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Q-1 Long Eenny (any one)

🔸A)Define Nutrition.

🔸b) Belist functions of ICDS

🔸C) Explain Role of Nurse in Nutritional Education.

🔸 OR🔸

🔸A) Define cooking

🔸b) Enlist Methods of cooking

🔸c) Explain in detail about cooking methods.

Q-2 Write Short notes on following (any Four)

🔸a) Food Adulteration Act

🔸b) Factors affecting food and Nutrition

🔸c) Classification of Vitamins and their sources

🔸d) Balanced Dict

🔸e) Functions of Carbohydrates

Q-3 Briefly answer the following (any live)

🔸a) Enlist Methods of food preservation.

🔸b) Enlist Nutritional Problems in India.

🔸c) Dietary Sources of Minerals.

🔸d) BMI

🔸e) List out Functions of Protein.

🔸F) List out National Nutritional Programmes in India.


Q-4 Long Essay

🔸a) Explain Mechanism of action of Enzymes and Factors affecting Enzymes action.

🔸b) Explain TCA cycle in detail.

Q-5 Write Short notes on following (any Four)

🔸a) Role of Nurse in Bio Chemistry.

🔸b) Describe Cell.

🔸c) Mechanism of antibody production.

🔸d) Metabolism of Amino Acid.

Q-6 Briefly answer the following (any four)

🔸a) Write any two functions of Calcium.

🔸b) Glycogenesis.


🔸d) Two examples of Lipoprotein.

🔸E) chromatography

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