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B.Sc. Nursing First Semester Examination-2023(I)-Section-A


Subject- Applied Sociology & Applied Psychology

Section-A (Applied Sociology)

1.(a) Define marriage. (2)

(b) Write about different form of marriage.(8)

2.Write the following short answer questions:- (15)

(a) Characteristics of conflict.

(b) Characteristics of Culture.

(c) Characteristics of commuity.

3. Write the following short answer questions :-(6)

(a) Enumerate 2 types of society.

(b) Enumerate 2 types of social stratification.

(c) Enumerate 2 negative impact of culture on health.

4.Answer the following MCQ :-(6)

(a) Man is a social animal is told by-

(i) Aristotle

(ii) Plato

(iii) Comte

(b) is a system of social interaction –

(i) Social system

(ii) Social process

(iii) Social group

(c)——– theories assume that societies are in constant state of change in which conflict is a permanent feature –

(i) conflict

(ii) functionalist

(iii) interactionalist

(d) ………. reflexs to orderly and patterned relationship between elements of society

(i) Social system

(ii) Social structure

(iii) Social interaction

(e) was considered ‘Father of Sociology’

(i) Max Weber

(ii) Herbert Spencer

(iii) Auguste Comte

(f) One man marries more than one women in –

(i) Polygyny

(ii) Exogany

(iii) Polyandry

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