, and sanitation in schools.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • Focuses on Prevention, Treatment, Awareness, and Hygiene.
  • Includes screening, counseling, and referrals for treatment.

3. Key Components of the School Health Programme

πŸ”Ή Acronym: “SHAPE” (Screening, Health Promotion, Awareness, Preventive Services, Emergency Care)

ComponentKey Features
1. Screening & Early InterventionRegular health check-ups for students (vision, hearing, anemia, malnutrition, dental health, learning disorders).
2. Health Promotion ActivitiesNutritional education, mental health awareness, physical activity sessions, yoga, and stress management.
3. Awareness on Common Health IssuesMenstrual hygiene, personal hygiene, substance abuse prevention, reproductive health, and safe sanitation.
4. Preventive Health ServicesImmunization, deworming, iron & folic acid supplementation, and adolescent health education.
5. Emergency & Referral ServicesFirst-aid training, school health emergency response, referral of serious cases to higher health facilities.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • SHAPE = Screening + Awareness + Preventive + Health Promotion + Emergency Care.
  • Covers mental, physical & nutritional health.

4. Implementation of the School Health Programme under Ayushman Bharat

πŸ”Ή Under Ayushman Bharat, SHP is implemented as a joint initiative of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) and the Ministry of Education.
πŸ”Ή The program is led by trained School Health Ambassadors (teachers) and supported by Primary Health Centers (PHCs) & Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) teams.

βœ… Key Activities:

  • Annual Health Screening (Under RBSK).
  • Biannual De-worming Drive (National Deworming Day – NDD).
  • Weekly Iron-Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS).
  • Mental health awareness & counseling sessions.
  • COVID-19 awareness & vaccination initiatives.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • SHP is part of Ayushman Bharat & linked with RBSK.
  • Implemented by School Health Ambassadors & PHCs.

5. Beneficiaries of the School Health Programme

πŸ”Ή The program targets:
βœ… Students in government & government-aided schools (Ages 5-18 years).
βœ… Adolescents under Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK).
βœ… Teachers & parents through health education.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • Covers school children (5-18 years) & adolescents.
  • Teachers act as Health Ambassadors.

6. Challenges in Implementation of SHP

πŸ”Ή Acronym: “LITE” (Lack, Inadequacy, Training, Engagement)

L – Lack of InfrastructureInadequate medical facilities, lack of separate toilets, and poor school hygiene.
I – Inadequate Health WorkersShortage of school health professionals, nurses, and counselors.
T – Training GapsNeed for better training for school health ambassadors and teachers.
E – Engagement IssuesLow parental & teacher participation, cultural taboos regarding adolescent health.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • Major issues: Lack of doctors, poor facilities, low awareness.
  • Needs better training & school-health collaboration.

7. Key Related Initiatives

πŸ”Ή Integrated with other health programs:

InitiativeFocus Area
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)School health screening, free treatment.
National Deworming Day (NDD)Deworming tablets to schoolchildren.
Weekly Iron & Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS)Prevention of anemia.
Swachh Bharat – Swachh VidyalayaSchool hygiene, safe drinking water.
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)Adolescent health, menstrual hygiene.

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • SHP is linked to RBSK, WIFS, NDD & Swachh Bharat.
  • Focus on hygiene, nutrition & adolescent health.

8. Quick Revision

AspectKey Points
ObjectiveImprove health & well-being of schoolchildren
Implemented ByMoHFW & Ministry of Education
Key Components (SHAPE)Screening, Health Promotion, Awareness, Preventive Services, Emergency Care
Target GroupSchool children (5-18 years), Teachers, Parents
Linked ProgramsRBSK, NDD, WIFS, Swachh Bharat, RKSK
Challenges (LITE)Lack of infra, Inadequate health workers, Training gaps, Engagement issues

9. Key

βœ… School Health Programme (SHP) is under Ayushman Bharat.
βœ… Implemented by Health & Education Ministries with School Health Ambassadors.
βœ… Covers Screening, Nutrition, Hygiene, Immunization & Mental Health.
βœ… Linked with RBSK, NDD, WIFS & Swachh Bharat.
βœ… Focus on Early Detection, Health Awareness & Preventive Care.

International & National Health Agencies

1. International Health Agencies

πŸ”Ή These agencies work globally to improve public health, prevent diseases, and strengthen healthcare systems.

AgencyFull FormEstablished YearHeadquartersKey Functions
WHOWorld Health Organization1948Geneva, SwitzerlandGlobal health policies, Disease eradication, Public health research
UNICEFUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund1946New York, USAChild nutrition, Immunization, Water & sanitation
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization1945Rome, ItalyFood security, Nutrition programs, Agriculture research
UNFPAUnited Nations Population Fund1969New York, USAFamily planning, Maternal health, Gender equality
ILOInternational Labour Organization1919Geneva, SwitzerlandWorker safety, Occupational health, Social security
World Bank1944Washington, D.C., USAHealthcare funding, Disease control projects
Red Cross (ICRC & IFRC)International Committee of the Red Cross & International Federation of Red Cross1863Geneva, SwitzerlandHumanitarian aid, Disaster relief, First-aid services
GAVIGlobal Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization2000Geneva, SwitzerlandImmunization programs, Vaccine distribution
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention1946Atlanta, USADisease surveillance, Epidemic control
WFPWorld Food Programme1961Rome, ItalyEmergency food aid, Nutrition improvement

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • WHO = Global health leader (Founded in 1948, HQ in Geneva).
  • UNICEF = Child health & immunization (HQ in New York).
  • FAO = Food & nutrition security (HQ in Rome).
  • ILO = Occupational health & worker safety.

2. National Health Agencies

πŸ”Ή These agencies are responsible for implementing health policies, disease control programs, and healthcare system development in India.

AgencyFull FormEstablished YearHeadquartersKey Functions
MoHFWMinistry of Health & Family Welfare1947New DelhiPolicy-making, National health programs, Disease control
ICMRIndian Council of Medical Research1911New DelhiMedical research, Epidemiological studies
NACONational AIDS Control Organization1992New DelhiHIV/AIDS control, ART treatment, Awareness programs
FSSAIFood Safety and Standards Authority of India2006New DelhiFood safety, Regulation of food products
NCDCNational Centre for Disease Control1963New DelhiDisease surveillance, Outbreak control
AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Sciences1956New DelhiMedical education, Super-specialty healthcare
NHMNational Health Mission2013New DelhiStrengthening PHCs, CHCs, Maternal & child health
ESICEmployees’ State Insurance Corporation1952New DelhiHealthcare for workers, Occupational health
RNTCP (Now NTEP)Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (Now National TB Elimination Program)1997New DelhiTB control, DOTS strategy
CGHSCentral Government Health Scheme1954New DelhiHealthcare services for central government employees
PMJAYPradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (Under Ayushman Bharat)2018New Delhiβ‚Ή5 lakh free health insurance for poor families
CDSCOCentral Drugs Standard Control Organization1940New DelhiRegulation of drugs, vaccines, and medical devices
NIMHANSNational Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences1974BengaluruMental health research, Psychiatry training
RCIRehabilitation Council of India1992New DelhiRehabilitation for disabled persons
INCLENInternational Clinical Epidemiology Network (India Chapter)1979New DelhiClinical research, Epidemiology studies

βœ… Key for Exams:

  • ICMR = Medical research & disease studies (Founded in 1911, HQ in New Delhi).
  • NACO = HIV/AIDS control & ART treatment.
  • FSSAI = Food safety & nutrition regulations.
  • NCDC = Epidemic control & disease surveillance.
  • NHM = Strengthening PHCs & CHCs for universal health coverage.

3. Quick Revision

CategoryInternational AgencyNational Agency (India)
General Health PolicyWHO (World Health Organization)MoHFW (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
Child & Maternal HealthUNICEF, UNFPANHM, RCH, RBSK
Food & NutritionFAO, WFPFSSAI, Poshan Abhiyan
Disease SurveillanceCDC, GAVINCDC, IDSP
Medical ResearchWHO, ICMRICMR, AIIMS
Drug RegulationFDA (USA), WHO GMPCDSCO
Mental HealthWHO (Mental Health Division)NIMHANS
Epidemic & TB ControlWHO (STOP TB Partnership)RNTCP/NTEP

4. Key

βœ… WHO (HQ: Geneva) = Global health leader, founded in 1948.
βœ… UNICEF (HQ: New York) = Child health & immunization.
βœ… ICMR (HQ: New Delhi) = India’s top medical research body.
βœ… NCDC (HQ: New Delhi) = India’s center for disease surveillance.
βœ… NHM = Strengthens India’s healthcare infrastructure.
βœ… CDSCO = Regulates drugs & vaccines in India.

he World Health Organization (WHO) selects a specific theme each year for World Health Day, observed on April 7th, to highlight pressing global health issues.

  • 2024:My Health, My Right
    • This theme emphasizes the fundamental human right to access quality health services, education, safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, and freedom from discrimination.
  • 2023:Health For All
    • In 2023, WHO focused on the goal of achieving universal health coverage, ensuring that everyone, everywhere, can access essential health services without financial hardship.
  • 2022:Our Planet, Our Health
    • This theme highlighted the interconnection between the planet’s health and human health, urging global action to address environmental issues impacting well-being.
  • 2021:Building a Fairer, Healthier World
    • WHO emphasized the need to eliminate health inequities and promote fairness, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed and exacerbated health disparities.
  • 2020:Support Nurses and Midwives
    • Recognizing the critical role of nurses and midwives in healthcare systems worldwide, this theme called for increased support and investment in the nursing and midwifery workforce.

Important Full Forms in Community Health Nursing

1. General Health & Nursing Organizations

AcronymFull Form
WHOWorld Health Organization
UNICEFUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
ICMRIndian Council of Medical Research
MoHFWMinistry of Health and Family Welfare
NHMNational Health Mission
AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Sciences
NCDCNational Centre for Disease Control
FSSAIFood Safety and Standards Authority of India
NACONational AIDS Control Organization
CGHSCentral Government Health Scheme
ESICEmployees’ State Insurance Corporation

2. Maternal & Child Health

AcronymFull Form
RCHReproductive and Child Health
RMNCH+AReproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health
JSYJanani Suraksha Yojana
JSSKJanani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
PMMVYPradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
RBSKRashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram
ICDSIntegrated Child Development Services
RKSKRashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram
WIFSWeekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation
NDDNational Deworming Day

3. Communicable & Non-Communicable Disease Control

AcronymFull Form
NTEPNational Tuberculosis Elimination Program (Previously RNTCP)
NLEPNational Leprosy Eradication Program
NVBDCPNational Vector Borne Disease Control Program
IDSPIntegrated Disease Surveillance Program
NACPNational AIDS Control Program
NPCDCSNational Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke
NMHPNational Mental Health Program
NOHPNational Oral Health Program
NPCBVINational Program for Control of Blindness & Visual Impairment
NPHCENational Program for Health Care of the Elderly

4. Nutrition & Public Health

AcronymFull Form
MNPMicro-Nutrient Supplementation Program
NNMNational Nutrition Mission (Poshan Abhiyan)
NIDDCPNational Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Program
ICDSIntegrated Child Development Services
FFSFortified Food Supplementation

5. Health Insurance & Financial Assistance

AcronymFull Form
PMJAYPradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
RANRashtriya Arogya Nidhi
MA YojanaMukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana (Gujarat)
CMCHISChief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (Tamil Nadu)

6. Occupational & Environmental Health

AcronymFull Form
ESISEmployees’ State Insurance Scheme
ILOInternational Labour Organization
NPCCHHNational Program for Climate Change and Human Health
CPCBCentral Pollution Control Board

7. Important Community Health Terms & Abbreviations

AcronymFull Form
PHCPrimary Health Centre
CHCCommunity Health Centre
ANMAuxiliary Nurse Midwife
ASHAAccredited Social Health Activist
AWWAnganwadi Worker
VHNVillage Health Nurse
LHVLady Health Visitor
HWCHealth & Wellness Centre
BCCBehaviour Change Communication
IECInformation, Education, and Communication
IMRInfant Mortality Rate
MMRMaternal Mortality Rate
CBRCrude Birth Rate
CDRCrude Death Rate
TFRTotal Fertility Rate
DALYDisability Adjusted Life Years
QALYQuality Adjusted Life Years

8. Health Surveys & Reports

AcronymFull Form
NFHSNational Family Health Survey
SRSSample Registration System
DLHSDistrict Level Household Survey
AHSAnnual Health Survey

9. Immunization & Disease Prevention

AcronymFull Form
UIPUniversal Immunization Program
NISNational Immunization Schedule
BCGBacillus Calmette–GuΓ©rin (TB Vaccine)
OPVOral Polio Vaccine
IPVInactivated Polio Vaccine
MR VaccineMeasles-Rubella Vaccine
JE VaccineJapanese Encephalitis Vaccine

10. Emergency & Disaster Response

AcronymFull Form
NDMANational Disaster Management Authority
SDRFState Disaster Response Force
NDRFNational Disaster Response Force
CREDCentre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster

Categorized as Uncategorised