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UNIT 2 Maternal, Fetal & Newborn physiology:



βœ… Primary Reproductive Organs (Gonads): Testes

  • Structure: Paired, oval-shaped organs located in the scrotum.
  • Function: Produce sperm (spermatogenesis) and the hormone testosterone.

βœ… Secondary Ducts

  1. Epididymis – Site of sperm maturation and storage.
  2. Vas deferens – Transports sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct.
  3. Ejaculatory ducts – Receive sperm from vas deferens and secretions from seminal vesicles.
  4. Urethra – Final passage for sperm through penis (also part of urinary system).

βœ… Accessory Glands

  1. Seminal vesicles – Produce alkaline fluid rich in fructose (energy source for sperm).
  2. Prostate gland – Secretes fluid that enhances sperm motility.
  3. Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands – Produce lubricating mucus during arousal.

βœ… External Genitalia

  • Penis – Organ of copulation; delivers sperm into female tract.
  • Scrotum – Sac that regulates testicular temperature for optimal sperm production.


βœ… Primary Reproductive Organs (Gonads): Ovaries

  • Structure: Paired almond-shaped organs in the pelvic cavity.
  • Function:
    • Oogenesis: Production of ova (eggs).
    • Secrete hormones: Estrogen and Progesterone.

βœ… Internal Ducts

  1. Fallopian Tubes (Uterine Tubes)
    • Site of fertilization.
    • Transport ovum from ovary to uterus via fimbriae and cilia.
  2. Uterus
    • Hollow, muscular organ where fertilized egg implants and develops.
    • Layers:
      • Endometrium – inner lining (shed during menstruation).
      • Myometrium – muscular middle layer.
      • Perimetrium – outer serosal layer.
  3. Cervix – Narrow opening between uterus and vagina.
  4. Vagina – Muscular canal; receives penis and serves as birth canal.

βœ… External Genitalia (Vulva)

  • Includes mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, urethral and vaginal openings.
  • Collectively called vulva.

βœ… Mammary Glands (Breasts)

  • Secondary sexual organs.
  • Function: Milk production after childbirth (lactation), under hormonal control (prolactin and oxytocin).


πŸ”„ 1. Ovulation

  • Mature ovarian follicle releases an ovum into the fallopian tube around day 14 of a 28-day cycle.
  • Triggered by LH surge.

🧬 2. Fertilization

  • Occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.
  • Sperm penetrates ovum β†’ forms zygote (diploid, 46 chromosomes).

πŸ”„ 3. Cleavage & Blastocyst Formation

  • Zygote divides (cleavage) while moving toward the uterus.
  • By day 5–6, it becomes a blastocyst, ready for implantation.

🩸 4. Implantation

  • Blastocyst implants into the endometrial lining of uterus (~day 6–10 post-fertilization).
  • Secretes hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to maintain corpus luteum and progesterone.


GnRHFrom hypothalamus; stimulates FSH & LH from pituitary.
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)Stimulates follicle development (females); spermatogenesis (males).
LH (Luteinizing Hormone)Triggers ovulation (females); testosterone production (males).
EstrogenBuilds endometrium; secondary female sex characteristics.
ProgesteroneMaintains pregnancy; prepares endometrium.
TestosteroneDevelops male reproductive tissues and features.


πŸ”Ή1. OVARIES (Primary Sex Organs)

  • Structure: Pair of small, almond-shaped glands located on either side of the uterus.
  • Functions:
    • Oogenesis: Production of ova (eggs).
    • Hormone secretion: Estrogen and Progesterone – regulate menstrual cycle, secondary sex characteristics, and pregnancy.

πŸ”Ή2. FALLOPIAN TUBES (Uterine Tubes / Oviducts)

  • Parts: Fimbriae, Infundibulum, Ampulla, Isthmus.
  • Functions:
    • Capture released ovum with fimbriae.
    • Site of fertilization (in ampulla).
    • Transport zygote to uterus.


  • Structure: Hollow, muscular organ in pelvic cavity; shaped like an inverted pear.
  • Regions: Fundus, Body, Cervix.
  • Wall layers:
    • Endometrium – inner mucous membrane (shed during menstruation).
    • Myometrium – thick muscular layer (contracts during labor).
    • Perimetrium – outer layer.
  • Functions:
    • Site of implantation of fertilized ovum.
    • Supports fetal development.
    • Contracts during childbirth.


  • Structure: Narrow, cylindrical portion at the lower end of the uterus.
  • Functions:
    • Secretes cervical mucus (changes with menstrual cycle).
    • Dilates during labor for passage of fetus.
    • Barrier against pathogens.


  • Structure: Muscular canal extending from cervix to the vulva.
  • Functions:
    • Receives penis during intercourse.
    • Passage for menstrual flow and childbirth.
    • Acidic environment provides protection from infections.


  • Includes:
    • Mons pubis – fatty tissue over pubic bone.
    • Labia majora & minora – folds of skin protecting vaginal opening.
    • Clitoris – erectile tissue (sensitive to stimulation).
    • Vestibule – contains openings of urethra and vagina.
  • Functions: Protection, sensation, lubrication.


  • Function:
    • Lactation – milk production under influence of prolactin.
    • Milk ejection via oxytocin.
    • Secondary sexual characteristic.

🧠 Quick Clinical Relevance

  • Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and cervical cancer are common gynecological concerns.
  • Pap smear is used to screen for cervical cancer.
  • Tubal ligation (female sterilization) blocks fallopian tubes to prevent conception.



The bony pelvis is made up of 4 bones:

πŸ”Ή Two Hip Bones (Innominate bones) – one on each side

Each hip bone is formed by the fusion of:

  • Ilium (upper part)
  • Ischium (posterior-inferior part)
  • Pubis (anterior-inferior part)

πŸ”Ή Sacrum

  • Triangular bone formed by the fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae.
  • Curved, forming the posterior wall of the pelvis.

πŸ”Ή Coccyx

  • Small bone formed by the fusion of 4 rudimentary vertebrae.
  • Articulates with the sacrum at the sacrococcygeal joint.


These are amphiarthrodial (slightly movable) joints:

  1. Sacroiliac Joints (2) – Between sacrum and ilium.
  2. Symphysis Pubis – Between the two pubic bones.
  3. Sacrococcygeal Joint – Between sacrum and coccyx.

πŸ” During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin softens these joints to facilitate childbirth.


πŸ”Έ Major Ligaments:

  • Sacroiliac ligament – Stabilizes sacroiliac joint.
  • Sacrotuberous ligament – From sacrum to ischial tuberosity.
  • Sacrospinous ligament – From sacrum to ischial spine (forms greater and lesser sciatic foramina).
  • Iliolumbar ligament – From ilium to lumbar vertebrae.
  • Inguinal ligament – From anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to pubic tubercle.
  • Round ligament – Supports the uterus.
  • Broad ligament – Peritoneal fold that supports uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.


The pelvis is divided into three obstetrical planes:

🟩 a) Pelvic Inlet (Brim)

  • Imaginary line separating false pelvis (above) and true pelvis (below).
  • Bounded by:
    • Sacral promontory, ala of sacrum, iliopectineal lines, pubic crest, upper margin of symphysis pubis.

🟨 b) Pelvic Cavity (Mid-pelvis)

  • Space between the inlet and outlet.
  • Bounded by:
    • Sacrum, ischial spines, pubic bones.
  • Most important for mechanism of labor.

🟦 c) Pelvic Outlet

  • Diamond-shaped area.
  • Bounded by:
    • Tip of coccyx, ischial tuberosities, inferior pubic arch.

βœ… 5. DIAMETERS OF THE FEMALE PELVIS (Important in Obstetrics)

πŸ”Ή A. Pelvic Inlet:

Anteroposterior (True Conjugate)11 cm
Obstetric Conjugate10.5 cm
Diagonal Conjugate12.5–13 cm (measured clinically)
Transverse Diameter13 cm
Oblique Diameter12 cm

πŸ” Obstetric conjugate is critical for vaginal delivery.

πŸ”Ή B. Mid-Pelvis:

AP diameter12 cm
Transverse (between ischial spines)10.5 cm

πŸ”Ή C. Pelvic Outlet:

AP diameter13 cm
Transverse (between ischial tuberosities)11 cm


  • Sacral Promontory – Upper part of sacrum; landmark for measuring conjugates.
  • Ischial Spines – Mid-pelvis landmark; station of fetal head is assessed relative to them.
  • Ischial Tuberosities – Define transverse diameter of pelvic outlet.
  • Pubic Symphysis – Anterior junction; reference point in labor.
  • Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) – Surface landmark for measurements.


  • The pelvic brim is not horizontal; it is inclined forward and downward.
  • Forms an angle of approximately 55Β° with the horizontal plane in standing posture.

βœ… 8. TYPES OF FEMALE PELVIS (Caldwell-Moloy Classification)

TypeFeaturesSuitability for Vaginal Delivery
GynecoidRound brim, wide outletMost favorable
AndroidHeart-shaped brim, narrowOften difficult
AnthropoidOval brim (AP > transverse)Favorable
PlatypelloidFlat brim (transverse > AP)May hinder labor


  • The female pelvis is broader and shallower than the male pelvis.
  • It is adapted for childbearing, with a wide pelvic inlet and outlet.
  • Pelvic diameters are critical for assessing the feasibility of vaginal delivery.
  • The shape and inclination influence labor mechanics.


Based on Caldwell and Moloy’s classification, there are 4 main types of female pelvis:

1. 🟒 GYNECOID PELVIS – β€œThe Typical Female Pelvis”

πŸ”Ή Features:

  • Shape: Rounded or slightly oval inlet.
  • Sacrum: Wide and curved.
  • Ischial spines: Not prominent.
  • Subpubic angle: Wide (>80Β°).
  • Pelvic cavity: Roomy and uniform.
  • Best suited for childbirth.

πŸ”Ή Midwifery Significance:

  • Favorable for vaginal delivery.
  • Head can engage in transverse or oblique diameters.
  • Internal rotation and descent usually occur smoothly.

2. πŸ”΄ ANDROID PELVIS – β€œThe Typical Male Pelvis”

πŸ”Ή Features:

  • Shape: Heart-shaped or triangular inlet.
  • Sacrum: Flat and inclined forward.
  • Ischial spines: Prominent.
  • Subpubic angle: Narrow (<70Β°).
  • Pelvic cavity: Funnel-shaped.

πŸ”Ή Midwifery Significance:

  • Unfavorable for vaginal delivery.
  • Head often engages in posterior positions.
  • Increased risk of:
    • Prolonged labor.
    • Deep transverse arrest.
    • Instrumental delivery or cesarean section.
  • May require operative delivery (forceps/vacuum/C-section).

3. 🟠 ANTHROPOID PELVIS – β€œOval-Vertical Pelvis”

πŸ”Ή Features:

  • Shape: Oval inlet (anteroposterior diameter > transverse).
  • Sacrum: Long and deep.
  • Ischial spines: Less prominent.
  • Subpubic angle: Adequate.
  • Pelvic cavity: Deep from front to back.

πŸ”Ή Midwifery Significance:

  • Favorable for vaginal delivery, especially if fetal head is in occiput posterior (OP) position.
  • Increased likelihood of persistent OP.
  • May result in:
    • Back labor.
    • Longer second stage.
    • Spontaneous vaginal delivery still possible in many cases.

4. πŸ”΅ PLATYPELLOID PELVIS – β€œFlat Pelvis”

πŸ”Ή Features:

  • Shape: Flattened inlet (transverse diameter > AP).
  • Sacrum: Short and flat.
  • Ischial spines: Widely spaced.
  • Subpubic angle: Very wide.
  • Pelvic cavity: Shallow.

πŸ”Ή Midwifery Significance:

  • Unfavorable for vaginal birth.
  • Engagement is delayed or difficult – called floating head or non-engaged head even in labor.
  • Common complications:
    • Transverse arrest.
    • Prolonged labor.
    • Cesarean section may be required.


Pelvis TypeShapeDelivery LikelihoodCommon Issues
GynecoidRoundβœ… Spontaneous VaginalFew, if any complications
AndroidHeart-shaped❌ Often DifficultArrest, OP, Instrumental
AnthropoidOval (AP > T)βœ… Often PossibleOP, Long labor
PlatypelloidFlat❌ Rare VaginalNon-engagement, C-Section

🧬 Clinical Assessment in Midwifery

βœ… Clinical Pelvimetry – Estimating pelvic adequacy:

  • Diagonal conjugate measurement via vaginal exam.
  • Ischial spines prominence and sacral curvature felt digitally.
  • Engagement of fetal head before labor suggests favorable pelvis.

βœ… Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD):

Occurs when fetal head is too large or pelvis too small:

  • Seen more in android and platypelloid pelvis.
  • Leads to prolonged or obstructed labor.
  • Requires C-section or operative intervention.

πŸ“Œ Practical Midwifery Implications:

  • Antenatal period:
    • Identify at-risk pelvis via pelvimetry or imaging (X-ray, MRI pelvimetry).
    • Counsel patients on labor expectations.
  • Intrapartum:
    • Monitor fetal descent, station, and rotation.
    • Be alert for signs of labor dystocia (delay or arrest).
    • Decide timely on augmentation, instrumental, or surgical delivery.


The fetal skull plays a crucial role in labor and delivery. Its structure allows for:

  • Moulding (overlapping of bones),
  • Passage through the birth canal,
  • And clinical assessment of fetal position.


The fetal skull is divided into 3 main parts:

πŸ”Ή A. Vault of the Skull (Calvaria) – Soft and compressible

  • 2 Parietal bones
  • 2 Frontal bones
  • 1 Occipital bone

πŸ‘‰ These bones are separated by sutures and fontanelles – allowing moulding during labor.

πŸ”Ή B. Base of the Skull

  • Made up of the sphenoid, ethmoid, parts of temporal and occipital bones.
  • It is rigid and non-compressible.

πŸ”Ή C. Face

  • Made up of maxilla, mandible, nasal bones, etc.
  • Plays no significant role during birth.


Sutures are membranous joints where two bones meet. They allow movement and moulding during birth.

SagittalBetween the two parietal bones (midline)
CoronalBetween frontal and parietal bones
LambdoidBetween parietal and occipital bones
Frontal (metopic)Between the two frontal bones (may close early)

πŸ” Clinical Use: During vaginal examination, sutures help assess:

  • Position (e.g., anterior vs posterior fontanelle),
  • Attitude (flexion/extension),
  • Moulding (overriding of bones).


Fontanelles are wide membrane-covered spaces at junctions of sutures.

πŸ”· A. Anterior Fontanelle (Bregma)

  • Diamond-shaped
  • At the junction of sagittal, coronal, and frontal sutures
  • Size: ~3Γ—2 cm
  • Closes: by 18 months
  • Midwifery Use:
    • Felt during vaginal exam to identify position of fetal head.
    • If easily felt β†’ suggests deflexion or malposition.

πŸ”· B. Posterior Fontanelle (Lambda)

  • Triangular-shaped
  • Junction of sagittal and lambdoid sutures
  • Smaller than anterior fontanelle
  • Closes by 6–8 weeks after birth
  • Midwifery Use:
    • Preferred landmark during labor β†’ indicates well-flexed vertex position.

βœ… 4. DIAMETERS OF THE FETAL SKULL (Very Important in Labor)

These are anteroposterior and transverse measurements of the fetal skull.

πŸ”Ή A. Anteroposterior Diameters (Front to Back)

DiameterExtends FromLengthSignificance
SuboccipitobregmaticBelow occiput β†’ anterior fontanelle (bregma)9.5 cmEngaged in well-flexed vertex (ideal)
SuboccipitofrontalBelow occiput β†’ center of frontal bone10 cmIncomplete flexion
OccipitofrontalOccipital eminence β†’ glabella11.5 cmDeflexed head, causes difficulty
MentoverticalChin β†’ highest point of vertex13.5 cmBrow presentation, largest diameter
SubmentoverticalBelow chin β†’ highest point of vertex11.5 cmIncomplete extension
SubmentobregmaticBelow chin β†’ bregma9.5 cmFully extended head, face presentation

πŸ”Ή B. Transverse Diameters

DiameterExtends BetweenLengthImportance
BiparietalBetween two parietal eminences9.5 cmEngaging diameter of head
BitemporalBetween temporal bones8 cmNarrowest transverse diameter


  • Definition: Overlapping of skull bones to reduce head size and allow passage through birth canal.
  • Caused by uterine pressure during labor.
  • Grades:
    • 0 – bones not touching.
    • +1 – bones touching, not overlapping.
    • +2 – bones overlapping, reducible.
    • +3 – bones overlapping, not reducible β†’ sign of obstructed labor.


PresentationPart PresentingSkull Diameter Involved
VertexArea between anterior and posterior fontanellesSuboccipitobregmatic (9.5 cm)
FaceMentum (chin)Submentobregmatic (9.5 cm)
BrowForeheadMentovertical (13.5 cm)
SinciputFrontal part of skullOccipitofrontal (11.5 cm)

βœ… Clinical & Midwifery Application

  • During vaginal examination, you feel:
    • Fontanelles β†’ to determine position and flexion.
    • Sutures β†’ to detect degree of rotation and moulding.
  • Obstructed labor may be suspected if:
    • Moulding is excessive (+3).
    • Large diameters (e.g., brow presentation) are present.

🧠 Summary Chart

FontanellesAnterior & PosteriorLandmarks for position
SuturesSagittal, Coronal, etc.Aid moulding & position
AP Diameters9.5 – 13.5 cmAffect labor progress
Biparietal Diameter9.5 cmKey for engagement
Moulding0 to +3Indicates labor progress


βœ… Definition:

Moulding is the overlapping of the bones of the fetal skull at the sutures during labor to facilitate passage through the birth canal.

It is a physiological process that helps the fetal head reduce its diameter to accommodate the shape and size of the maternal pelvis.

βœ… Why Does Moulding Occur?

  • The bones of the fetal skull (mainly the vault) are not fused – they are connected by sutures and fontanelles.
  • These allow mobility of the bones under pressure.
  • During uterine contractions and descent of the head, bones override each other to make the skull more adaptable to the pelvis.

βœ… Where Does Moulding Occur?

Moulding commonly occurs at:

  • Sagittal suture
  • Coronal sutures
  • Lambdoid sutures

Usually between:

  • Frontal and parietal bones
  • Parietal bones and occipital bone

βœ… Grades of Moulding (Clinical Assessment)

GradeDescriptionClinical Significance
0Bones are not touchingNormal
+1Bones are just touchingNormal
+2Bones are overlapping, but reducible (can be pressed back)Acceptable
+3Bones are firmly overlapping, not reducible🚨 Suggests obstructed labor – danger sign

❗ Grade +3 Moulding with poor progress in labor may require cesarean section.

βœ… Positive Effects of Moulding:

  • Helps the head adjust and pass through the maternal pelvis.
  • Reduces the risk of prolonged second stage in favorable conditions.
  • Facilitates normal vaginal delivery in most vertex presentations.

βœ… Negative Effects / When Moulding Is Excessive:

  • Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) – fetal head too big or pelvis too small.
  • Obstructed labor – failure of descent despite strong contractions.
  • May result in:
    • Caput succedaneum (soft tissue swelling)
    • Intracranial hemorrhage (rare, in excessive moulding)
    • Fetal distress

βœ… Moulding vs. Caput Succedaneum

FeatureMouldingCaput Succedaneum
DefinitionBone overlappingEdema (fluid) under scalp
CausePressure on bonesPressure on presenting part
LocationOver suturesOver presenting part
DisappearsWithin hoursWithin days

βœ… Midwifery & Clinical Use

  • During vaginal examination, feel sutures and fontanelles to detect moulding.
  • Monitor labor progress in relation to moulding and descent.
  • Excessive moulding (+3) is a warning sign – may require operative intervention.

πŸ“Œ Summary

  • πŸ”Έ Moulding is normal and essential during labor.
  • πŸ”Έ It helps the fetal head adapt to the maternal pelvis.
  • πŸ”Έ Grade +3 moulding β†’ think obstruction or CPD.
  • πŸ”Έ Proper monitoring can guide safe labor and delivery decisions.


(Also called: Fetal-Pelvic Relationship or Fetal Disposition in Uterus)

βœ… Definition:

Fetopelvic relationship refers to how the fetus is positioned within the maternal pelvis during late pregnancy and labor.
It determines how the fetal presenting part aligns and engages in the birth canal, affecting the mode and ease of delivery.


There are 5 key components:

1️⃣ Lie

➀ Relation between the long axis of the fetus and the long axis of the mother.

Longitudinal LieFetal spine is parallel to maternal spine (βœ… most common)
Transverse LieFetal spine is perpendicular to maternal spine (🚫 abnormal)
Oblique LieFetal spine is diagonal to maternal spine (unstable/abnormal)

2️⃣ Presentation

➀ Part of the fetus that lies over the pelvic inlet.

TypePresenting Part
Cephalic (Head)Vertex, Brow, or Face
Breech (Pelvis)Buttocks or feet
ShoulderIn transverse lie

πŸ”Έ Vertex presentation (head-first) is ideal for vaginal delivery.

3️⃣ Attitude (Posture)

➀ Relationship of fetal parts to each other.

Flexed (Normal)Head and limbs flexed toward torso
Deflexed / ExtendedHead partially or fully extended β†’ Brow or Face presentation

πŸ”Έ Flexion is ideal β†’ allows smallest diameter of head to pass.

4️⃣ Position

➀ Relationship of a denominator (fixed point) of the presenting part to the quadrants of maternal pelvis.

For example, in cephalic vertex presentation:

  • Denominator = Occiput (O)
Common PositionsFull Form
LOALeft Occipito-Anterior (βœ… most common)
ROARight Occipito-Anterior
LOPLeft Occipito-Posterior
ROPRight Occipito-Posterior

πŸ”Έ Anterior positions (OA) are favorable for delivery.
πŸ”Έ Posterior positions (OP) may cause prolonged labor or back pain.

5️⃣ Engagement

➀ When the widest part of the presenting part (usually biparietal diameter of the fetal head – 9.5 cm) passes through the pelvic brim/inlet.

EngagedHead is fixed in pelvis (station 0 or lower)
FloatingHead is still above the brim

πŸ”Έ Engagement typically occurs before labor in first-time mothers and during labor in multiparas.

βœ… Clinical Assessment of Fetopelvic Relationship

  • Leopold’s maneuvers (abdominal palpation)
  • Vaginal examination (to assess presentation, position, station)
  • Ultrasound (accurate confirmation)

βœ… Importance in Midwifery

Labor ProgressA normal fetopelvic relationship favors smooth, spontaneous vaginal delivery.
Obstructed LaborMalpresentation (breech, brow), deflexed head, or transverse lie can lead to prolonged/obstructed labor.
Decision MakingGuides interventions like induction, instrumental delivery, or C-section.
Monitoring Fetal WellbeingMisalignment or abnormal position can signal complications.

🧠 Summary Table:

ComponentNormal FindingObstetric Importance
LieLongitudinalNecessary for vaginal delivery
PresentationVertexSmallest diameter, ideal for labor
AttitudeFlexedFetal head presents in smallest diameter
PositionLOAEases internal rotation and descent
EngagementPresent before/during laborSign of readiness for birth


βœ… Definition:

The menstrual cycle is a cyclical, hormonal process occurring in reproductive-age females, typically every 28 days (range: 21–35 days), involving:

  • Ovaries
  • Hypothalamus-Pituitary Axis
  • Endometrium (uterus)

πŸ”Ή To prepare the uterus for possible pregnancy each month.
πŸ”Ή If fertilization doesn’t occur β†’ shedding of endometrium as menstrual bleeding.

βœ… Organs Involved:

  1. Hypothalamus
  2. Pituitary Gland
  3. Ovaries
  4. Uterus (Endometrium)


GnRHHypothalamusStimulates FSH & LH release from pituitary
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)Anterior PituitaryStimulates follicle development in ovary
LH (Luteinizing Hormone)Anterior PituitaryTriggers ovulation
EstrogenOvarian folliclesBuilds endometrium
ProgesteroneCorpus luteumMaintains endometrium post-ovulation


The cycle is broadly divided into ovarian phases and endometrial (uterine) phases:

🟑 A. OVARIAN CYCLE (in Ovary)

1. Follicular Phase (Day 1–14)

  • Begins with menstrual bleeding.
  • FSH stimulates growth of multiple follicles in ovaries.
  • One follicle becomes dominant β†’ secretes estrogen.
  • Estrogen inhibits FSH and prepares uterus.
  • Ends with LH surge.

2. Ovulation (Around Day 14)

  • Sharp LH surge causes the mature (Graafian) follicle to release the ovum.
  • Ovum is picked up by fimbriae of fallopian tube.
  • Time of maximum fertility.

3. Luteal Phase (Day 15–28)

  • Ruptured follicle becomes Corpus Luteum.
  • Secretes progesterone (and some estrogen).
  • Prepares endometrium for implantation.
  • If no fertilization β†’ corpus luteum degenerates β†’ hormone levels fall β†’ menstruation begins.


1. Menstrual Phase (Day 1–5)

  • Shedding of the endometrial lining.
  • Occurs due to fall in estrogen and progesterone.
  • Blood loss ~30–80 mL.

2. Proliferative Phase (Day 6–14)

  • Under estrogen influence.
  • Endometrium rebuilds and thickens.
  • Glands and blood vessels grow.

3. Secretory Phase (Day 15–28)

  • Under progesterone influence (from corpus luteum).
  • Endometrium becomes thick, glandular, and vascular.
  • Ideal for implantation.
  • If no implantation β†’ hormone levels drop β†’ back to menstrual phase.

βœ… Summary of Cycle (28-Day Model)

1–5Menstruation (bleeding)
6–13Proliferative phase (endometrium builds up)
14Ovulation (LH surge)
15–28Secretory phase (progesterone dominant)

βœ… If Fertilization Occurs:

  • Fertilized ovum implants in endometrium.
  • hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) from embryo maintains corpus luteum.
  • Progesterone continues β†’ supports pregnancy.
  • No menstruation occurs.

βœ… If Fertilization Does NOT Occur:

  • Corpus luteum degenerates β†’ ↓ Estrogen & Progesterone
  • Endometrial blood supply withdraws β†’ menstrual bleeding
  • New cycle begins.

βœ… Clinical Importance in Nursing & Midwifery:

Fertility awarenessOvulation timing (Day 14) helps with conception or contraception
Menstrual irregularitiesPCOS, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc.
Hormonal therapyUse of estrogen/progesterone in contraceptives
Implantation failureLuteal phase defects
Prenatal educationCycle understanding helps explain early pregnancy signs

🧠 Key Points to Remember:

  • Normal cycle = 28 Β± 7 days.
  • Ovulation occurs ~14 days before next period, not always on Day 14.
  • Hormonal balance is key to a healthy menstrual cycle.
  • Stress, illness, weight changes can disrupt the cycle.


(A Key Component of Women’s Health and Dignity)

βœ… Definition:

Menstrual hygiene refers to personal hygiene practices during menstruation, including the proper use, changing, and disposal of menstrual products, as well as cleanliness of the body and genital area to prevent infections, discomfort, and ensure dignity.

βœ… Importance of Menstrual Hygiene

πŸ”Ή Prevents infectionsPoor hygiene can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), reproductive tract infections (RTIs), and skin irritations.
πŸ”Ή Boosts confidence and comfortGood hygiene allows women to participate in school, work, and daily activities confidently.
πŸ”Ή Maintains reproductive healthClean menstrual practices protect the uterus, ovaries, and vaginal health.
πŸ”Ή Promotes dignity and rightsManaging menstruation with comfort and privacy is a basic human right.

βœ… Key Components of Menstrual Hygiene

πŸ”Έ 1. Use of Clean Menstrual Products

  • Sanitary pads (disposable or reusable)
  • Tampons
  • Menstrual cups
  • Cloth pads (only if clean and properly dried)

βœ… Choose breathable and absorbent materials.
❌ Avoid using dirty rags or synthetic cloths.

πŸ”Έ 2. Regular Changing of Menstrual Products

  • Every 4–6 hours depending on flow.
  • Avoid prolonged use of a single pad/tampon β†’ prevents bacterial growth (e.g., Toxic Shock Syndrome in tampon use).

πŸ”Έ 3. Proper Cleaning of Genital Area

  • Wash vulva (external genitalia) with clean water at least twice a day.
  • Use mild soap (avoid perfumed/harsh products).
  • Always wipe front to back to avoid infections.

πŸ”Έ 4. Safe Disposal of Menstrual Waste

  • Wrap used pads in paper before disposal.
  • Use covered dustbins or incinerators.
  • Reusable cloths or cups should be washed with soap and dried in sunlight.

πŸ”Έ 5. Nutrition and Hydration

  • Eat iron-rich and protein-rich foods.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Helps in reducing fatigue, cramps, and overall discomfort.

βœ… Special Considerations in Schools & Communities

  • Availability of private toilets and water.
  • Provision of low-cost sanitary napkins.
  • Menstrual hygiene education from puberty onwards.
  • Remove stigma, taboos, and myths around menstruation.

βœ… Role of Nurse / Midwife / ANM

Health educationTeach adolescent girls and women about menstrual hygiene.
CounselingReduce stigma and promote healthy practices.
DistributionProvide or guide on low-cost sanitary products (e.g., ASHA kits).
School programsConduct awareness sessions in schools and anganwadis.

βœ… Myths vs Facts (For Awareness)

“Girls should not bathe during periods.”❌ Bathing is essential for hygiene.
“Menstruation is impure.”❌ It is a natural biological process.
“You can’t exercise during periods.”❌ Light exercise reduces cramps and improves mood.

βœ… Government Programs in India Supporting Menstrual Hygiene

  1. Menstrual Hygiene Scheme (MHS) – Launched by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for rural girls.
  2. RKSK (Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram) – Focuses on adolescent reproductive health.
  3. WIFS (Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation) – Often integrated with menstrual health education.

🧠 Summary:

  • Menstrual hygiene is vital for health, dignity, education, and empowerment.
  • Nurses, midwives, and teachers play a key role in promoting safe practices and awareness.
  • Ensuring clean products, proper washing, frequent changing, and safe disposal are the pillars of menstrual hygiene.


(Also called: Conception or Syngamy)

βœ… Definition:

Fertilization is the process by which a male sperm cell unites with a female ovum (egg) to form a zygote, which marks the beginning of a new life.

It restores the diploid number of chromosomes (46) and initiates embryonic development.

βœ… Site of Fertilization:

  • Takes place in the ampulla (outer third) of the fallopian tube (uterine tube), within 12–24 hours after ovulation.

βœ… Timing of Fertilization:

  • Ovum survives for about 24 hours after ovulation.
  • Sperm survives for 3–5 days in the female reproductive tract.
  • Fertilization is most likely when intercourse occurs 1–2 days before or on the day of ovulation.

βœ… Pre-Fertilization Events:

1. Ovulation

  • Mature ovum is released from the Graafian follicle in the ovary around Day 14 of the menstrual cycle.

2. Sperm Transport

  • Millions of sperm are deposited in the vagina during intercourse.
  • Sperm travel through:
    • Vagina β†’ Cervix β†’ Uterus β†’ Fallopian Tube.

Only around 200–300 sperm reach the ampulla, and 1 sperm fertilizes the ovum.

βœ… Fertilization Process – Step-by-Step

πŸ”Ή 1. Capacitation of Sperm

  • Functional maturation of sperm in female tract.
  • Sperm become capable of penetrating the ovum.

πŸ”Ή 2. Acrosomal Reaction

  • Enzymes (like hyaluronidase) are released from the sperm’s acrosome (cap-like head) to break down the outer layer of the ovum.

πŸ”Ή 3. Penetration of Ovum Layers

  • Sperm penetrates:
    • Corona radiata (outermost)
    • Zona pellucida (middle layer)
    • Oolemma (plasma membrane)

πŸ”Ή 4. Fusion of Sperm and Egg Membranes

  • Sperm head enters ovum.
  • Tail remains outside.

πŸ”Ή 5. Cortical Reaction (Block to Polyspermy)

  • Ovum releases substances to prevent entry of additional sperm.
  • Ensures only one sperm fertilizes the egg.

πŸ”Ή 6. Completion of Meiosis II by Ovum

  • After sperm entry, the ovum completes second meiotic division.
  • Forms female pronucleus.

πŸ”Ή 7. Formation of Male Pronucleus

  • Sperm nucleus swells and forms male pronucleus.

πŸ”Ή 8. Syngamy (Fusion of Pronuclei)

  • Male and female pronuclei fuse.
  • Forms diploid zygote (46 chromosomes: 23 from each parent).

βœ… Outcome of Fertilization

Zygote FormationDiploid cell formed (1-cell embryo)
Sex DeterminationX (female) or Y (male) chromosome from sperm decides sex
Initiation of CleavageZygote undergoes mitotic divisions as it travels toward uterus
Restores Diploid Number23 (egg) + 23 (sperm) = 46 chromosomes

βœ… After Fertilization – Early Development

StageTime After Fertilization
ZygoteDay 1
2-cell, 4-cell stageDay 2
Morula (16 cells)Day 3–4
BlastocystDay 5–6
ImplantationDay 6–10 in uterus

βœ… Clinical and Nursing Relevance

InfertilityFailure of fertilization is a cause of infertility.
ContraceptionMost methods (e.g., IUCD, pills) aim to prevent fertilization.
Assisted ReproductionIVF involves fertilization outside the body.
Genetic CounselingFertilization errors can lead to chromosomal anomalies (e.g., Down syndrome).
Emergency ContraceptionWorks by inhibiting ovulation or fertilization.

🧠 Summary:

1. OvulationEgg released from ovary
2. Sperm travelsThrough female tract to fallopian tube
3. FertilizationIn ampulla – one sperm penetrates egg
4. Zygote forms46 chromosomes, diploid
5. Early embryoCleavage, blastocyst, then implantation


(Also called: Fertilization + Early Development)

βœ… Definition:

Conception is the successful union of a sperm and an ovum (fertilization), followed by the formation of a zygote, and its implantation into the uterus β€” marking the beginning of pregnancy.

In short:
πŸ”Ή Fertilization + Zygote formation + Implantation = Conception


πŸ”Ή 1. Ovulation

  • A mature ovum is released from the ovary (around Day 14 of the menstrual cycle).
  • The ovum is picked up by the fimbriae of the fallopian tube.

πŸ”Ή 2. Fertilization

  • Occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.
  • One sperm successfully penetrates the ovum β†’ zygote (single-cell embryo) is formed.

πŸ”Ή 3. Zygote Formation

  • Fusion of male and female pronuclei restores the diploid number (46 chromosomes).
  • Sex of the baby is determined at this point (XX = girl, XY = boy).

πŸ”Ή 4. Cleavage (Early Cell Division)

  • The zygote undergoes mitotic divisions while moving down the fallopian tube.
  • Forms 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, and morula (16-cell) stages.

πŸ”Ή 5. Blastocyst Formation

  • By Day 5–6, the morula becomes a blastocyst β€” a hollow ball of cells.
  • The blastocyst has:
    • Inner cell mass β†’ future embryo
    • Trophoblast β†’ future placenta

πŸ”Ή 6. Implantation

  • Occurs between Day 6–10 after fertilization.
  • The blastocyst attaches to the endometrium of uterus, usually in the upper posterior wall.
  • Trophoblast cells release hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) β†’ signals the body to maintain pregnancy.


FSHStimulates follicle growth (prepares ovum)
LHTriggers ovulation
EstrogenBuilds up endometrial lining
ProgesteroneMaintains endometrium after ovulation
hCGSecreted after implantation to maintain corpus luteum and progesterone production


OvulationAround Day 14 of cycle
Fertilization windowWithin 12–24 hours of ovulation
Sperm survivalUp to 5 days in female tract
Implantation6–10 days after fertilization


If successful:

  • Pregnancy begins.
  • Menstrual cycle is halted.
  • Embryo continues development.

If unsuccessful:

  • No implantation.
  • Corpus luteum degenerates.
  • Hormones fall β†’ Menstruation occurs.


Pregnancy planningUnderstanding fertile period helps couples conceive or avoid pregnancy.
Family planningContraceptives work by preventing any step in the conception process.
InfertilityFailure of fertilization or implantation can cause infertility.
Antenatal careKnowledge of conception helps in accurate pregnancy dating and care.


  • Conception = Fertilization + Implantation
  • Occurs in the fallopian tube and uterus.
  • Requires precise hormonal coordination.
  • Failure at any step β†’ no pregnancy.
  • hCG is the first hormone detected in pregnancy tests.


(Also called: Nidation)

βœ… Definition:

Implantation is the process by which the blastocyst (early-stage embryo) attaches to and embeds itself into the endometrial lining of the uterus, usually 6–10 days after fertilization.

πŸ‘‰ This marks the true beginning of pregnancy.

βœ… When Does Implantation Occur?

  • Fertilization: Occurs on Day 0 in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.
  • The zygote undergoes cleavage β†’ morula β†’ blastocyst.
  • Implantation occurs around Day 6–10 after fertilization, in the uterine cavity.

βœ… Site of Implantation:

  • Most commonly on the posterior wall of the uterus, in the upper part (fundus).
  • Rich in blood supply, ideal for nourishment.

❗ Abnormal sites β†’ Ectopic pregnancy (e.g., fallopian tube, ovary, cervix).

βœ… Phases of Implantation:

πŸ”Ή 1. Apposition

  • The blastocyst comes into close contact with the endometrium.

πŸ”Ή 2. Adhesion

  • The blastocyst attaches to the endometrial epithelium using cell adhesion molecules.

πŸ”Ή 3. Invasion

  • Trophoblast cells (outer layer of blastocyst) invade the endometrial lining.
  • Trophoblast differentiates into:
    • Cytotrophoblast
    • Syncytiotrophoblast – invades deeply and forms placenta.

βœ… Role of Hormones in Implantation:

EstrogenPrepares the endometrium (proliferation phase)
ProgesteroneConverts endometrium into secretory phase, rich for implantation
hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)Secreted by syncytiotrophoblast after implantation; maintains corpus luteum and progesterone secretion

πŸ” hCG is the basis of pregnancy tests (detected in blood/urine after implantation).

βœ… Changes in Endometrium After Implantation:

The endometrium becomes:

  • Decidua (maternal part of placenta)
    • Decidua basalis – under the implanted embryo (forms maternal placenta)
    • Decidua capsularis – over the embryo
    • Decidua parietalis – rest of the uterine lining

βœ… Signs & Symptoms of Implantation (Sometimes Observed):

  • Implantation bleeding (light spotting)
  • Mild cramping
  • Often goes unnoticed

βœ… Clinical Significance:

Clinical AspectImportance
Successful implantationStart of pregnancy
Failure of implantationEarly pregnancy loss
Ectopic implantationDangerous – requires emergency treatment
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)Aims to ensure optimal endometrial environment for implantation
hCG detectionBasis for urine pregnancy test (positive ~14 days after fertilization)

🧠 Summary Table:

Time6–10 days after fertilization
SiteUpper posterior wall of uterus
Structure implantedBlastocyst
Key cellsTrophoblast (β†’ placenta)
Hormones involvedEstrogen, Progesterone, hCG
OutcomePregnancy begins, placenta formation starts


(From Fertilization to Fetal Stage)

βœ… Definition:

Embryological development is the process through which a zygote (fertilized egg) transforms into a multicellular embryo, then into a fetus, eventually forming a complete human being.

βœ… Stages of Development:

FertilizationDay 0Zygote
Pre-embryonicWeek 1–2Cleavage, blastocyst, implantation
EmbryonicWeek 3–8Organogenesis (formation of organs)
FetalWeek 9 to birthGrowth & maturation of systems


🧬 Day 0: Fertilization

  • Occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.
  • Formation of zygote (46 chromosomes).

πŸ”„ Cleavage (Day 1–3)

  • Zygote divides β†’ 2-cell β†’ 4-cell β†’ 8-cell β†’ Morula (~16 cells).

🌐 Blastocyst Formation (Day 5–6)

  • Morula becomes blastocyst:
    • Trophoblast β†’ forms placenta
    • Inner cell mass β†’ forms embryo

🌱 Implantation (Day 6–10)

  • Blastocyst implants in the endometrium.
  • hCG is secreted β†’ maintains pregnancy.


⚠️ Critical for organ formation. Most vulnerable to teratogens.

πŸ”Έ Week 3: Gastrulation

  • Inner cell mass forms three germ layers: LayerDerivativesEctodermSkin, nervous systemMesodermMuscles, bones, heart, bloodEndodermGut lining, liver, pancreas

πŸ”Έ Week 4: Neurulation

  • Neural tube forms β†’ becomes brain and spinal cord.
  • Formation of somites β†’ muscles and vertebrae.

πŸ”Έ Week 5–6: Limb and Organ Budding

  • Upper and lower limb buds appear.
  • Heart starts beating by Week 5.
  • Eyes and ears begin to develop.

πŸ”Έ Week 7–8:

  • Face, digits, external genitalia begin forming.
  • Basic organ systems are established.
  • Embryo is ~3 cm in length at 8 weeks.

πŸ”Ή3. FETAL STAGE (Week 9 to Birth)

Period of growth and functional maturation

πŸ”Έ First Trimester (Week 9–12):

  • All organs present.
  • Bones begin to ossify.
  • External genitalia visible.
  • Placenta functional.

πŸ”Έ Second Trimester (Week 13–26):

  • Rapid growth.
  • Fetal movements felt (quickening) around 18–20 weeks.
  • Skin covered with vernix caseosa and lanugo.
  • Eyelids separate, fetus can hear sounds.

πŸ”Έ Third Trimester (Week 27–40):

  • Organs mature.
  • Lungs mature last (surfactant production at ~32–34 weeks).
  • Weight gain accelerates.
  • Fetus becomes viable (~24 weeks, with NICU care).
  • Position changes for birth (usually cephalic by 36–38 weeks).


3Formation of germ layers
4Heart begins to beat
5–6Limb buds form
8All organs formed – now a fetus
12External genitalia visible
20Movements felt by mother
28Lungs begin functioning
36–40Full-term fetus, ready for birth


Germ LayerGives Rise To
EctodermCNS, skin, hair, eyes
MesodermMuscles, heart, bones, kidneys
EndodermLungs, liver, GI tract lining

βœ… Clinical Importance in Nursing & Midwifery

Antenatal careSupports embryo with nutrition, avoids teratogens
TeratogensMost harmful during Week 3–8 (organogenesis)
UltrasoundTracks development milestones
Congenital defectsLinked to disruptions in early development
Folic acid supplementationPrevents neural tube defects


  • Fertilization β†’ Zygote β†’ Morula β†’ Blastocyst β†’ Embryo β†’ Fetus
  • Week 3–8: Organs form
  • Week 9+: Organs grow and mature
  • Entire development depends on hormonal support, genetic health, and maternal well-being


(Also known as: Placentogenesis)

βœ… Definition:

Placental development refers to the formation and growth of the placenta, a vital organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall, allowing nutrient, gas, and waste exchange, and secreting hormones to maintain pregnancy.

βœ… Origin of the Placenta:

ComponentDerived From
Fetal partTrophoblast (from the blastocyst)
Maternal partEndometrium of uterus (decidua basalis)

βœ… Timeline of Placental Development:

Day 6–7Implantation begins
Day 8–9Trophoblast differentiates into cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
Week 2–3Chorionic villi form
Week 4–5Maternal blood begins to flow into intervillous spaces
Week 12Placenta becomes fully functional
Week 20Mature placenta is formed

βœ… Phases of Placental Development:

πŸ”Ή 1. Trophoblast Differentiation (Day 6–9)

  • After implantation, the trophoblast (outer layer of blastocyst) divides into:
    • Cytotrophoblast – inner layer, mitotically active
    • Syncytiotrophoblast – outer multinucleated layer that invades endometrium and secretes hCG

πŸ”Ή 2. Formation of Chorionic Villi (Week 2–3)

  • Finger-like projections called chorionic villi grow into the endometrium.
  • These villi become the functional unit of the placenta.
  • Types:
    • Primary villi – core of cytotrophoblast
    • Secondary villi – add mesoderm
    • Tertiary villi – develop blood vessels

πŸ”Ή 3. Formation of Placental Circulation (Week 4–5)

  • Fetal blood vessels form within villi.
  • Maternal spiral arteries open into intervillous spaces, allowing nutrient/gas exchange without direct blood mixing.

βœ… Structure of the Mature Placenta (By 20 Weeks)

πŸ”Έ Fetal Surface:

  • Smooth, shiny, covered with amnion.
  • Contains umbilical cord (2 arteries + 1 vein).
  • Supplied by chorionic villi.

πŸ”Έ Maternal Surface:

  • Rough, reddish, and lobulated (cotyledons: 15–20 lobes).
  • Attached to decidua basalis of uterus.

βœ… Functions of the Placenta:

RespirationOβ‚‚ and COβ‚‚ exchange between mother and fetus
NutritionTransfers glucose, amino acids, vitamins
ExcretionRemoves fetal waste (urea, uric acid)
EndocrineSecretes hCG, progesterone, estrogen, hPL, relaxin
ImmunologicTransfers maternal antibodies (IgG) for fetal immunity
BarrierFilters some harmful substances, though not all (e.g., alcohol, drugs can cross)

βœ… Placental Hormones:

hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin)Maintains corpus luteum early in pregnancy
ProgesteroneMaintains endometrium, prevents contractions
EstrogenUterine growth, breast development
hPL (Human placental lactogen)Alters maternal metabolism for fetal growth
RelaxinRelaxes ligaments for delivery

βœ… Abnormalities of Placenta:

Placenta previaPlacenta covers cervical os
Placental abruptionPremature separation from uterus
Placenta accretaAbnormal deep attachment into uterine wall
Hydatidiform moleAbnormal trophoblastic growth (non-viable pregnancy)

βœ… Clinical Importance in Nursing & Midwifery:

  • Monitoring placental location via ultrasound.
  • Understanding fetal nourishment and oxygenation.
  • Detecting high-risk conditions like placenta previa or abruption.
  • Placental delivery (3rd stage of labor): Ensure complete removal to prevent PPH (Postpartum Hemorrhage).

🧠 Summary:

OriginFetal: trophoblast, Maternal: decidua
Fully Functional ByWeek 12
FunctionsRespiration, nutrition, excretion, hormone secretion
Key HormoneshCG, progesterone, estrogen, hPL
Nursing RelevanceVital for fetal survival and maternal safety


βœ… Placenta as a Barrier (Placental Barrier)

πŸ”Ή Definition:

The placental barrier refers to the layers of tissue that separate maternal blood in the intervillous space from fetal blood in the capillaries of chorionic villi, allowing selective exchange of substances.

πŸ”Ή Purpose:

  • To protect the fetus from harmful substances in the maternal circulation.
  • To allow transport of essential nutrients, gases, and antibodies.

βœ… Structure of the Placental Barrier

In early pregnancy, the barrier is thicker and includes:

  1. Syncytiotrophoblast
  2. Cytotrophoblast
  3. Basement membrane
  4. Connective tissue of villus
  5. Endothelium of fetal capillaries

As pregnancy advances, the cytotrophoblast layer disappears, and the barrier thins, improving exchange efficiency.

βœ… Substances That CAN Cross the Placental Barrier:

SubstanceMode of Transport
Oxygen & COβ‚‚Diffusion
GlucoseFacilitated diffusion
Amino acidsActive transport
Fatty acidsSimple diffusion
Vitamins & MineralsSpecific transport systems
Drugs (e.g., alcohol, nicotine, some antibiotics)Diffusion
Viruses (HIV, rubella, CMV)Transplacental passage
Maternal IgG antibodiesActive transport (provides fetal immunity)

βœ… Substances That CANNOT Cross Easily:

HeparinLarge molecule
InsulinDegraded in placenta
IgM antibodiesLarge size prevents crossing
Bacteria (most)Blocked unless placental integrity is compromised

βœ… FUNCTIONAL COMPARISON: Placental Barrier vs Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)

FeaturePlacental BarrierBlood-Brain Barrier
LocationBetween maternal and fetal bloodBetween blood and brain tissue
FunctionNutrient exchange, fetal protectionProtects brain from toxins, regulates entry of substances
PermeabilitySelectively permeable (more permissive)Highly selective and restrictive
Allows antibody passageYes (IgG)No large antibodies
Formed byTrophoblast layers & fetal capillary endotheliumEndothelial cells with tight junctions
Crossed by drugs?Many drugs can crossFewer drugs cross due to tight regulation
Clinical concernTeratogenic drug exposureNeurotoxicity from certain drugs or infections

βœ… Nursing and Midwifery Implications:

  • Drug administration in pregnancy must consider whether the drug crosses the placental barrier.
  • Understanding placental function is key to:
    • Preventing fetal harm
    • Supporting fetal development
    • Educating mothers on teratogens
  • Maternal infections like rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis can cross placenta and cause congenital anomalies.

🧠 Summary Points:

  • The placental barrier protects but does not block all substances.
  • It is more permissive than the blood-brain barrier.
  • It allows essential nutrients and antibodies, but also some harmful drugs, alcohol, and infections.
  • Proper prenatal care and drug screening are essential.


βœ… Definition:

The placenta is a temporary organ that forms during pregnancy, connecting the developing fetus to the uterine wall to enable exchange of nutrients, gases, waste, and to secrete hormones essential for maintaining pregnancy.


πŸ”Έ Origin:

PartDerived From
Fetal partChorion frondosum (trophoblast)
Maternal partDecidua basalis (endometrial lining)

πŸ”Έ Shape and Size at Term:

  • Discoid (round, flat)
  • Weight: ~500 grams
  • Diameter: ~15–20 cm
  • Thickness: ~2–3 cm

πŸ”Έ Surfaces:

1. Fetal Surface:

  • Smooth, shiny, covered by amnion
  • Contains the umbilical cord at or near the center
  • Umbilical vessels (2 arteries, 1 vein) radiate outward

2. Maternal Surface:

  • Rough and lobulated
  • Made up of 15–20 cotyledons
  • Attached to the decidua basalis of uterus

πŸ”Έ Placental Barrier:

  • Layers separating maternal and fetal blood:
    1. Syncytiotrophoblast
    2. Cytotrophoblast (may disappear later)
    3. Basement membrane
    4. Fetal connective tissue
    5. Endothelium of fetal capillaries

πŸ”Έ Umbilical Cord:

  • Connects fetus to placenta
  • Contains:
    • 2 umbilical arteries (carry deoxygenated blood from fetus to placenta)
    • 1 umbilical vein (carries oxygenated blood to fetus)
  • Surrounded by Wharton’s jelly (protective gelatinous substance)


🩸 1. Respiratory Function

  • Facilitates exchange of gases:
    • Oβ‚‚ from mother β†’ fetus
    • COβ‚‚ from fetus β†’ mother
  • Acts like fetal lungs

🍽 2. Nutritive Function

  • Transfers essential nutrients:
    • Glucose (via facilitated diffusion)
    • Amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals
  • Supports fetal growth and development

🚽 3. Excretory Function

  • Removes fetal waste:
    • Urea, uric acid, creatinine, bilirubin
  • Waste is transferred to maternal blood for excretion

🧬 4. Endocrine Function

The placenta acts as a temporary endocrine gland.

hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)Maintains corpus luteum in early pregnancy
ProgesteroneMaintains endometrium and suppresses uterine contractions
EstrogenPromotes uterine growth and breast development
hPL (human placental lactogen)Modifies maternal metabolism for fetal benefit
RelaxinSoftens cervix and ligaments for delivery

πŸ›‘ 5. Immunological Function

  • Transfers maternal IgG antibodies β†’ provides passive immunity to fetus.
  • Protects fetus from many infections.

🚧 6. Barrier Function

  • Acts as a semi-permeable membrane:
    • Allows passage of useful substances.
    • Restricts harmful ones (but some drugs, alcohol, and viruses can cross).

βœ… Clinical Importance for Nurses & Midwives:

Placental healthDirectly affects fetal growth
Placenta previaPlacenta covers cervix β†’ may require cesarean
Placental abruptionPremature separation β†’ emergency
Placental hormone monitoringHelps in early pregnancy tests (hCG), fetal growth assessments (hPL)
After deliveryEnsure complete expulsion to prevent postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)

🧠 Summary Table:

OriginFetal: Chorion frondosum, Maternal: Decidua basalis
Main FunctionsRespiration, Nutrition, Excretion, Endocrine, Immunity, Barrier
HormoneshCG, Progesterone, Estrogen, hPL, Relaxin
Umbilical Cord2 arteries, 1 vein, Wharton’s jelly


(From Conception to Birth)

βœ… Definition:

Fetal growth and development refers to the progressive increase in size, structure, function, and complexity of the human fetus from conception to birth.

The process occurs in three trimesters and includes cell division, organogenesis, maturation, and functional development of all body systems.

βœ… Phases of Intrauterine Development:

StageDurationKey Features
Pre-embryonic0–2 weeksZygote β†’ blastocyst β†’ implantation
Embryonic3–8 weeksFormation of major organs (organogenesis)
Fetal9 weeks to birthGrowth and maturation of organs and body systems



πŸ“… Week 3–4:

  • Formation of neural tube (β†’ brain & spinal cord).
  • Heart begins to beat (~day 22).
  • Formation of somites (future vertebrae & muscles).

πŸ“… Week 5–6:

  • Formation of limb buds.
  • Eyes, ears, and facial features begin forming.
  • Primitive gut and early organ systems develop.

πŸ“… Week 7–8:

  • All major organs are present but immature.
  • Bones begin to ossify.
  • Fingers and toes start to appear.

πŸ“… Week 9–12:

  • Embryo now called fetus.
  • External genitalia begin to differentiate.
  • Kidneys start functioning; urine forms part of amniotic fluid.
  • Fetal movements start (not yet felt by mother).
  • Length: ~7–8 cm; Weight: ~20 g


πŸ“… Week 13–16:

  • Fetus grows rapidly in length.
  • External genitalia visible on ultrasound.
  • Skeleton continues to ossify.
  • Lanugo (fine hair) covers the body.

πŸ“… Week 17–20:

  • Quickening: First fetal movements felt by mother.
  • Vernix caseosa (waxy coating) forms on skin.
  • Eyebrows and scalp hair begin to grow.
  • Length: ~25 cm; Weight: ~300 g

πŸ“… Week 21–24:

  • Lungs begin to develop alveoli (no surfactant yet).
  • Taste buds form.
  • Fetal heartbeat audible with a fetoscope.
  • Limited viability starts (~23–24 weeks with NICU support).

πŸ“… Week 25–26:

  • Surfactant production begins in lungs (crucial for breathing post-birth).
  • Eyelids start to open.

πŸ”΅ THIRD TRIMESTER (Week 27–40)

πŸ“… Week 27–32:

  • Rapid brain development.
  • Lungs mature, surfactant increases.
  • Bones fully developed, still soft.
  • Subcutaneous fat starts depositing.

πŸ“… Week 33–36:

  • Fetus gains weight rapidly.
  • Movements become stronger.
  • Testes descend in male fetus.
  • Skin becomes pink and smooth.

πŸ“… Week 37–40 (Full Term):

  • Organs fully mature.
  • Fetus assumes head-down position (cephalic).
  • Average length: ~50 cm
  • Average weight: ~2.8–3.5 kg


Crown-Rump Length (CRL)Used in 1st trimester to date pregnancy
Biparietal Diameter (BPD)Assesses head size
Femur Length (FL)Indicates skeletal growth
Abdominal Circumference (AC)Indicates fetal nutrition and weight


MaternalNutrition, age, diseases (e.g., diabetes, hypertension), infections
PlacentalInsufficiency, previa, abruption
FetalGenetic abnormalities, infections (TORCH), multiple gestation
ExternalSmoking, alcohol, drugs, radiation


Antenatal careMonitor fetal growth via fundal height, ultrasound
Nutrition adviceEncourage protein, iron, folic acid intake
Danger signsMonitor for IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction), macrosomia, reduced fetal movements
EducationTeach mother about fetal development and what to expect each trimester


TrimesterKey Development
1st (0–12 wk)Organ formation, heartbeat, basic structure
2nd (13–26 wk)Growth, movement, gender, viability
3rd (27–40 wk)Maturation, weight gain, lung development


(Unique blood circulation system in the unborn fetus)

βœ… Definition:

Fetal circulation is the specialized vascular system in the fetus that allows oxygen and nutrient exchange through the placenta, bypassing the lungs and liver (since they are non-functional before birth).

βœ… Key Points to Remember:

  • Lungs are non-functional before birth β†’ blood is shunted to avoid pulmonary circulation.
  • Oxygenation occurs in the placenta, not in the lungs.
  • Blood bypasses lungs via foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus.
  • Blood bypasses liver via ductus venosus.

βœ… Structures Involved in Fetal Circulation:

Umbilical vein (1)Carries oxygenated blood from placenta to fetus
Ductus venosusBypasses liver β†’ connects umbilical vein to inferior vena cava
Foramen ovaleOpening between right and left atria β†’ bypasses lungs
Ductus arteriosusConnects pulmonary artery to aorta β†’ bypasses lungs
Umbilical arteries (2)Carry deoxygenated blood from fetus back to placenta

βœ… Pathway of Fetal Circulation:

1️⃣ Placenta β†’
2️⃣ Umbilical vein β†’
3️⃣ Some blood goes to liver; most bypasses via ductus venosus β†’
4️⃣ Inferior vena cava β†’
5️⃣ Right atrium β†’
6️⃣ Most blood flows through foramen ovale β†’ left atrium β†’ left ventricle β†’ aorta β†’ body
7️⃣ Remaining blood in right atrium β†’ right ventricle β†’ pulmonary artery β†’
8️⃣ Most bypasses lungs via ductus arteriosus β†’ aorta β†’ body
9️⃣ Deoxygenated blood returns via umbilical arteries β†’ to placenta for oxygenation

βœ… Summary of Major Shunts in Fetal Circulation:

Ductus venosusLiverBypasses liver, directs blood to IVC
Foramen ovaleBetween atriaBypasses pulmonary circulation
Ductus arteriosusBetween pulmonary artery & aortaDiverts blood from lungs to aorta

βœ… Changes After Birth:

At birth, when the baby takes the first breath:

Lungs expand↓ Pulmonary resistance, ↑ blood flow to lungs
Umbilical cord clampedStops placental blood flow
Ductus venosus closesBecomes ligamentum venosum
Foramen ovale closesBecomes fossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosus closesBecomes ligamentum arteriosum
Umbilical vein and arteries closeBecome ligaments in abdomen

βœ… Clinical Importance in Nursing & Midwifery:

Congenital heart defectsMay involve persistent fetal shunts (e.g., PDA)
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)Common in premature babies, causes abnormal circulation
Antenatal ultrasoundsCheck fetal heart structures and flow
Newborn assessmentHeart murmurs or cyanosis may indicate shunt closure failure

🧠 Summary Table:

Vessel/ShuntFunctionPostnatal Remnant
Umbilical veinOxygenated blood to fetusLigamentum teres
Ductus venosusBypasses liverLigamentum venosum
Foramen ovaleBypasses lungsFossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosusBypasses lungsLigamentum arteriosum
Umbilical arteriesReturn deoxygenated bloodMedial umbilical ligaments


(How the fetus receives nourishment during pregnancy)

βœ… Definition:

Fetal nutrition is the process by which the developing fetus receives nutrients (such as glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals) from the maternal blood through the placenta to support its growth, development, and survival.

βœ… Main Source of Fetal Nutrition:

🌿 Placenta

  • Acts as a lifeline between the mother and fetus.
  • Transfers nutrients via:
    • Passive diffusion
    • Facilitated diffusion
    • Active transport
    • Endocytosis

βœ… Mechanisms of Nutrient Transfer Across Placenta:

Transport MechanismNutrients Transferred
Passive diffusionOxygen, carbon dioxide, fatty acids, electrolytes
Facilitated diffusionGlucose (via GLUT transporters)
Active transportAmino acids, calcium, iron, water-soluble vitamins
Endocytosis/pinocytosisMaternal antibodies (IgG), proteins

βœ… Types of Nutrients and Their Roles in Fetal Development:

1. Carbohydrates (Glucose)

  • Primary source of fetal energy
  • Crosses placenta via facilitated diffusion
  • Needed for brain development and growth

2. Proteins and Amino Acids

  • Required for:
    • Tissue and organ formation
    • Enzyme and hormone synthesis
  • Actively transported across the placenta.

3. Fats and Fatty Acids

  • Important for brain development (DHA), myelin formation, and energy.
  • Cross via diffusion, especially in 3rd trimester.

4. Vitamins

  • Fat-soluble (A, D, E, K): Passive transfer
  • Water-soluble (B complex, C): Active transport
  • Support fetal metabolism and development.

5. Minerals

  • Calcium – Bone development
  • Iron – Hemoglobin synthesis
  • Iodine – Thyroid hormone production
  • Zinc – Cell growth

πŸ”Ή Iron and calcium are actively transported and may deplete maternal stores if dietary intake is poor.

6. Water

  • Essential for amniotic fluid, cellular activities, and nutrient transport.

βœ… Role of Maternal Nutrition in Fetal Nutrition:

Maternal FactorEffect on Fetus
Adequate balanced dietSupports normal growth
Protein-energy malnutritionIntrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Folic acid deficiencyNeural tube defects (e.g., spina bifida)
Iron deficiencyFetal anemia, low birth weight
Iodine deficiencyCretinism, intellectual disability
Diabetes mellitusMacrosomia (excessive growth) due to high glucose

βœ… Critical Periods of Nutritional Demand (Trimester-wise):

TrimesterNutritional Focus
1stFolic acid for neural tube development
2ndProteins, calcium, and iron for organ development
3rdEnergy, fats (DHA), iron for rapid fetal growth and brain development

βœ… Clinical and Nursing Importance:

Antenatal counselingEducate mother on balanced diet
SupplementationIron, calcium, folic acid, multivitamins
Monitor fetal growthUsing fundal height, ultrasound, weight gain
High-risk screeningDetect IUGR or macrosomia
Prevent birth defectsThrough proper nutrition (esp. folic acid, iodine)

🧠 Summary:

ComponentTransfer MethodRole
GlucoseFacilitated diffusionEnergy
Amino acidsActive transportGrowth
Fatty acidsPassive diffusionBrain development
Calcium & IronActive transportBones & blood
VitaminsActive/passiveCell function
IgG antibodiesEndocytosisImmunity
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