All posts by Jayubha Vala
HEALTH EDUCATION UNIT:-(ll)-Health Education
Health Educationa) Concept, definition, aims and objectivesof health educationb) Principles of health educationc) Process of change/modification of healthbehaviord) Levels and approaches of healtheducatione) Methods of health educationf) Scope and opportunities for healtheducation in hospital and communityg) Nurse’s role in health education. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH EDUCATION 💙 Introduction: જો લોકોને સ્વસ્થ જીવન કેવી રીતે જીવવું અને રોગોથી બચવું તે શીખવું હોય તો આરોગ્ય શિક્ષણ આવશ્યક છે. તે તેમને સ્વાસ્થ્ય શું છે