I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1.a) Define Chicken-pox.
b) Enumerate the clinical features and mode of transmission of Chicken-pox.
c) Explain the prevention and control measures of Chicken-pox.
2.a) Define Epidemiology.
b) Explain Dynamics of disease transmission.
II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
1.Dimensions of health.
2.Prevention and control of Dengue.
3.Protein energy malnutrition.
4.Demographic cycle.
5.Food poisoning.
III. Short answers on:(10×2=20)
1.Define Community Health Nursing.
2.Write four biological effects of light.
3.List any four types of Oral contraceptives.
4.Name the vaccine preventable six killer diseases.
5.List any four surface infections.
6.Mention four major conditions of cardiovascular diseases.
7.What are the environmental problems due to unsafe sewage disposal?
8.Warning signs of cancer.
9.Enumerate any four bactericidal drugs used for tuberculosis.
10.What are the causes of population explosion?