All posts by Jayubha Vala
😡B.SC. NURSING- September-2021-Midwifery And Obstetrical Nursing
🔸SECTION-I🔸 🔸Q.1 Definition normal labour. Explain stages of labour. Write the management of 1 stage of labour. 🔸OR🔸 🔸Q.1. Define Antenatal Care and write down Physiological changes occurs during pregnancy. Q.2 Write short note. (Any Four) 🔸1.Menstrual cycle 🔸2.Difference between true labor pain and false labour pain. 🔸3.Active management of third stage of labour. 🔸4.Physiology of lactation 🔸5.Oxytocin drug Q.3 Definition of the following terms. (Any Four) 🔸1.Ovulation 🔸2.Exclusive breastfeeding